G. G., The
Pampered Victim, The Dubious Legacy of Martin Heidegger From Koinos
Magazine #22
For quite some time now in Western intellectual circles there has been a
certain fascination with victim hood. Several items published recently in
Dutch have subjected this fascination to critical scrutiny. In doing so, they
also take a first step toward an explanation for it, by pointing to the
influence -- via representatives of postmodernism and feminism -- of the Nazi
philosopher Martin Heidegger. It appears that in this also lies a possible
explanation for the resistance on the part of academic and policy-making
institutions to some new insights -- for instance, to insights about youth
sexuality which reduce the supposed victim hood to more realistic proportions.
Gangloff, Mike, Court unseals transcript in sexual abuse case;
The document indicates that two boys abused by a teacher were affected mentally by the
events; The Roanoke Times, August 04, 2007
Depression, bitterness and inappropriate sexuality are among the lingering effects on two boys who were sexually abused by their female
teacher, court documents unsealed Friday said.
Wythe County teacher Karen Susan Patton was sentenced in June to serve almost four years in prison after pleading no contest to charges that
she had sexual relations with two 13-year-old boys in August 2004 and January 2006.
Gardner, Richard:
Talan, Jamie, Richard
Gardner and Parental Alienation Syndrome, The debate rages on...
Newsday, July 1, 2003
In Death, Can He Survive? Psychiatrist Richard A. Gardner’s theory - used by
parents in child custody battles - gained prominence. And critics. [...]
Gardner developed the syndrome, known as PAS, almost 20 years ago,
contending that a child has been alienated from one
parent - usually the father - when the other parent makes charges of sexual,
physical or emotional abuse. [...]
Gardner offered this definition of PAS:
"The programming of the child by one parent into a campaign of denigration
directed against the other."
German Politicians Propose Internet Registry for Sex Offenders;
DwWorld, 13 October 2006
Both liberal and conservative politicians have recommended starting an Internet registry based on
the US model.
Gersten, Lana; Haredim Begin Confronting Pedophilia;
The Jewish Daily, October 10, 2008
After years in which the issue of pedophilia has been quietly dealt with among ultra-Orthodox Jews, a number of leaders in the community are speaking out publicly on the topic, spurring anger and debate over this sensitive issue.
Gieles, Frans E. J., A 'good' example of a bad text
Here below, in the blue boxes, are quotes and summaries from an article
[... *] In the yellow [yellow] boxes are my comments.
By Frans Gieles, PhD
 | [*] Crimes Against Children - Why do some people want to hurt children?
By Dan Eden |
Gieles, Frans E. J., Go Dutch - A Practice Sample;
Youth and Sexuality in the Netherlands
Paper presented at the 19th
World Congress for Sexual Health, World Association of Sexology,
Göteborg, Sweden, June 2009
As a result of material in TV
documentaries, some Dutch politicians want to start a campaign to combat
what they see as the ‘pornification’ and ‘sexualization’ of
youth. Is this really needed, or is it better to continue the Dutch way
of dealing with youth and sexuality? I say: the latter.
Dr Frans, Ethics
and intimacy in intergenerational relationships
; ‘First,
do no harm’,
Ipce Newsletter E 17, June 2004
Since 1993, Ipce
members had discussions about ethics during their meetings.
I have listened to the members.
In this article, I will summarize and update the salient points of several
opinions I have heard from 1993 until 2004.
Gieles, F., "I didn’t know how to deal with it", Young people
speak about their sexual contacts with adults, Ipce Newsletter E3, September
Gieles, F., About 'Pedophilia' as a concept,
Summary of a lecture given by Frans E.J. Gieles, Ph.D. on 22 January 1997, introducing
a panel discussion on pedophilia at Alcmaeon, the Utrecht [NL] Faculty Association for the
Social Sciences. Dr. Gieles' specialty is special education.
[...] My proposal is that we not talk about "pedophilia," but about
intimacy in relationships between young and old, and in doing so to indicate
clearly what one means. [...]
den Begriff 'Pädophilie' Von Dr. Frans E.J. Gieles, Heilpädagoge
Zusammenfassung des Vortrags, mit dem der Heilpädagoge Dr. Frans E.J Gieles
am 22. Januar 1997 eine Podiumsdiskussion über Pädophilie vor der
Vereinigung der Ütrechter Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, Alcamaeon,
[...] Mein Vorschlag wäre also, nicht von Pädophilie
zu reden, sondern von Intimität in Beziehungen, die Alt und Jung umfassen,
und dabei klar zu sagen, was man meint. [...]
. |
'pedofilia' como un concepto
Sumario de un discurso dado par Frans E.J. Gieles Ph.D, el 22 enero 1997,
presentado una discusión de panel con respeto a pedofilia, en Alcmæon,
el Asociación de Facultad por los ciencias Sociales de Utrecht,
los Países Bajos.
