Hocken, Kerensa, & Taylor Jon; Quotes from: Compassion-focused therapy as an intervention for sexual offending
The development of trauma–aware practice demonstrates the prevalence of adverse child experiences in the histories of people with sexual offences an points to functional links between trauma and sexual offending. However, common feature of the predominant intervention models is a focus on criminogenic needs without attention to the (often traumatic) genesis for these.
We have argued here that survival responses to trauma and adversity give rise to the development of criminogenic needs, and it is necessary to address the origins of criminogenic factors in order to prevent further harm. We propose that CFT offers a therapeutic model for doing this, providing a means to formulate criminogenic needs in the context of trauma and a means of developing a motivation that moves people away from harmful behaviour. The two case examples of interventions that use CFT as their main component show promising outcomes for psychological wellbeing and acknowledgment risk.
* A Dutch version is given here:
< https://www.helping-people.info/compassie_als_de_kern.html >.
Schuster, Filip - 2022; The age of the girls and the boys in the Tanner stages
The studies listed were identified by the author in 2017 using a systematic literature search. ...
In recent decades, the age at which girls reach puberty has declined by 0.24 years per decade, [...] Therefore, it may be that in the last five years since the literature review was conducted, the age at reaching puberty has decreased slightly. ...
Girls do not typically reach puberty at age eleven, as has been widely claimed (...), but rather at age nine. ...
Girls are not in Tanner stage 4 (...) at 15 to 16/17 years, but at twelve to 14 years. ...
Accordingly, the desire of girls from the age of ten and of boys from the age of eleven was and is not evidence of preferential desire of prepubescents ("pedophilia").
Schuster, Filip; Approximately 0.5 percent of all "perpetrators" of "sexual abuse" of "minors" are "pedophilic" men, Feb 17 2022
For orientation in advance, a brief summary of the following calculation: According to the available Darkfield studies,

- 74 percent of all "perpetrators" of "sexual abuse" of "minors" are "minors" (people under 18 years of age) and
- only 26 percent are adults (women and men 18 years of age and older).
- 14 percent of all "perpetrators" are female and
- 86 percent are male, according to available dark field studies.

We assume here that this result based on "minor" and adult "perpetrators" also applies to adult "perpetrators". Then

- 4 percent of all "perpetrators" are women and
- 23 percent are men.

According to two Darkfield studies, about 2 percent of all adult males who have "sexually abused" "minors" are estimated to have a sexual age preference for prepubescents (people in the 0 to 9/10 age range). Accordingly, approximately 0.5 percent of all "perpetrators" of "sexual abuse" of "minors" are "pedophilic" adult males.
Ipce; IMO Archive Library published, Jan 27 2022
IMO Archive published.
This library has been the internal library of IMO = "Ipce Meets Online", from 2001 - 2004. This internal forum has stopped. This library is made public in 2022.