Uittenbogaard, Marthijn, Bernard, Frits, Interview
with Dr. Frits Bernard, a pioneer emancipator; Over a half-century of
struggle for boy love; by Marthijn Uittenbogaard, in KOINOS
# 48, 2005-4
Dr. Frits Bernard has been personally acquainted with many distinguished experts
from the world of sexual science and the sexual emancipation movements. Together
with the late Edward Brongersma, he laid the foundations of the emancipation
movement of boy lovers in the Netherlands – and far beyond. A conversation
with a fighter and a pioneer.
Bernard, Frits, Interview
mit Dr. Frits Bernard, Emanzipator der ersten Stunde; Mehr als ein
halbes Jahrhundert Kampf für die Liebe zu den Jungs; Marthijn Uittenbogaard,
in: KOINOS # 48, 2005-4
Dr. Frits Bernard hat viele namhafte Personen aus der Welt der
Sexualwissenschaft und der sexuellen Emanzipationsbewegungen persönlich
gekannt. Zusammen mit dem verstorbenen Edward Brongersma ist er der Gründer
der Emanzipationsbewegung der Jungenliebhaber in den Niederlanden – und
weit über deren Grenzen hinaus. Ein Gespräch mit einem Kämpfer der ersten
Stunde. |
Underwager, Ralph & Wakefield, Hollida, Antisexuality
and Child Sexual Abuse, Issues In Child Abuse Accusations, 5(2), 72-77.
Our current sexual abuse system promotes an antisexual view of human sexuality.
This is seen in the depiction of sex as bad in sexual abuse prevention programs,
the readiness to define a sexual or affectionate interaction as abusive, the
criminalization of childhood sexual behavior, and the genitalization of human
sexuality. The consequences of this are likely to be negative for children,
adults, and the society.
Underwager, Ralph & Wakefield, Hollida, Interview
with three boys (with appendix)
from IPT, 1992
The appendix gives also a description of the Dutch Judicial system.
Unesco Report: Britain
and US: worst places for children
An UNESCO report places the UK an the US on the lowest places of al list of
countries, looking to the well-being of children, and places the Netherlands on
the top of the same list.
(1) Britain
stung at being worst place for children; AFP & Turkishpress.com, 14
February 2007
(2) British
children: poorer, at greater risk and more insecure; Sarah Boseley, The
Guardian, February 14, 2007
(3) Britain's
children are unhappiest in the Western world; Alexandra Blair,
timesonline.com, February 14, 2007