The Pampered Victim, The Dubious
Legacy of Martin Heidegger From Koinos Magazine #22
Kort, Huib & G. G.,
Ganaway, G. K. |
Lilienfeld, S. O., Lynn, S. J., Kirsch, I.,
Chaves, J.
F., Sarbin, Th. R., Ganaway, G. K. & Powell, R. A.: Dissociative
Identity Disorder and the Socio-cognitive Model: Recalling
the Lessons of the Past; Psychological Bulletin, 1999, 125-5, 507-523.
Gangloff, Mike, |
Court unseals transcript in sexual abuse case;
The document indicates that two boys abused by a teacher were affected mentally by the
events; The Roanoke Times, August 04, 2007
Gardner, Richard: |
Talan, Jamie, Richard
Gardner and Parental Alienation Syndrome, The debate rages on...
Newsday, July 1, 2003
Garner, Richard A., |
Findings and Child Sexual Abuse; IPT Vol 5, 1993
Genius, Mark |
Paolucci, Elisabeth; Genius, Mark &
'Meta-analysis of published research on the effects
of child sexual abuse (CSA)' , Journal of Psychology (2001, 135,
1, 17-36:
 | Peter: Comment:
The Journal of Psychology (2001, 135, 1, 17-36) carries a 'Meta-analysis of published
research on the effects of child sexual abuse (CSA)' by
Elizabeth Paolucci, Mark Genuis and Claudio Violato, which reviews
37 good-quality studies. |
Gersten, Lana; |
Begin Confronting Pedophilia; The Jewish Daily, October 10, 2008
Gregory, Lauren,
Sex offender recidivism less than other felons'; Times Free Press, September 02, 2007
Gerassi, John: |
Mackey, Thomas C., "Review of John
Gerassi, The Boys of Boise: Furor, Vice, and Folly in an American City,"
H-Urban, H-Net Reviews, May, 2002. Introduction
< http://www.h-net.msu.edu/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=156391022082878
Gieles, F.E.J. |
A 'good' example of a bad text
Here below, in the blue boxes, are quotes and summaries from an article
[... *] In the yellow [yellow] boxes are my comments.
By Frans Gieles, PhD
 | [*] Crimes Against Children - Why do some people want to hurt children?
By Dan Eden |
Go Dutch - A Practice Sample;
Youth and Sexuality in the Netherlands;
Paper presented at the 19th
World Congress for Sexual Health, World Association of Sexology,
Göteborg, Sweden, June 2009
and intimacy in intergenerational relationships
; ‘First, do no harm’
, By Dr
Frans Gieles, In:
Ipce newsletter E 17, June 2004
'pedophilia' as a concept. Summary of a lecture, given in Utrecht on 22
January 1997, , introducing a panel discussion on pedophilia at Alcmæon,
the Utrecht Faculty Association for the Social Sciences. |
Über den
Begriff 'Pädophilie' , Zusammenfassung des Vortrags, mit dem
der Heilpädagoge Dr. Frans E.J Gieles am 22. Januar
1997 eine Podiumsdiskussion über Pädophilie vor der Vereinigung
der Ütrechter Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, Alcamæon,
eröffnete. |
'pedofilia' como un concepto
Sumario de un discurso dado par Frans E.J. Gieles Ph.D, el 22
enero 1997, presentado una discusión de panel con respeto a
pedofilia, en Alcmæon, el Asociación de Facultad por
los ciencias Sociales de Utrecht, los Países Bajos. |
Recidivism. A meta-analysis. Ipce Newsletter E6
(July 1999).
struggles about the free will, facts and morality,
The debate about the publications of Rind, Bauserman & Tromovitch
goes on - a bird's eye view, 1997-2002, In: Ipce Newsletter E
13, June 2002
explanation of the statistics used in the Meta-analysis.
* Translation into Russian, by Cyril Galaburda
Forget the four percent - Remember the one percent, Aug 08 2017
didn't know how to deal with it". Young people speak out about their
sexual contacts with adults. NVSH lwg JORis Nieuwsbrief.
English translation of a Dutch original.
pedophilia a mental disorder? Discussion in Archives of Sexual
Behavior; Report
The December 2002 issue is a special about pedophilia.
Lecture, background
article, references and web site 15th World Congress of Sexology.
