Nair, Preetu, Media
reports on paedophilia in Goa; on a blog, 9 Feb, 2007
I am a journalist working in Goa and would like to bring to your attention two stories which appeared
recently one the BBC report which goes like this: "Goa - new paedophile's paradise?"
and another story which appeared in Times of India , Mumbai edition issue dated 30
November 2006: "Paedophilic activities in Goa"
First, I would like to bring to your kind attention the sensational statements made by BBC
NAMBLA Bulletin, Father
Shanley; From NAMBLA Bulletin 25-1.
One thing is clear: as in similar moral panics involving day-care centers,
school teachers, and the Boy Scouts, the most lasting damage may well be the end
of affectionate care, touching, and individual relationship with children by
adults. What priest or teacher or other care-giver would dare be left alone with
a child, or be seen caressing a child who has fallen? No more hugging, no more
late-night counseling, no more one-on-one confidences, no more field trips.
Nathan, Debbie,
The Taboos of
Touch, AlterNet,
April 18, 2002
A new book from University of Minnesota Press has just hit the stores.
But weeks before it was available to the public, "Harmful to Minors: The
Perils of Protecting Children from Sex," had already provoked a rash of
national press. The media is responding to what can only be called the usual
suspects -- a posse of moral conservatives and practitioners of discredited
therapy who've been wreaking havoc lately on scientific research and academic
They claim they're outraged that the book promotes "pedophilia."
The critics' real goal, though, is not to protect children. The right-wingers
are pushing a fundamentalist attack on mainstream American institutions such as
legal abortion; acceptance of gays as normal people, and sex education in public
Nathan, Debbie:
Bright, Susie, Sex
Panic! An Interview With Debbie Nathan; July 6th, 2007
We experienced some hesitation at publishing this piece. We know that people have strong emotions about these topics and,
obviously, the sexual abuse of children is no trivial matter.
But given the players, including the New York Times, the Justice Department, the Internet, and Free Speech itself, we feel confident that
it will start an important debate on a number of issues that are usually dominated by hysterical, reactionary voices.
Nathan, Debby & Zirpolo, Kyne:
Zirpolo, Kyle, McMartin
Pre-Schooler: 'I Lied' - A long-delayed apology from one of the accusers
in the notorious McMartin Pre-School molestation case - Kyle Zirpolo, as told to
Debbie Nathan - LA Times, 30 Oktober 2005
 | Followed by: How and Why Kyle Came Forward; by Debbie Nathan
 | including a condensed transcript of an interview interview with Kyle
Sapp, now known as Kyle Zirpolo |
I remember thinking to myself, "I'm not going to get out of here unless
I tell them what they want to hear."
Anytime I would give them an answer that they didn't like, they would ask again
and encourage me to give them the answer they were looking for. It was really
obvious what they wanted.
Maybe some got scared that the teachers would get their families because they
were lying. But I never forgot I was lying.
I never mixed up reality and fantasy and always knew I was lying.
I remember finally telling her [mother], "Nothing happened! Nothing ever
happened to me at that school." - She didn't believe me.
Naerssen, A.X.van,
The Sexual Experience of Young People,
Staatscourant [NL] 246, Thursday, 19 December 1996., Teacher 'wanted to be teen's sex slave';
May 30, 2008
A MELBOURNE female teacher charged with sexually penetrating a 15-year-old student urged the boy to treat her like a sex slave, court
documents show.
Nichol, Sara, Pervert breaks order after just weeks;
Evening Chronicle, March 29, 2008
He was banned from hanging around children, but weeks after being
released from prison he was back. [...]
"He also claimed 30 seconds was not long enough to be classed as loitering. But magistrate Professor Reavley Gair disagreed... ."
No evidence of alleged pedophile
'ring', police say, Canada, August 23rd 2001
A four-year investigation has concluded there is no truth to allegations a
pedophile ring operated for decades in Cornwall, eastern Ontario. [...]
Police said yesterday there was no evidence the ring ever existed and that no
further charges would be laid.
New York Times, Sex Offenders in Exile;
Editorial, 30 December 2006
Of all the places that sexual predators could end up after prison, the worst is out of sight, away from the scrutiny and treatment that
could prevent them from committing new crimes. But communities around the country are taking that risk, with zoning laws that
banish pedophiles to the literal edges of society.
Newsvote, Child
safety rules 'scare' adults;, 13 December 2006
Adults are scared of working with youngsters because of strict child protection
No touch at
all 2002
This is a report on a field observation of year one teachers and their students
at a beach outing. It was observed at a beach near Brisbane Australia.
If anybody doubts the deleterious effects on children of the sex which hunt this
has to be it! Two busloads of year one students [both girls and boys] with their
teachers [both male and female] arrived at a local beach. After several hours of
observation it was noted that the male teachers were NOT allowed to touch any of
the children at all, whereas this did NOT apply to female teachers.
Nugent, emu, Is
it child abuse, gay porn or our literary heritage?;
Koinos # 35, 2003-1.
We are
burying our heads in the sand if we try to pretend that loving, gay,
intergenerational relationships do not occur. Unfortunately, it has been a
tactic of the child-abuse industry to suppress any discussion that opposes their
own rigid analysis of young people's sexuality. But, as is clear to anyone who
has been abused, burying a problem will not make it go away.
Ask any child.
Nugent, emu, Pornografie für homosexuelle oder unser literarisches
erbe? Wie 'Rechts' die Diskussion über die Zensur in
Australien vereinnahmt hat; Koinos # 35, 2003-1.
Wir stecken den Kopf in den Sand, wenn wir uns in unserer Kultur sagen,
dass es liebevolle, homosexuelle Beziehungen zwischen Personen
unterschiedlicher Generationen nicht gibt. Leider haben die Eiferer gegen
Kindesmissbrauch die Taktik verfolgt, jede Diskussion, die sich gegen ihre
eigene starre Meinung über Jugendsexualität wendet, im Keim zu ersticken.
Aber, und jedes Missbrauchsopfer weiß dies: Ein Problem verschwindet nicht, indem man es unter den Teppich
kehrt. |
NZ Herald, The naked truth; October 28, 2008
It seems to me that the world's gone a little bit crazy about naked children in art work, all the while encouraging them to wear glitter
eye shadow and lipstick, mini high heels and t-shirts with the most insanely X-rated phrases possible. |