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Agustín, Laura María, Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry - Zed Books: 
O'Neill, Brendan, The myth of trafficking; Brendan O'Neill, The New Statesman, 27 March 2008
Most migrant women, including those in the sex industry, have made a clear decision, says a new study, to leave home and take their chances abroad. They are not "passive victims" in need of "saving" or sending back by western campaigners.

Baurmann, Michael C., Sexuality, Violence and Psychological After-Effects, A longitudinal study of cases of sexual assault which are reported to the police; English Summary on pages 523-533 of 'Sexualität, Gewalt und psychische Folgen: Eine Längschnittuntersuchung bei Opfern sexueller Gewalt un sexuellen Norm-verletzungen anhand von angezeigten Sexualkontakten (Wiesbaden, Bundeskriminalamt Forschungsreihe Nr. 15, 1983)'.
To recapitulate, only half of the declared victims (51.8%) of indecent assault suffered from injuries or even severe trauma. The other 48.2% had no problems in connection with the experience. In most of these cases the sexual offense was relatively superficial and harmless and/or the "victim" consented to the offense. 
Many experts in the field of prevention have assumed that sexual victims without primary injuries are rare. It certainly appears that this opinion must be re-evaluated. Adults who have the opinion that any sexual behavior is traumatic for children and young people have to face the fact that in many cases the young person becomes a victim only because grown-ups expect him or her to become a victim. On the basis of this expectation they act in such a way that the child really is victimized.

Baurmann, Michael: 
"Highlights" from Baurmann; Translated quotes from 
Michael C. Baurmann,  Sexualität, Gewalt und psychische Folgen: Ein Längschnittuntersuchung bei Opfern sexueller Gewalt und sexuellen Norm-verletzungen anhand von angeziegten Sexualkontakten (Wiesbaden, Bundeskriminalamt Forschungsreihe Nr. 15, 1983) 
Looking at the effects of criminal sexual acts on the declared victim, it turned out that many reported sexual contacts did not cause any harm at all. From this, it follows that the uncritical use of terms like "victim" and "harmed" is, for a large portion of those who are registered as sexual victims, inappropriate. 
Obviously, the words "victim" and "harmed" strongly imply that the person in question has been injured. But for many of the persons interviewed here who became known as victims, these terms just do not apply.

Bech, Henning, Women and Man: 
Larsen, Jytte, Classical Feminism Continues to Create Pedophile Panic; Women and Men, an epoch-making book by University of Copenhagen Professor Henning Bech ;
A translated [from Danish] review, in FORUM, 9 May 2005
It is rare that a Danish male professor writes critically and competently on female and gender research. But according to this FORUM’s reviewer, that is precisely what professor Henning Bech has accomplished with his work Women and Men, a book that pounds away at ritual thinking and dogmatic conventions. Bech is especially celebrated for his research on male homosexuality. This FORUM’s reviewer, historian Jytte Larsen, has read the book and been enlightened, astonished, and provoked.

Bernard, Dr Frits, Paedophilia: A Factual Report, 1985 

Brongersma, Dr Edward. Loving Boys; A multidisciplinairy study of sexual relations between adult and minor males; Global Academic Publishers, 1986.

Volume 1 [Long pdf file: 20 MB]

Volume 2 [Long pdf file: 33 MB]

Loving Boys - Volume 1 - Das Pädosexuelle Abenteur - Herausgegeben von Angelo Leopardi - Deutsche Ausgabe des Niederländische und Englische Bestsellers [PDF]

Davidson, James:
Jones, Peter, How gay were the Greeks?
Peter Jones reviews The Greeks and Greek Love: A Radical Reappraisal of Homosexuality in Ancient Greece by James Davidson; Telegraph (UK), December 27, 2007
Homosexuality was 'a complex public phenomenon, essential to understanding Greek 
politics and philosophy, warfare, art and society', rather than a bit of after-hours frottaging somewhere out on Lycabettus Heath. 

Davidson, James, Mad about the boy; Davidson, James, The Guardian, November 10, 2007 
Plato wrote that same-sex lovers were more blessed than ordinary mortals. But then he changed his mind, describing the act as 'utterly unholy' and 'the ugliest of ugly things'. So why were the ancient Greeks so confused about homosexuality, asks James Davidson.

About: ·The Greeks and Greek Love by James Davidson, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2007. 

Comment 1 by Ipce member A 
" I find it reprehensible that this reviewer is allowed to overlay this modern errant "abuse" concept on this classical phenomenon [...]"

Comment 2 by Ipce member B
" My own anthropological take on this is that the 'slave-chaperones', otherwise known as pedagogues, were not there to protect boys but to keep order."

