In the name of the
children; Anti-porn crusaders hide behind our kids;
USA: Press comment: (source unknown), March 27th, 2001
The Children's Internet Protection Act is nothing more than the latest offensive
in the moralistic jihad against pornography. It is a key offensive in the
culture wars camouflaged by the twisted rubric of 'protecting children.' Shame
on its soldiers. This war exploits children by using their collective innocence
as a rhetorical shield in a vicious verbal crossfire that has simply *not yet*
spilled over into anti-abortion style violence.
Interpreting the
Satanic Legend, Journal of Religion and Health, Vol. 37, No 3, Fall
1998, pp. 249-263.
It is argued that the recent hysteria about Satanic cults can best be understood as a
moral panic and an urban legend. Data from a wide variety of sources, including the
author's own personal experience, are brought forward in support of this thesis. It is
then suggested that if we are not to remain at the mercy of the anxieties and distortions
that produced this moral panic, we must interpret the legend. The interpretation that is
offered is that this most recent outbreak of panic about Satanism is specifically about a
growing awareness of the ubiquity of intergenerational Eros.
Ipce, - Indigo
children, Ipce Newsletter E 24, march 2008.
This is a new word for children who are clairvoyant. Indigo is one of
the colors in their aura, the prevailing one. They were already born
back in the sixties, but not many people listened to them, or understood
them, so they were quite unlucky. [...]
Characteristic for these children is their authenticity. They
maintain their feelings and opinions intact and it is not possible to
manipulate them. This might change society.
Ipce Newsletter,
Australia debates about
child nudity - "The evil is in the eye of the
beholder", # E25, July 2008.
1. The Bill Nelson
2. The case of the
girl on the cover of Arts Monthly Australia
Since May 2008, two publicly showed photos of naked young children
have started a public debate in which, among other questions, fear of
child nudity and artistic freedom combated. Even the Prime Minister, but
also the photographed children play their role in this debate. The two
cases were an exhibition of photos of artist Bill Nelson and the cover
photo on the magazine Art Monthly. We follow the cases by giving quotes
from the media. [...]
What we hear is: 'Do not listen to the child, the victim. Listen to
the victimologists. They know better.'
However: the evil is in the eye of the beholder.
Fear of photos -
Some cases & a broad overview & analysis - # E25, July
Police is using anti-terror laws to catch 'pedophiles' - that is:
everyone who photographs a child. They rely on a public opinion that
fears that a photo might be give someone pleasure, that the photo
might be placed on the internet and, thus, might pleasure
other 'pedophiles', which is a shame, a scandal and a disaster per
se. If child nudity is included, a moral panic awakes in the
So, our children are effectively taught that nudeness and body
pleasure is evil, wrong, dirty and perverse.
Irvine, Martha & Tanner, Robert; Sexual misconduct plagues US
schools; AP counts 2,500 teachers punished in 5 years; AP October 20, 2007
An Associated Press investigation found more than 2,500 cases over five years in which educators were punished for actions from bizarre to
sadistic. [...]
Abuse also is treated with misplaced fascination in American culture.
Israely, Jeff (Rome) and Van Biema, David (New York),
The Pope's Sex Abuse Challenge;
Time. April 11, 2008
Benedict's is the first papal trip to the United States since the priest sex abuse crisis erupted in 2001. It is a
controversy that has left much of the American laity bitterly disillusioned with their Church's leadership. For many of the 67 million
American Catholics, how the Pope confronts the lingering fallout from the pedophilia scandal may largely determine the success of this visit.