B. Peter (Ipce member), How things work
The perception of many gays is that the social changes that happened for
them, where their social status improved, was a logical outcome of their efforts
as a group to force society to change. However, this point of view is
It is certainly flattering to believe that, along with others in a sexual
minority, you have been able to bring about social change. In a sense, this is
valid. However, on other levels explanations of the mechanisms of social change
are complex.
Bachmann, Klaus, Der
Fall Dutroux; Was der Fall Dutroux auch in Deutschland anrichtete;
Frankfurter Algemeine, 5 -05-2004
Was der Fall Dutroux auch in Deutschland anrichtete: Die Stigmatisierung
harmloser Pädophiler. Warum die Aufmerksamkeit der Öffentlichkeit für Pädophilen
dazu geführt hat, die Gefahr für Kinder noch zu vergrößern.
Experten: „Die Mehrheit der Pädophilen ist weder gefährlich, noch
Und der belgische Kindervergewaltiger Marc Dutroux ist nie pädophil gewesen.
Bader, Michael J., Who
is Hurting the Children? The Political Psychology of Pedophilia in American
Society; www.tikkun.org - Tikkun magazine Berkeley, CA
We have to begin a conversation about the underlying anxieties that continually
lead us to find scapegoats for our own pain and suffering, whether it is the
pedophile, Saddam Hussein, communists, "bra-burners," or homosexuals.
[... A]s a psychotherapist I find myself disturbed by what seems to me to be our
society's fixation on pedophilia, not because such abuse doesn't deserve
attention, but because the intensity of this attention dwarfs that paid to
nearly every other type of damage done to children today, damage that is often
much greater than that incurred by at least some children who have been
Bain, Brandon, Sex
Offenders - where they live; Downside of registries: harassment, vigilantism;
Newsday, October 23, 2006
State sex offender registries were established beginning 10 years ago to allow residents to locate sex offenders in their
neighborhoods. But some experts worry the registries also allow those who loathe the presence of sex offenders to take matters into
their own hands.
Baker, Beth, Helping boys become men;
Author says an older male must coach, mentor and lend a hand, in: AARP
Newsletter, March 2000
Boys need more personnel in their lives. There's kind of an emergency when boys
don't get enough mentoring and enough direction." This is especially
important for boys, Gurian argues, because they tend to be more impulsive than
girls and less able to form close personal relationships. [...]
"If we had to look at the top three problems right now in our culture, the
lack of fathers and other older males in the lives of young males would have to
be at the top," he says. Fix that, he believes, and a host of problems
would diminish.
Bakley, Judith, Jordan Chandler is Silent About
Michael Jackson; False Rumors are Spreading That Jordan Lied
About Molestation; Judith Bakley, Media Watchdogs, Jul 10, 2009
It’s been 15 years since Michael Jackson settled with Jordan
Chandler for his alleged molestation charges. The Internet is all abuzz
that Chandler has come forward and admitted it was all a lie.
The problem is that none of the articles are from reputable news
sources. Is it true or just another viral rumor being spread?
Barbach, Lonnie Garfield, Bringing
up Children Sexually
Children's sexual exploration is like all other areas of exploration. For
the child it is a way of learning about her environment and how to make a place
for herself within it. Exploration includes urinating while standing up like a
boy, wearing make-up like mother, playing doctor with other boys and girls down
the street, and exploring sexual feelings with a girlfriend. Physical and loving
relationships between two or more girls or two or more boys is a very common and
natural part of the growing up process. It does not mean that the child is
heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. Each child will have the chance to choose
a sexual orientation later on in life. This experimentation is a part of the
development process for many children and not a cause for alarm or worry. One
should try not to have the child feel abnormal or ashamed about the expression
of budding sexual feelings.
Baskins, Jay, Factoids
and the Sex Abuse Panic; Statement; Ipce newsletter # E 20, June
A factoid is a statement of presumed fact that people believe to be true because they
hear it repeated over and over. Here are a few examples of common factoids.
Baskins, Jay,
Quiet, Solitude and the Telling of One's Own Story; 2003
Except when prevented by external events, the average person will spend a
significant amount of time dwelling on the story of his or her life. We write
letters in which we try to tell our story, or clarify some aspect of it. We
write journals with the same intent. We read stories in books and magazine for
the light they shed on our own stories.
