Kellman, Laurie, Senate OKs bill creating national list of predators;
Associated Press, July 21, 2006
Legislation designed to help police find more than 100,000 sex offenders; House to consider it next week, Bush likely to sign Convicted child molesters would be listed on a national
Internet database and would face a felony charge for failing to update their whereabouts under a bill the Senate approved Thursday.
[And more: sere the article.]
Kesich, Greorgy D., Killings rekindle vigilante debate; Portland Press Herald, April 19, 2006
The shooting deaths of two men listed on Maine's online sex offender registry have rekindled debate
over the value of such information and the pitfalls that can accompany it.
Key Provisions
of new California law, Aug 2006
An overview of the key provisions.
Kids and sexuality: An immodest
proposal, Dec 15th 2000, author & source unknown
I am thinking about young people (our people, our children) -- I mean those 10
or 11 years old and upward -- and their wish, or call it a need, to have some
sort of sexual experience. Why not, when it clamors at them from all the media
and advertising they see, and when they feel it in us as one of the things we
cherish? Being "grown-up" in their eyes is being able to do it;
whereas the rather hunched adults think of having to pay for it all, being
responsible. But still, at some point in their curricula, kids come to
"reproduction" as the strange chilliness of science tries to deal with
the untidy mass of legend, rumor and folklore they have heard and the new
anxiety they feel in their bodies
Kilgannon, Corey, Hypnosis Rigged Sex Case Against Him, Man Says;
[Capturing the Friedmans]; New York Times, October 20, 2007
"You have a group of kids who initially said they were not abused, wrangled by a group of therapists who utilized highly suggestive methods
like hypnosis until the kids emerged from the sessions with the most lurid and highly unbelievable examples of sexual abuse and going
directly to the grand jury," he said. "There is no more inherently unreliable form of testimony than that."
Kincaid, James R. Four
questions & answers, found on the Web, republished in Ipce Newsletter
E8, June 2000
Question 1: Are children inherently sexual beings?
Kincaid, James R., Is
this child pornography? from Mothers Who Think,, January 31,
American photo labs are arresting parents as child pornographers for taking
pictures of their kids in the bath
Kincaid, James R., The
culture of child-molesting, from Erotic Innocence, 1998.
Kincaid, James R., Hunting
pedophiles on the Net. Is the truth about cybercrimes against children tamer
than fiction? Found at "Mothers Who Think" Salon web site.
We need to ask hard questions of our policing agencies and be skeptical even
of our own most heated fears. We've been down that road before, and we ought to
see that nobody is served by such trips. This is what William Dworin, retired
Los Angeles police detective, says: "We won't be able to prove that a child
was saved from molestation because of these proactive investigations, but the
price is worth the effort."
That is precisely the sort of thinking we ought to take to the court of reason.
Let's have some proof that the problem exists. Let's be sure the price is worth
the effort, whatever that means.
Kinsley, Michael, The
thin line between love and lust; Men who serve
boys and men who abuse them have some things in common; Time Magazine,
April 29, 2002 Vol. 159 No. 17
There is no question that Law and his colleagues got the balance badly wrong.
But at least we should try to understand why they may have thought there was
one. Understand, and maybe even sympathize a bit.
Kirkegaard, Hugh & Northey, Wayne, The
Sex Offender as Scapegoat, Vigilante Violence and a Faith Community
In May of 1996, an offender was released from prison to a halfway house in
Toronto. The response of the community to his presence in their midst was
anger and hostility, and the insistence that corrections officials remove
him. [...]
Viewed through the
lens of mimetic theory these realities beg the question, ‘Is it possible that
sex offenders have become scapegoats among us?’ [...]
[...] how we view and treat the perpetrators of
these crimes in our communities, says something about us and the human
condition. [...]
In summary, scapegoats are different, vulnerable, illegitimate, and powerful.
The violence of the scapegoat is reciprocated in a cycle of violence such
that the "contagion" emanating from the scapegoating response appears
worse than the original "disease". [...]
In a paradoxical way perhaps the sex offender has something to teach us about
ourselves, our own sexuality, our understanding of community.
Koinos Magazine, Harsh
anti-sex laws under fire; U.S. Supreme Court limits predator statutes;
KOINOS MAGAZINE #34 (2002/2) - With Appendix.
Anti-child sex laws have proliferated throughout the world. In many ways, the
United States has lead the way. Other countries have enacted strict legislation
based on the U.S. model; the text for some written by U.S. police agencies.
These laws have been successful in entrapping boy-lovers. About 25 percent of
the more than 2 million U.S. citizens in prison are sentenced for sex crimes,
many involving children. We look at the legal challenges to two of these laws in
this and a subsequent issue.
