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Cabaniss, Nabers, 255n. 24

Calderone, Mary S., 94-95,106, 184

California, 43,65,79-81, 242n. 94. See a/so San Diego

California Justice Department, 43

Calvert, Karin, xxviii

Campbell, Patricia, 94

"Can We Talk?" (video series), 110-11

Capello, Dominic, 110-11

Capital punishment, 24

Carey v. Population Services International, 253n. 17

Carlin, George, 232n. 25

Carter, Jimmy, 117-18

Catholics, 119

CDA (Communications Decency Act), 13,15-18

Celluci, Paul, 234n. 12

Censorship, 3-19,33-36,41, 103-4,115,130, 132,141-43, 185

Center for Child Protection (San Diego),56

Centers for Disease Control, 113

Changing Bodies, Changing Selves (Bell), 266n. 5

Chapin, Henry, 178

"Chastity pledges," 113,114. See a/so Abstinence education; Virginity

Check Yo'self Crew (Minneapolis), 205

Chesapeake Bay Colony, xxix

Chesney-Lind, Meda, 81

Child abuse, ix;

allegations of, in Branch Davidian compound, 44;
allegations of "Satanic," xxiii-xxiv, 23,34-35,51, 239n. 70;
in families, 223;
by other children, 45-67;
poverty as, 220-21;
as responsible for producing child abusers, 54-55;
statutory rape as, 79.
See a/so
"Child protection " efforts; Sexual abuse; Violence

Child Abuse and Treatment Act (1974),46

Child Abuse Hotline, 46

Child Custody Protection Act, 125

Childhood, x xvii-xxvi ii. See a/so Children

Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA), 16

Child Online Protection Act (COPA), 11-12, 18

Child pornography, xxiii, 28, 32-41, 237n. 39, 240n. 77

Child Pornography and Pedophilia hearings, 43

Child Pornography Prevention Act (1996),37-38,41

Child Protection and Enforcement Act (1988),38

 "Child protection"

efforts: harmful effects of, xxxiv;
ideological basis of, x, xxi, xxxii;
origins of, xxvii-xxx.
See a/so
Abortion; Abstinence education; Age, of sexual consent; Censor- ship; Child abuse; "Harmful to minors"; Molesters; Pleasure; Sex, as positive; Statutory rape

Child Protective Services (San Diego), 45, 50, 65, 244n. 1


adults' ambivalence toward, x xxi-x xxii, 27-29, 219-22;
adults' sexual desire for, xxiii, 20-44;
changing views of, xxvii-xxxi;
as citizens, 223-24;
fear of sexuality of, xx-xxi, xxiii-xxvii, 43-44, 53,158-59,189-91;
as ignorant of sexual desire, xxviii, 27, 71-72;
importance of touching, 178-79, 188-89;
masturbation by, 55-58, 160-61, 183-86, 190, 191, 193-94;
"missing," 23, 24, 34;
murder of, 20-24, 26,33, 34, 235n. 15;
in poverty, 220, 271n. 7;
research on sexuality of, xxvi, 52-53,57, 67, 86, 246n. 33;
right of, to sexual pleasure, xix, 32;
sentencing of, as adult criminals, xxxii, 88;
sex play among, 45-67,183,187-94;
as sexual beings, xxix-xxx, 49, 53,58, 141-43,150,180,224;
as sexual commodities, 4;
sexual fantasies of, 59;
as sexual molesters, 45-67.
See a/so
"Child protection" efforts; Homeless children; Teenagers

Children Are from Heaven (Gray), xx, xxx

Children's Defense Fund, 219  

Children's Institute International (Los Angeles), 23,34,51

Children's Legal Foundation, 35 Children's Liberation Daycare

Center (New York City), 188-89

"Children who molest," 45-67

Child Welfare League, 126

Chlamydia. See Sexually transmitted diseases

Christian Coalition, 222. See also Religious Right

CIPA (Child Internet Protection Act), 16

Citizens for Decency Through Law, 35

Citizenship, xxii, 223-24

"Clean " sex 9

Clinton, Bill, xxii, 16, 100,222

Clinton, Chelsea, xxii

Clinton, Hillary Rodham, xxii

Coakley, Mary, 59

Coalition for Positive Sexuality, 145-47

Cohall, Alwyn, 174

Cohen, Susan, 97, 98

Cohen-Kettensis, Peggy, 58

Cole, Judy, 56

Columbia University, 144

olumbine High School (Littleton, Colo.), xxii, 233n. 42

"Coming out " (of gays/lesbians/bisexuals/transsexuals),203-5

Commonwealth Fund, 136

Communication, 149, 195-98, 211-15,218, 268n. 15

Communications Decency Act (CDA), 11,15-18


and AIDS prevention, 206,216-17;
on Internet, 148;
public institutions as backbone of, xxi.
See also

Community notification laws (regarding sexual offenders), 23, 24,42,47, 243n. 97

Comstock, Anthony, 6

Concerned Women for America, 103, 108,223


advocacy of, x, 227n. 4;
and AIDS prevention work, 205;
and STD prevention, 198;
talk about, as part of sex ed, 102, 146, 175;
talk about, not permitted in abstinence sex ed, 92,112-13,133;
use of, by teenagers, xxvi, 112-14, 118, 135,157,210-14, 250n. 21, 273n. 29;
use of, in steady relationships,213-15

Confessional Unmasked, The, 10

Congress. See U.S. Congress

Congressional Record, 185

Connecticut, 262n. 25

Connell, Bob, 156-57

Conrad, Peter, 66

Conservative Digest, 99, 255n. 24

Conservatives: and tax policy, 223. See also Religious right

Constantine, Larry, 190-91, 236n. 26


federal provision of, 97, 99, 253n. 17;
information sources on, 145;
rights to, 95-96;
right wing on, 99-100;
as sex-ed topic, 93, 101, 103, 104, 112, 257n. 42;
sex partners' difficulty of talking about, 174;
talk about, not permitted in abstinence sex ed, 92, 113;
and teen pregnancy, 112-14, 250n. 21, 259n. 68, 260n. 79.
See also

COPA (Child Online Protection Act), 11-12,18

Cope, Carol Soret, xxiv, 20

Corpus Christi {Tex.), 42

Courage to Heal, The (Bass), 27 

Court TV, 39 

Cox, David N., 236n. 27

CPS. See Child Protective Services (San Diego)

Crimes Against Children Research Center (University of New Hampshire), 233n. 42


sentencing of children as adult, xxxii, 88. 
See also
Prisons; Sexual offenders; Treatment

Crimp, Douglas, 201 

Culkin, Macaulay, 28

Cunnilingus. See Oral sex 

Cunningham, Carolyn, 58 

Curley, Bob, 24, 234n. 12 

Curley, Jeffrey, 21-24, 29 

CyberAngels, 70

Cyber Patrol, 15, 16 

Cybersex, 5, 147-48 

CyberSitter, 15, 16