Ipce decides on Ipce - Internal mattersThe reports The reportsThe reports of the secretary and the webmaster and the financial report (published in Newsletter # 23) are accepted by the meeting - and thus the policy behind those reports. The secretary, the webmaster and the treasurer will be the same next year. The Conflict & Emergency Team is reinstalled for the next
year. New rules for membershipThe infiltration in Hamburg 2004, and earlier in Berlin 2001, presses us to review the membership rules. The start of the discussion about this topic is written in the next text, made and spread during the meeting.
The meeting has accepted this paper as its policy, be it with the next positive criteria:
In general: ask for verifiable information, take time for a test or a period of candidate membership. Use Google. Try to meet in person, preferably with two existing members. The meeting installed a new Membership Team. This team will decide about the acceptance of new members, preferably with consensus. Ipce thinks and discusses about Ipce1. What is Ipce?The Mission Statement says: 2. Scholarly textsIn practice, Ipce spreads scholarly texts, unbiased, non-judgmental, unbiased; in short: good science, gathered and sometimes translated by the members and placed by the webmaster. Members gather texts and discuss on a closed forum IMO: Ipce Meets Online. Which
texts? Which are the criteria? Yes. 'Scholarly' and 'academic' does not mean 'old people who have read and written lots of articles and books'. It can also mean 'young and open to learn'. For young people the same criteria for membership will be used - see the section here above about the new rules for membership and the procedure of the New membership Team. 4. How broad is Ipce's interest?Some people whisper or mean that Ipce has only interest in pedophilic matters and has always a 'pro' position, the antipode of people and websites that have only interest in hunting 'pedophiles'. Some ask Ipce to hunt those hunters. But Ipce's interest is far broader, not one-sided, rather balanced. It is the interest of critical humans, critical on society, critical on the way societies handle with youth in abroad sense. 5. Ipce aims for a high levelIpce's texts are not easy to read. Many are long files with notes, tables and references. The few images on our website are mostly statistical schemes. Supposedly, young people are not eager to read such texts. Thus, make summaries where possible. We also suppose that the ped-hunters think in simple categories and do not want to read such long texts with lots of nuances. Let it be so. Let it be difficult, we want to maintain our level: 'intellectual', 'academic', 'scholarly' - and broad. 6. Sometimes, Ipce is an intermediarySome people do not want to be a member (because of the whispers mentioned here above), but do allow, or ask us, to place their publications on our website. Some of them are a kind of 'associates', no members, but interested in our publications, and able and willing to send us their articles. We accept that some don't want to be a member, and that we sometimes are an intermediary. 7. Ipce does not seek much publicityNuancing thinkers about mutual youth-adult relationships, trying to understand and emancipate them, trying to be unbiased and non-judgmental (see our mission statement) are not popular in the public room. They are not accepted by everyone, only tolerated in a corner of society. Let it, for the time being, be so. Much publicity may result in much resistance or maybe hate-mails. Now Ipce receives less than one such a mail per year. Let it be so. Ipce is available and it is possible to find our texts via Google and a serious seeking person will find and read our texts. Ipce
does not 'shout', does not claim its rights, only very seldom
protests. 8. Ipce is not an action groupIpce as such does not undertake any action, except what is mentioned in
our mission statement: being a forum to discuss things, and publishing
"specific written publications" - thus nor pictures at all,
neither any other kind of action. If members, or other groups, want to
undertake action, they do this on their own responsibility. 9. A list of FAQs or a condensed brochureLet us take one year or so to make a good list of FAQs or a short brochure with condensed information about Ipce (history, scientific data, interpretations, quotes, views, policy). |