O'Brien, Natalie, Female
pedophiles going undetected; From Pedophilia Encyclopedia;
NEWS.com.au, & The Australian, March 7, 2006
The prevalence of female pedophiles preying on children in care is much
higher than previously thought, according to a study that reveals a
significant amount of the sexual abuse occurs when the women are in
positions of authority.
[... The study] shows that less than 2 per cent of cases reported to the
police result in a jail term, compared with 16.5 per cent of cases
involving men.
O'Carroll, Tom, Sexual Privacy for
Paedophiles and Children
Paper delivered to the Symposium on Sexual Privacy at the annual meeting of the
International Academy of Sex Research, Paris, June 2000, with
O'Carroll, Tom, Is
paedophilia violent? A
paper prepared for the World Congress of Sexology, Paris 2001 [External link]
This paper challenges the appropriateness of viewing pedophilia [...] in terms
of violence. The literature on personality and behavioural aspects of
paedophilia is reviewed with particular reference to "preferential" as
opposed to "situational" paedophilia. Evidence on harm to children
commonly attributed to adult-child sexual contacts is considered, as is the
validity and value of the "consent" construct in the light of recent
research. The unscientific attribution of violence to paedophilia as a
supposedly inherent characteristic is discussed, particularly with regard to
lines of feminist analysis founded on issues of power imbalance in personal
Tom, Ist
Pädophilie Gewalt? Manuskript -- eingereicht beim World Congress
of Sexology, Paris 2001 [Extern Bezug]
Dieser Beitrag stellt die Angemessenheit der Auffassung in Frage, die
Pädophilie als Gewalt verstehen will. Die Literatur über Persönlichkeits-
und Verhaltensaspekte der Pädophilie wird unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung der Neigungs-Pädophilie - im Gegensatz zur
opportunistischen - gewürdigt. Die Hinweise auf Schäden, die bei sexuellen
Kontakten zwischen Kindern und Erwachsenen gerne vermutet werden, werden
genauso im Lichte jüngerer Forschungen behandelt wie Wert und Validität
des Begriffes der Einvernehmlichkeit. Die unwissenschaftliche Zuschreibung
von Gewaltsamkeit als angeblich inhärenter Charakteristik der Pädophilie
wird insbesondere im Blick auf Traditionen feministischer Kritik des
Machtungleichgewichtes in persönlichen Beziehungen diskutiert. |
O'Carroll, Tom, Sentencing in child
pornography cases: A Response to the Sentencing Advisory Panel's
Consultation Paper, 2002
This paper addresses fundamental issues before turning to questions of detail
such as those posed by the Sentencing Advisory Panel. In doing so, extensive use
is made of the COPINE classification. The view is taken that this is a useful
descriptive tool but not suitable for most sentencing purposes.
Appendix: The
Times, March 1988, Question the legislation, not the need, by
Barbara Amiel
Legislating against a state of mind and people's individual sexual fantasies
seems to me tyrannical. In the era of permissiveness, prostitutes plied
their wares, homosexual behaviour was glamourized and magazines lauded
fantasy and experimentation. Now, after the tyranny of the libertines, the
pendulum is swinging back to the tyranny of the conservatives. I think it
would be rather a relief to have no tyranny in this area at all. |
O'Carroll, Tom, Michael Jackson: Gone too soon
The fans can be happy: now they can dance on Michael’s grave, free at last to enjoy the music without having to worry that the king might embarrass them again with a new sleepover scandal. They can slip straight back into comfortable denial over Michael’s paedophilia with little fear of contradiction from some new exposé.
O'Keefe, Mark, Some
in mainstream contend certain cases of adult-minor sex should be acceptable,
Newhouse News Service, Star Tribune [Minneapolis, Minnesota], March 26, 2002
Sex between adults and children has been a societal taboo so strong that it's
considered one of our few unquestioned moral principles. But arguments have
emerged in academic journals, books and online that at least some such sex
should be acceptable, especially when children consent to it.
Those making the case aren't just fringe groups, such as the North American
Man-Boy Love Association, but a handful of academics at mainstream universities.
"What the pedophiles are looking for is some group of professionals to
champion their cause," said Stephanie Dallam, a Leadership Council
researcher. "Then they'll come up with a derogatory term to deride anyone
who disagrees with them. Their claim will be to objective science, even though
their science is sloppy and terrible."
As an example, Dallam cites an organization calling itself IPCE, a forum that
discusses academic arguments for adult-child sex.
The group formed as the International Pedophile and Child Emancipation group,
then shortened its name to the acronym alone, according to a newsletter posted
on its Web site. The site contains an extensive library of academic papers and
provides links to other pro-pedophilia Web sites, including one at which people
converse -- sometimes posting pictures -- about sexual interactions with
children. [...]
The academic debate has begun to find its way into more popular culture.
Oprah.com, A
New Kind of Spin the Bottle; From the show Dr. Phil on Alarming Sexual
Behavior Among Children
Times have changed: children as young as twelve are having oral sex. It's not
just the "fast kids," either; it's the clean-cut ones, too. According
to a survey by Seventeen, 55% of teenagers have tried oral sex. Find out
about this new teenage trend.
Oseran, Laurie, American
Psychiatric Association Statement: Diagnostic Criteria for Pedophilia; www.psych.org,
June 17, 2003
Pedophilia, included in the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) since 1968, continues to be
classified as a mental disorder.