At times these stories told about others
may even provide us with the fundamental form and meaning around which we
structure our own. We tell our stories to others and listen as tell they us
theirs. When we are alone we reflect on the events of the day and wonder about
the meaning of what is happening in our lives.
To achieve and maintain a reasonable level of narrative well-being
requires periods of solitude and quiet.
In this article I have identified and
briefly explored six different ways in which the prison environment hinders a
person's ability to find that solitude and quiet. I have tried to show that this
is not simply a matter of creating discomfort or inconvenience. Rather, the
absence of solitude and quiet in a prisoner's life impairs his capacity to
reflect upon his "story," and thereby threatens his capacity to
achieve a viable and coherent identity.
It is possible that in prison life we see a microcosm of the larger society.
Therefore it might be worth exploring whether my speculations about the six
factors that make narrative well-being difficult to attain in prison might be
usefully generalized to life outside of the prison system.
BBC News, Reid warned against Megan's Law
[in UK]; 19 June 2006
John Reid has been warned against rushing to introduce a wholesale version of the Megan's Law system that deals with child sex offenders.
Ex-chief constable Paul Whitehouse says the move could divert attention from people who pose an even greater risk.
BBC News, Adults 'scared to go near
kids', 26 June 2008
The law says that adults must be vetted if they want to work with children.
But have we gone too far and created a climate of suspicion. Professor
Frank Furedi of Kent University has written a report that says we have.
Many adults are afraid to interact with children for fear of being
labelled as paedophiles, a report has claimed.
Katherine, Culture and the Politics of
Signification: The Case of Child Sexual Abuse. (Studies in Violence and Welfare) Social
Problems, 02/1996
Download this as a ZIP-Html
file or as a .PDF
This article suggests that the conceptual distinction between valence
and position issues obscures the role of ideological struggle in generating
social controversy, as well as the complex and contradictory nature of culture
that makes these efforts possible. The multiplicity of images, themes, and
sentiments also makes possible the creation of entirely new interpretive
frameworks through which social issues may be apprehended. Both the presence and
absence of struggles over the signification, then, are best understood as the
product of agency. This argument is illustrated by an analysis of media
discourse on what has been called a "preeminent valence issue" (Nelson
1984:27): child sexual abuse.
Beckford, Martin; Baroness Neuberger: Children will grow up not trusting anyone in Britain's risk-averse society.
Children are growing up not trusting anyone, an influential peer has warned, as Britain's society becomes increasingly suspicious and risk-averse.
The Telegraph, UK, 23 Sep 2008
Bellet, Gerry, Landmark sex exploitation study finds surprising number of female
abusers; Vancouver Sun, May 28, 2008
Canada's largest study into the sexual exploitation of street kids and runaways has shattered the myths and stereotypes about who the abusers
are, the most surprising finding being that many are women seeking sex with young males.Benfer, Amy, Banning
censorship, Salon.com.
First Amendment attorney and author Marjorie Heins argues that obscenity laws do
children more harm than good.
What, exactly, is material that causes "harm to minors"? Is it
"Huckleberry Finn" or the work of Maya Angelou? Violent video games or
R-rated movies? Graphic sexual content or comprehensive sex education?
Actually, as Heins found out, all of the above have been suppressed in the name
of protecting children, despite the fact, she says, that social science has
failed to provide convincing evidence that exposure to sexual or violent content
has any negative impact on minors whatsoever.
Heins decided to trace the history of American obscenity laws to find the roots
of the "harm to minors" argument. The result is "Not in Front of
the Children: 'Indecency,' Censorship, and the Innocence of Youth," a book
that chronicles the ideological and political underpinnings of censorship from
Plato to the Victorians to the present day.
Berlin, Fred:
Hansen, Chris, What
can be done to stop predators? NBC News Feb. 3, 2006
Chris Hansen spoke to Dr. Fred Berlin, a professor of psychiatry at Johns
Hopkins School of Medicine. Berlin has over 25 years of experience working with
sexual offenders.
'Some can be easily treated, some can't... and you've got the whole group in
between,' says Fred Berlin, a professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins
I've worked in this area for many years. And the findings surprised even me
because what they found was, as a group, sex offenders
have a lower rate of recidivism than people who commit other kinds of serious
offenses. And yet the public perception, most of public policy, the way
in which we view this problem today, is based upon exactly the opposite
Berlin, Marcel, A law to vet volunteers who work with children will harm the very
people it is designed to protect; Famous people who do good works with children will not be immune.