June 2001 [External links]
to Minors' - The perils of protecting children from sex.
about the book of Judith Levine, Harmful for Minors, The perils of
protecting children from sex, 2001.
By Frans Gieles
The Netherlands, 1 November 2002, Study conference 'Aljen Klamer
group', Paul' s Church, "Abuse by definition? Image and
President... The USA is shocked by the research of Rind, Bauserman &
cure but control. Ipce Newsletter E3
(September 1998)
and Morality or The Rind et al. Controversy. The counter arguments replied.
self-help and real therapy.
personal essays, 2002 [External links]:
There must be a scapegoat; Pitfalls,
traps and mistakes in forensic personality investigation, 2006
'But sir, you are an
offender!' - Narrative coercion as method of behavior modification,
Research, models and ideology -
For example: eleven authors, and ten recommendations; Frans E.J.
Gieles, PhD, Lecture, Ipce Meeting July 2008 - Ipce newsletter E 26,
November 2008
‘Research has shown…’
- On ideology and science; KOINOS Magazine
# 60, 2008 # 4.
memoriam: Dr. Frits Bernard; in KOINOS
# 51 (2006 # 3)
Gieles, Bernie et al.: |
Research of Dr. Michael Baurmann and Dr. Robert Bauserman and their
Gieseking, Dieter |
Interview mit Michael Griesemer, Autor des Buches Das Protokoll;
Halbgebildeten Fanatikern im Missbrauchsgeschäft irgendwann das
Handwerk lege'; In: Campo.
Giroux, Henry A. |
Review of Stealing
Innocence: corporate culture's war on children, 9.99
Glaser, Danya, |
Abuse and Neglect and the Brain, J. Child Psychol. & Psychiat.
41-1, 2000, 97-116
Gleaves, D. H. |
Dallam, S.J., Gleaves, D.H., Cepeda-Benito, A.,
Silberg, J.L., Kraemer, H.C. & Spiegel, D.,
The Effects of
Child Sexual Abuse: Comment on Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman
(1998); Psychologican Bulletin, 127, 6, 715-733, 2001
Woman Who Had Baby With 14-Year-Old Boy Gets Probation;
Oct 11, 2006
Goldstein, Joshua R |
Secular Trend toward Earlier Male Sexual Maturity - Evidence from
Shifting Ages of Male Young Adult Mortality.
The Globe & Mail, |
Risk of Registries; 19 April 2006
Gold, Matea |
NBC resolves lawsuit over 'To Catch a Predator' suicide;
LA Times Jun 24 2008
Goldhill, Simon |
Images of Ancient Greek
Pederasty: Boys Were Their Gods; Images of Ancient Greek Pederasty: Boys Were Their Gods;
Times Higher Education (UK), 12 June 2008
Lear, Andew & Cantarella, Eva, Images of Ancient Greek Pederasty: Boys Were Their Gods,
Routledge, 2008.
Goldsmith, Susan |
schoolboys or sex offenders? , The Oregonian, July 22, 2007
Goldstein, Richard |
Pee-wee, A Child-Porn Case That Threatens Us All, The Village
Voice, January 15 - 21, 2003
Double Standard
This brief excerpt is the beginning of an article in the August 20,
2002 edition of The Advocate.
Gonzales, Alberto, |
Remarks of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales at the Project Safe
Childhood Conference; Justice Department, US Newswire, December 4,
Goodman, G.S. |
Ondersma, S.J., Chaffin, M., Berliner, L., Cordon, I.,
Goodman, G.S. & Barnett, D.,
Sex With
Children Is Abuse: Comment on Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman
Psychologican Bulletin, 127, 6, 707-714, 2001
Goodman, J.T. |
Feldman, W, E Feldman, JT Goodman, PJ McGrath, RP
L Corsini and S, Bennett: Is
childhood sexual abuse really increasing in prevalence? An
analysis of the evidence, Department of Pediatrics, Childrens
Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Canada; in: Pediatrcs, Volume 88,
Issue 1, pp. 29-33, 07/01/1991 Copyright © 1991 by The American
Academy of Pediatrics [Abstract only]
Goodstein, Laurie, |
of Pain in Church Crisis Leads to Nearly Every Diocese - NYTimes,
January 12, 2003
Goodyear-Smith, Felicity |
Rind, Bruce, First
Do No Harm: The Sexual Abuse Industry Book Review by Bruce Rind,
Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Temple University.
