Keywords: Child-victims, Deviants and Dissidents, Liberation, McMartin Preschool, NAMBLA, Sex panic, the McMartin Preschool trial
An Interesting Disseration: Deviance and Dissidents
Ipce writes:
N’Jai-An Elizabeth Patters has written an interesting dissertation:
- Deviants and Dissidents: Children’s Sexuality and the Limits of Liberation.
A Dissertation to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Minnesota, 2010.
Quotes from this book are published here in Ipce's Library 4 at
< >.
The full text can be read in the attached PDF file, which includes the long list of References:
PDF File: deviants_and_dissidents.pdf
The Introcuction is given in full text. The first two chapters as a Summary.
Of special interest might be the chapters 3 and 4:
- Chapter 3 describes the history of NAMBLA, the North America Man-Boy Love Association.
- Here is the Summary, taken fom the Introduction:
< > - Here is the full text of Chapter 3:
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- Here is the Summary, taken fom the Introduction:
- Chapter 4 describes the important transition around the year 1980 from NAMBLA's 'The child has to be liberated' onto Societal's 'The child as a victim'.
The author describes this process. She concludes that the claim of NAMBLA (and others) that the boy as well as the man both are victims of society, and that the man, actually NAMBLA, also became the savior of the child, has opened the way to the claim that only the child was a victim, and only a victim, and that 'the man' was no more than a pepetrator.
This chapter is given here in three files:- First: the Summary, taken from the Introduction:
< > - Second: Part A of the chapter in full text. Here, Liberation is still the kernal word:
< > - Third: Part B of the chapter in full text. This part describes the Child Abuse Panic in the USA since about 1980, especially the McMartin Preschool trial, seven years, including hundreds of accusations and extreme convictions, but ending in acquittance.
An important topic in this trial have been the way children had been interrogated, not by certificated therapists, but by fanatic zealots, who did not believe the children and used high pressure to reach the answers they wanted to hear, using among other methods, the now famous anatomically correct dolls. < >
- First: the Summary, taken from the Introduction:
Then, the Conclusions are given in full text:
< >.