- 1929
- 1968
- 1970s
- 1990s
- 1st amendment rights
- Abel screen
- Absurdities
- Abuse
- accident hump
- actuarial risk tools
- Adam Walsh
- Addiction
- adolescence
- adolescent
- adolescent sexuality
- adolescents
- adult-adolescent interaction
- adult-child interaction
- Adult-child relations
- adult-child sex
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
- advocacy
- age of consent
- Age of having sex
- age-gap sex with minors
- age-of-consent
- Ageism
- ages of consent
- Alfred Kinsey
- American Psychiatric Association
- anatomic dolls
- anatomis dolls
- ancient Greece
- André Gide
- anthropology
- Anti-Satanic moral panic in the US
- antisexuality
- Anxiety for Child sexual abuse
- aphorisms
- Arab
- Arab culture
- artistic images
- Assessment
- Association Martijn
- attraction to minors
- attribution
- Australia
- Baran
- belief
- Benjamin Britten
- bibliography
- Biography
- biological origins
- biosocial explanation
- Birkin
- Blanchard et al. (2008)
- Boarding school
- Boy love
- Boy-love
- boy-lover
- boylover
- Boylovers
- boys
- boys' sexuality
- Brooklyn
- Bryn Estin
- Bryn Estyn case
- Canada
- Carolyn Cocca
- catholic priest
- catholic priests
- censorship
- chat
- Chech Republic
- Chemical interventions
- child
- child abuse
- child abuse industry
- Child Labor in the West
- child liberation
- Child neglect
- child pornography
- child pornography law
- Child Pornography Sentencing
- child pornography users
- child prostitution
- child protection
- child protection by education
- Child seksual abuse
- child sex abuse
- child sex abuse panic
- child sexual abuse
- Child Sexual Abuse Research
- Child Sexual Experiences
- Child sexuality
- child witness
- child witnesses
- Child-adult relationship
- child-lover
- child-rearing
- Child-victims
- childhood
- Childhood sex play
- Childhood sexual experience
- childhood sexuality
- children
- Children and Childhood
- Children Sexual abuse
- children's homes
- Children's Rights
- children's tesimony
- Children's testimony in court
- Children’s sexuality
- Child–adult sex
- China
- Christian viewpoint
- church
- Cikdhood
- citizenship
- civil commitment
- Clancy
- clogo
- Coerced into sex; boys
- Coerced Sex
- cognitive distortion
- communities
- conceal
- Condemnation by the US Congress
- confirmation bias
- confounding
- confounding; meta-analysis
- consent
- contact sexual offending
- conviction
- Council of Eurpe Convention on the Protection of Children
- Court trial
- courtroom
- Courts
- criminalization
- cross-cultural
- cross-generational sexuality
- cross-species
- CSE Effects
- culture
- Cycle of abuse
- Danger
- Dangerous Liasons
- Daubert
- David Hamilton
- daycare
- Demonizing
- Depression
- development of youths
- Deviants and Dissidents
- Diagnoses
- diagnosis
- diagnostic criteria
- Diagnostics
- Diana screen
- disclosure
- discourse analysis
- discrimination
- disorder
- disorder or orientation
- Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Dov Hikind
- doxxing
- DSM-5
- due process
- early and late initiation
- Early childhood expeiences
- early or late initiation
- Early sexuality of boys
- ebephilia
- Educating
- Education
- effects of abuse
- empowering
- encounter group
- England and Wales
- entrapment
- ephebephilia
- ephebophilia
- Epifora
- epigenetic
- errors
- ethics
- etiology
- EU
- European Commission
- European Parliament
- evolution
- evolutionary origins
- Evolutionary psychology
- expert witness
- False accusations
- false conviction
- false convictions
- False memories
- false memory
- false memory syndrome
- falsely convicted
- Families
- Fear
- Fear of paedophiles
- fear of sex
- female offender