Feierman, Jay R. (ed.), Pedophilia: Biosocial Dimensions, Springer-Verlag, New York (1990)

Dolan, Kathryn J., Review 
The business of talking about the biological bases of human social behavior is difficult, not only because of the tremendous scientific challenge in identifying and manipulating variables for hypothesis testing, but also because of the social and cultural milieu of scientists which influences even scientific concepts of phenomena. The same can be said about the business of studying "adult/child sexual behavior" in humans. Combining the two may have more than additive effects. This volume can be seen as an attempt to broaden the base of scientific inquiry into human pedophilia, by including data from other species, other societies, and other historical times

Introduction - full text

Most of the lay and professional literature although voluminous, reflect a narrow anthropo-, ethno-, and chronocentrism that precludes any real understanding of the topic with anything more than the preconceptions of our times. [...]
[...] This volume adds to this data base by including new, biosocial contribution from the perspectives of history, political science, sexology, biology, primatology, anthropology, experimental and developmental psychology, and psychiatry. What results is a transspecies, transcultural, and transhistorical perspective that gives new biosocial insights into the roots of pedophilia as the phenomenon is found in contemporary industrialized societies.

Chapter 1: Feierman, Jay R.; A Biosocial Overview of Adult Human Sexual Behavior with Children and Adolescents - full text

Quotes from the next four chapters are given: 

Ch 2: Bullough V.L., History in Adult Human Sexual Behavior with Children and Adolescents in Western Society, 

Ch 3: Okami P.; Sociopolitical Biases in the Contemporary Scientific Literature on Sexual Behavior with Children and Adolescents, 

Ch 11: Mackey W.C., Adult-Male/Juvenile Association as a Species-Characteristic Human Trait: A Comparative Field Approach, and 

Ch 14: Waal, F.B.M. de; Sociosexual Behavior Used for Tension Regulation in All Age and Sex Combinations Among Bonobos. 

Chapter 17: Money, John; Pedophilia: A Specific Instance of New Phylism Theory, as Applied to Paraphilic Lovemaps 
Chapter 22: Human Erotic Age Orientation: A Conclusion - Jay R. Feierman - Full text is given. 

A Chapter from 
Foucault, Michael, History of Sexuality: The Care of Self - Part 6 - Boys  

Griesemer, Michael M. - translated, quoted and summarized 
Ausmass und Auswirkungen massenmedialer Desinformation zum Stand der Wissenschaften über sexuellen Kindesmissbrauch - am Beispiel einer tragischen klinischen Entwicklunsabweichung; Arbeitsgemeinschaft Humane Sexualität e.V., Gießen, 2004
If I want to distinguish two periods [...], I mark 1987 as the dividing line. 
[Summarized:] Since that year, the media weekly mentioned sexual abuse of children and pedophilia, before scarcely known by society and psychologists, presented as a monstrosity. 
The other period I distinguish starts in 1950 with Kinsey's report, goes via the permissive year 1968 to the early eighties with its welfare. And than, [after 1987], the period of the fall of the communists in the East [of Germany] until 2003. 
There are significant differences in the way of speaking in both periods, a difference that has had consequences for our work as psychologists [...]. Also psychologists felt a pressure to prosecute in our work, and had to adapt their way of speaking. 

Howitt, Dennis, Paedophiles and Sexual Offences against Children; Loughborough University, UK; John Wiley & Sons, 1995 [Out of sale] [External link]
With a trenchant discussion of paedophilia, this book continues his tradition of tackling the hard issues. In an across-the-board sweep of theory, research, and practice, Howitt simply refuses to accept the core assumptions and methods that are often "taken as given" by workers in this difficult and demanding field.
It is certain that some of what Howitt has to say will generate controversy, and it is highly unlikely that anyone will agree with everything he has to say. If that is the case, as we suspect that it will be, then, in our view, this text will have helped to achieve the aim of this series in generating constructive debate. A truly useful contribution to knowledge should make us pause, and look, and consider, and question: academics and practitioners alike should read on with interest and perhaps a little trepidation.

Review of:
Jenkins, Moral Panic: Changing concepts of the child molester in Modern America, New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1998

Rind, Bruce, Review of: Moral Panic: Changing Concepts of the Child Molester in Modern America. By Philip Jenkins; in: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 31, No. 6, Dec. 2002

Lautmann, Rudiger: 
Highlights from Lautmann; Quotes, translated from Die Lust am Kind, Portrait des Pädofielen, Rüdiger Lautmann, Ingrid Klein Verlag, Hamburg 1994 
My question is: How do pedophiles see children? The present-day literature keeps silence about this not discussable or forbidden theme.  
We have hold interviews with sixty men. Other  men have informed us in informal interviews or have sent us letters. [...] Our respondents were for two-third boylovers, for one-third girl-lovers, while some loved boys and girls. 
Our sample is not taken from a prison or clinic population, but is as broad as possible taken from the national German population. 

