E - Index

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Education, 221-22, 256n. 28. See also Sex education

Educational Development Center, Inc., 23

Ehrenreich, Barbara, xxiv

Elders, Joycelyn M., ix-xi, 130, 185

Eleven Million Teenagers (Alan Guttmacher Institute report), 96

English, Deirdre, xxiv

Enticement and entrapment, 37, 240n. 77, 241n. 81

Erotica, xxiii, 131. See also Pornography

Escoffier, Jeffrey, 208,212,216-17

ETRAssociates, 104, 123, 129

Europe (sex ed in), x xxii-xxxiii, 102,112, 113-14,198,210. See also names of specific countries

Evans, David T., 89

Exhibitionism, 25

Exorcist. The (movie), 221

Exon, James, 16