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Andriette, Bill, The Guide Interviews Camille Paglia; Has the gay movement turned down the wrong path? Bill Andriette talks with Paglia about sex, violence, gay bashing, and liberation; The Guide, January 1999 Anda, Robert F., Vincent J. Felitti, Daniel P. Chapman,
Janet B. Croft, David F. Williamson, John Santelli,
Patricia M. Dietz, and Arbeitsgemeinschaft Humane Sexualität e.V., Archiv, (Frank), Dr. Rind, Dr. Bauserman, Dr. Tromovitch ... wo die Freiheit der Wissenschaft endet. Baskins, Jay, Quiet, Solitude and the Telling of One's Own Story; 2003 Baurmann, Michael: Beckett, Katherine, Culture and the Politics of Signification: The Case of Child Sexual Abuse. (Studies in Violence and Welfare) Social Problems, 02/1996 ZIP PDF PDF Constantine, L. L., The Effects of Early Sexual Experiences: A review and Synthesis of Research (from Children and Sex – Constantine & Martinson (eds) Little, Brown, Boston, Presented at the conference, Enfance et Sexualite, University of Quebec at Montreal, September 1979. ZIP PDF Doulass, Frederick, "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" From: Meeting sponsored by the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society, Rochester Hall, Rochester, N.Y., September 1996. Esser, Kevin, Baggy-pants thuggery & hip-hop burlesque: Clothing as sexual politics in America, Ipce Newsletter E15, March 2003 Esterie, Philippe (& Hélène Amboureux), Abus
sexuel: Le rapport capital, Le rapport Bauserman analysé et commenté dans la
France de l'an 2000 Friedrich, William N; Fisher, Jennifer; Broughton, Danel; Houston, Margaret & Shafran, Constance, R., Normative Sexual Behavior in Children: A Contemporary Sample, in: Pediatrics Vol 101 No 4, April 1998, p. e9 ZIP PDF text PDF notes Furedi, Frank, Paranoid Parenting, 2001, Introduction. Gieles, F. The
struggles about the free will, facts and morality Gieles,
F., 'Harmful
to Minors' - The perils of protecting children from sex. Gieles, F., Is pedophilia a mental disorder? Discussion in Archives of Sexual Behavior (Dec. 2002) - Report. Green, Richard, Is pedophilia a mental disorder? Archives of Sexual Behavior, 31-6, December 2002 (Dec. 2002) - Report. Hanson, R. Karl & Bussière, Monique T. , Predictors
of sexual offender recidivism, a meta-analysis, Public Works and
Government Services Canada, 1996-04
Hanson, Karl R., & Harris, Andrew, Dynamic
Predictors Of Sexual Recidivism, 1998-1,
Hanson, R. Karl & Bussière, Monique T, Predicting
Relapse: A meta-Analysis of Sexual Offender Recidivism Studies, Department
of the Solicitor General of Canada. Hunter, James, Interpreting the Satanic Legend, Journal of Religion and Health Vol. 37, No 3, Fall 1998, pp. 249-263. Review of Kirkegaard, Hugh & Wayne Northey, The Sex Offender as Scapegoat, Vigilante Violence and a Faith Community Response; Source: Lecture about Maniglio, Roberto; The impact of child sexual abuse on health - A systematic review of reviews; in: Clinical Psychology Review, 2009, # 29, pp 647 - 657
Maynard, Steven, 'Horrible temptations': sex, men, and working-class male youth in urban Ontario, 1890-1935. Canadian Historical Review, 06/1997 ZIP PDF Mitchell, K., Wolak, J. & Finkelhor, D., Online Sex Abuse Cases Not Characterized by Deception, Abduction and Force, Research Shows; Findings From National Sample of Law Enforcement Agencies Indicates That Current Prevention Efforts Emphasizing On-Line Deception May Be Missing Their Mark; APA, August 1, 2004 Morahan,
Lawrence, Psychiatric Association Debates
Lifting Pedophilia Taboo Nugent, emu, Is it child abuse, gay porn or our literary heritage? Koinos Magazine #37
O'Carroll, Tom, Is
it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s super ped! Rod Downey, The Moralist, A
review, Ipce
Newsletter E15, March 2003. Prescott, James W., Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence, in: The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, November 1975, pp 10-20 ZIP PDF
Reeves, Tom, Immigrants and 'predators' deported - A part of: Mass Deportations Mostly Go Unnoticed; 63,000 and Counting, CounterPunch, 6-7 March 04 Research on pedophilia in academia, and writings on pedophilia in heavyweight journals -- an internet research-guide for students and scholars (made by several authors) Rind, Bruce, Gay and Bisexual Adolescent Boys' Sexual Experiences With Men: An Empirical Examination of Psychological Correlates in a Nonclinical Sample; In: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 30, No.4, 2001
Bruce, Review
Panic: Changing Concepts of the Child Molester in Modern America.
By Philip Jenkins; in: Rind, B., Bauserman, R. & Tromotitch, Ph.,
Rind, B., Bauserman, R. & Tromovitch, Ph., Rind, B., Tromovitch, Ph. & Bauserman, R., Rind, B., Bauserman, R. & Tromovitch, Ph., The Condemned Meta-Analysis on Child Sexual Abuse; Good Science and Long-Overdue Skepticism; In: Skeptical Inquirer July/August 20001, 68-72 PDF file
Review of Sax, Marjan & Deckwitz, Sjuul, When You Change the Gender, Reality Changes Too, From Paidika, The Journal of Paedophilia, Issue 8, Special Women's Issue Scott, Sue; Jacckson, Stevi & Backett-Milburn, Kathryn: Swings and roundabouts: risk anxiety and the everyday worlds of children, Sociology 11/1998 Seaton, Matt, The wrong is in the eye of the beholder - A part of: Pornography in the eye of the beholder; Context should govern how we judge artistic images of children; March 9, 200, The Guardian Talbot, Margaret, Against Innocence; The truth about child abuse and the truth about children, in: The New Republic 15 March 1999. ZIP PDF Underwager, Ralph & Wakefield, Hollida, Interviews with three Dutch boys, IPT-Forensics Journal, 1992
Victor, Jeffrey S., Moral panics and the
social construction of deviant behavior: a theory and application to the case of
ritual child abuse. Sociological Perspectives, Fall/1998 West, D.J., Boys and Sexual Abuse: An English Opinion, in: Archives of Sexual Behavior, 12/1998 ZIP PDF |