TV presenter Johnny Ball says he will refuse to be vetted; The Guardian, October 25, 2006.
I was not, until Monday, overly concerned with the safeguarding vulnerable groups
bill, now going through parliament. I saw it as an excessive over-reaction to a limited problem, but there's a lot of
that about, and I would not be writing about it had I not heard someone on the radio defending the proposed law.
Bernard, Frits, Interview
with Dr. Frits Bernard, a pioneer emancipator; Over a half-century of
struggle for boy love; by Marthijn Uittenbogaard, in KOINOS
# 48, 2005-4
Dr. Frits Bernard has been personally acquainted with many distinguished experts
from the world of sexual science and the sexual emancipation movements. Together
with the late Edward Brongersma, he laid the foundations of the emancipation
movement of boy lovers in the Netherlands – and far beyond. A conversation
with a fighter and a pioneer.
Bernard, Frits, Interview
mit Dr. Frits Bernard, Emanzipator der ersten Stunde; Mehr als ein
halbes Jahrhundert Kampf für die Liebe zu den Jungs; Marthijn Uittenbogaard, in: KOINOS # 48, 2005-4
Dr. Frits Bernard hat viele namhafte Personen aus der Welt der
Sexualwissenschaft und der sexuellen Emanzipationsbewegungen persönlich
gekannt. Zusammen mit dem verstorbenen Edward Brongersma ist er der Gründer
der Emanzipationsbewegung der Jungenliebhaber in den Niederlanden – und
weit über deren Grenzen hinaus. Ein Gespräch mit einem Kämpfer der ersten
Stunde. |
Bernard, Frits, ‘Things
will be all right again. One day’; Theme: the future of boy love; Dr.
Frits Bernard, in KOINOS # 51 (2006
Man’s inclination to develop prejudices will continue to be a threat in fifty
years, because this inclination has always existed. The reversal of fallacious
conclusions is a complex and lengthy process. Still, I believe there will
probably always be shorter or longer periods of flowering. After all, boy love
as well is inherent in humanity. History proves this.
Bernard, Frits, ‘Es
wird schon wieder gut werden. Irgendwann einmal’; Thema: die
Zukunft der Jungenliebe; in KOINOS #
51 (2006 #3)
Die Neigung des Menschen, Vorurteile zu entwickeln, wird auch in fünfzig
Jahren noch eine Bedrohung darstellen, denn diese Neigung ist nicht
zeitbedingt. Das Rückgängigmachen einer falschen Meinungsbildung ist ein
komplizierter und langwieriger Prozess. Trotzdem glaube ich, dass es
wahrscheinlich immer wieder kürzere oder längere Blütezeiten geben wird.
Denn auch die Liebe zu den Jungen ist dem menschlichen Dasein inhärent. Die
Geschichte belegt dies. |
Bernard, Frits, The Dutch
Paedophile Emancipation Movement; From Paidika: The Journal of
Paedophilia, volume 1 number 2 (Autumn 1987), p. 35-45.
[...] Paedophile emancipation in The Netherlands began about 30 years ago. An
historical analysis reveals how this process has taken place up to the present
time: [...]
Bernard, Frits, Bericht
über ein ungewöhnliches Experiment
Die Zeit ist reif für eine Analyse des Werdeganges dieser emanzipatorischen
Bewegung. Nach C.Straver (...) haben Emanzipationsprozesse drei Phasen, die nach
meiner Meinung auch in diesem Bereich anwendbar sind.
Bernard, Frits, Von
Straffreiheit bis Todesstrafe; Sexueller Missbrauch.
Gibt es eine Lösung? Sexualmedizin 19, 146-147, 1997
Im Jahre 1996 erreichten uns Meldungen aus dem Vatikan, in denen der Europarat
aufgefordert wurde, mehr Mut an den Tag zu legen und diese Art von Kontakten
energisch zu verurteilen. Beim Europarat wurde ein Antrag eingereicht, in dem
von einem der widerwärtigsten Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit die Rede war.
