Articles, scientific
The articles written by Rind, Bauserman & Tromovitch
and the articles about their meta-analysis
are listed on a separate page:
The Rind et al. Files
A, Australia, Indian study reveals widespread child abuse; April 9, 2007
Two out of three of the 12,446 respondents between the ages of five and 18 had been physically abused, which included slapping, kicking or beating with a stick, the study said, in most cases by parents or teachers.
More than 50 per cent had been sexually abused in ways that ranged from severe, such as rape or fondling, to milder forms of molestation that included forcible kissing.
The study also interviewed 2,324 young adults between the ages of 18 and 24, almost half of whom reported being physically or sexually abused as children.
A fifth of the child respondents had experienced severe sexual abuse, the study said, and in almost 80 per cent of the cases the abuser was a person well known by the child.
- See also: Ranganathan, Uma, Child Abuse In The Land Of Child Worshippers;; April 13, 2007,
- Common Myths; What psychology says
People attracted to younger boys have the ability to act responsibly just as much as anyone else. Research shows that many do not force, coerce, or manipulate younger boys to have sex with them. Many refrain from sex. - Attraction to younger guys; What psychology says
Men and youth attracted to younger guys may or may not act on their sexual feelings. There is evidence that many abstain from sex with younger guys, but it is unknown how many do so. According to some research, many interact with boys in a variety of non-sexual ways and sometimes develop close relationships with them.
Alley, Oskar, Teens top child porn viewers; 14 January 2005, National Newsstory [New Zealand]
Teenagers are the biggest viewers of child pornography, with a study warning of stronger evidence that offenders who download the material may be more likely to commit sex crimes against young people.
Anda, Robert F., MD, MS*,
Abused Boys, Battered Mothers, and Male Involvement in Teen Pregnancy, ELECTRONIC ARTICLE in: PEDIATRICS Vol. 107 No. 2 February 2001, p. e19
The relationship between boyhood exposure to physical abuse, sexual abuse, or to a battered mother and subsequent risk of impregnating a teenage girl has not previously been examined. [...]
Boyhood exposure to physical or sexual abuse or to a battered mother is associated with an increased risk of involvement in a teen pregnancy during both adolescence and adulthood. Because these exposures are common and interrelated, boys and adult men who have had these experiences should be identified via routine screening by pediatricians and other health care providers and counseled about sexual practices and contraception. Such efforts may prevent teen pregnancy and the intergenerational transmission of child abuse and domestic violence.
Angelides, Steven, The Emergence of the Paedophile in the Late Twentieth Century; 2005, University of Melbourne
This article explores the cultural and historical conditions structuring the emergence of the category of the 'paedophile' in Western discourse in the latter part of the twentieth century. It argues not only that the 'paedophile' was an outgrowth of social and political power struggles around questions of normative masculinity and male sexuality, but also that homophobia played a central role in its formation. In addition to regulating social and intimate relations between men, woman and children, the category of the 'paedophile' was homosexualized in order to demarcate 'normal' from 'pathological' masculinities.
ANU Blog, Comment: Flawed Research, Misinterpretations and 'Paedophile Neurology' - 26 September 2007
Such a claim demonstrates a serious misunderstanding of sexuality, not to mention a misinterpretation of the results of the study. As I have already stated, the results of studies into the neurology of homosexuals found similar results to this study, however claims that people choose to be attracted to others of the same gender were shot down by other researchers.
- This a comment on
- Paedophiles' brains 'different' - Scientists say distinct differences in the brain activity of paedophiles have been found using scanning technology - BBC News, 24 September 2007
Archives of Sexual behavior, December 2002:
Gieles, F.E.J., Is pedophilia a mental disorder? Discussion in Archives of Sexual Behavior; Report
The December 2002 issue is a special about pedophilia.
Richard Green pleas to remove pedophilia from the DSM, the famous handbook that defines psychiatric illnesses, among which pedophilia, albeit under certain conditions.
Gunter Schmidt says that not all pedophiles are per se unscrupulous molesters; pedophiles rather have a conscience problem, a moral dilemma, and they deserve respect rather than condemnation.
Then, 21 authors give peer comments, after which Green and Schmidt reply.
Ipce members should buy and read this special issue.
For the Newsletter, I give the next report.
Associated Press, Re-arrest Less Likely for Sex Offenders; Filed at November 16, 2003
Sex offenders are less likely to be rearrested after their release from prison than other criminals, a government study released Sunday finds. [...]
The study found 5.3 percent of sex offenders were arrested for another sex crime after their release. [...] Still, the numbers appeared to dispute the popular notion that sex offenders are incorrigible. Even among child molesters, [...] only 3.3 percent of those released in 1994 were arrested again for a crime against a child.
Bauserman, R., Objectivity and Ideology: Criticism of Theo Sandfort’s Research on Man-Boy Sexual Relations, Journal of Homosexuality, vol. 20, nr. ½, 1990
BBC News, Paedophiles' brains 'different' - Scientists say distinct differences in the brain activity of paedophiles have been found using scanning technology - BBC News, 24 September 2007
A Yale University team found activity in parts of paedophiles' brains were lower than in other volunteers when shown adult, erotic material. The journal Biological Psychiatry said this was the first real-time evidence of differences in thought patterns. A forensic psychologist from the UK said drug treatments for paedophilia might be possible.
- Comment: Flawed Research, Misinterpretations and 'Paedophile Neurology' - ANU Blog, 26 September 2007
Bech, Henning, Women and Man:
- Larsen, Jytte, Classical Feminism Continues to Create Pedophile Panic; Women and Men, an epoch-making book by University of Copenhagen Professor Henning Bech ; A translated [from Danish] review, in FORUM, 9 May 2005
Below is my attempt to translate a review of what I believe to be an epoch-making book important to all of us. It analyses the causes of pedophobia as lying in outdated, if it ever was true, classical feminist theory. The feminists who produce these theories are employed at the Universities in the Western World. The author who himself is professor of sociology at Copenhagen University questions the very foundations of classical feminist theory. Most of it is simply unscientific and is causing more harm than good to all of us rather than solving problems in the real world. - Sources and Dynamics of Pedophile Panics; some quotes from professor in Sociology, Copenhagen University, Henning Bech΄s Women and Men, 2005, in: Ipce Newsletter E 21, July 2006.
”It is not improbable that the vast majority of sexual contacts between children and adults in themselves have nothing to do with misuse.”
Beatings, not sexual abuse, turn child into a criminal; January 7 2003,
Physically abused and neglected children are far more likely to end up with a criminal record, researchers say.
On the other hand, sexually abused children are less likely to offend later in life, the study, released yesterday by the Australian Institute of Criminology, has found.
Bernard, Frits, La pιdophilie; Les consιquences pour l'enfant; Le petit gredin n°2 - hiver 1982 - pp. 13-17
Le problθme posι ιtait le suivant: Les relations ou les contacts sexuels entre un adulte, homme ou femme, et un garηon ou une fille de moins de seize ans ont-ils de mauvaises consιquences pour l'enfant? Si oui, quelles sont ces consιquences?
Les conclusions dιgagιes ΰ titre provisoire et avec la prudence qui s'impose sont les suivantes:
- a. Les enfants ressentent les relations ou les contacts sexuels avec des adultes comme quelque chose de positif.
- b. Les enfants recherchent l'amour, l'affection et la sιcuritι en plus de l'aspect purement sexuel.
- c. Il est faux de parler d'influence traumatisante ou de crainte ΰ l'ιgard de l'adulte. Selon les rιsultats de notre test ABV, les sujets testιs ne sont pas plus nιvrosιs que le Nιerlandais moyen. Au contraire certains paraissent plus stables sur le plan psychologique.
- [....]
British toddlers are becoming fatter, 7th February 2001
More children under 4 years of age are overweight and obese than ever before, according to a study in this week's British Medical Journal. [...]
A study of children under 12 found that only 1 in 9 girls is allowed out during the day, compared with 1 in 3 boys.
Brongersma, E., An Historical Background, The NAMBLA Bulletin, Vol. 4, No. 2 (March, 1983), Pg. 1-9.
Slightly over a century ago, a new and hitherto unknown kind of aggression began to arise: the aggression against people who love children and want to express their love for them with bodily tenderness.
Boys Starting Puberty Early, Study Finds, 14th September 2001, source & author unknown
A new study suggests that boys in the United States, like girls, are entering puberty slightly earlier than previously thought, with blacks the most likely to develop the first signs by age 10.
Campbell, Terence W., Sexual Predator Evaluations and Phrenology: Considering Issues of Evidentiary Reliability, Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 18: 111-130 (2000)
This article reviews six assessment procedures used for assessing the recidivism risk of previously convicted sexual offenders. The review of these procedures examines whether they comply with generally accepted ethical and practice standards. With few exceptions, most risk assessment instruments fail to comply with these standards. Currently used instruments for risk assessment continue to rely excessively on clinical judgment; and, as a result, they remain at a preliminary stage of development. Consequently, these instruments amount to experimental procedures; and, therefore, they cannot support expert testimony in a legal proceeding.
Children often fabricate stories of sexual abuse, 29 May 1996
Ground-breaking New Zealand research indicating that many children fabricate stories of sexual abuse when questioned by adults is before an international forum in Paris.
Coleman, Lee, Medical Examination for Sexual Abuse: Have We Been Misled? IPT Journal 1-1989
There are serious difficulties in diagnosing sexual abuse on the basis of an ano/genital examination. Nevertheless, medical conclusions are often used in court to provide evidence for abuse. [...]
Recent research by John McCann on the ano/genital anatomy in nonabused children has established that findings often attributed to sexual abuse are found in many normal children. [...] Nearly all the findings attributed to sexual abuse were present in McCann's sample of nonabused children.
More baseline studies are needed, including those comparing nonabused children to children where there is convincing evidence of abuse. In the meantime, the courts need to modify their current practices concerning evidence from ano/genital examinations.