Magazine, Strenge
sexualfeindliche Gesetze unter Beschuss, Oberster Gerichtshof der USA
schränkt ‘Raubtiergesetze’ ein; KOINOS MAGAZINE #34 (2002/2)
Mit Appendix.
Gesetze gegen Sex mit Kindern haben sich über die ganze Welt verbreitet.
Dabei waren die USA in mancher Hinsicht tonangebend. In anderen Ländern
wurden strenge Gesetze nach dem amerikanischen Vorbild verabschiedet; die
Gesetzestexte wurden in einigen Fällen von der amerikanischen Polizei
aufgesetzt. Diese Gesetze haben sich bei der Jagd auf Liebhaber von Jungen
als erfolgreich erwiesen. Etwa 25 Prozent der über 2 Millionen inhaftierter
amerikanischer Staatsbürger wurden wegen Vergehen sexueller Natur, von
denen oft auch Kinder betroffen waren, verurteilt. In dieser und einer der
nächsten Ausgaben von Koinos wollen wir uns mit dem gerichtlichen
Kampf gegen zwei dieser Gesetze befassen. |
This For Real? ‘Virtual’ Child Porn Ban Abolished in U.S.
The short history of child pornography laws has been one of unbridled
expansion. United States law prohibits depictions of anyone who looks less
than 18 who might want to have sex. This includes computer generated images,
which one court called "foul figments of technology". But now the
U.S. Supreme Court has overturned its country's law, in a defense of culture
and freedom of expression. The decision is a sharp departure from past
practice. We examine the reasons why.
. |
es wirklich wahr? Verbot der ‘virtuellen’ Kinderpornografie in den
USA aufgehoben
Die erst junge Geschichte der Gesetzgebung zur Kinderpornografie weitet sich
ins Maßlose aus. Das Abbilden irgendeiner Person, die dem Anschein nach
jünger als achtzehn ist und Sex verlangen könnte, wurde in den USA
gesetzlich verboten. Das galt auch für mit Hilfe eines Computers erzeugte
Abbildungen, von einem Gericht einmal als "obszöne Ausgeburten der
Technologie" bezeichnet. Aber jetzt hat der oberste Gerichtshof der USA
das Gesetz für nichtig erklärt, um die Kultur und das Recht der freien
Meinungsäußerung zu verteidigen. Das Urteil bedeutet eine radikale
Kursänderung. In diesem Artikel eine nähere Betrachtung. |
Koinos, Nanshoku,
Eroticism in Japan; Koinos Magazine #40
(2003/4) and #41 (2004/1)
Nanshoku, the
Japanese word for eroticism between adolescent and adult males, was the longest
lived and most public expression of same-sex affection anywhere in the world. We
recreate what it was like as we follow a fictional samurai, Tsūsaburō,
on his way to the kabuki. We then describe the center of Tsūsaburō's
Edo and present a description of nanshoku in literature and art. Edo was the
name for Tokyo until the overthrow of the shōgun in 1868.
Koinos, Nanshoku,
Männliche gleichgeschlechtliche Erotik in Japan;
Koinos Magazine #40 (2003/4) und #41 (2004/1)
das japanische Wort für erotische Beziehungen zwischen heranwachsenden
Jungen und erwachsenen Männern, war der am längsten bestehende und
unverhohlenste Ausdruck für die gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe in der ganzen
Was müssen wir uns darunter vorstellen?
Zunächst wollen wir die Sache anhand eines fiktiven Berichts betrachten,
wenn wir den Samurai Tsūsaburō auf dem Weg ins Kabuki verfolgen.
Dann beschreiben wir das Zentrum von Tsūsaburō s Edo und
betrachten wir das Thema Nanshoku in der Literatur und der Kunst. Bis zum
Untergang der Shōgune im Jahre 1868 war Edo der Name des heutigen Tokio. |
Koloff, Abbott, $
5 M settles priest sex suits; Paterson Diocese accord involves many abused
in Mendham; Daily Record, 10 Feb 2005
A group of 26 men who say they were abused by Catholic clergymen, many by a
Mendham priest in one of the most notorious cases of clergy abuse in the state,
have agreed to an estimated $5 million settlement to end two lawsuits against
the Roman Catholic Diocese of Paterson.
Kort, Huib & G. G., Demons,
The Utopian Dream of Safety
, In: KOINOS Magazine # 27
Society is faced with huge problems: needless violence, criminal refugees, and
sex criminals who rape children. These appear to be separate problems calling
for separate solutions. But one has to question whether they are really
unconnected problems, indeed, whether these are problems at all. The actual
problem is broader, more general, and is rooted deeply in the whole of society.
