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[<< External links >>] [PDF
text] [PDF
Rind, Bruce & Tromovitch, Philip, A
Meta-Analytic Review of Findings from National Samples on Psychological
Correlates of Child Sexual Abuse, The
Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 34, No.3, 1997 pp. 237 - 255
Rind, B., Tromovitch, Ph. & Bauserman, R.,
of a scientific article: A chronology and refutation of the
attacks and a discussion of threats to the integrety of science, in:
In: Sexuality & Culture, 4-2, Spring 2000
[<< External links >>] [ZIP
Html version]
Rind, Tromovitch & Bauserman: A
Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using
College Samples. Psychological Bulletin 124:1
(1998), pp. 22-53.
Rind, Bauserman & Tromovitch: An
Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Based on Nonclinical
Samples. Paper presented to the symposium by the Paulus Kerk, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands, December 1998.
Rind, Tromovitch & Bauserman: The
Clash of Media, Politics, and Sexual Science: An examination of the
controversy surrounding the Psychological Bulletin meta-analysis on the
assumed properties of child sexual abuse. Talk presented at the 1999
Joint Annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS)
and the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT)
November 6, 1999 (St. Louis MO).
Rind, Bruce; Bauserman, Robert & Tromovitch,
Philip, Debunking
the false allegation of "statistical abuse": a reply to
Spiegel; Sexuality & Culture, 4-2, Spring 2000, 101-111
Rind, B., Tromovitch, Ph., & Bauserman, R.,
The Validity
and Appropriateness of Methods, Analyses, and Conclusions in Rind
et al. (1998): A Rebuttal of Victimological Critique From Ondersma et
al. (2001) and Dallam et al. (2001); Psychologican Bulletin, 127, 6,
734-758, 2001
Rind, Bruce & Tromovitch, Philip, National Samples, Sexual Abuse in Childhood, and Adjustment in
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