[...] Mi propuesta es que no hablamos de 'pedofilia', sino de intimidad en
relaciones entre joven y adolescente o adulto; y en hacerlo indicar
claramente lo que uno quiere decir. [...] |
Gieles, F., No Cure but
Control, In Ipce newsletter E3, September 1998
- From The Netherlands: The Frenken way of thinking
- From the UK: The treatment of imprisoned sex offenders,
Program, development, from HM Prison Service (SOTP Report, February 1996)
- Psychology a fake science that abuses public, says expert
Gieles, F., Treatment, self-help and real therapy
I want to draw a distinction between three kinds of
therapy for people who wrestle with pedophilic feelings.
This is a special kind of treatment that is widely used nowadays. I already
wrote two articles about it in the Ipce Newsletter E3: No Cure but
Control and The treatment of imprisoned sex offenders. |
Self-help. This is
a method used in some of the local NVSH workgroups here in The Netherlands. |
Real Therapy. I
call it "Real Therapy" to draw a sharp distinction between number 1
and number 3. The first kind of treatment is often named "therapy",
but - in my view - number 1 is not real therapy at all, but only
‘treatment’. |
Gieles, Dr Frans E.J., Three
personal essays,
2002 [External links]
A standard diagnosis investigated
'Narcissism' is a standard diagnosis for people with pedophilic emotions. Regularly
the newspapers tell us this. However: who, reader, judge, the people
concerned, knows what exactly this means? Reasons enough to investigate this
question. This is not an academic lecture about narcissism, but a personal
essay. |
Many a book about developmental psychology discusses the 'Oedipus complex'.
The story became another one when I read in a diagnostic report about
myself that an Oedipus complex should exist in my own soul - even a
'negative Oedipus complex'.
For a while, I was perplexed. I have changed that statement into a question
and I started to investigate it. |
has got into those people?
My soul houses many feelings, among which also pedophilic ones: children
attract me and now and then also an erotic feeling creeps up.
What is their source? Why is this a problem nowadays? How might one
live with them?
How might society live with this fact? |
Gieles, Dr Frans E J, In
memoriam: Dr. Frits Bernard; in KOINOS
# 51 (2006 # 3)
A scholarly, active, wise and congenial man has suddenly departed from us, and
following his own wish has been cremated in a quiet, private service involving
only his family. We have to go on without him.
Gedenken an Dr. Frits Bernard; Dr. Frans E.J. Gieles, in KOINOS
# 51 (2006 #3)
Ein gelehrter, tätiger, kluger und liebenswürdiger Mensch ist unerwartet
von uns gegangen. Der Tote ist seinem Wunsch gemäß in aller Stille und im
engsten Familienkreis eingeäschert worden. Uns wird er fehlen. |
Gieseking, Dieter, Interview mit Michael Griesemer, Autor des Buches Das Protokoll;
Halbgebildeten Fanatikern im Missbrauchsgeschäft irgendwann das
Handwerk lege'; In: Campo.
in einem Gegensatzpaar
"Störung" oder Identität" denke ich
entwicklungspsychologisch schon lange nicht mehr. Das ist
altpsychiatrische Ideologie, nicht Wissenschaft.
Give me a break folks; This
is totally insane, as are all the other sex offender hysteria laws; The
Sun, 24 December 2006 - Author unknown; supposedly comment by a reader.
If the sex offender laws are kept, why discriminate? If
sex offenders must suffer for life and be on GPS, so should ANYONE
with a criminal record. If this is not done, then it is discrimination. Anyone
with a criminal record should be on a registry on the internet for the whole
world to see, and be on GPS for life.
The, Woman Who Had Baby With 14-Year-Old Boy Gets Probation;
Oct 11, 2006
Dawn Fisher, the 33-year-old Swanton woman who gave birth to a 14-year-old boy's baby, was sentenced Tuesday to five years in
community control -- with no jail time. Even Judge James Bates admitted there's a double standard when men and women commit the
same crime.
The Globe & Mail, The
Risk of Registries; 19 April 2006
Sex offender registries were introduced in the United States to protect victims from predators. Instead,
they have succeeded in turning predators into victims. The most recent example is the murder of two
sex offenders in Maine this week.
Goldstein, Richard, Persecuting
Pee-wee, A Child-Porn Case That Threatens Us All, The Village Voice,
January 15 - 21, 2003
[..] Can a picture that was once legal be the basis of a prosecution today?
Where should the line between innocence and indecency be drawn? Perhaps the
most disturbing question relates to the way these pictures look today as
opposed to when they were made. Would they seem pornographic if they weren't
forbidden? [..]
Is our obsession with child porn creating a climate where kids are commonly
regarded as sex objects? Amy Adler, a professor at New York University Law
School, suspects so. [...]