Hier wurde weltweit eine undifferenzierte Attacke gegen eine ganze
Minderheitsgruppierung geritten. Es ist an der Zeit, dass man wieder zwischen
Missbrauch und bestimmten intergenerationellen Beziehungen unterscheidet.
Bernard, Frits,
The Dutch Paedophile
Emancipation Movement; From Paidika: The Journal of
Paedophilia, volume 1 number 2 (Autumn 1987), p. 35-45.
Looking back on the 1970s, we can see that they were years of initiative,
emancipation, research, and above all optimism. The 1980s have proved
otherwise. After 1982-1983 the deterioration has been rapid. In Holland
resistance was mounted against the dearly won sexual freedoms, and foreign
powers have tried more and more to influence Dutch moral attitudes.
On Paedophilia:
I. A Center for Paedophiles? II. The Meaning
of Paedophilia, From Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia,
volume 1 number 2 (Autumn 1987), p. 46-48.
This is the first English translation of a pamphlet by Dr. Frits Bernard,
writing under the pseudonym of "Victor Servatius" that was published
in 1962 by Enclave, Rotterdam. The Dutch title was Over pedofilie - Een
centrum voor pedofielen - Zin der pedofilie. The sections had already
appeared in February and April of that year in Vriendschap, the
official publication of the COC, the Dutch sexual rights organization. It was,
as Dr. Bernard describes it, "a deliberate attempt to rally support in the
COC for the formation of local workgroups, and a national one as well." It
was also Enclave's attempt to summarize in short form their thinking on
paedophilia and make this view known to a wider public. |
About Bernard, Frits:
Gieles, Dr Frans E J, In
memoriam: Dr. Frits Bernard; in KOINOS
# 51 (2006 # 3)
A scholarly, active, wise and congenial man has suddenly departed from us,
and following his own wish has been cremated in a quiet, private service
involving only his family. We have to go on without him.
Gedenken an Dr. Frits Bernard; Dr. Frans E.J. Gieles, in KOINOS
# 51 (2006 #3)
Ein gelehrter, tätiger, kluger und liebenswürdiger Mensch ist
unerwartet von uns gegangen. Der Tote ist seinem Wunsch gemäß in aller
Stille und im engsten Familienkreis eingeäschert worden. Uns wird er
Visser, Hans, In memoriam
Frits Bernard; 28 August 1920 - 23 May 2006; in KOINOS
# 51 (2006 #3)
I knew Frits in the last phase of his life, and got to know him as an unusually
wise man. At meetings and gatherings his input was always first-class. He was an
erudite man, truly an enrichment. His passing is therefore a great loss.I knew
Frits in the last phase of his life, and got to know him as an unusually wise
man. At meetings and gatherings his input was always first-class. He was an
erudite man, truly an enrichment. His passing is therefore a great loss.
memoriam Frits Bernard; 28. August 1920 – 23. Mai 2006; Hans
Visser, in KOINOS # 51 (2006 #3)
Ich habe Frits in dem letzten Abschnitt seines Lebens erlebt und ihn als
einen ungemein klugen Mann kennen gelernt. Bei Versammlungen und auf
Tagungen hatte er immer einen sehr bedeutenden Anteil an der Diskussion. Er
war ein hochgebildeter Mann, der wirklich eine Bereicherung war. Deshalb ist
sein Tod ein großer Verlust. |
Berry, Jason, Secrets,
Celibacy and the Church,
April 3, 2002, New York Times
[...] Celibacy does not cause pedophilia. But celibacy has given rise to a
secretive culture in which
sexual behavior in any form must be hidden. [...]
The problem, of course, is that pedophilia is not just a sin, it is a crime. But
the same secrecy
and shame that hides homosexuality in the church produces an atmosphere that has
acts of pedophilia. [...]
Conservative Catholics, meanwhile, should recognize that celibacy is a failure,
practically and
morally. They should also acknowledge that homophobia is immoral.
Beutler, Larry E., a part of the article "David
and Goliath: When Empirical and Clinical Standards of Practice Meet"
by Larry E. Beutler, Ph.D. (2000)
The article claims that psychosocial treatments are often selected, practiced
and governmentally approved based on procedures that are political or commercial
in nature (broad beliefs? cost-effective?), or that do not stand the test of
scientific rigor (e.g. treatments accepted though clinical experience is
The "American Psychiatric Association" is especially criticized in
this respect. The first part of the article (given below) discusses the reign of
dubious treatments primarily in light of the recovered memories & satanic
ritual abuse saga.