Constantine, L. L., The Effects of Early Sexual Experiences: A review and Synthesis of Research (from Children and Sex – Constantine & Martinson (eds) Little, Brown, Boston, Presented at the conference, Enfance et Sexualite, University of Quebec at Montreal, September 1979.
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Crenson, Matt, What makes a sexual predator?, March 19, 2007
[About the Duncan case: what is in the brains? the genes? the youth? the environment?]
[Interview with]
Crombag, Dr. H. F. M. co-author of Recovered Memories and other misconceptions,
[who] refuses to stand idly by watching the invasion of MPD therapists in the Netherlands.
Niemφller, Joost, The dissociation circuit; Sloppy thinkers whose dangerous psychological theories resonate in naive circles; A FRONTAL ATTACK; De Groene Amsterdammer, Volume 127, Number 16, 16 - 24 April 1996.
Dolezal, Curtis & Carballo-Dieguez, Childhood sexual experiences and the perception of abuse among Latino men who have sex with men; Journal of Sex Research, August, 2002 - [External links]
These data show that not all childhood sexual experiences with older partners are perceived as negative or are associated with damaging repercussions. This finding is, of course, not presented to condone these practices. In fact, the majority of the men who had such experiences were either forced or threatened or were physically or emotionally hurt (65% reported at least one of these). There were also indications that these experiences are associated with negative outcomes in adulthood, in particular with alcohol use and sexual behavior. [...]
However, our findings, consistent with the modest effect sizes for correlates of CSA reported by Rind et al. (1997, 1998), reflect that the negative consequences of early sexual experiences are not always pervasive or severe (at least regarding the limited measures available in this study), especially if the experiences were perceived as consensual.
The Economist, Liberalism and neurology - Free to choose? Modern neuroscience is eroding the idea of free will; The Economist, Dec 19th 2006
IN THE late 1990s a previously blameless American began collecting child pornography and propositioning children. On the day before he was due to be sentenced to prison for his crimes, he had his brain scanned. He had a tumour. When it had been removed, his paedophilic tendencies went away. When it started growing back, they returned. When the re-growth was removed, they vanished again. Who then was the child abuser?
His case dramatically illustrates the challenge that modern neuroscience is beginning to pose to the idea of free will.
Feldman, W, E Feldman, JT Goodman, PJ McGrath, RP Pless, L Corsini and S, Bennett: Is childhood sexual abuse really increasing in prevalence? An analysis of the evidence, Department of Pediatrics, Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Canada; in: Pediatrcs, Volume 88, Issue 1, pp. 29-33, 07/01/1991 Copyright © 1991 by The American Academy of Pediatrics [Abstract only]
One controversy regarding childhood sexual abuse is whether the increased rate of reported cases reflects a true increase in prevalence. In this report, data obtained in the 1970s and 1980s were compared with those of the 1940s. [...]
... the authors reviewed the Kinsey report published in 1953 and 19 prevalence studies reported in the last 10 years. [...]
Thus it would appear that increased reporting is due to changes in legislation and social climate rather than a true increase in prevalence
Finkelhor, David, Response to Bauserman *, Journal of Homosexuality, 20 - 1/2, 1990
I do not believe that my views about Sandfort's research are accurately represented in Bauserman's article*, and I will try to present them here.
Ultimately, I do continue to believe that the prohibition on adult-child sexual contact is primarily a moral issue. While empirical findings have some relevance they are not the final arbiter. [...]
Some types of social relationships violate deeply held values and principles in our culture about equality and self-determination. Sex between adults and children is one of them. Evidence that certain children have positive experiences does not challenge these values, which have deep roots in our worldview.
- * Bauserman, R.,
Objectivity and Ideology: Criticism of Theo Sandfort's Research on Man-Boy Sexual Relations. Journal of Homosexuality 20:1/2 (1990).
David Finkelhor & Sharon Araji, Explanations of Pedophilia: A Four Factor Model; The Journal of Sex Research Vol. 22, No.2, pp. 145-161 May, 1986
We review a variety of theories that have been proposed to explain why adults become sexually interested in and involved with children. All the theories appear to be directed to explaining one of four factors: [...]
We illustrate how these four factors can be combined to explain more of the diversity in pedophilic behavior than is usually explained by single factor theories. We also introduce the idea of viewing types of pedophilia on a continuum rather than in the traditional way of treating them as dichotomies.
Finkelhor, Davind & Jones, Lisa M., Child Sexual Abuse Has Declined - Quotes and highlights from: Child Sexual Abuse Has Declined, David Finkelhor and Lisa M. Jones; in: Child Sexual Abuse. Ed. Angela Lewis. At Issue Series. San Diego; Greenhaven Press, 2005.
Between 1992 and 2000, the number of substantiated cases of child sexual abuse declined by 40 percent. The decline may be partially due to decreased reporting and changes in the procedures used by child protective services (CPS) agencies. However, there is strong
evidence that a real decline in child sexual abuse occurred.
- Cfr: Jones, Lisa and David Finkelhor, The Decline in Child Sexual Abuse Cases, Juvenile Justice bulletin, January 2001. In Ipce Library: Highlights & Conclusions.
While the evidence demonstrates that a dramatic decline in reports and substantiated cases of child sexual abuse has occurred, the reasons for the decline are less clear.
About Foucault:
- Author unknown, The History of Sexuality – About Foucault; source unknown, republished in Ipce newsletter E8, June 2000.
Michel Foucault's "The History of Sexuality" pioneered queer theory. In it he builds an argument grounded in a historical analysis of the word "sexuality" against the common thesis that sexuality always has been repressed in Western society. Quite the contrary: since the 17th century, there has been a fixation with sexuality creating a discourse around sexuality. It is this discourse that has created sexual minorities.
This page only covers the views he presents in "The History of Sexuality". - Houten, M. van, Strategic Considerations: Foucault and Man/Boy Love; Book review of: Saint Foucault, by David Halperin.
- Pillaudin, Roger, "The Danger of Child Sexuality", Foucault's dialogue with Guy Hocquenghem and Jean Danet, broadcast by France Culture on April 4, 1978; published in: Michel Foucault: politics, philosophy, culture: interviews and other writings. Ed. by Lawrence D. Kritzman. (New York: Routledge, 1988). Translated by Alan Sheridan, with the title "Sexuality Morality and the Law."
Freund, Kurt, In search if an etiological model of pedophilia
Epidemiological and "quasi-developmental" research into pedophilia is reviewed. Both types of inquiry were made possible only by the use of the phallometric method which assesses erotic sex and age preferences by continuous recording of penile volume changes. This method by itself, however, has shortcomings, which are pointed out. It appears likely that pedophilia research may acquire a firmer basis by further development of brain imaging.
Friedrich, William N; Fisher, Jennifer; Broughton, Danel; Houston, Margaret & Shafran, Constance, R., Normative Sexual Behavior in Children: A Contemporary Sample, in: Pediatrics Vol 101 No 4, April 1998, p. e9
A broad range of sexual behaviors are exhibited by children who there is no reason to believe have been sexually abused. Their relative frequency is similar to two earlier studies, and this reinforces the validity of these results.
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Garner, Richard A.,
see below:] Talan, Jamie, Richard Gardner and Parental Alienation Syndrome, The debate rages on... Newsday, July 1, 2003
Garner, Richard A., Medical Findings and Child Sexual Abuse; IPT Vol 5, 1993
Physicians are increasingly being asked to conduct examinations to determine if there is physical evidence that a child has been sexually abused. Unfortunately, a common practice for many physicians has been to form conclusions about abuse on the basis of vague physical findings and In the absence of information outside of the fact that someone believes the child has been abused.
Recently, however, there has been research on the characteristics of the genitals of normal, non-abused children. This research provides the baseline information needed to evaluate physical findings.
This research is described, the terms used in medical reports are defined, and the physical findings which may be indicative of sexual abuse are discussed.
Gregory, Lauren, Sex offender recidivism less than other felons'; Times Free Press, September 02, 2007
Those convicted of sex crimes in Tennessee are significantly less likely to re-offend than other types of felons, according to a recent study that experts say confirms what they have known for more than a decade.
Gieles, F.E.J., Lecture, background article, references and web site 15th World Congress of Sexology. June 2001 [External links]
- Helping people with pedophilic feelings
- Assistance aux personnes en prise avec des attirances pιdophiliques
- Hilfe fόr Menschen mit pδdophilen Empfindungen
- Ayudando a personas con sentimientos pedofνlicos
- Hoe help je mensen met pedofiele gevoelens?
- Pomoc lidem s pedofilnνm cνtĚnνm
Gieles, F.E.J., About Recidivism; a meta-analysis reviewed, (Hanson & Bussire; in: Ipce Newsletter E6, July 1999.
- Hanson, R. Karl & Bussiθre, Monique T, Predicting Relapse: A meta-Analysis of Sexual Offender Recidivism Studies, Department of the Solicitor General of Canada. In: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1998, Vol. 66, No. 2, pp 348-362 PDF Text PDF Table 1 PDF Table 2 PDF Table 3 PDF Table 4&5 PDF References
Gieles, F.E.J., Is pedophilia a mental disorder? Discussion in Archives of Sexual Behavior; Report
The December 2002 issue is a special about pedophilia.
Richard Green pleas to remove pedophilia from the DSM, the famous handbook that defines psychiatric illnesses, among which pedophilia, albeit under certain conditions.
Gunter Schmidt says that not all pedophiles are per se unscrupulous molesters; pedophiles rather have a conscience problem, a moral dilemma, and they deserve respect rather than condemnation.
Then, 21 authors give peer comments, after which Green and Schmidt reply.
Ipce members should buy and read this special issue.
For the Newsletter, I give the next report.
Gieles, FEJ, There must be a scapegoat; Pitfalls, traps and mistakes in forensic personality investigation, 2006
- Short presentation in Ipce Newsletter # E 21
- Full text (external link)
Too many mistakes appeared in 23 of these 25 reports. Investigators should have an eye for the paradoxes, pitfalls, problems and possible mistakes. The background vision might be criticized, along with underlying assumptions. Revision of the vision should start at the philosophical level of the view of the human being.