- Female Pedophilia; Female Hebephilia; Online Abuse Material; Sexual Fantasies Involving Children
- Female Sexuality
- feminism
- fetish
- Finkelhor
- Flavie Flament
- Foley
- Forensic psychiatric treatment
- Foucauldian theory
- Foucault
- Freud
- Friendship
- Friendships
- Frye
- functional and structural MRI
- Future dangerousness assessments
- gay youth
- gender
- Germany
- gerontophilia
- girl-lover
- glossary
- Greeks
- grooming
- Harm
- harmful dysfunction
- Hawai
- Health
- health risk
- hebephilia
- hebephilia pedophilia DSM disorder
- help seeking
- historical
- History
- History of Ipce
- history of the discourse
- homosexuality
- human rights
- human sexual behavior
- hustler magazine
- hysteria
- Iatrogenisis
- Illness
- inappropriate terms
- Incest
- incest taboo
- Indianerkommune
- Inhibitory control abiloities
- Initiation rites
- innocence
- innocent
- intergenerational relationships
- intergenerational sexuality--positive accounts
- internet
- Internet freedom
- internet safely
- Intervention
- interview
- interviewer bias
- Invented stories about pro- and anti-pedophilic propaganda
- Ipce
- Ireland
- Islam
- isolation
- J M Barrie
- J. Feierman (Ed)
- J.M. Barrie and the Lost Boys
- Japan
- Jewish
- Jewish Satanic Rituals
- john jay college
- Judge
- Kanalratten
- Kennedy
- Kinsey
- Kinsey Report
- Kirk Douglas
- knowledge
- La Consolation
- labeling
- Lanzarote
- law
- law (U.S. federal)
- law - sentencing
- law enforcement
- laws
- legal process trauma
- Lesbian and Gay Movement
- lesbian youth
- Lesbians and Gay men
- levine
- Liberated Christians
- Liberation
- literary criticism
- literature
- Lolita
- luring
- MAAs
- Male sexuality
- Male survivors
- male/female dimorphism
- Malón (2009)
- man-boy relationships
- Mann
- Man–boy sexuality
- MAPs
- Martijn
- maturity
- McMartin Preschool
- McMartin Preschool case
- media
- media manipulation
- Megan's Law(s)
- memory
- mental disorder
- mental health
- Mental Health Care
- Mental illness
- meta-analysis
- Michael Jackson
- Minnesota sex abuse case
- minor
- Minor Attracte Persons
- Minor Attracted Adults
- Minor Attracted People
- Minor Attracted Persons
- minor-attracted adults
- minor-attracted people
- minor-attracted person
- misconceptions
- Money
- Moral Laws
- moral panic
- Morality
- Multiple Personality Disorder
- myths
- Nabokov
- Naomi Segal
- narratives.
- Netherlands
- neurobiology
- neurodevelopment
- neurological correlations
- neurological damage
- neuropsychology
- neuroscience
- neurosis
- New Guinea
- NL
- Nobokov (Valdimir Vladimirovic 1899-1977) / Lolita
- Non-offending pedophiles
- O'Carroll
- obituary
- objectifying consent
- offender
- Offending Pedophiles
- on-line sting
- Onanism
- online
- online offending
- oppression
- origins
- Paedophiles
- Paedophilia
- Paidika
- pamphlet
- papers
- paraphilia
- Paraphilias
- Paraphilic Lovemaps
- parenting
- peace
- Pederasts
- pederasty
- Pederasy
- Pedofilic relations
- pedohebephilia
- pedophile
- Pedophile Hunting Groups Hunted
- Pedophile relationships
- pedophiles
- Pedophilia
- Pedophilia; definitions; identity
- Pedophilic Adult Males
- Pedopihila
- penile plethysmograph
- persecution
- Perverted Justice
- Peter Pan
- Philippines
- phylogenetic origins
- physical abuse of children
- Polanski
- police entrapment
- Policy
- political psychology
- Politics
- Polygraphy
- pornography
- preadolescent sexuality
- pregnancy
- Prenatal development
- Prevention
- Priests and pedophilia
- profiling
- protecting children
- Protection
- pseudo-science
- psychiatric evidence
- psychiatry
- psychoanalysis
- psychological testing
- psychology
- psychosexual development
- puberty
- Public opinion
- queer studies
- Queer theory
- queer theory.
