Politically, we are failing to save ourselves;
Posted on Heretic TOC Forum
I was acquainted with the UK branch of Stop it Now! (SIN) on and off from 2007 to 2015. SIN began in the US ... SIN has spread its influence across the world to other countries including the UK and the Netherlands ...
The UK branch denies that minor attracted people exist. According to them, nobody is a paedophile. It is a “media stereotype”. They find the very idea that any adult person could be sexually attracted to a child preposterous in spite of many people telling them that this is the case. They believe a child has nothing to offer an adult. ...
SIN UK is part of a wider movement that wants to see the complex questions about nature and the universe reduced to a few simple axioms ...
SIN believe that sex offending is a “learned behaviour” that can be “unlearned”. ...
the “therapist” systematically torments the client for admitting that they have these feelings. ... As they do not believe minor attraction exists, they cannot accept either that people can have paedophilic feelings but not act on them. ...
I think that SIN NL is a good deal better than this.
I was acquainted with the UK branch of Stop it Now! (SIN) on and off from 2007 to 2015. SIN began in the US ... SIN has spread its influence across the world to other countries including the UK and the Netherlands ...
The UK branch denies that minor attracted people exist. According to them, nobody is a paedophile. It is a “media stereotype”. They find the very idea that any adult person could be sexually attracted to a child preposterous in spite of many people telling them that this is the case. They believe a child has nothing to offer an adult. ...
SIN UK is part of a wider movement that wants to see the complex questions about nature and the universe reduced to a few simple axioms ...
SIN believe that sex offending is a “learned behaviour” that can be “unlearned”. ...
the “therapist” systematically torments the client for admitting that they have these feelings. ... As they do not believe minor attraction exists, they cannot accept either that people can have paedophilic feelings but not act on them. ...
I think that SIN NL is a good deal better than this.
Sex education: why the British should go Dutch;
The Times UK
Britain's Schools Minister plans to introduce sex lessons for five-year-olds. They already have them in the Netherlands. Is that why they also have the lowest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe? [...]
The Government has chosen the Dutch model rather than the Nordic way of tackling the subject of sex because the Netherlands, unlike Scandinavian nations, also manages to have one of the lowest abortion rates in Europe. In Britain, the number of abortions performed on under-16s rose by 10 per cent last year to 4,376.
So how do the Dutch do it? [.... Sex Educationion ....]
This openness seems to work. [...]
Children in their final year of primary school have not been shielded from anything, but their teachers have continually reinforced the message that sex is about love and commitment. The pupils all agree that they will not sleep with anyone until they have finished secondary school and are in a serious relationship. [...]
Maybe, instead of expecting schools to teach children morality and the missionary position, the British should adopt a few other Dutch lessons.
Britain's Schools Minister plans to introduce sex lessons for five-year-olds. They already have them in the Netherlands. Is that why they also have the lowest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe? [...]
The Government has chosen the Dutch model rather than the Nordic way of tackling the subject of sex because the Netherlands, unlike Scandinavian nations, also manages to have one of the lowest abortion rates in Europe. In Britain, the number of abortions performed on under-16s rose by 10 per cent last year to 4,376.
So how do the Dutch do it? [.... Sex Educationion ....]
This openness seems to work. [...]
Children in their final year of primary school have not been shielded from anything, but their teachers have continually reinforced the message that sex is about love and commitment. The pupils all agree that they will not sleep with anyone until they have finished secondary school and are in a serious relationship. [...]
Maybe, instead of expecting schools to teach children morality and the missionary position, the British should adopt a few other Dutch lessons.