Gieles, FEJ, 'But sir, you are an offender!' - Narrative coercion as method of behavior modification, 2006
- Short presentation in Ipce Newsletter # E 21
- Full text (external link)
The methodology shows a very one-sided view on the patients, narrow goals, and a very one-sided methodology in which narrative and coercion are at the core.
The cognitive behavioral model of treatment of sex offenders needs a critical view, review and change. Feelings of the therapists as well as of the patients have to be investigated in a process of developing this methodology into a less one-sided and narrow model.
Start with the vision of the human being, thus on a philosophical level. Then, review the goals and methods, which might be done on the level of the psychology and psychiatry in a broad sense, thus not only on the level of the cognitive-behavioral psychology.
Gieles, FEJ, Research, models and ideology - For example: eleven authors, and ten recommendations; Frans E.J. Gieles, PhD, Lecture, Ipce Meeting July 2008 - Ipce newsletter E 26, November 2008
Can science give the answer? No, regrettably not, because all those fears, absurd laws, imprisonment, flawed studies and behavior-changing ‘therapies’ are not founded in good science. It is – and this my statement – ideology - I mean a false ideology.
And here is my question for the Ipce Meeting and the reader: How to combat false ideology?
Gieles, Frans, ‘Research has shown…’ - On ideology and science; KOINOS Magazine # 60, 2008 # 4.
That which we ‘know’ about (sexual) relations between young persons and older persons mainly consists of interpretations of studies carried out among ‘abuse victims’. Those who get different finding – simply by asking questions and listening to people – are seen as having been taken in by the ‘cognitive mistakes’ paedophiles make. All this does not amount to critiques of scientific method, but to ideology.
Over the years, a number of interesting studies have been carried out in Germany. They tell us something about a little known reality behind the common conceptions about intergenerational relationships.
- Gieles, Frans, ‘Untersuchungen haben gezeigt...’ - άber Ideologie und Wissenschaft; KOINOS Magazine # 60, 2008 # 4.
Was wir όber (sexuelle) Beziehungen zwischen Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen ‘wissen’, sind grφίtenteils Interpretationen auf der Grundlage von Untersuchungen von ‘Missbrauchsopfern’. Wer etwas anderes herausfindet, indem er einfach die Menschen fragt und ihnen zuhφrt, lδsst sich angeblich von den ‘Denkfehlern’ der Pδdophilen gδngeln. Das ist aber keine Wissenschaftskritik, sondern Ideologie.
In Deutschland wurden im Laufe der Jahre einige interessante Untersuchungen durchgefόhrt, die όber eine kaum bekannte Realitδt hinter den gδngigen Vorstellungen von intergenerationellen Beziehungen Aufschluss geben.
Glaser, Danya, Child Abuse and Neglect and the Brain, J. Child Psychol. & Psychiat. 41-1, 2000, 97-116
Developmental psychology and the study of behaviour and emotion have tended to be considered in parallel to the study of neurobiological processes. This review explores the effects of child abuse and neglect on the brain, excluding non-accidental injury that causes gross physical trauma to the brain.
[...] Child maltreatment is a potent source of stress and the stress response is therefore discussed in some detail. Evidence is outlined for the buffering effects of a secure attachment on the stress response.
Goodstein, Laurie, Trail of Pain in Church Crisis Leads to Nearly Every Diocese - NYTimes, January 12, 2003
The sexual abuse crisis that engulfed the Roman Catholic Church in the last 12 months has now spread to nearly every American diocese and involves more than 1,200 priests, most of whose careers straddle a sharp divide in church history and seminary training.
These priests are known to have abused more than 4,000 minors over the last six decades, according to an extensive New York Times survey of documented cases of sexual abuse by priests through Dec. 31, 2002.
Google top 5 'sex offender recidivism'; 2007-February-9 on a Forum
Here are the top 5 Google results for sex offender recidivism rate. Some claim that sex offenders have a lower than average recidivism rate. Others show multiple studies, the majority of which make the same claim. In other words, anyone doing a simple Google search should find the tabloid TV claims of high recidivism rates bogus.
Grohol, John M., Children Reach Adult Brain Levels Sooner Than Previously Thought; Psych Central News Editor, May, 19, 2007.
Review of: Waber DP et al. "The NIH MRI Study of Normal Brain Development: Performance of a Population Based Sample of Healthy Children Aged 6 to 18 Years on a Neuropsychological Battery." Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 2007, Vol. 13, pp. 1-18.
Contrary to previous belief, children appear to approach adult levels of performance on many basic cognitive and motor skills by age 11 or 12. This is according to a new study coordinated by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Hanson, R. Karl & Bussiθre, Monique T. , Predictors of sexual offender recidivism, a meta-analysis, Public Works and Government Services Canada, 1996
PDF Text PDF Tables PDF References
This review provides a quantitative summary of recidivism risk factors for sexual offenders. Based on 61 different data sets, approximately one third of the 165 predictor variables were significantly related to recidivism (p < .05) with correlations of .10 or greater. Sexual offense recidivism was best predicted by measures of sexual deviance (e.g., deviant sexual preferences, prior sexual offenses), and, to a lesser extent, general criminological factors (e.g., age, total prior offenses). The predictors of nonsexual violent recidivism and general recidivism were similar to those recidivism predictors found among nonsexual criminals. No single factor was sufficiently related to recidivism, however, to justify its use in isolation. There remains a need for research to identify changeable, dynamic risk factors.
- Hanson, R. Karl & Bussiθre, Monique T. , Les prιdicteurs de la rιcidive chez les dιlinquants sexuels: une mιta-analyse, Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada, 1996-04
PDF Article PDF Tableaux PDF Bibliographie
L'analyse ici prιsentιe a permis de tracer un tableau quantitatif des facteurs de risque de la rιcidive chez les dιlinquants sexuels. En se basant sur 61 ensembles de donnιes, il a ιtι possible d'ιtablir l'existence d'une relation significative entre le tiers environ des 165 variables et la rιcidive (p < 0,05), la corrιlation ιtant d'au moins 0,10. Les mesures de la dιviance sexuelle (par ex., prιfιrences sexuelles dιviantes, infractions sexuelles antιrieures) et, ΰ un moindre degrι, les facteurs criminologiques gιnιraux (par ex., βge, nombre total d'infractions antιrieures) se sont rιvιlιs les meilleurs prιdicteurs de la rιcidive de nature sexuelle. Les prιdicteurs de la rιcidive non sexuelle et avec violence et de la rιcidive en gιnιral ιtaient semblables aux prιdicteurs de la rιcidive relevιs chez les criminels n'ayant pas commis d'infractions d'ordre sexuel. Toutefois, aucun facteur n'ιtait suffisamment liι ΰ la rιcidive pour que son usage exclusif soit justifiι. Il faut poursuivre les recherches pour cerner des facteurs de risque dynamiques, c'est-ΰ-dire susceptibles de changer.
Corrections Research, Department of the Solicitor General Canada
Carefully monitoring the risk indicators identified in this study should help officers to provide graduated and responsive interventions well before the point of no return.
PDF Text PDF References PDF Appendix
- Hanson, R. Karl & Harris, Andrew, Les prιdicteurs dynamiques de la rιcidive sexuelle, 1998 - 01, Recherche correctionnelle, Ministθre du Solliciteur gιnιral du Canada
Une surveillance attentive des indicateurs de risque cernιs dans l’ιtude ici prιsentιe devrait aider les agents ΰ intervenir de faηon progressive et adaptιe bien avant qu’il soit trop tard.
Hanson, R. Karl & Bussiθre, Monique T, Predicting Relapse: A meta-Analysis of Sexual Offender Recidivism Studies, Department of the Solicitor General of Canada.
PDF Text PDF Table 1 PDF Table 2 PDF Table 3 PDF Table 4&5
PDF References
In: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1998, Vol. 66, No. 2, pp 348-362
"Evidence from 61 follow-up studies was examined to identify the factors most strongly related to recidivism among sexual offenders. On average, the sexual offense recidivism rate was low (13.4%; n = 23.393). There were, however, subgroups of offenders who recidivated at high rates. Sexual offense recidivism was best predicted by measures of sexual deviancy (e.g., deviant sexual preferences, prior sexual offenses) and, to a lesser extent, by general criminological factors (e.g., age, total prior offenses). Those offenders who failed to complete treatment were at higher risk for reoffending than those who completed treatment. The predictors of nonsexual violent recidivism and general (any) recidivism were similar to those predictors found among nonsexual criminals (e.g., prior violent offenses, age, juvenile delinquency). Our results suggest that applied risk assessments of sexual offenders should consider separately the offender's risk for sexual and nonsexual recidivism.
- Gieles, F.E.J., About Recidivism; a meta-analysis reviewed, (Hanson & Bussire; in: Ipce Newsletter E6, July 1999.
Haroian, Loretta, Ph. D., CHILD SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT, Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, Volume 3, Feb. 1, 2000
The late Dr. Haroian was a Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality for many years. This monograph was prepared for student use in the mid-1980's, and has been a part of the education of many sexologists. It is time it was made available to the general public, and the many teachers of sexuality education to our young people.
Herdt, Gilbert & McClintock, Martha, Rethinking Puberty : The Development of Sexual Attraction.-- Current Developments in Psychological Science 5(6): 178-183 (Dec. 1996)
- Summary of Rethinking...
- Zusammenfassung des Rethinking...
- Rιsumι de Rethinking...
- Schulte-Stracke, Peter, Remarks on `Rethinking Puberty' by McClintock and Herdt; About Rethinking Puberty : The Development of Sexual Attraction.-- Current Developments, by Gilbert Herdt & Martha McClintock, in Psychological Science 5(6): 178-183 (Dec. 1996)
The view that puberty is triggered by the maturation of the gonads is found conflicting with recent results on sexual development, and a better explanation is given in terms of the maturation of the adrenal glands, several years earlier.