Pointing out scapegoats as an excuse for a failing society is a well-known and
apparently still successful way to exercise the law of the jungle.
Kort, Huib & G. G., Dämonen,
Die Sicherheitsutopie, In: KOINOS
Magazine # 27
Die Gesellschaft wird mit großen Problemen konfrontiert: sinnlose Gewalt,
kriminelle Asylanten und Sexualverbrecher, die Kinder vergewaltigen.
Anscheinend jedes ein Problem für sich, das jedes eine eigene
Vorgehensweise erfordert. Es fragt sich aber, ob dies tatsächlich
Einzelprobleme sind, mehr noch, ob es denn überhaupt Probleme sind. Das
eigentliche Problem umfasst mehr, ist allgemeiner und wurzelt tief in der
Gesellschaft als Ganzem. Dafür andere zum Sündenbock zu machen, als
Entschuldigung für das Versagen der Gesellschaft, ist dann ein geläufiges
und offensichtlich immer noch erfolgreiches Mittel, das Recht des Stärkeren
durchzusetzen. |
Kramer, Richard, Social workers learn from pedophiles;
This past Thursday, B4U-Act held its one-day workshop entitled "Beyond
Fear and Mistrust: Toward Open Communication between Mental Health Professionals and Minor-Attracted People" in Westminster, Maryland.
Probably the most notable thing about the workshop was that minor-attracted people and mental health professionals were working
together as equals, without the minor-attracted people being required to
label themselves or their sexuality as sick or identify themselves as
potential offenders who need to be controlled.
Kravets, David, Sex offender Proposition 83 blocked in court;
David Kravets, Associated Press, Nov. 08, 2006
A federal judge on Wednesday blocked enforcement of Proposition 83, the ballot measure passed overwhelmingly by voters a
day earlier that's meant to crack down on sex offenders, including
limiting where they may live.
U.S. District Judge Susan Illston, ruling on a lawsuit filed here early Wednesday, said the measure "is punitive by design and effect"
and likely unconstitutional.
The so-called Jessica's Law prohibits registered sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of a school or park - effectively
prohibiting parolees from living in many of California's cities.
Krumme 13 Redaktionsteam, Gerichtsverhandlung
vor dem Amtsgericht Hamburg-Altona am 3. August 2006 wegen des Buches von Dr.
Edward Brongersma "Loving Boys".
Das LKA Hamburg eröffnete ein Ermittlungsverfahren (Az:LKA42/5K/0747897/2003)
wegen "Verbreitung pornografischer Schriften" gem. § 184 STGB.
Die Veröffentlichung der Buchbeschreibung entsprechend Bl. 11 dürfte als
"Anpreisen" im Sinne des § 15 I Nr. 6 JSchG anzusehen sein.
Das Urteil: "480 Euro Strafe, ersatzweise 60 Tage Haft."
Kuehl, Michael, Women as "Rapists" and "Pedophiles":
Why Mary Letourneau served more time in prison than the
average male convicted of murder; 2004
The women are vilified as "pedophiles" and
"child molesters" for having sex with teenage males as old as 16 and
17 who might be 6',4" with 10-inch penises and outweigh their
"abusers" by 50-150 pounds. They're described as "rapists"
and perpetrators of "sexual assault" when there's obviously no
"use or threat of force or violence" to secure compliance and their
definitional "victims" are perfectly willing and knowing participants.
Most insanely, both in the media and under the law, the women are guilty of
"rape" and "sexual assault" even when they're raped and
sexually assaulted by their theoretical "victims." As we'll see, I'm
talking about actual cases, not hypothetically.
Kuehl, Michael, Loony Wisconsin; 2004
If anything, famously "progressive" Wisconsin is
even battier than the "Land of Loons." Since at least 1997, women have
been sentenced to jail and even prison not only for having sex with young men as
old as 16 and 17 but also, even more appallingly, for acquiescing to intercourse
and "sexual contact" with criminals and predators who raped and
assaulted them.
Kuehl, Michael, Debra
Lafave: The New Face and Symbol of Women's Sexual Criminality; partly published on, full text sent to Ipce
I've already explained, on this and other websites, why women like
Debra are not "rapists" and "pedophiles" and
"child molesters"; why the young men they have sex with are
not "victims of child sexual abuse"; and why such intrigues
and dalliances are victimless and mala prohibita offenses that
should either be criminalized as low-level misdemenors or not at all.
And those not blinded by morality and/or ideology can imagine the
reaction of a young stud lucky enough to have sex with a woman as
ravishing and voluptuous as Debra. "Awesome" indeed!
Understandably, this is especially true of men who've yet to be enlightened
by "masculists" and CSA victimologists.