V - Index

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Vachss, Andrew, 23, 234n. 2

Values (relation between sexual and social), xi, 56-58, 67, 114, 215-25. See a/so Religious Right, influence of, on national sexual policy

Vance, Carole S., 35

Vanwesenbeeck, Ine, 211

Vassar College, 94, 106

V-chip, 15

Vela, Mauricio, 173

Vermont, 118, 122. See a/so Safer Society Program

Vibrators, 130

Villas, Patricia, 163


against abortion clinics, 118;
causes of, 222;
in dating, xxiv, xxxiii, 157, 230n. 29;
domestic, xxiii;
lack of, by molesters, 25;
masculinity's link with, 157;
pornography as, 13;
prevention of, 218;
and self-care, 212;
sexual, as a crime, 40;
and touch, 179.
See also
Child abuse; Rape

Virginia, 88


in colonial America, xxix;
popularity of, 111-14, 133;
"secondary," 106, 108;
and sexual behavior, 265n. 11.
See a/so
"Chastity pledges"

Voyeurism, 25