Holmes, William C., Men's self-definitions of abusive childhood sexual experiences, and potentially related risky behavioral and psychiatric outcomes; William C. Holmes, Child Abuse & Neglect 32 (2008) 8 - Pages 83-97 - Full Text PDF (162 K)
Many men with abusive CSEs [Childhood Sexual Experiences] do not self-define these CSEs to be CSA [Childhood Sexual Abuse] though not in a way that differs by sexual identity. The process by which men self-define their abusive CSEs to be CSA or not appears to be associated not only with self-explanations that differ by self-definition subgroup, but also with behavioral outcomes that impart risk to Non-Definers.
Home Office Report says: Most child sex attacks committed by relatives, family friends. 1999 by Agence France-Presse (via ClariNet)
Children are at much greater risk of sexual abuse from relatives and family friends than they are from predatory paedophiles, according to new British government research out Friday. [...]
The research found that only one in five men jailed for molesting children was likely to be caught re-offending, compared with reconviction figures of 50 percent for non-sexual offenders within two years of the original crime.
Hood, Roger; Shute, Stephen; Feilzer, Martina; & Wilcox, Aidan; Sex offenders emerging from long-term imprisonment; A Study of Their Long-term Reconviction Rates and of Parole Board Members' Judgements of Their Risk; Brit. J. of Crimon., (2002) 42, 371-394
This study challenges a number of preconceptions about the risks posed by sex offenders who have been sentenced to long determinate terms of imprisonment: 162 prisoners were followed-up for four years and 94 for six years.
[...] the low reconviction rate of serious sexual offenders for another sexual offence is confirmed. Even after six years it remains below 10 per cent [...]
[...] This study found that only 1.2 per cent had been imprisoned again for a sexual crime, and less than 5 per cent for a sexual or serious violent crime, within two years of their release. These facts need to be more widely recognized and disseminated if there is to be rational debate on this emotive subject.
[...] The evidence from this study suggests that Board members over-estimated, in particular, the risk of reconviction of sex offenders who had committed their crimes wholly within their own family unit as well as the risk of reconviction posed by 'deniers'.
Hopkins, Kyle, Sexual crime studies shows repeats are low; Supporters of tough new laws say convicts just get smarter; Anchorage Daily News February 13, 2007
A study of nearly 2,000 Alaska ex-cons challenges the widely held conviction that sex criminals are more likely to strike again than other lawbreakers when they get out of prison.
The study, by the Alaska Judicial Council, found that sex offenders are among the criminals least likely to get in trouble once they've done their time and been released.
The study says only 3 percent of sex offenders were convicted of another sex crime within three years of release from jail.
Ipce Newsletter
Myths & Facts about Recidivism; E18, February 2005
- Rearrest Less Likely for Sex Offenders; November 16, 2003 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
- Paedophile programmes work - study; Richard Trow; 03 November 2003 STUFF National News [New Zealand]
Alliance MP. Richard Harris [...]: “…full well that the recidivism of pedophiles is almost 100%, if not 100%”. [...]
A recent report of the American Justice Department [see below] report looked at almost ten thousand sex offenders released in 1994 and found that only three percent were subsequently convicted of another sex offence, a much lower rate than for other crimes. [...]
Offenders who completed the programmes had a recidivism rate of 5 per cent.
Jones, Lisa and David Finkelhor, The Decline in Child Sexual Abuse Cases, Juvenile Justice bulletin, January 2001. In Ipce Library: Highlights & Conclusions.
While the evidence demonstrates that a dramatic decline in reports and substantiated cases of child sexual abuse has occurred, the reasons for the decline are less clear.
- Cfr: Finkelhor, Davind & Jones, Lisa M., Child Sexual Abuse Has Declined - Quotes and highlights from: Child Sexual Abuse Has Declined, David Finkelhor and Lisa M. Jones; in: Child Sexual Abuse. Ed. Angela Lewis. At Issue Series. San Diego; Greenhaven Press, 2005.
Kendall- Tackett, K. A., Williams. L. M.. & Finkelhor, D. ( 1993), Impact of sexual abuse on children: A review and synthesis of recent empirical studies. [PDF File]Psychological Bulletin, 113. 164-180.
Kilpatrick, Allie C., Childhood Sexual Experiences: Problems and Issues in Studying Long-Range Effects; The Journal of Sex Research Vol,23, No.2, pp.173-196, May, 1987
Existing studies of the long-range consequences of childhood sexual experiences are marred by problems which render many of their findings useless. A review of the literature reveals the methodological problems ~ of the definition of terms, sampling methods, and measures of consequences.
In this review, scientific criteria are used to evaluate each of 34 studies which attempted to account for long-range effects of childhood sexual experiences. Ten studies were found which met the scientific criteria, The findings of these 10 studies do not support the three different hypotheses that childhood sexual experiences inevitably lead to either long-term harmful effects, neutral effects, or beneficial effects.
Kriminologischen Zentralstelle, Sexualstraftδter, Legalbewδhrung und kriminelle Karrieren, Ein Forschungsprojekt der Kriminologischen Zentralstelle
[...]Die Ergebnisse bestδtigen daher nicht die in der Bevφlkerung in jόngster Zeit vielfach geδuίerten Δngste vor einer extrem hohen Rόckfδlligkeit gefδhrlicher Sexualstraftδter. [...]
[Study by Labie, Ian:]
Trow, Richard, Paedophile programmes work; STUFF National News [New Zealand], 03 November 2003
Treating paedophiles in the community significantly reduces sexual re-offending, a study shows. [...] Offenders who completed the programmes had a recidivism rate of 5 per cent. In two control groups that did not receive treatment, rates were 21 per cent and 25 per cent [...].
Larsen, Jytte, Classical Feminism Continues to Create Pedophile Panic; Women and Men, an epoch-making book by University of Copenhagen Professor Henning Bech ; A translated [from Danish] review, in FORUM, 9 May 2005 - About Bech, Henning, Women and Man:
Below is my attempt to translate a review of what I believe to be an epoch-making book important to all of us. It analyses the causes of pedophobia as lying in outdated, if it ever was true, classical feminist theory. The feminists who produce these theories are employed at the Universities in the Western World. The author who himself is professor of sociology at Copenhagen University questions the very foundations of classical feminist theory. Most of it is simply unscientific and is causing more harm than good to all of us rather than solving problems in the real world.
Lee, Deirdre, “Minority of abuse victims become abusers” February 07, 2003;
The risk of men who were sexually abused as children becoming abusers themselves in later life is lower than previously thought, according to UK research.
- Few abuse victims become paedophiles; The study challenges perceptions about sexual abuse; 7 February 2003, BBC News
Most men who were sexually abused as boys do not go on to abuse children themselves, a study suggests. Researchers at the Institute of Child Health in London have found evidence to suggest that just one in eight continues the cycle of abuse.
They said the finding indicate that the risks of victims becoming abusers is much less than previously thought.
Leggate, Stuart & MacDonald, Stuart, Flawed assessment 'raising sex-attack risk'; Timesonline (UK), July 6, 2008
The system used by Scottish police, social workers and prisons to decide whether offenders will strike again is unreliable, researchers claim.
Li, Chin-Keung, 'The Main Thing Is Being Wanted'; Some Case Studies on Adult Sexual Experiences with Children; In: Journal of Homosexuality 20-1/2, 1990, & Sandfort, Brongersma & Van Naerssen, Male Intergenerational Intimacy, London 1990
Pedophilia is always considered by mainstream society as one form of sexual abuse of children. However, analysis of the personal accounts provided by pedophiles suggests that these experiences could be understood differently.
This paper attempts to document some aspects of the pedophiles' construction of their sexuality, to provide illustrations of how these individuals understand themselves.
Lilienfeld, S. O., Lynn, S. J., Kirsch, I., Chaves, J. F., Sarbin, Th. R., Ganaway, G. K. & Powell, R. A.: Dissociative Identity Disorder and the Socio-cognitive Model: Recalling the Lessons of the Past; Psychological Bulletin, 1999, 125-5, 507-523.
In a recent article in this journal, D. H. Gleaves (1996) criticized the socio-cognitive model (SCM; N. P. Spanos, 1994) of dissociative identity disorder (DID) and argued in favor of a posttraumatic model (PTM) in which DID is conceptualized as a consequence of childhood abuse and other traumatic events. The present authors demonstrate that
- (a) many of Gleaves's arguments were predicated on misunderstandings of the SCM,
- (b) scrutiny of the evidence regarding the psychopathology and assessment of DID raises questions concerning the PTM's conceptual and empirical underpinnings,
- (c) the treatment literature suggests that iatrogenic factors play an important role in the etiology of DID, and
- (d) the evidence linking child abuse to DID is more problematic than implied by Gleaves.
The present authors conclude that Gleaves's analysis underemphasized the cultural manifestations of multiple role enactments and that the history of DID imparts a valuable lesson to contemporary psychotherapists.
Loftus, Elisabeth F., Creating False memories; Scientific American, September 1997, vol 277, p 70-75.
Researchers are showing how suggestion and imagination can be used to create "memories" of events that did not actually occur.
Loftus, Elisabeth's new research:
Study: False Memories Easily Implanted; By THE AP, February 17, 2003
The research demonstrates that police interrogators and people investigating sexual-abuse allegations must be careful not to plant suggestions into their subjects, said University of California-Irvine psychologist Elizabeth Loftus. She presented preliminary results of recent false memory experiments Sunday at the national meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Martinson, Floyd M.
- Ego Deficiency as a Factor in Marriage. American Sociological Review. Volume 20, number 2 (April 1955), p. 161-164.
- Ego Deficiency as a Factor in Marriage--A Male Sample. Marriage and Family Living. Volume 21, number 1 (February 1959), p. 48-52.
- Sexual Knowledge, Values, and Behavior Patterns of Adolescents. Child Welfare. Volume 47, number 7 (July 1968), p. 405-410 & 426.
