Halekína en Afganistán -
tres artículos de la prensa anglosajona sobre los pastunes
tres artículos que he traducido son
de los diarios principales. Relatan en tono espeluznante las relaciones
entre niños y hombres.
con horror de la pedofilia. Les fascinan los niños inocentes que quedan
marcados para toda la vida
una vez que caen en las garras de esos hombres. Califican
a la gente como notoria, con inclinaciones extrañas y una obsesión con
la sodomía. Cuando los diarios se cansan de denunciar todo esto, se
burlan de ello, llamando la ciudad más grande de la región, Kandahar,
un "Sodoma
y Gomorra con arena".
La realidad es diferente. Los "niños" son adolescentes. Se
les corteja antes de que consientan a una relación. Es una costumbre
que lleva muchos años.
Chris, What can be
done to stop predators? NBC News Feb. 3, 2006
Chris Hansen spoke to Dr. Fred Berlin, a professor of psychiatry at
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Berlin has over 25 years of experience
working with sexual offenders.
'Some can be easily treated, some can't... and you've got the whole group in
between,' says Fred Berlin, a professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins
I've worked in this area for many years. And the findings surprised even me
because what they found was, as a group, sex offenders
have a lower rate of recidivism than people who commit other kinds of
serious offenses. And yet the public perception, most of public
policy, the way in which we view this problem today, is based upon exactly
the opposite assumption.
David, Sex
offenders challenge laws concerning where they may live; Tulsa
World, September 2, 2006
A group of anonymous Tulsa County sex offenders who are represented by an
ACLU attorney filed a lawsuit in Tulsa federal court Friday challenging
Oklahoma laws dealing with where they may live. The lawsuit, which seeks
class-action status, claims that hundreds of people on Oklahoma's
sex-offender registry are being forced to move from their homes, leave their
jobs and stop attending their churches as a result of recently enacted state
Eric, Molesters getting a slap on the wrist?
Lack of jail time in cases sparks sentencing debate; The Capital, Annapolis, Md., April 22,
The two recent county cases, among others, have sparked public debate about how the courts handle child sex abusers.
On one side are those who say courts are too lenient and need to impose long prison sentences to protect the public.
On the other side, some judges and experts say a psychiatric problem can't be cured by
incarceration and the best way to protect children in the long run is to give offenders mental health treatment.
Heidi, interview with -, Paidika,
Heidi is an attractive Danish woman of 24, a mixture of shyness and tomboyish
behavior; slim, blond, with an intense interest in the world. The interview took
place in her house in Copenhagen, in the fall of 1990.
Heidi: When I was thirteen I wasn't particularly interested in school,
just going there like everybody else. I was a bit fast, a tomboy. I liked to
party and have fun.
One day our teacher was sick and we got a new substitute teacher. She was cute
and very charming; rather young too, at least in my mind. I think she was 28.
She had a strong personality. The whole class talked about her; the boys were
madly in love with her, and I fell in love with her too.
Heins, Marjorie:
 | Benfer, Amy, Banning
censorship, Salon.com.
First Amendment attorney and author Marjorie Heins argues that obscenity
laws do children more harm than good.
What, exactly, is material that causes "harm to minors"? Is it
"Huckleberry Finn" or the work of Maya Angelou? Violent video
games or R-rated movies? Graphic sexual content or comprehensive sex
Actually, as Heins found out, all of the above have been suppressed in the
name of protecting children, despite the fact, she says, that social science
has failed to provide convincing evidence that exposure to sexual or violent
content has any negative impact on minors whatsoever.
Heins decided to trace the history of American obscenity laws to find the
roots of the "harm to minors" argument. The result is "Not in
Front of the Children: 'Indecency,' Censorship, and the Innocence of
Youth," a book that chronicles the ideological and political
underpinnings of censorship from Plato to the Victorians to the present day.
Hekma, Gert, The
drive for sexual equality; 2007
The great enigmatic change, according to me, is the transformation from theories
and practices of sexual desire that stress the absolute necessity of inequality
those that reject such ideas and put an emphasis on egalitarian, even pure erotic
For most of human history, sexual bonds were inherently unequal. [...]
Since Romanticism an ideology of sexual equality has come into play. [...]
It is amazing to witness the radical change of a theory and practice of desire
that is founded in social inequalities of gender, age and class to a new
ideology in which love mainly arises between equal partners. This development
continues with always growing force, parallel to a transformation from a homo
social to a hetero-social organization of society. [...]
The most surprising part of this revolution is its radicalism.
Hekma, Gert, Sexual
democracy and the exclusion of boy lovers; Gert Hekma, in KOINOS
# 52, Winter 2006 [Short version of the article here above]
Until recently, we were living in a sexual system in which the satisfaction
of lust mainly took place among people in unequal social positions: man and
woman, old and young, rich and poor, rich man’s son and housemaid, butch
and femme, queen and trade (feminine homosexual and masculine
heterosexual). Now, the world is converting to a different system which
stresses the aspect of equality.
Sexualdemokratie und die Ausgrenzung der Jungenliebhaber;
in KOINOS # 52, Winter 2006
Bis vor kurzem lebten wir in einem Sexualsystem, in dem die
Lustbefriedigung vor allem zwischen sozial ungleichen Personen erfolgte:
Mann und Frau, Alt und Jung, Arm und Reich, Sohn reicher Eltern und
Dienstmädchen, Hurenbock und Hure, Butch und Femme, Tunte
und Tülle (femininer Homosexueller und maskuliner Heterosexueller).