The process of sensitizing us to child porn also forces us to eroticize
children. Whether we intend to or not, we begin to see the world from a
pedophile's perspective.
Goldstein, Richard, The
Double Standard
This brief excerpt is the beginning of an article in the August 20, 2002
edition of The Advocate.
If you've been following the scandals involving priests and boys, no doubt
you've heard a Roman Catholic Church official or two argue that most of these
predatory clerics aren't actually pedophiles since they're not attracted to
prepubescent children. Teen are their temptation, and that makes them
ephebophiles. Say what?
Gonzales, Alberto, Prepared Remarks of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales at the Project
Safe Childhood Conference; Justice Department, US Newswire, December
4, 2006
These 'remarks' are a long speech, showing the way the Attroney General
wants to win his audience for more and more severe laws. It is far
from rational, it is pure ideolgy and rhetoric. It might be a challenge to
analyze this speech.
The speech is full of terms like "battle", "our
artillery", "victory", "zero-tolerance",
"innocence" and "God", a battle to "protect our children from these
cowardly villains, who hide in the shadows of the Internet."
"We need to get pedophiles and predators off the street."
"We need to keep the pedophiles and predators behind bars."
"... mentally abnormal or disordered sex offenders who would pose a serious danger to others if released"
Very selecive examples as "the rape of a three-year-old" are presented as typical.
"I look forward to meeting with you on that day [... ...] when we never hear from the people who brag on the Internet
about being revolutionaries, fighting for the so-called "sexual rights of children" - as though they are doing kids a favor by
sexually molesting and exploiting them. I want these pedophiles off the streets.
I want them put away for as long as the law will allow. And I want society to act as one united front against this threat."
Gordon, Nan, It's ridiculous that we treat child
nudity as a problem - The Independent (UK), 8 July 2008
Perversity is in the eye of the beholder. Children are born without a
fear of sexuality or a fear of their own bodies. That fear is imposed on
them. Children are sensual beings, they touch and they like to be
touched. It's the adult who sometimes takes advantage of this situation.
It's not about what the children in an image are doing and there's
nothing sick about a nude child. It's so ridiculous we treat this as a
problem in society. Gouvellis,
Jim, When adults and
children don't mix; Sun Herald, February 9, 2006
Gaze at the children today and you just might get a visit from the police. How
sad for us all.
Green, Aimee, More Walls Await Freed Predators;
The Sunday Oregonian (Portland, Oregon)
January 7, 2007
As post-prison laws get tougher for sex offenders, rehabilitation officials say, the limits may keep many from ever
rejoining society.
Griesemer, Michael:
Gieseking, Dieter, Interview mit Michael Griesemer, Autor des Buches Das Protokoll;
Halbgebildeten Fanatikern im Missbrauchsgeschäft irgendwann das
Handwerk lege'; In: Campo.
in einem Gegensatzpaar
"Störung" oder Identität" denke ich
entwicklungspsychologisch schon lange nicht mehr. Das ist
altpsychiatrische Ideologie, nicht Wissenschaft.
Griesemer, Michael, Präventionsstrafrecht
- oder - Vom Bürger und vom Hexenbrennen - 2010
Teil 1 - Gedicht
Teil 2 - Hexenprozesse gegen Kinder und sexuell Deviante
im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Erläuterungen, Bemerkungen und Dokumentationen zur Moritat.
Vom Bürger und vom Hexenbrennen.
Im Gegensatz zum Schuldstrafrecht kenne das Präventionsstrafrecht
- als reines Gefahrenabwehrrecht - keine rechtstaatliche Bindung. Im
Gegensatz zum Schuldstrafrecht mit seinen rechtstaatlichen Vorkehrungen
sei das Präventionsstrafrecht „prinzipiell schrankenlos“.
Als zentrale zeitgeschichtliche Ursachen für die Umwandlung des
klassischen Schuldstrafrechts gilt der medienagile, ab Beginn der 1990er
Jahre ausgerufene regierungspolitische „Kampf gegen Kindesmissbrauch“
(später: „Pädophilie“) in den Neunzigern, und dann, nach den
Anschlägen des 11. September auf das World Trade Center in New York, ab
2001 der „Kampf gegen den internationalen Terrorismus“.
Guardian, The, 'I
cannot admit what I am to myself'; January 23, 2003 The Guardian -
[...] My experience suggests that men become dangerous when they become
obsessional: when they live alone, and their minds are filled with little else
but thoughts of what they want but cannot have. [...]
So, yes, I fear that some of these men may ultimately pose a risk to society.
Not now, but once they have been through the justice system, been labelled as
perverts and deviants, and introduced to much more dangerous men in specialist
sex-offender units; then, some of them may become obsessional paedophiles,
justifying the label that society has already given them.