- The Family, the Child, and Social Change. (Abstract) Paper presented at a conference of the International Sociological Association (ISA), 1978.
- Childhood and the Institutionalization of Sexuality. (Abstract) Paper presented at a conference of the Midwest Sociological Society (MSS), 1979.
- Family Intimacy and Affection: Sweden and the U.S.A. (Abstract) Paper presented at a conference of the International Sociological Association (ISA), 1982.
- Children in Family Sociology Texts: United States and Sweden. (Abstract) The Wisconsin Sociologist. Volume 24, number 1 (winter 1987), p. 49-56.
- Children and Sex, Part II: Childhood Sexuality. In Bullough, Vern Leroy & Bullough, Bonnie (eds) Human Sexuality: An encyclopedia. New York: Garland Publishing Company, 1994, p. 111-116.
- Pioneer Researcher in Childhood Sexuality. In Bullough, Bonnie et al (eds) "How I Got Into Sex". New York: Prometheus Books, 1997, p. 290-296
Meston, C.M., Heiman, J.R. & Trapnell, P.D., The relation between early abuse and adult sexuality, Journal of Sex Research, 36(4):385 - 395, NOV 1999.
The researchers continue to question Finkelhor's model of sexual traumatisation, because no problems with sexual adjustment were found. They then turn to studies which take into account other variables, i.e., family environment, like Wiesniwski (1989) and Rind et al. (1997, 1998), and which are supported by other studies; pointing out the importance of third variables and the fine points of gender and associated expectations.
Ministry of Justice Direction of Constitutional and Criminal Law, Den Haag (The Netherlands), Report of the Working Group Ritual Abuse, April 1994
"In none of the reported cases actual ritual abuse could be shown. From the investigations in England it has become clear that there too it cannot be concluded that ritual abuse happens. [...] From what police representatives have said and from the literature it appears that ritual abuse never was established. There are good grounds to doubt whether the phenomenon occurs actually in the form in which it is described in the stories."
Mitchell, K., Wolak, J. & Finkelhor, D., Online Sex Abuse Cases Not Characterized by Deception, Abduction and Force, Research Shows; Findings From National Sample of Law Enforcement Agencies Indicates That Current Prevention Efforts Emphasizing On-Line Deception May Be Missing Their Mark; APA, August 1, 2004
Warnings about Internet child molesters often depict them as predators who impersonate peers to befriend children and lure them into encounters that end in abduction, rape and murder. But
a new study of a national sample of such cases from U.S. law enforcement agencies paints a
different and disconcerting picture of the dynamics involved in these crimes.
Morahan, Lawrence, Psychiatric Association Debates Lifting Pedophilia Taboo ;,
June 11, 2003
In a step critics charge could result in decriminalizing sexual contact between adults and children, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) recently sponsored a symposium in which participants discussed the removal of pedophilia from an upcoming edition of the psychiatric manual of mental disorders.
Psychiatrists attending an annual APA convention May 19 in San Francisco proposed removing several long-recognized categories of mental illness - including pedophilia, exhibitionism, fetishism, transvestism, voyeurism and sadomasochism - from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Most of the mental illnesses being considered for removal are known as "paraphilias."
Mrazek, David A., Response to the Bauserman Critique, * Journal of Homosexuality, 20 - 1/2, 1990
Even if this study was methodologically sound, which it certainly is not, on moral grounds alone such "research" cannot be sanctioned. Children are not developmentally prepared to enter into sexual relationships on an informed and equal basis with adults. It is a basic responsibility of society to protect children and foster their development. These children were not adequately protected.
- * Bauserman, R.,
Objectivity and Ideology: Criticism of Theo Sandfort's Research on Man-Boy Sexual Relations. Journal of Homosexuality 20:1/2 (1990)., Islam answers - Early marriage
Several attacks have been raised recently against early marriage in Islam, which clearly result from ignoring facts about pre-modern society and Islam, or intentionally concealing them.
"In conclusion, Islam responsibly channels sexual instincts through marriage, with the prior condition of psychological maturity. And contrary to claims of improved morality, non-Islamic laws have alarmingly driven child sexual abuse and psychological harm to epidemic proportions.
Therefore, when such attacks against Islam are analyzed impartially, they reveal the perfect applicability of Islam’s solution from the 7th century until today, and the utter failure of any other system to provide any protection whatsoever to society’s youth. At best, these attacks are also found to be irresponsibly superficial due to the seriousness of this issue."
Mulholland, Angela, Scientists look for neurological clues to pedophilia; News, Oct. 29 2007
Cantor believes the roots of pedophilia lie in the wiring of the brain. To back his theory, he has
studied the neurological characteristics of hundreds of pedophiles and has helped make some interesting discoveries.
- Note: the sample is not a-selectively token from the general public, but is quite specific and selective. From such a sample, it is not allowed to draw general conclusions.
Naerssen, Alex van, Man-Boy Lovers: Assessment, Counseling, and Psychotherapy, Journal of Homosexuality Volume 20, 1/2, 1990
Clinical experiences with 36 males, between the ages of 21 and 60 are described. All of them felt an enduring sexual attraction for boys. [...]
Several modalities of interpersonal interaction in man-boy relationships are proposed and the ways conflicts can arise within these frames of reference are explored in counseling and psychotherapy.
Nagayama Hall, G. C., Hirschman, R. & Oliver, L.L., Sexual Arousal and Arousability to Pedophilic Stimuli in a Community Sample of Normal Men, in: Behavior Therapy 26, 681-694, 1995.
"The current results suggest that sexual arousal to pedophilic stimuli occurs among a sizable minority of normal men who report no pedophilic behavior and is not necessarily associated with pedophilic behavior."
Najman, Jake; Dunne, Michael; Purdie, David; Boyle, Francis; Coxeter, Peter; Sexual Abuse in Childhood and Sexual Dysfunction in Adulthood: An Australian Population-Based Study; Archives of Sexual Behavior, Volume 34, Number 5, October 2005 , pp. 517-526(10) - Abstract.
This study examined self-reported adult sexual functioning in individuals reporting a history of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) in a representative sample of the Australian population.
More than one-third of women and approximately one-sixth of men reported a history of CSA.
For both sexes, there was a significant association between CSA and symptoms of sexual dysfunction. In assessing the specific nature of the relationship between sexual abuse and sexual dysfunction, statistically significant associations were, in general, evident for women only.
- Rind, Bruce & Tromovitch, Philip, National Samples, Sexual Abuse in Childhood, and Adjustment in Adulthood; A Commentary on Najman, Dunne, Purdie, Boyle, and Coxeter (2005); Archives of Sexual Behavior; December 2006
Based on the foregoing analyses, a more appropriate ending to their Abstract would be: “CSA in the Australian population is common but, according to the data in the current study, is only weakly associated with poorer sexual functioning in adulthood. Whether this association is causal, however, needs further study.” - Najman, Jake M., Dunne, Michael P, & Boyle, Francis M., Childhood Sexual Abuse and Adult Sexual Dysfunction; Response to Commentary by Rind and Tromovitch (2007); Archives of Sexual Behavior, December 2006
We suggest that, while the concerns they raise represent legitimate reservations about the validity of our findings, on balance the available evidence indicates an association between CSA and sexual dysfunction that is of “moderate” magnitude, probably causal, and unlikely to be a consequence of confounding or measurement error.
Nelson, J.A., Intergenerational Sexual Contact: A Continuum Model of Participants and Experiences, JournaI of Sex Education & Therapy, Vol. 15, No.1, 1989, pp.3-12, co 1989 American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors & Therapists.
Neustatter, Angela, Sympathy for the Devil? Focus: The paedophile threat; October 20, 2002 The Observer
Pervert, monster, evil. That is our gut reaction to men who harm children. Yet evidence shows that, to contain the menace of paedophilia, we need to understand what drives the abusers.
[...] Helping offenders to live normal lives within society is precisely the aim of the three befriending projects that began this summer with Home Office funding. They are modelled on the Canadian experience, which now offers 33 befriending circles for sex offenders.
New Scientist, Sex offenders unlikely to commit second crime; 06 July 2008, Magazine issue 2663
Sex crime statistics tend to make depressing reading, but now there is some good news from the most populous state in the US. Just 3.2 per cent of more than 4000 sex offenders released on parole in 2002 were re-imprisoned for another sex offence in the subsequent 5 years, according to new figures from California.
Niemφller, Joost, The dissociation circuit; Sloppy thinkers whose dangerous psychological theories resonate in naive circles; A FRONTAL ATTACK; De Groene Amsterdammer, Volume 127, Number 16, 16 - 24 April 1996.
[Interview with] Dr. H.F.M. Crombag, co-author of Recovered Memories and other misconceptions,
[who] refuses to stand idly by watching the invasion of MPD therapists in the Netherlands.
NSPCC Report: six related articles:
- 'One in 14' children attacked, BBC News, 19 November 2000
One in 14 young people have been violently assaulted as children, in most cases at the hands of their parents, according to a major report. - Child abuse 'myths' shattered, BBC On Line Service, 19 November 2000
Children are more likely to be sexually abused by people of their own age than by adults, a major report reveals. [...]
Mary Marsh, NSPCC chief executive, said the findings overturn traditional stereotypes.
"Modern myths about child cruelty have emerged from the public attention given to horrific and frightening cases of child abuse by strangers. "Other traditional stereotypes come from a historical wellspring of children's stories about wicked adult bogey figures.
"These stereotypes have become part of popular culture." - Revealed: the truth about child sex abuse in Britain's families, By Jeremy Laurance, Health Editor, 19 November 2000, The Independent
An inquiry into the sexual abuse of children has revealed that the widespread belief that fathers are chiefly responsible for the most serious of domestic crimes is wrong. Most sexual abuse of children is carried out by their siblings.