Leahy, Terry, Negotiating Stigma: Approaches to Intergenerational Sex, PhD thesis. 
PhD thesis presented to the University of New South Wales, 1991.
First published in January 2002 by Books Reborn.

In Booksreborn: PDF File 

In Libray 3 as Html files:

PhD thesis presented to the University of New South Wales, 1991.
First published in January 2002 [on the www, but disappeared].
Negotiating Stigma: Approaches to Intergenerational Sex deals with the experience of younger parties involved in intergenerational sexual relationships with adults. The study is based upon a set of interviews (nineteen in all) with people who, while they were under sixteen, were voluntarily involved in such relationships. They all described relationships that they regarded as positive experiences. Frank and intriguing verbatim material from the interviews provides the background and the basis for the analysis.


[Part 1 - Chapter 6 - Conclusions 1] 

[Part 2 - Chapter 10 - Conclusions 2]

Lear, Andew & Cantarella, Eva, Images of Ancient Greek Pederasty: Boys Were Their Gods,  Routledge, 2008: 
Goldhill, Simon, Images of Ancient Greek Pederasty: Boys Were Their Gods
; Images of Ancient Greek Pederasty: Boys Were Their Gods; Times Higher Education (UK), 12 June 2008 - "Boys will be boys" is a depressing prediction not only for feminists with an eye to the future, but also - retrospectively - for historians of sexuality. [...] But fortunately for historians, Ancient Greek pederasty is always there to throw a spanner in the machine of the ideologues who believe that human sexuality has a natural and ineluctably proper form. 

Martinson, Floyd M., 

The Sexual Life of Children  
[...] children appear to get a sexual life naturally and unobtrusively by being alert to the many influences around them. But are these the influences that children are being alerted to? They come at an age when children are concerned about their own identity a how to relate to members of the other sex. And in their fumbling attempts to relate, they often perform badly. It is a moot question whether such behavior should be handled punitively, with more expulsion and mo detention and at younger ages, or whether we should try another perspective such as teaching the art of loving and the respect for others.

The Quality of Adolescent Sexual Experiences, 1974 

The Care of Infants and Young Children; The New American Dilemma; 1999

Family in Society, 1970

Infant and Child Sexuality: A Sociological Perspective, 1973

Instructor's Manual for Family in Society; by Martinson, Floyd M. and Martinson, Beatrice Awes, 1970

Marriage and the American Ideal, 1960

Moll, Albert (1862-1939), The Sexual Life of the Child[PDF version]
Translated from the German by Paul, Eden, 1865-1944
Introduction by Thorndike, Edward L. (Edward Lee), 1874-1949
First published in German as Das Sexualleben des Kindes, 1909
First published in English by Macmillan, 1912. LCCN 12-015624, The Macmillan Company
This edition of October 2000 by Books Reborn
This edition has been OCR scanned from a 1929 Macmillan reproduction of the 1912 edition. 

Naudé, Jonelle, Reconstructing Paedophilia 
an analysis of current discourses and the construct of close relationships. 
Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science at the University of Stellenbosch - Supervisor: Mr C. Petty - December 2005 
Analysis reveals how the dominant positivist approach to paedophilia research embeds and perpetuates moral and often prejudicial positions that in turn influence the validity of empirical findings and theory, and tend to marginalise contradictory evidence. 
[... I]t appears that the framework opens a discursive space in which the psychological dimensions of paedophilia may be problematised in ways that are less susceptible to implicit prejudice and bias, and therefore empirically more sound. The implications hereof for research, theory and psychotherapeutic intervention in the area of paedophilia are discussed briefly.

Sandfort, Theo PhD,
Boys on their contacts with men: a study of sexually expressed friendships,
Elmhurst, NY: Global Academic Publishers (1987). [External link; ZIP files there]
Pedophilia and ephebophilia are no more a matter of voluntary choice than are left-handedness or color blindness. There is no known method of treatment by which they may be effectively and permanently altered, suppressed, or replaced. Punishment is useless. There is no satisfactory hypothesis, evolutionary or otherwise, as to why they exist in nature's overall scheme of things. One must simply accept the fact that they do exist, and then, with optimum enlightenment, formulate a policy of what to do about it.
Herein lies the significance of Theo Sandfort's book. The most important thing about it, first and foremost, is that it exists as a source of information relevant to a vexacious and disputed issue in pediatric and ephebiatric sexological ethics. No matter that it may constitute only one wall of an unfinished edifice: its great scientific merit is that it does constitute that one wall on and around which more may be built. It is a very important book, and a very positive one." (John Money, PhD)

Sandfort, Theo G.M. PhD & Rademakers, Jany, PhD,
Childhood Sexuality, Normal Sexual Behavior and Development. Editors: Theo G.M. Sandfort, PhD and Jany Rademakers, PhD.

