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Tabor, James, 243n. 101

Taking Care of Business (Girls Incorporated), 123

Talking dirty. See Dirty talk

Talk magazine, xxv

Target populations, 208-9

Tavris, Carol, 268n. 7

Tax policies, xxi-xxii, 223, 275n.14

Teachers, 62-63,181-82,187, 188-89. See also Nursery schools

Techter, David,25

Teenage pregnancy, ix, x, xxxiii, 219;

and abstinence education, 112-14,133;
and contraception, 112-14, 250n. 21, 259n. 68, 260n. 79;
decline in, 111, 259n. 68;
leven Million Teenagers
and, 96;
"epidemic" of, 96;
European rates of, 112;
fathers involved in girls', 79-80, 250nn. 21,23, 254n. 20;
outercourse as means of preventing, 198;
policies that reduce, 102-3, 114;
and poverty, 96;
unintended, 260n. 79.
See also
Abortion; Contraception; Sex education; Teenagers


and abortion, 118-26;
abstinence sex ed for, 90-116;
adult desire for, 28-29,40, 237n. 39, 250n. 21;
condom use by, xxvi, 112-14,118, 135,157,210-14, 250n. 21, 273n. 29;
emergence of, as a group, xxviii-xxxi;
fears about sexually active, xxiv-xxvii, xxx, 68-89,99-100,129-30, 217;
homeless, 24, 203-4, 210-13, 215-16, 273n. 29; 111;
marriages of, xxv, 80, 249n. 8;
research on sexuality of, xxvi, 86,133,134, 265n. 11;
right of, to sexual pleasure, xix, xxxiv-xxxv, 95, 115, 127;
sexual autonomy of, in 1960s and 1970s, 100;
statistics on sexual activity by, xxiv-xxv, 93,102, 104, 111, 118, 198;
See also
Intergenerational sex; Statutory rape; Teenage pregnancy

Teen-Aid, 98-99,107, 256n. 30

Terrell, Jerry, 211,212

Texas 80, 88

Therapy. See Treatment

Thetis myth, 172-73

Thoemke, Paul, 204,211-13,216

Thompson, Sharon, 87,109-10, 116,137,160-61, 163,164, 166-67

Tiefer, Leonore, 60,134,185, 195-97, 252n. 44, 268n. 7

Time magazine, xxv

Times Square (New York City), 4, 28, 33, 36

Tin Drum, The (movie), 41

Title X. See Public Health Services Act of 1970

Tobin, Joseph, 8,182,191-94

Tolman, Deborah, 157-58,160, 167,170,174

Touch: "good" vs. "bad," xxiv, 182, 190;

importance of, 178-83,191,197, 270n. 31;
as sexual, 49, 56, 191;
by teachers, 62-63,181-82,188-89.
See also
Sex; Sex play

Touch Research Institute (Miami University), 179

Treatment: lack of due process in, 61-64; of sexual offenders, 42-43,47-48, 61-64, 84, 247n.46

Tromovitch, Philip, 86

Trouble with Blame, The {Lamb), 79

Trudeau, Garry, 90

Trudell, Bonnie, 182

Trueman, Patrick, 38

Trust, 28,92,211,212-15, 273n.37

Turkle, Sherry, 5

Tyler, R. P. "Toby", 37