Quotes from
Landesman, Peter, The Girls Next Door;
The New York Times Magazine, 25 January 2004
Because of the porousness of the U.S.-Mexico border and the criminal networks
that traverse it, the towns and cities along that border have become the main
staging area in an illicit and barbaric industry, whose ''products'' are women
and girls. On both sides of the border, they are rented out for sex for as
little as 15 minutes at a time, dozens of times a day. Sometimes they are sold
outright to other traffickers and sex rings, victims and experts say. These sex
slaves earn no money, there is nothing voluntary about what they do and if they
try to escape they are often beaten and sometimes killed.
With six
critics on this article about sex slavery in the US and Mexico -
Jack Shafer.
Landesman's notion that every third block in the country harbors a sex-slave
brothel can be traced to his reliance on well-meaning sources in government,
activist circles, the religious community, and academia whose moral fervor
causes them to stretch the truth to make their points about the abomination
of sex slavery. Landesman appears to have fallen captive to these sources,
internalized their views, and channeled their agenda into the pages of the Times
Magazine. |
Larsen, Jytte, Classical
Feminism Continues to Create Pedophile Panic; Women and Men, an
epoch-making book by
Copenhagen Professor Henning Bech
; A
translated [from Danish] review, in FORUM,
9 May 2005
It is rare that a Danish male professor writes critically and competently on
female and gender research. But according to this FORUM’s reviewer, that is
precisely what professor Henning Bech has accomplished with his work Women
and Men, a book that pounds away at ritual thinking and dogmatic
conventions. Bech is especially celebrated for his research on male
homosexuality. This FORUM’s reviewer, historian Jytte Larsen, has read the
book and been enlightened, astonished, and provoked.
Frederick, The Abuse of Child Abuse, The Spectator Nov
1, 1997; Frederick Lawton says there is now hysteria surrounding the whole subject of
Legge, Joe, "I'm
Scared "; Sex Offender Fears New Law; WDEF-TV News 12, Jun 30, 2006
Thousands of sex offenders living in Georgia may soon be forced to moved. [...]
He's rebuilt his life... Getting married, buying a house, and landing a good
job. Now, John's life stands to be torn apart again, thanks to a new Georgia
law. [...]
Georgia will prohibit sex offenders from living, working, and loitering within a
thousand feet of anywhere children gather... like a school, church, park, or
even a school bus stop. These rules will force thousands of sex offenders to
La Libération, Trois
soixante-huitards dénoncent un « procès stalinien », Tiré
du « Libération » de vendredi, 23 février 2001, p. 4
« Je dois vous avouer que j'ai été assez tôt ``adultophile'' et que mes
premières aventures sexuelles datant de l'âge de 13-14 ans avec une femme bien
plus âgée que moi me faisant tomber sous le coup de la loi...
Letourneau, Mary Kay
Letourneau, Mary Kay, accouche
d'un deuxième enfant de son ami Vili, age aujourd'hui de 15 ans.
Bien que le jury américain ait condamné Mary Kay d’avoir violé son
élève Vili âgé de 13 ans, le teenager ne tenait plus de joie quand on lui a
annoncé la naissance de son second enfant.
Rappelons que le jeune amoureux a 15 ans pendant que la maman en compte 36...
Vili se trouve, actuellement, à Paris, à l’occasion de la parution de son
livre édité aux éditions Fixot: “Mon seul crime était d’aimer...” |
from some articles about Mary Kay Letourneau, Ipce newsletter E18,
february 2005
Mary Kay Letourneau, the teacher convicted for having sex with a
sixth-grade student, was released from prison Wednesday, and her 21-year-old
victim quickly sought to get back together with her. [...]
Mary Kay Letourneau, the former schoolteacher jailed for more than seven years
for having sex with a 13-year-old student, says she and the now-grown former student are engaged to be
married. |
engaged to 21-year-old former student
Feb. 9, 2005 - (CNN) — Mary Kay Letourneau, the former schoolteacher
jailed for more than seven years for having sex with a 13-year-old student,
says she and the now-grown former student are engaged to be married. |
Kuehl, Michael,
as "Rapists" and "Pedophiles": Why Mary
Letourneau served more time in prison than the average male convicted of
murder; 2004
The women are vilified as "pedophiles" and "child
molesters" for having sex with teenage males as old as 16 and 17
who might be 6',4" with 10-inch penises and outweigh their
"abusers" by 50-150 pounds. They're described as
"rapists" and perpetrators of "sexual assault" when
there's obviously no "use or threat of force or violence" to
secure compliance and their definitional "victims" are
perfectly willing and knowing participants. Most insanely, both in the
media and under the law, the women are guilty of "rape" and
"sexual assault" even when they're raped and sexually
assaulted by their theoretical "victims." As we'll see, I'm
talking about actual cases, not hypothetically. |
Wisconsin; 2004
If anything, famously "progressive" Wisconsin is even battier
than the "Land of Loons." Since at least 1997, women have been
sentenced to jail and even prison not only for having sex with young men
as old as 16 and 17 but also, even more appallingly, for acquiescing to
intercourse and "sexual contact" with criminals and predators
who raped and assaulted them. |
Levy, Ariel, Dirty Old Women;
Teenage boys have always lusted after attractive teachers, but what happens when the teachers lust after the boys?
New York Metro, 22 May 2006
An overview of several cases and background information.
Levine, Judith, A
Question of Abuse, Mother Jones, July/August 1996
An influential group of therapists is promoting a new scare: children who molest
other children. Those who question the murky evidence are said to be in denial.
But it is the kids, taken from home and given intense therapy, who might be
sufferering the most.
Judith, Poli
Psy; , The Public; Uses & Abuses of Emotion; Ocober 25, 2006
It's hard not to relish the spectacle of the Republicans' hoist on Mark Foley's
quivering petard. But the pleasure wanes as the sanctimony rises -- a chorus of
politicians, pundits and reporters all singing the words child protection.
[...] As I said, the words child and protection lose all meaning.
Levine, Judith, The
Romance a Teenage Camper Couldn't Have Today Summer of Love, in: Village
Voice, Week of July 3 - 9, 2002
This is an innocent story. In 1967, the summer before my 15th birthday, I fell
in love. It was my first intense erotic love, and its object was the photography
counselor at camp -- a lean, bearded, blue-eyed guy I'll call Jake. He was 26.
Nothing sexual happened. Still, I think of those two months as the summer of my panouissement,
a French word meaning blossoming or opening, which also means glow. Jake took
hundreds of pictures of me, and his affirmation and his camera opened me to
myself. They helped me begin, sexually, to glow.
If the same events had occurred in 2002, they would not be viewed as innocent.
The adults around me would write my chaste romance as a perverse tale, casting
Jake as a predator and me as his hapless, clueless prey. Had I started my sex
education with good-touch-bad-touch lessons in kindergarten or listened for a
decade to media reporting on a world allegedly crowded with sexual malefactors
sniffing the world for young flesh, I might even have believed that my friend
and mentor Jake was one of them. That sweet idyll would have been, instead, the
summer of my victimization. And instead of opening me, Jake's attentions might
have closed me down in fear and confusion.
Lewis, Paul; Three British evangelicals cast blame on each other in trials over child abuse at Albanian orphanage; The Guardian, 27 October 2008
Three evangelical Britons, including the director of the orphanage, David Brown, have been accused of abusing children in their care.
Lilly, Patrick L., Defining
adulthood, in: The Arlington Morning News, 8 July 2001
To the Editor:
A million thanks for Michael Landauer's editorial on double standards regarding
adulthood (“Mixed messages—a rite of passage,” AMN, 1 July). It's about
time people starting pointing out the illogic and hypocrisy of our laws in
calling people “adults” for purposes which hurt them, while still denying
them the status of “adults” for purposes which work to their advantage.
Lipman, Lisa, UMASS
professor advocates pederasty, Associated Press November 26, 2000
William Armstrong Percy III says that when he was 14, he seduced a male soldier
while traveling on a train.
"I never got enough sex with an older man. I don't see that I was harmed at
all, except being deprived of not having more," said Percy. "I was
already the aggressor."
Percy, now 66 and a history professor at the University of Massachusetts-Boston,
is known for his disarming bluntness on gay issues. His own sexual experiences -
which he estimates number more than 10,000 - contributed to his belief that the
age of consent between men and boys should be lowered to 14
Lithwick, Dahlia, Vile,
Vile Pedophile - Is child molesting a sickness or a crime?
Jan. 7, 2004
Sick or twisted? [...] Is pedophilia a disease to be treated, or a crime to be
punished? Are people who seduce minors sick or evil?
Loller, Travis, Ex-teacher may not see anything wrong with abuse, expert says;
Psychologist: Female abusers view boys as soul mates; The Tennessean /
Dickson Herald; April 14, 2006
Pamela Rogers, 28, gained international attention and had to give up her
career in teaching last year when she pleaded no contest to having sex with a 13-year-old former student at Centertown Elementary. Released
from jail early two months ago, she faces up to seven years in prison after being charged with posting messages to and about the boy on her
MySpace.com Web site.
Older women who get involved with teenage boys often "see the relationship with the teen as a romantic relationship, rather than
abusive," said Donna Moore.
Lotfus, Elisabeth:
Memory researcher Elizabeth Loftus wins American Psychological Society
award; defends the Rind team and Lilienfeld, and criticizes the American
Psychological Association.
The FMS (False Memory Syndrome) Foundation Newsletter of July/August 2001, 10/4,
gives the text of a speech by memory researcher Elizabeth Loftus, who helped
discredit recovered memories. Loftus received an award from the American
Psychological Society.
In her speech, she mentions the Rind et al controversy and Lilienfeld.
first an introduction by a newsletter editor, |
then a news flash about Loftus winning the award, |
then Loftus's acceptance speech. |
Love, Norma, Sexual predators, living wills among new laws; Associated Press, December 29, 2006
First-time child molesters could be locked up for a minimum of 25 years in prison -- and potentially indefinitely
afterward -- under a tough new law taking effect Jan. 1 [2007].
Lyons, Robert & Knight, Simon, A Critical Look at Children's Rights, 2 May 1997,
Generation Youth Issues
There is a process going on whereby the 'empowerment' of children is causing
boundaries between public and private domains to be eroded. This is resulting in
a shift in power from the family to the state.
These developments need to be explored to find out if they are as progressive as
they seem. We will examine the unquestioned wisdom that children should have
rights and then explore whether there really is a conflict of interests between
parents and their children. Finally, we go on to examine whether this
legislation really will benefit children or achieve the aims set out for it.