Filip Schuster; Lexikon der Pädophilie-Irrtümer; Ipce 2014

Beim Thema Pädophilie ist die gegenwärtige Bevölkerung ähnlich aufgeklärt und reflektiert wie die Bevölkerung des Mittelalters beim Thema Homosexualität. Aber Gott sei Dank gibt es die Wissenschaft, die sich den Irrungen und Wirrungen der Zeiten zumindest teilweise entziehen kann und aufgrund ihrer ausgefeilten Untersuchungsmethoden oft tiefe Einblicke in ideologisch umstrittene Themen ermöglicht. In diesem Buch werden die Ergebnisse vieler empirischer Studien zur Liebe und zur Sexualität zwischen Minderjährigen und Erwachsenen beschrieben, so dass Sie sich auf einen hoffentlich interessanten und tiefgründigen Blick hinter die Kulissen der sexualpolitischen Korrektheit freuen können.

Review of:
Sonenschein, D., Pedophiles on Parade; Volume 1: The monster in the media; Volume 2: The popular imagery of moral hysteria, San Antonio, Texas, 1998

Stewart, Anna; Dennison, Susan & Waterson, Elissa, Pathways from child maltreatment to juvenile offending;
ISBN 0 642 24282 8 ; ISSN 0817-8542 - October 2002 

The authors examine 11 predictive factors for youth offending, and find that children who suffer maltreatment are more likely to offend. Physical abuse and neglect are significant predictive factors, but sexual and emotional abuse are not.

Beatings, not sexual abuse, turn child into a criminal; January 7 2003, 
Physically abused and neglected children are far more likely to end up with a criminal record, researchers say.
On the other hand, sexually abused children are less likely to offend later in life, the study, released yesterday by the Australian Institute of Criminology, has found.

Vogt, Horst, Pedophilia 
The Leipziger Study of the Social and Psychical Situation of Pedophilic Men 
Pabst Science Publishers, Lengerich, 2006  
This is a translation of 
Pädophilie; Leipzicher Studie zur gesellschaftlichen und psychischen Situation pädophiler Männer -
ISBN-10: 3-89967-323-9; ISBN-13: 978-3-89967-323-4.
The translation will gradually be given here. 
Given the fact that most of those effected find them helpful, the question arises as to what extent pedophile self-help groups are worthy of social support (e.g. making space available, club memberships, etc.). In the media, pedophile self-help groups are sometimes categorically characterized as criminal rings. Based on the author's experience, there are some serious pedophile self-help groups which incorporate expert psychological care (e.g. in Frankfurt) that certainly do not constitute criminal organizations, and which are worthy of support.

Wilson, Glenn D. & Cox, David N.
The Child-Lovers, A Study of Paedophiles in Society,
Peter Owen, London & Boston, 1982
[External link; ZIP files there]
The data presented here are unique in that this paedophile sample was drawn neither from medical case records nor from prison files. Rather, they were self-confessed paedophiles ‘at large’ within the community and to some extent committed to their lifestyle. Our impression was that their responses to both the questionnaires and the interviews were fairly honest and uninhibited, and this belief is supported by the fact that their EPQ Lie scores were not inflated in relation to a suitable control group. [...]
Because of the unique aspects of the sample there is no reason to expect that our results will necessarily concur with previous findings.
[...] our research revealed that the fantasies of paedophile men have a lot in common with those of normal men, e.g. the emphasis on group sex and compliant partners (Wilson, 1978). Even the prime defining characteristic of paedophilia, the preference for extreme youth in a sex partner, can be seen as an ex-tension of the normal tendency of men to seek partners younger than themselves. When all these factors are considered it is clear that the sexual preferences of the paedophile are not so far removed from those of the normal man as they might at first appear.

Yates, Alayne, Sex Without Shame: Encouraging the child's healthy sexual development, 1978

Yuill, Richard, Male Age-Discrepant Intergenerational Sexualities and Relationships; 2005; Summary
This thesis examines the construction of male age-discrepant intergenerational sexualities and relationships (MADIS) - primarily in the United Kingdom. It analyses the way in which such relationships have been constituted within hegemonic child sexual abuse (CSA) discourses, and how these in turn have been influenced by late modern material, social and cultural conditions.