The finding, from an investigation by the National Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, is the most comprehensive ever carried out and turns on its head the conventional picture of the sexual exploitation of children. After more than a decade in which adult men have been cast as the villains, the finger of suspicion has switched to their sons. - Why little boys are not sex offenders, by Dea Birkett Tuesday November 21, 2000, The Guardian
It is not surprising that the report's findings show physical abuse to be seven times more prevalent than sexual abuse. But the coverage has focused almost entirely on the sexual element. This focus on child-on-child sex abuse has arisen from exactly the same professional quarters that introduced us to the atrocities of adult sex offenders.
But you cannot and should not apply the same judgments and analysis to children's behaviour. A seven-year-old showing his willy to a four-year-old is not the same thing as a 40-year-old man flashing at a woman in the park.
Kiss chase in the playground is not a form of indecent assault. It's a game, even if occasionally an unwelcome or unwanted one. The intention, understanding, meaning and effect are entirely different. - NSPCC report: a picture of innocence? 8th March 2001
This year started as last year ended: with society's obsession with child sexual abuse on an ever-upward spiral.
The year 2000 began with news of a 10-year-old boy being placed on the sexual offenders register for touching a younger girl's genitals. The summer months were taken over by news of the murder of eight-year-old Sarah Payne, and the subsequent campaign to rid housing estates of paedophiles. By the end of 2000, the UK government was attempting to resolve the 'adoption crisis' - where thousands of kids wanted to be adopted by thousands of families who wanted to adopt them, but councils and social work departments were afraid to allow it, at least in part due to concerns about how to guarantee that the families would not abuse these children.
So with the publication of a piece of research, described by one national UK newspaper as 'the most comprehensive survey of child abuse so far in the UK' (1), can we now put in perspective the widespread notion that child abuse is all around us? - Smith, Sψren Friis, Spare the Children, Information, 18.12.2000
The conclusions, that are quoted by NSPCC, tell that "no symptom characterized a majority of sexually abused children" and "the results point to the fact that there is no specific syndrome in children who have been sexually abused, and there are no isolated traumatizing mechanisms either". Furthermore, NSPCC states that the results of a more recent research carried out by the organization did not center their attention on symptoms, but rather on young people's personal experience with sexual abuse.
Oellerich, Thomas, The case against the routine provision of psychotherapy to children/adolescents labeled as "sexually abused"; Sexuality & Culture, Volume 6, number 2, 2002
Whether symptomatic or asymptomatic, children labeled sexually abused are routinely offered treatment at considerable financial cost. One result of this is that mental health professionals are being charged with exploiting the problem of child sexual abuse (CSA).
Is the routine provision of psychotherapy for children and adolescents labeled sexually abused warranted?
In this paper, it is argued that the evidence indicates it is not warranted.
Further, its provision is not in the best interests of either the children or mental health professionals. A number of recommendations are given which follow from the evidence.
O'Halloran, Elaine: Paedophiles Support Each Other Via Online Communities; Medical News Today, 27 Jun 2008
Paedophiles use online virtual communities to support each other, justify their sexual behaviour and foster an "us and them" mentality. This is one of the findings of Ms Elaine O'Halloran from University College Cork ...
OutRage! London, Most Homophobes are Gay, 1998
Research by US psychologist Prof. Adams of the University of Georgia suggests that 80 percent of men who are homophobic have secret homosexual feelings.
Palmer, Ken: Biological Basis for False Memories Revealed; Did you really see that? An image from a test for false memories developed by Ken Paller and colleagues of Northwestern University.
It's easy enough to forget something that happened. It's also possible to remember something that didn't happen.
Paolucci, Elisabeth; Genius, Mark & Violato, Claudio, 'Meta-analysis of published research on the effects of child sexual abuse (CSA)' , Journal of Psychology (2001, 135, 1, 17-36
A meta-analysis of the published research on the effects of child sexual abuse (CSA) was undertaken for 6 outcomes: posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, suicide, sexual promiscuity, victim-perpetrator cycle, and poor academic performance.
Thirty-seven studies published between 1981 and 1995 involving 25,367 people were included. Many of the studies were published in 1994 (24; 65%), and most were done in the United States (22; 59%). [...]
The analyses provide clear evidence confirming the link between CSA and subsequent negative short- and long-term effects on development. [...]
The results of the present meta-analysis support the multifaceted model of traumatization rather than a specific sexual abuse syndrome of CSA.
- Peter: Comment: The Journal of Psychology (2001, 135, 1, 17-36) carries a 'Meta-analysis of published research on the effects of child sexual abuse (CSA)' by Elizabeth Paolucci, Mark Genuis and Claudio Violato, which reviews 37 good-quality studies.
These covered 9,230 people who claimed that in childhood they had experienced unwanted sexual contact from an adult in a position of relative power.
The review has serious limitations: welcome contacts from ordinary adults were plainly excluded; advances from family members were very much included; clinical and legal samples were included, rather than using only representative population samples [...]
The authors show their size-of-effect to be about half the size-of-effect achieved on the mortality rate of representative American physicians who experimentally took aspirin. [...]
Penix Sbagra, Tamara & O'Donohue, William, Post Hoc Reasoning in Possible Cases of Child Sexual Abuse: Symptoms of Inconclusive Origins; Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice V10 N3, 2003
[Pay per article 23 $] Abstract
This article addresses the role of psychological expert testimony in possible cases of child sexual abuse (CSA). It describes the logical conditions that must be met in order to engage validly in post hoc reasoning from present symptoms experienced by a child to the conclusion that the child has or has not been sexually abused.
- Reaction:
Rind, Bruce, An Elaboration on Causation and Positive Cases in Child Sexual Abuse; Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice V10 N3, 2003. Abstract
Sbraga and O'Donohue (2003, this issue) argued that backward reasoning from current symptomatology to past child sexual abuse (CSA), often done by experts in court cases, is flawed in several important ways.
Backward reasoning, or postdiction, is usually based on models that assume that CSA invariably causes symptoms and that it is always negatively experienced. They demonstrated the weaknesses in these assumptions.
Phillips, Angela, Boy's self-esteem depends on 'Highly Involved Men', The Guardian/17 March 99
FORGET the sensitive New Man and his lager-fuelled opposite, the New Lad. A newer and more positive masculine role model has emerged - the Highly Involved Man (HIM). He is a key factor in building the self-esteem and success of boys, according to a report published on Tuesday. It is the quality of his relationship with the man in his life which marks out the supremely confident boy from his peers. The man doesn't have to live with him, he doesn't even have to be Dad, but he does have to take an interest.
Plummer, Ken, Understanding Childhood Sexualities, 1991
Contemporary concern over paedophilia and child sexual abuse usually rests upon uncritical and under-theorized conceptions of childhood sexualities. This article examines some of these assumptions and then outlines the social 'constructionist' alternative. Focussing upon the processes by which a child comes to script its sexual world, a number of central dimensions are posed: the scripting of absences, of values, of secrecy, of utility, of gender and of generation. By analyzing the complexity of childhood sexualities, the implications for cross-generational sexuality may be clarified.
Powels, Alvin, Harvard Researchers Say Children Need Touching and Attention, Harvard Gazette
America's "let them cry" attitude toward children may lead to more fears and tears among adults, according to two Harvard Medical School researchers.
Instead of letting infants cry, American parents should keep their babies close, console them when they cry, and bring them to bed with them, where they'll feel safe, according to Michael Commons and Patrice Miller, researchers at the Medical School's Department of Psychiatry.
The pair examined child-rearing practices here and in other cultures and say the widespread American practice of putting babies in separate beds - even separate rooms - and not responding to their cries may lead to more incidents of post-traumatic stress and panic disorders among American adults.
Prescott, James W., Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence, in: The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, November 1975, pp 10-20
Download as a ZIP-Html file or as a .PDF file
- Prescott, James W., Kφrperliche Lust und die Ursprόnge der Gewalttδtigkeit, von James W. Prescott, Aus: The Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists, November 1975, S. 10-20
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Prescott, James W., How Culture Shapes the Developing Brain and the Future of Humanity
[ * The article and an Appendix giving more information:
- SomatoSensory Affectational Deprivation (SSAD)
- The Origins of Biological Love
- The Two Brains of Love
- Ten Principles of Mother-Infant Bonding to Change the World ]
We now know that integrated pleasure is the ‘glue' of bonding and is necessary for the development of the moral person and of moral behaviours. If natural body pleasure is denied, depression and the artificial and destructive narcissistic and sado-masochistic pleasures of drugs and sexual violence often follow.
Infants and children are for hugging and should never be physically hit for any reason or humiliated. Infants and children are honoured and should never be humiliated nor emotionally abused for any reason. The emerging sexuality of every child is respected.
Ray, Eric, Prof to Sentencing Commission: Sex Offenders Can Be Treated; KCPW News, Aug 07, 2008
"When we looked at people going through the system for an extended period of time, the overall recidivism rate for offenders that came back to the system for new sex offenses was approximately 10%,"
The Record, Child suicides on the decline; The Record, June 11, 2004
Suicide among American youngsters and teens fell about 25 percent in the last decade, reflecting a dramatic dropoff in gun suicides, the government said Thursday.
Researcher, A Very ‘Typical’ Immoral Panic; The Perils of Researching Intergenerational Sexualities, in: Ipce Newsletter E25, July 2008
The following represent common strands experienced by a range of other critical researchers on this topic.
Rigoletto, Sergio, PhD, Questioning Power Hierarchies; Michael Davidson and Literary Pederasty in Italy; 17 June 2005, One Day Conference on 'Gender', University of Sussex - Abstract
This paper offers an overview of the complex power dynamics at play in homo-erotic desire and encounter within a long tradition of literary pederasty in the Mediterranean.
I want to show that even the most unbalanced structures of power can reveal significant contradictions and counter-movements.
For Rind, Bauserman & Tromovitch, go to »»» The RBT Files.