- Rape
- RBT-files
- recidivism
- Recovered Memories
- Recovered Memory
- Recovered Memory Therapy
- Reform Sex Offender Laws
- registration
- Rehab
- Relationship
- relationship adjustment
- religion
- Repressed memories
- Repressed Memory Therapy
- repression
- research
- Reseurch
- retrospective reinterpretation
- review of reviews
- Rind
- Rind research
- risk assessment
- risk factors
- risks
- ritual
- Russia
- Sandfort
- Sarah Goode
- satanic
- satire
- Schisma; pedophilia
- Science
- secrecy
- Self
- self-evaluation
- Self-help group
- Self-identifications
- self-injury
- Self-report
- sentencing guidelines
- Seto (2008)
- sex
- sex abuse
- sex abuse hysteria
- Sex crime
- Sex crimes
- sex education
- sex involving minors
- sex law
- sex offence
- sex offender
- sex offender laws
- sex offender registry
- sex offenders
- Sex Offenders Registery Laws
- sex offenders; neuropsychology
- Sex panic
- Sex research
- Sex Revolution in Western Germany
- Sexology
- sexting
- sexual abuse
- sexual attraction
- sexual behavior with children and adolescents
- Sexual consent
- Sexual contacts
- sexual development
- sexual deviance
- sexual disorder
- Sexual education
- sexual ethics
- Sexual Experiences in Childhood
- sexual exploitation
- sexual freedom
- Sexual health
- sexual identity
- sexual liberation
- Sexual morality
- sexual offenders
- sexual offending
- Sexual Offending against Children
- Sexual oppression
- Sexual Orientation
- sexual policy
- sexual politics
- sexual preadtor
- sexual predator
- sexual terms
- Sexual victimology
- Sexual violence
- Sexuality
- Sexuality in USA
- Sexually abused children
- sexually explicite material
- Sigmund Freud
- social construction
- Social distance
- social touch
- socialism
- society
- Socio-biological Dimensions
- sociology
- Socrates
- softcore erotica
- solicitation
- south carolina
- statistics
- statutory rape
- stigma
- Stigma-related stress
- stigma; pedophilia; paraphilia; child sexual abuse; social distance
- Stigmatization
- Stop It Now
- Stop It Now!
- Stranger Danger
- stress
- subjectivity
- suggestion
- suicide
- support
- support groups
- Susan Clancy
- SVP Commitment
- swatting
- Sweden
- symptomatology
- taint hearing
- Tanner stages
- teacher-student sex
- tech
- teenage sexuality
- Teenagers and Adolescence
- teleiophila
- Teleiophilia
- testimony
- The Abused-Abused Hypothesis
- The Brandon Report
- the McMartin Preschool trial
- The Netherlands
- the nexus between child pornography and child molestation
- the pathologizing-the-normal-process
- The Sex-Abuse Time-Line Diagrams
- The Trauma Myth
- Therapy
- therapy trauma
- Tony Duvert
- Transgender children
- Transgender youth
- Trauma Mythe
- Traumas
- treatment
- Tromovtch and Bauserman
- True story
- UK
- UN
- United Kingdom
- unwanted early sexual experiences
- URLS Literature Meta-analyse
- US conference of catholic bishops
- USA sex behavior
- victimology
- victimoloy
- Victims
- vigilantism
- violence
- Violence Against Children
- Virginia
- virginity
- Virtue ethics
- voodoo psychology
- War on paedophiles
- well-being
- wich hunt
- Wikipedia
- Wikisposure
- witch hunt
- Women
- Women and paedophilia
- young man
- Youth
- youth and sexuality
- youth protection
- youth sex offenders
- Youth sexuality
- Zero tolerance
- ‘stranger- danger’; moral panic