Bird, Dr. B. Cayenne, Don't sign Jessica's Law - Political Scam Targets Mentally Ill Prisoners, Families;
American Chronicle, January 31, 2006
One of the worst initiatives ever to go forward in California is the one currently underway entitled "Jessica's Law." It is purely political and will do nothing to reduce the incidence of child molestation even though it will cost us millions in resources should it pass.
As a mother and grandmother, I am as concerned with protecting our children as everyone else. But I don't like to see mostly young people destroyed for life over accusations that often stem from divorce and child custody disputes.
Bird, Dr. B. Cayenne, Sex Offender Hysteria Good for Getting Votes and Keeping the Prisons Stocked but not much else;
American Chronicle, 11 February 2006
Sex Offender Laws Endanger Your Teens and Young People much more than they protect them. Even more children will be left at the mercy of a broken foster care system where child molestation happens daily. Often when the politicians try and fix things, other things break - like
Bird, Rev. Dr B. Cayenne, Prop 83 Jessica's Law Was Designed to Overflow Prisons;
Director of United for No Injustice, Oppression or Neglect, in: American
Chronicle, November 11, 2006
Proposition 83 is simply a bad law, which should have never even been put on the
ballot. Voters were misled by a fear-mongering, emotional campaign that amounted
to nothing less than a witch hunt, Salem style, and deceived into thinking it
would protect children from snatch-and-run predators. It will not. Instead it
will unconstitutionally punish many others: mentally ill who could benefit from
treatment, eighteen-year-old offenders who had sex with their seventeen-year-old
girlfriends, older sex offenders who have served their time, been released from
parole, and who have become law abiding citizens with families, jobs and support
Birkett, Dea, Monsters with human
faces, in: The Guardian, Weekend. September 17,1997
No one attracts more odium than paedophiles, nor more virulent campaigns against
them. How can they imagine that they are justified in their desires? How does it
feel to be accused of craving sex with children when you believe you are
innocent? Dea Birkett talks to some of society's ultimate lowlifes to find out.
Pictures by Jenny Matthews
Blackburn, R., "Family Values" do not include good sexual health, from http://www.allaboutsex.org/ [If this artcle appears
there in black, press contr+A]
You might be thinking that this title sounds a little odd. You might be thinking
that your family's values certainly include the health of your children. If you
are thinking that something seems "amiss", that there must be a
"catch" . Well, I'm sorry to say that there isn't.
Blasius, Mark, Sexual Revolution and the
Liberation of Children: An Interview With Kate Millett
A sexual revolution begins with the emancipation of women, who are the chief
victims of patriarchy, and also with ending of homosexual oppression. Part of
the patriarchal family structure involves the control of the sexual life of
children; indeed, the control of children totally. Children have virtually no
rights guaranteed by law in our society and besides, they have no money which,
in a money economy, is one of the most important sources of their oppression.
Certainly, one of children's essential rights is to express themselves sexually,
probably primarily with each other but with adults as well. So the sexual
freedom of children is an important part of a sexual revolution.
Blackwell, Richard, Should public get open access to private details of
sex offenders? The Globe & Mail, 18 April 2006
The shooting of two men who were listed on a sex offender registry in the United States underlines the
hazards of giving the public open access to the kind of information that is carefully kept secret in
Boykin, Sharahn D.- Don't 'be alone with other people's children'
- Sex abuse allegations raise discussion - delmarvanow.com, December 7, 2008
"Don't get caught up in the feeling that someone needs you or someone loves you."
Bradley Hagerty, Barbara; Abuse Victims Seek Court Date With Vatican;
NPR 22 December 2008
Until recently, no federal court has allowed a case to proceed against the
Vatican — and few really believed the Holy See would ever be open to
lawyers or its treasury subject to money damages. It is considered a
foreign state with sovereign immunity.
But there are exceptions to the immunity, including one called the "tortious
act" exception. If Turner can show that U.S. bishops are officials of
the Vatican, and that they harmed children by failing to report sex abuse,
then he has a chance of getting to trial.