Rind, Bruce, An Elaboration on Causation and Positive Cases in Child Sexual Abuse; Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice V10 N3, 2003. Abstract
Sbraga and O'Donohue (2003, this issue) argued that backward reasoning from current symptomatology to past child sexual abuse (CSA), often done by experts in court cases, is flawed in several important ways.
Backward reasoning, or postdiction, is usually based on models that assume that CSA invariably causes symptoms and that it is always negatively experienced. They demonstrated the weaknesses in these assumptions.
Rivedal, Karen, Sex crimes that shock most are rare;, 608-252-6106, March 4, 2007
Federal statistics show such crimes, especially involving children, are very rare. Less than 1 percent of all sex crimes involve murder, and the vast majority of sexually abused children - 60 percent to 80 percent - are molested by family members or close friends and acquaintances. Nearly 90 percent of adult victims know their assailants, according to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Rogers, Amanda, Recidivism Studies Expose Fraud. Multiple State’s Sex Offender Recidivism Studies Expose Fraud Upon The American Public By Lawmakers And Mainstream Media; Amanda Rogers, The American Chronicle,September 13, 2007
The notion that most sex offences are committed by strangers, that sex offenders have high rates of recidivism, and that treatment does not work is NOT supported by the extensive and growing body of research regarding registered sex offenders. Here is a glimpse of what these studies reveal, which proves that what is happening is the exact opposite of what the American people are repeatedly being told.
Saletan, William, Sexual Antagonism, A genetic theory of homosexuality; Slate, June 25, 2008
Gay couples can't have biological kids together. So if homosexuality is genetic, why hasn't it died out? A study published last week in PLoS One tackles the question. It starts with four curious patterns. [...] They conclude that only one theory fits the data. The theory is called "sexually antagonistic selection." [...] I don't know to what extent this theory will end up explaining male homosexuality. But its emergence threatens to change our thinking about gay men in several important ways.
Sample, Ian, The brain scan that can read people's intentions; Call for ethical debate over possible use of new technology in interrogation; The Guardian, February 9, 2007
A team of world-leading neuroscientists has developed a powerful technique that allows them to look deep inside a person's brain and read their intentions before they act.
The research breaks controversial new ground in scientists' ability to probe people's minds and eavesdrop on their thoughts, and raises serious ethical issues over how brain-reading technology may be used in the future.
Sandfort, Theodorus G. M., Sex in Pedophiliac Relationships: An Empirical Investigation Among a Non-representative Group of Boys; The Journal of Sex Research Vol. 20, No.2, pp. 123-142 May, 1984
Although the boys were able to point to some negative aspects of their sexual contacts, most of them reported experiencing these contacts as predominantly positive. The sexual contacts were found to have had no negative influence upon the boys' sense of general well-being, nor did the boys perceive in these contacts a misuse of authority by the adult.
Sandfort, Theo, Constructive Questions Regarding Paedophilia, Paidika # 4.
In the literature concerning paedophilia, it is generally seen as a paraphilia or a perversion. Here I shall consider whether all sexual involvement between adults and children is appropriately labeled paedophilia, and whether it might not be useful to consider paedophilia as an identity.
Sbagra, Tamara Penix & O'Donohue, William, Post Hoc Reasoning in Possible Cases of Child Sexual Abuse: Symptoms of Inconclusive Origins; Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice V10 N3, 2003
This article addresses the role of psychological expert testimony in possible cases of child sexual abuse (CSA). It describes the logical conditions that must be met in order to engage validly in post hoc reasoning from present symptoms experienced by a child to the conclusion that the child has or has not been sexually abused.
- Reaction:
Rind, Bruce, An Elaboration on Causation and Positive Cases in Child Sexual Abuse; Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice V10 N3, 2003. Abstract
Sbraga and O'Donohue (2003, this issue) argued that backward reasoning from current symptomatology to past child sexual abuse (CSA), often done by experts in court cases, is flawed in several important ways.
Backward reasoning, or postdiction, is usually based on models that assume that CSA invariably causes symptoms and that it is always negatively experienced. They demonstrated the weaknesses in these assumptions.
Schmidt, G., Homosexual pedophilia, in: KONKRET, ed. 3/89.
Schopenhauer, Arthur, Die Kunst, Recht zu behalten; Eristische Dialektik
- [Das fast fertige Manuskript fand sich ohne άberschriften in Schopenhauers Nachlaί. Es entstand vermutlich um 1830; der Text wurde unter verschiedenen Titeln wie »Dialektik«, »Eristische Dialektik« oder »Die Kunst, Recht zu behalten« verφffentlicht.]
. - Eristische Dialektik ist die Kunst zu disputieren, und zwar so zu disputieren, daί man Recht behδlt, also per fas et nefas.2) Man kann nδmlich in der Sache selbst objective Recht haben und doch in den Augen der Beisteher, ja bisweilen in seinen eignen, Unrecht behalten. Wann nδmlich der Gegner meinen Beweis widerlegt, und dies als Widerlegung der Behauptung selbst gilt, fόr die es jedoch andre Beweise geben kann; in welchem Fall natόrlich fόr den Gegner das Verhδltnis umgekehrt ist: er behδlt Recht, bei objektivem Unrecht. Also die objektive Wahrheit eines Satzes und die Gόltigkeit desselben in der Approbation der Streiter und Hφrer sind zweierlei. (Auf letztere ist die Dialektik gerichtet.)
Schulte-Stracke, Peter, Remarks on `Rethinking Puberty' by McClintock and Herdt; About Rethinking Puberty : The Development of Sexual Attraction.-- Current Developments, by Gilbert Herdt & Martha McClintock, in Psychological Science 5(6): 178-183 (Dec. 1996)
The view that puberty is triggered by the maturation of the gonads is found conflicting with recent results on sexual development, and a better explanation is given in terms of the maturation of the adrenal glands, several years earlier.
- Summary of Rethinking...
- Zusammenfassung des Rethinking...
- Rιsumι de Rethinking...
- Zusammenfassung der Remarks...
- Rιsumι de Remarks...
Schuijer, Jan & Rossen, Benjamin, The Trade in Child Pornography; IPT Journal Vol. 4 - 1992
[...] In this study we made an attempt to analyze this trade quantitatively and qualitatively. We made an estimate of the turnover, the number of children involved and performed an analysis of the content of the pornography. [...]
We have called the claims about child pornography "myths." The existence of child pornography is certainly not. The myths are the exaggerated estimates of the number of children, the volume and value of the trade, the profits that are alleged to have been made, and the horrifying damage said to have been done to the children. [...]
- Including: Interviews with three boys
Boys are not socialized to claim that they love an adult homosexual pedophile. Indeed, it may require some considerable courage for young men, all of whom regard themselves heterosexual, to say these things to a stranger, regardless of how "safe" the stranger might appear to be.
Science Daily, Most Female Child Molesters Were Victims Of Sexual Abuse, Study Suggests; May 13, 2008
A University of Georgia study that is the first to systematically examine a large sample of female child molesters finds that many of them were themselves victims of sexual abuse as children.
Smith, Sψren Friis, Spare the Children, Information, 18.12.2000
The conclusions, that are quoted by NSPCC, tell that "no symptom characterized a majority of sexually abused children" and "the results point to the fact that there is no specific syndrome in children who have been sexually abused, and there are no isolated traumatizing mechanisms either". Furthermore, NSPCC states that the results of a more recent research carried out by the organization did not center their attention on symptoms, but rather on young people's personal experience with sexual abuse.
Stanley, Jessica L, Bartholomew, Kim & Oram, Doug, Gay and bisexual men's age-discrepant childhood sexual experiences; Journal of Sex Research, Nov, 2004 [External links]
In conclusion, the standard convention of defining age-based childhood sexual abuse as uniformly negative, harmful, and coercive may not accurately represent gay and bisexual men's sexual experiences. Combining perception-based CSA experience with noncoercive, nonnegative, nonabusive experiences, as the age-based definition does, presents a misleading picture of childhood sexual abuse. An age-based CSA definition inflates prevalence rates of childhood sexual abuse and inaccurately suggests that the maladjustment associated with perception-based CSA experiences applies to all childhood age-discrepant sexual encounters. In contrast, these results suggest that gay men with histories of nonnegative, noncoercive childhood sexual experiences with older people are as well adjusted as those without histories of age-discrepant childhood sexual experiences. However, both definitions of CSA account for only a very small proportion of the variance in adult adjustment problems. Contrary to popular belief, negative outcomes do not inevitably follow from gay and bisexual men's childhood age-discrepant sexual encounters.
Steutel, Jan & Spiecker, Ben, The Good, the Bad, and the Pedophile; Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, PES Yearbook 1999]
We think that a pedophile may or even should be blamed for not controlling his sexual urges under certain circumstances. And there are perhaps good reasons, as many people think, to consider a pedophile who indulges in sex with children as morally bad. But one consequence of our analysis is that blaming persons for being a pedophile, as many people do, may be just as bad.
- Response:
Grace, Kristen A. & Vivian, Craig, Moral Education and the Limits of Virtue; Cornell University; PES Yearbook 1999
One role of moral education may be to enable us to separate what is "me" from what is "mine" or to recognize that some of my desires get in the way of my larger vision of the good life. I may not be able to eliminate malicious desires, but I may try to live in such a way that I am not dominated by those desires over which I have some control. In this sense, striving for harmony in the face of imperfection can be a moral project.
Steegman, A.G. & Timothy Sullivan, Street children healthier than expected, BBC News, 13 April 2002
Homeless urban children in developing countries are healthier than was originally thought.
These kids are resilient and self-reliant and adapt physically to the difficult conditions of homelessness
Stewart, Anna; Dennison, Susan & Waterson, Elissa, Pathways from child maltreatment to juvenile offending;
The authors examine 11 predictive factors for youth offending, and find that children who suffer maltreatment are more likely to offend. Physical abuse and neglect are significant predictive factors, but sexual and emotional abuse are not.
- Beatings, not sexual abuse, turn child into a criminal; January 7 2003,
Physically abused and neglected children are far more likely to end up with a criminal record, researchers say.