Jetzt wechselt man zu einem anderen System, in dem der Aspekt der
Gleichheit betont wird. |
Hemmingway, Sam; Paquette's therapist a child molester, lawsuit says;
The Burlington Free Press, August 31, 2008
A church therapist hired by the state's Roman Catholic diocese to treat the Rev. Edward Paquette for
fondling boys in Burlington in the 1970s was himself a child molester, according to court papers on file in
Hewitt, Sue; Vigilantes attack 'God-fearing' man; Sunday Herald Sun
(Australia), November 05, 2006
SUBURBAN vigilantes have attacked a man they wrongly believed to be
a pedophile and warned Broadmeadows residents of his presence by letter. The man has been threatened, had his windows smashed, gates
padlocked and letterbox sabotaged in a campaign of harassment spanning two months.
Higonnet, Anne,
Conclusions Based on Observation, The Yale Journal of criticism, 9.1, 1996
Childhood has become sacrosanct. Americans place a high value on child hood not
only because we care about how actual adults treat actual children, but also
because we freight childhood so heavily with ideals. Once upon a time, the
values of innocence, purity, and nature could be variously located. Now we only
seem able to find them in what we imagine to be the beleaguered bastion of
childhood. If natural pure innocence is equated with a complete absence of
sexuality--as it commonly is now in the United States--then sexual abuse of
children violates the ultimate social taboo. From there it takes one step to
blame child pornography. And one step more to censorship. Two dangerous steps.
[...] To me, the Neils look parentally erotic. To me--and I know I am
speaking personally--they represent my maternal passion for my son's body. How
many times have I stared adoringly at him, caressed him, kissed him, hugged him,
inhaled his infant breath like the smell of life? I long for him physically when
we are apart, to hold him close is bliss. During the first years of his life I
spent most of my time with him caring for his body: feeding him, cleaning him,
rocking him to sleep--not out of obligation but with love.
Hood, Lynley, Demonising
any class of people is wrong, Wednesday, 29-May 2002.
Demonising any class of people as devoid of humanity and beyond redemption
is wrong. There are dangers in the parallels between the Christchurch Civic Crèche
case and the recent conviction of Raymond White that we ignore at our peril.
How Our Paranoia About
Paedophilia Is Compromising Bonds Of Trust, Obsession that now blights every
man's love for a child; 7th December 2000 [Author & source unknown]
I see men holding back when they might have picked a child up, rejecting hugs,
making excuses.
I see parents, too, reining their children in, over nannying them, shutting them
away. This generation of children will go through their teenage years without
their parents bringing out bath-time pictures to embarrass them in front of
their girlfriends and boyfriends, they're too scared to take bath-time pictures
in case people (the developers? the police?) misconstrue them.
The reason for this caution is our obsession with paedophilia and it is an
obsession, make no mistake.
We have no evidence of a higher incidence of paedophilia now than there ever was
yet we are more frightened than we have ever been. We 'see' paedophiles at every
street corner, by every school gate
Hudak, Andy, Low-risk sex offenders should be treated rather than locked up;
Andy Hudak, Daily Interlake, Jan 03, 2007
The actual statistic is a 3.8 percent re-offense rate over three
years! This was also across ALL levels of risk.
[...] Montana's prison and outpatient programs have consistently
demonstrated recidivism rates of less than 1 percent per
year. [...]
Let's support rational laws and interventions that are successful and based on scientific facts --
NOT the part of our brains that think black-and-white, deal with fear through punishment and
repression, and is responsible for much of the prejudice and suffering in the world.
Human Rights Watch:
Human Rights Organization Begins Investigation of U.S. Sex Offender
Policy; April 2006
HRW's US Program is currently conducting research about state sex offender
registries, specifically focusing on how broad the registries are, and the
effect that widespread community notification has on the ability of registered
sex offenders (RSOs) to find a place to live free from harassment and acts of
Hume, Mick, Castrate
this sick debate. Not
another British paedophile panic? The unhealthy obsession with child sexual
abuse should stop. Full stop. Mick Hume; spiked-online;
14 June 2007
The public obsession with paedophiles is also an expression of how deeply many of us now mistrust each other, and indeed ourselves, in a fragmented society of insecure individuals. The paedophile becomes not just the shadowy stranger out there, but the beast within the community, within the family, maybe even within you. This is the fear the government's latest 'awareness' campaign about abuse at home can only feed. It is already having a destructive impact on not just adult-child but also adult-adult relationships, as men feel wary of volunteering to work with kids and children are 'protected' from unsupervised contact with grown-ups.
Hutchinson, T.E., Fear
of Pedophiles is Irrational; Consensual Touching of Children Should Be
Legalized; 5/11/2006, The Hawaii Reporter.
Pedophilia-phobia, an irrational fear of pedophiles, is sweeping the nation. It is based primarily on the false notion that anyone with an
attraction to minors cannot control themselves. The existence of draconian laws plays into this falsehood because only those who are
accused of committing crimes come to the attention of the public, or for that matter, nearly
anyone's attention. It is characterized by stereotyping (assuming that an individual has
traits and behaviors generally associated, rightly or wrongly, with a group) and demonizing.