Brad, Dicken, Accusers
- He didn't do it; The Chronicle, July 19, 2007
Joel Covender was convicted of molesting his stepchildren and spent 11 years in prison. But the two accusers now say it was all made up.
Now they say he never touched them [...] [...] she does remember "that I felt pressure
from grown-ups involved to say what they wanted me to say."
Brasier, L.L., John Wisely and Suzette Hackney, Free Press
Staff Writers,
Anatomy of a Conviction; In a teacher's child-sex case, legal and
child psychology experts question what the prosecution did and the defense didn't. The next call is the
judge's; Free Press, December 22, 2006
As an Oakland County judge ponders the fate of a kindergarten teacher found guilty of molesting two boys, legal experts and child
behavior specialists say the case raises serious questions about the process that led to his conviction.
Even Kenneth Lanning, a retired FBI behavioral analyst who spent much of his 33-year career at the bureau studying people who prey on
children, said [...] "It seems here they are saying a 'groomer' suddenly became a
'snatcher.' That's not consistent with the patterns we know. It appears that what you have being put forth in this case is the urban
legend of what people think of when it comes to child molesters: some creepy guy leaping out of a dark corner."
Bright, Susie, Sex
Panic! An Interview With Debbie Nathan; July 6th, 2007
We experienced some hesitation at publishing this piece. We know that people have strong emotions about these topics and,
obviously, the sexual abuse of children is no trivial matter.
But given the players, including the New York Times, the Justice Department, the Internet, and Free Speech itself, we feel confident that
it will start an important debate on a number of issues that are usually dominated by hysterical, reactionary voices.
Bristow, Jennie, Children:
over-surveilled, under-protected; A recent conference in London
highlighted the dangers of the government's insidious monitoring of our
children's lives; Spiked-online,com, 20 July 2006
How have we reached such a state of institutionalised suspicion that a respected
vicar can be obliged to resign as a school governor for kissing a 10-year-old
girl on the forehead in class?
That's what happened in Britain recently. A recent London conference on child
offered a rare chance to put such absurd events in some wider critical
Boston News, Panel to mull changes in online sex-offender list;
July 23, 2006
Spurred by the Easter Sunday murders of two men who were listed on Maine's online registry of convicted sex
offenders, a legislative panel Wednesday begins a study of potential changes to the list.
At issue will be whether to provide details of the offenses and focus only on the most dangerous offenders who are seen as the most
likely to commit new crimes.
"Right now, the registry has pretty much grouped everybody into one category,
[...] You get the 20-year-old there because of an improper relationship with a 15-year-old, and
you have the other case, a 50-year-old man and a 2-year-old baby."
Brongersma, Edward, The
Thera Inscriptions Ritual or Slander? Journal of Homosexuality Volume 20,
1/2, 1990
Inscriptions carved in a rock on the Greek island of Thera and dating from
the 6th or 7th century BC have homosexual contents. Originally considered a
testimony to ritual sacred acts, they were described [...] as vulgar
pornographic graffiti. Arguments against this view and in favor of the formal
ritual interpretation are proposed. A final explanation is suggested, conforming
to local customs and the general conceptions of ancient Greek boy-love.
Brongersma, Edward, A
Defence of Sexual Liberty for All Age Groups; The Howard Journal, Vol.
27 No. 1, Feb. 1988
This paper discusses the concept of an age of consent for sexual relationships,
suggesting that some such contacts between adults and children art not harmful
and should therefore not be punished.
Brongersma, E.,
An Historical Background, The NAMBLA Bulletin, Vol. 4, No. 2 (March, 1983), Pg.
Slightly over a century ago, a new and hitherto unknown kind of aggression began
to arise: the aggression against people who love children and want to express
their love for them with bodily tenderness.
Brongersma, Dr Edward:
Sharpe, Robin, A visit with the doctor,
November 1994.
I probably would not have come to Amsterdam if not to see the Old Dutchman,
which is how I think of and privately refer to Dr. Edward Brongersma. In my
letters I always address to him as Doctor. I had come to admire the Doctor from
his writings and our regular correspondence over the previous three years. Dr.
Brongersma had a distinguished career as a lawyer and politician in The
Netherlands but now is perhaps best known for his extensive writings on boylove
which is why I wanted to meet him.
Bronski, Michael, The
kids are alright, April 2002
Judith Levine’s new book calls for honest debate about children and sexuality.