On the other hand, sexually abused children are less likely to offend later in life, the study, released yesterday by the Australian Institute of Criminology, has found.
Stinson, Michael A., Child Sex Abuse: How Did We Get Here? Philadephia got a wake-up call this week; Philadelphia, Aug. 31, 2006
Our survey found that almost one in four adult Philadelphians (23.7 percent) reported being sexually abused as a child. Using 2000 census figures, that's more than 270,000 adults. And, over the last three years, one in seven adults said, they were concerned that a child they knew was being sexually abused. In that same period, one in 16 adults said, they were concerned that someone they knew exhibited sexual behavior directed at a child. That's more than 26,000 possible child victims and more than 71,000 possible adult perpetrators right here in Philadelphia.
- BlueRibbon, In reply to Child Sex Abuse: How Did We Get Here?
OK, so to begin with, the number '23.7%' relates to people who say they've had sexual contact as children. It does not mean they were abused, unless you think all sexual contact involving children and older people is abuse. So, already we know we are dealing with dishonest people who will twist their statistics to gain bigger headlines, and obtain more research grants from the government.
Summerskill, Ben, Four million of us are sex cheats - Ben Summerskill, October 27, 2002 The Observer
More than 4 million husbands and wives across Britain have committed adultery, according to an ICM poll for The Observer. And, far from being promiscuous, young people in long-term relationships outside marriage are almost as likely to be monogamous as their married counterparts.
[...] The average age at which today's 16- to 24-year-olds lost their virginity is 15-and-a-half. For their grandparents and great-grandparents, those over 65, it was 19.
Survey indicates children more sexually active, source unknown.
One in every three third-year high school students has had sex, and comics and videotapes are the main sources of information on sex for teenagers, according to a survey conducted by the Japanese Association for Sex Education (JASE).
Takenoshita, Yuji, Male Homosexual Behaviour Accompanied by Ejaculation in a Free-Ranging Troop of Japanese Macaques (Macaca fuscata); Folia Primatol 1998; 69: 364-367
In this paper, I analyse observed cases of male-male mountings with ejaculation among a free-ranging troop of Japanese macaques and examine whether this behaviour can be classified as 'sexual behaviour'. The causal factors and effects of such behaviour are discussed.
Tanner, Lindsey, Puberty May Be Tied to Birth Weight, in salon,com, 6 November 200
(AP) -- Early puberty in some girls may be linked to low birth weight, Spanish researchers say, offering a tantalizing theory that could help explain the baffling trend toward precocious sexual development.
The findings come from a study of 54 Spanish girls who showed breast development around age 8. Those who weighed 5.5 pounds on average at birth started menstruation 1.6 years earlier than those of normal birth weight
Teens Before Their Time, October 20th 2000, Author & source unknown.
With budding breasts and pubic hair, girls are developing earlier than ever. What's causing it?
Tindall, Ralph H., The male adolescent involved with a pederast becomes an adult, Journal of Homosexuality, Vol 3 (4) Summer 1978
A longitudinal study of nine castes is reported where the adolescent was engaged after puberty in sexual activity with an adult male. Observations are reported in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th decades after the teenage years in these cases. The subjects were drawn from a pool of 200 similar cases and are the cases where the most data are available.
Implications for professionals dealing with adolescent sexuality are made. Gaps between what is legally permitted and what is actual practice are pointed out. Need for further research and the areas for that research are implied. A case against premature labeling s made.
Tippet, Sarah, Parents' sexual orientation matters, study finds, Reuters, 27 April 2001
Children raised by homosexual couples have different attitudes toward gender roles and sexual preferences than children raised by heterosexuals, according to a University of Southern California analysis of studies on the subject published this week. [...]
There seemed to be no difference in the mental and emotional health of children based on whether their parents were homosexual or heterosexual, or in the quality of the parent-child relationships, the analysis said.
"They are doing extremely well,"
Quotes from & reference to:
Tremblay, Pierre, Social interactions among paedophiles; 2001; School of Criminology, University pf Montreal
My substantive goal, here, is to analyze the variety of conditions that allow paedophiles to overcome their social isolation, seek each other out and become, as a result, embedded in a deviant quasi-community or social movement.
- Scharpe, Robin, My Comments, 2003
While Tremblay can find anecdotal statements to back up his contentions his supply side analysis is based on very dubious assumptions, highly selective observations, and questionable reasoning. Tremblay’s speculations are hardly constructive research in that he failed to define some testable hypotheses pertinent to his claims. Conclusions are contained in his assumptions.
Trow, Richard, Paedophile programmes work; STUFF National News [New Zealand], 03 November 2003 [Study by Ian Labie]
Treating paedophiles in the community significantly reduces sexual re-offending, a study shows. [...] Offenders who completed the programmes had a recidivism rate of 5 per cent. In two control groups that did not receive treatment, rates were 21 per cent and 25 per cent [...].
UK Reoffending statistics, Daily Telegraph, 23rd March 2001.
USA research says: Study ties girls' body weight to early puberty, 30th March 2001, author & source unknown
Black and Hispanic girls in the US are significantly more likely than whites and Asian Americans to start puberty at an early age, new research shows. They are also more likely to be overweight -- bolstering the belief that the US trends of rising childhood obesity and early puberty are closely linked.
Review of:
Waber, DP et al., "The NIH MRI Study of Normal Brain Development: Performance of a Population Based Sample of Healthy Children Aged 6 to 18 Years on a Neuropsychological Battery." Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 2007, Vol. 13, pp. 1-18:
Grohol, John M., Children Reach Adult Brain Levels Sooner Than Previously Thought; Psych Central News Editor, May, 19, 2007.
Contrary to previous belief, children appear to approach adult levels of performance on many basic cognitive and motor skills by age 11 or 12. This is according to a new study coordinated by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Walker, David, Sex talk 'reduces teen pregnancy rate', The Guardian, January 4, 2002
Teenage pregnancy in Britain will remain far above European levels because sex is regarded as "dirty" by too many parents and schools.
A study to be published shortly in the Journal of Social Policy, says sex education puts too much emphasis on the riskiness and danger of sex, too little on its pleasure. This leads young people, especially boys, to adopt irresponsible attitudes.
Walker, Kirsty, A cuddle a day can keep a life of crime at bay
By Kirsty Walker, Social Affairs Correspondent, in: Express Newspapers, 18.01.2000.
CHILDREN who are not cuddled when they are young are in danger of turning into violent adults.
New research has shown parents who starve their children of physical affection are damaging them emotionally and physically.
Leading psychologists say they have also found a strong link between high levels of crime and societies where touching is frowned upon.
Fears about claims of sexual abuse and the threat of lawsuits have made parents and teachers increasingly nervous about touching children in public.
- Wann haben Sie Ihr Kind zum letzten Mal umarmt? Freie άbersetzung von: A cuddle a day can keep a life of crime at bay
Wδhrend Kleinkinder in Europa meist noch von allen Seiten Zδrtlichkeit erfahren, gehen Heranwachsende auch bei uns nicht selten leer aus, obwohl sie sich nach Zδrtlichkeit nicht weniger sehnen. Eltern mφgen leicht den Eindruck bekommen, ihre 13-, 14-Jδhrigen wollten das auch gar nicht mehr. Ob sie sich nicht tδuschen? [...]
"Kinder leiden unter diesem Zustand ausserordentlich, und Untersuchungen haben auch gezeigt, dass Kinder, welchen es an zδrtlichen Erfahrungen mangelt, in ihrer psychischen und kφrperlichen Entwicklung beeintrδchtigt sind. Kinder, die nicht umarmt und gekόsst werden, laufen Gefahr, Depressionen und Angstgefόhle zu entwickeln, weil sie sich nicht geliebt fόhlen. Sie laufen Gefahr, zu gewaltbereiten Erwachsenen zu werden."
Quotes & highlights from:
Wetzstein, Cheryl, The Complex Nature of Child Sexual Abuse; in: Child Abuse. Ed. Bryan J. Grapes. Contemporary Issues Companion Series. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2001.
- This article, "The Child Molestation Dilemma," by Cheryl Wetzstein, appeared in the November 1996 issue and is reprinted with permission from The World & I.
The article give some recidivism rates, and statistics like this one:
- 450,000 children, most of whom are teenagers, run away from home and stay away at least one night.
- 354,000 children are abducted by a family member, typically a non-custodial parent.
- 127,100 children are "thrown away," that is, abandoned or ejected from their homes.
- 114,600 cases of attempted abduction by a non-family member are reported.
- 3,200 to 4,600 children are reported abducted by non-family members.
Quotes from
Wolak, Janis, Finkelhor, David & Mitchell, Kinberly; Internet-initiated sex crimes against minors: Implications for prevention based on findings from a national study; Journal of Adolescent Health, Volume 35, Issue 5, Page 424 (November 2004)
The prevalent image of Internet sex crimes against minors is of strangers who are pedophiles and who deceive and lure unsuspecting children, frequently over long distances, into situations where they can be forcibly abducted or sexually assaulted. However, this nationally representative sample of Internet-initiated cases known to law enforcement suggests a different predominant scenario with different implications for prevention.
Youths are liberal towards child sex, 24 November 2000
Oslo (NTB): 28,6 percent of men between 18 and 20 years says that there is some probability that they could have sex with a child.
The question that was asked 700 youths from Oslo in an age from 18 to 20 years was: Would you have sex with a child if you were sure that you won't be discovered or punished for that?
Zessen, Gertjan van, A Model for Group Counseling with Male Pedophiles, Journal of Homosexuality Volume 20, 1/2, 1990
Group treatment programs for pedophiles are often designed for populations of convicted men in closed institutions with limited application to other populations. Treatment is usually focused on reducing the ‘deviant” sexual arousal and/or acquiring hetero-social skills and eventually establishing the ability to engage in adult heterosexual relationships. A six-week highly structured program is presented to five men in a non-residential setting. In addition to individual psychotherapy, group counseling is offered.