The Guardian & Permalink; "Vatican told bishops to cover up sex abuse"; The Guardian
17 August 2003 & in Religion | Permalink; 28 November 2008
The Vatican instructed [in 2003] Catholic bishops around the world to cover up cases of sexual abuse or risk being thrown out of the Church.
Gubb, James:
Furedi, Frank, Licensed to hug:
Gubb, James; Licensed to hug; Permalink, June 26, 2008
The dramatic escalation of child protection measures has succeeded in poisoning the relationship between the generations and creating an atmosphere of suspicion that actually increases the risks to children, according to a new study released today by
In Licensed to Hug Frank Furedi, Professor of Sociology at the University of Kent, argues that children need to have contact with a range of adult members of the community for their education and socialisation, but 'this form of collaboration, which has traditionally underpinned intergenerational relationships, is now threatened by a regime that insists that
adult-child encounters must be mediated through a security check'.
Guide, The
 | PA Sex Police Nab Kids;
Child felons convicted; The Guide, August 1999. Did the children think of
them selves as victims?
. |
 | Abusing
children, Editorial from The Guide, August 1999.
. |
 | Never Again? Dutch police seize gay
archive, The Guide, October 1999
August 20th, Amsterdam
morals police, on orders from the Dutch Justice Ministry, raided the archive
and sealed off the collection in preparation to seize it. Whether they can
or not is now the subject of a court battle that pits factions on the
archive's board against each other and, in turn, against the Justice
Ministry. Meanwhile, Dutch media have launched a smear against the archive's
founder, Dr. Edward Brongersma, a jurist knighted by the Dutch queen for his
political activism and scholarship.
¿Nunca jamás? La
policía holandesa agarra archivo gay, The Guide, El
octubre 1999
[...] en la mañana del 20 de Agosto, la policía moralejas de
Amsterdam, en ordenes del Ministerio Holandesa de la Justicia, invadió
el archivo y encerró la colección en la preparación a
embargar. Si ellos pueden o no son ahora el sujeto de una batalla del
tribunal que opone las facciones en la tabla del archivo contra uno al
otro y, en cambio, contra el Ministerio de la Justicia. Mientras tanto,
la media Holandesa ha lanzado una mancha contra el fundador del archivo,
Dr. Edward Brongersma, una jurista una vez caballero armado por la
reina holandesa por su activismo y la beca políticas.
. |
 | Burning the Library, Dutch
government destroys gay archive, vows mass arrests, The Guide, February
In late October, police made their second raid on the Brongersma
Foundation-- headquartered in a mansion in a fashionable part of Harlem,
near Amsterdam. The raid came shortly after a Dutch court sanctioned a
police seizure made at the archive a few months earlier, in which
authorities carted away dozens of boxes of personal histories and
 | Faut-il brûler BRONGERSMA?
En détruisant une collection gaie la police néerlandais nous promet
des arrestations massives, Dans: The Guide, February 200, Traduction
par Ipce.
En fin octobre une seconde perquisition avait lieu dans la fondation BRONGERSMA,
résidant dans une villa située dans un des faubourgs meilleurs de
Haarlem, aux environs d'Amsterdam. Un peu plus tôt un tribunal avait
approuvée la première saisie, à quelle occasion, il y avait quelque
mois, la police avait emportés de douzaines de cartons avec des mémoires
et documents privés
. |
 | Bücherverbrennung; Die
niederländische Regierung zerstört ein schwules Archiv
und verspricht Massenverhaftungen, Aus: The Guide, February 2001
Ende Oktober fand eine zweite Hausdurchsuchung bei der BRONGERSMA-Stiftung
statt, die in einer Villa in einem vornehmen Teil Haarlems nahe
Amsterdam untergebracht ist. Kurz zuvor hatte ein Gericht die
Beschlagnahmen gutgeheißen, die einige Monate vorher stattgefunden
hatten, und bei denen die Polizei Dutzende Kartons mit persönlichen
Erinnerungen und Photographien abgefahren hatte
. |
 | Quemar la Biblioteca; El
gobierno holandés destruye archivo gay y promete realizar detenciones
masivas; The Guide, febrero 2001
En el octubre tarde, la policía hizo su segunda correría en la Base de
Brongersma -- headquartered en una mansión en una parte de moda de
Haarlem, Amsterdam cercano. La correría vino en breve después de un
tribunal holandés sancionó un ataque de la policía hecho en el
archivo unos pocos meses más temprano, en cuál carted de autoridades
lejos docenas de cajas de historias y fotografías personales.
. |
 | The Guide, Sex
Terror; What's breathing down your neck; The Guide, March 2005, on
the Shanley & Lynne Stewart verdicts.
The separate convictions of two elderly radicals a few days apart last month
show how far hysterias over sex and terrorism are sliding US jurisprudence
in that totalitarian direction. |