She’s hit the right’s gag reflex.
The culture-war battle sparked by the publication of Levine’s book has serious
ramifications for both civil liberties and freedom of expression. That’s
because the choked agitation triggered by Levine’s book is both a reaction to
our excessive cultural obsession with kids and sexuality and a symptom of how
unable we are, as a culture, even to begin discussing such issues.
Brooks, Karen, Culture
of fear; February 1, 2006, thecouriermail.news.com.au
So, it has finally come to this: Various sporting organisations banning parents
and other adults from taking photos of children competing in games, frolicking
on the beach or in pools and generally doing what we continue to lament the
younger generations don't do enough of – being physically active.
The reason for these touted bans is sad and understandable. It's to deter
pedophiles from taking covert photographs, misappropriating them and gaining
whatever sick pleasures they, or others, might from them.
One can't help but wonder, are these proposed bans taking our concerns too far?
Is this reductio ad absurdum in practice? I fear it may well be.
Brooks, Richard,
Cut out the
paedophile hysteria, says Irons; , The Sunday Times, February 27, 2005
THE ACTOR Jeremy Irons, who starred in the film Lolita, has spoken out about how
“hysteria” over paedophilia is damaging relations between adults and
Irons, who has two sons with his wife Sinead Cusack, suggests that society,
while protecting children, should not become so rigidly obsessed with
paedophilia that it prevents adults demonstrating affection to children.
Brooks Higgins, Candice, Nicole's
Law; Law named for West Chester girl toughens penalties for sex crimes; www.journal-news.com,
3 January 2007
The law [...] will exact tougher penalties and limit bail opportunities for repeat sex offenders accused of victimizing a minor.
Brunoz, O.; On
Boy-Love - Paedophilia; Historical and Scientific Perspectives; 1960
The following text is the first translation into
English of the Dutch book Pedofilie, published in
1960. Note that the author defines
'boy' as "a sexually mature
non-adult. The reader will do well to keep this
definition in mind, ...". Thus, what he calls
'paedophilia' is not attraction to the prepubescent
child - especially boy - but to the pubescent and
adolescent boy - just that what we nowadays give the
name 'hebephilia'.
The purpose of this study was to bring to light
various aspects of paedophilia, and to point out how
difficult a phenomenon it is to assess. It must again be
stressed that before we are able to discuss the moral
aspects, it is necessary to agree on both the
circumstances of paedophile relationships and the
principles of sexual ethics as a whole. That is still a
long way off.
Aside from the question of whether or not sexual
activities between boys and men will ever win ethical
acceptance, I believe, as expressed in the preceding
pages, that paedophile relationships do exist which are
largely or wholly lacking in favorable aspects and
therefore destined to exert a bad influence on the boy.
But I also believe that the importance of harm is
exaggerated, and the bad effects very often are not the
result of the usually mentioned causes.
It has surely been proven by various experts, from
ancient Greece onwards, that there are paedophile sexual
relationships which either totally, or almost totally,
do no harm. If it becomes possible to accept these
ethically as positive relationships or at least, making
an analogy with pubertal masturbation, as a more or less
harmless practice, then it is also possible to argue
that they could be a source of happiness and benefit to
both man and boy. I do not presume to answer the
questions I have raised, or even to suggest the answers.
I only hope that I have succeeded in opening the
Buitendijk, Simone,
Liberal attitudes to
underage sex are best,
2nd March 2001
Providing sex education and free contraceptives and fostering liberal
attitudes toward sex are among the best ways to reduce soaring teenage
pregnancy rates, a Dutch researcher said Friday.
"Teenage pregnancy seems virtually eliminated as a health and social
problem in the Netherlands," said Dr. Simone Buitendijk, of the Dutch
Institute for Applied Scientific Research in Leiden.
The Netherlands has fewer pregnant teenagers than most Western countries. |
Bullough, Vern L.
Woo, Elaine, Vern
Bullough Obituary; Vern Bullough, 77; Prolific Author Was Scholar
of Sex History; Elaine Woo, LA Times,
July 2, 2006
Bullough, 77, who died of cancer June 21 at his Westlake Village home, eventually channelled his curiosity into a career as one of the most prolific scholars of sex, who wrote, co-wrote or edited nearly 50 books on topics ranging from prostitution to