For anyone wishing to understand the modern day sex abuse hysteria in
terms of its origins, characteristics, and consequences, one could do
no better than to read Dr. Goodyear-Smith's book First Do No Harm: The
Sexual Abuse Industry.
Google |
Google top 5 'sex offender recidivism'; 2007-February-9
on a Forum
Gordon, Nan, |
It's ridiculous that we treat child
nudity as a problem - The Independent (UK), 8 July 2008
Gouvellis, Jim |
adults and children don't mix; Sun Herald, February 9, 2006
Grace, Kristen A. |
Grace, Kristen A. & Vivian, Craig, Moral
Education and the Limits of Virtue; Cornell University, PES
Yearbook 1999
Graupner, Helmut, |
Sexualität, Jugendschutz und Menschenrechte
- Lang, Frankfurt /M. - Doctoral dissertation, Thesis Univ. Wien, 1996
< http://www.graupner.at/e/book.html
Green, Aimee, |
Walls Await Freed Predators; The Sunday Oregonian (Portland,
Oregon), January 7, 2007
Green, Richard, |
Is pedophilia a mental disorder?; Archives of Sexual behavior, 31-6, December 2002.
Greenfeld, Lawrence A. |
Lawrence A., Recidivism of Sex Offenders Released from Prison in 1994
Patrick A. Langan, Erica L. Schmitt, and Matthew R. Durose, all BJS statisticians, wrote this report. Carolyn Williams and Tom Hester edited and produced it.
U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, November 2003
Greer, Germaine, The Boys: |
The Boys, AAP, January 24, 2003
Griesemer, Michael |
Gieseking, Dieter, Interview mit Michael Griesemer, Autor des Buches Das Protokoll;
Halbgebildeten Fanatikern im Missbrauchsgeschäft irgendwann das
Handwerk lege'; In: Campo.
M. Griesemer - translated, quoted and summarized
Ausmass und Auswirkungen massenmedialer Desinformation zum Stand
der Wissenschaften über sexuellen Kindesmissbrauch - am Beispiel
einer tragischen klinischen Entwicklunsabweichung; Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Humane Sexualität e.V., Gießen, 2004
- oder - Vom Bürger und vom Hexenbrennen - 2010
1 - Gedicht
2 - Hexenprozesse gegen Kinder und sexuell Deviante im 16. und 17.
'To Catch a Predator': The New American Witch Hunt for Dangerous
Pedophiles; Rolling Stone # 1032; Vanessa
Grigoriadis, 9 Aug 2009
Grohol, John M., |
Children Reach Adult Brain Levels Sooner Than Previously Thought; Psych Central News Editor, May, 19, 2007.
Review of: Waber DP et al. "The NIH MRI Study of Normal Brain Development:
Performance of a Population Based Sample of Healthy Children Aged 6 to
18 Years on a Neuropsychological Battery." Journal of the International
Neuropsychological Society, 2007, Vol. 13, pp. 1-18.
Guardian, The, |
cannot admit what I am to myself'; January 23, 2003 The Guardian -
The Guardian & Permalink; |
"Vatican told bishops to cover up sex abuse"; The Guardian
17 August 2003 & in Religion | Permalink; 28 November 2008
Gubb, James: |
Furedi, Frank, Licensed
to hug:
Gubb, James; Licensed to hug; Permalink, June 26, 2008
The Guide |
PA Sex Police Nab Kids;
Child felons convicted; The Guide, August 1999.
children, Editorial from The Guide, August 1999.
 | Burning the Library, Dutch government
destroys gay archive, vows mass arrests, The Guide, February 2001 |
 | Faut-il brûler BRONGERSMA?
En détruisant une collection gaie la police néerlandais nous promet des
arrestations massives, Dans: The Guide, February 2001, Traduction par Ipce. |
 | Bücherverbrennung; Die
niederländische Regierung zerstört ein schwules Archiv
und verspricht Massenverhaftungen, Aus: The Guide, February 2001 |
Quemar la Biblioteca; El
gobierno holandés destruye archivo alegre, los arrestos de masa de votos; The
Guide, El febrero 2001
Terror; What's breathing down your neck; The Guide, March 2005, on
the Shanley & Lynne Stewart verdicts.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |