1. Ipce's internal matters1. Report of the secretaryIpce has now (May 8, 2009) 52 members in 18 countries spread all over the world. Ipce’s internal forum IMO, Ipce Meets Online, has now 31 members, spread over twelve countries. In addition, we have one pending member, six members who have a temporary pause, two guests, whilst four (former) members are not reachable. About the latter: some members change, and some of them frequently, their e-mail address, and omit informing the secretary. The Meeting ...... accepted the report. Because our secretary clearly has a body that may become ill or worse, two persons are appointed as co-secretaries. They will receive security copies of the membership lists, and keep them up to date in the near future. 2. Report of the webmasterIpce’s website has six public sections and one internal archive now:
What will changeAll websites, IMO and its archive will soon be moved to one other provider. This will diminish the costs and the complexity. Supposedly, there will start an Ipce 2 or a new Library 4, both with a modernized wiki-like technique and a modernized lay out. At least, this is a proposal for the Ipce Meeting 2009 to decide on. What has to changeInstead of one webmaster for all content and one technician for the technology, there should be formed a team of webmasters. Also this is a proposal for the Meeting 2009 to decide on. There is a great delay in updating the IMO Archive. There are lots of files waiting, in good order saved in folders by subject, to make several Ipce Magazine’s, factually updates concerning one subject. Your webmaster has a lack of time, a growing age and a diminishing health. I have asked one quite active member to make an Ipce Magazine or an article, over-viewing one subject, in casu the
Perverted Justice. I have sent him all the files on March 15, 2008, and lots of files thereafter, but I did not receive any article, magazine, text or even reaction. The meeting decided ...The meeting agreed with moving the websites to another provider. The Meeting decided to start an 'Ipce 2' website with more modern lay-out and a wiki-like system. If this succeeds, 'Ipce 1' can be changed into the same lay-ouit and system. The meeting has set up a committee with for the new website. The technical man will create and host the website, the other will be the content manager. Webmaster Frans will work further on the delay for 'Ipce 1', and will be the moderator of the new website. The new content manager will receive the news cuttings and will do the selection for Ipce and IMO according to the guidelines - see here below. He also will form an editorial committee, supposedly having mostly young members. Guidelines1. Ipce offers only articles on a high, if possible scholarly level with an unbiased, non-judgmental perspective. No news items, except very important ones, or specific overviews. No individual cases. No changes of laws in only one state of the USA. No (next absurd) proposals of law makers. Neither essays on the ‘we against our enemies’ level, nor essays on the ‘all pedophiles are always good’ level. 3. Two teamsIpce has two teams, to be (re)installed by the annual Meeting.
The Meeting will also be asked to decide on criteria for the admission of guests. The meeting decided ...... to re-install the two teams, and: 4. Financial report
** The “other costs” for the websites are for a special operation. All parts of the websites are made in a time everyone had a small screen or monitor. All pages are made in 100% page width. If there are tables, they are made with the “100% width” option. Now, in modern times with far broader screens, they appear with too long lines, not easily readable. Thus, all pages had or has to be changed into a table (or tables within a table) of 600 pix width. Also, the old-fashioned lay out of the
centered pages are changed or will be changed into the more modern left-placed lay out. This job is done and will be done by an assistant for ten euros per hour. The Meeting decided