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Uganda, 143

Underground Guide to Teenage Sexuality, The {Basso), 266n. 5

Unitarian Universalist Church, 14-15, 263n. 31

United Nations, 200

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 219

U.S. Census Bureau, xxi, 219

U.S. Commission on Obscenity and Pornography {Lockhart Commission), 12-14, 17

U.S. Congress:

and abortion, 125;
on child pornography, 33;
and education, 221;
funding of abstinence sex ed by, 91-92, 97-103;
and Internet censorship, 11-12,150;
and teen sexuality, 134

U.S. Customs Service, 36

U.S. Defense Department, 263n. 35

U.S. Department of Education, 221, 256n. 28

U.S. government:

and abortion funding, 118;
and child pornography, 33-40;
money spent on abstinence education by, 91,97-103,159,215,222, 262n. 25;
money spent on children's "sexual behavior problems" by, 53;
and women's right to contraception, 96, 97, 99,253n. 17.
See also
specific branches of U.S. government

U.S. Justice Department:

obscenity enforcement unit of, 36, 38, 39-40;
statistics from, 51-52, 72,118, 243n. 101

U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau,91-92

U.S. Postal Service, 39, 241nn. 77, 84

U.S. Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee, 97

U.S. Supreme Court:

on abortion, 117; on AFLA, 98;
on Communications Decency Act, 15;
on contraception, 253n. 17;
on obscenity, 10;
on sexual harassment, 59;
on statutory rape, 71

U.S. Surgeon Generals, ix, x, 130, 185, 227n. 4. See also names of specific Surgeon Generals

United States v. Dylan Healy, 68

University of California at Los Angeles, 57, 119

University of Chicago, 273n. 37

University of Hawaii, 182

University of Minnesota, 208, 211

University of New Hampshire, 40, 233n. 42

University of Southern Louisiana, 3

University of Washington (Seattle), 218

"Unwed motherhood," 126

USA Today, 69