Vol. 31, No. 6, Dec. 2002, p. 465
[The lay out is adapted for an easier reading on a screen]
to the Special Section on Pedophilia:
Concepts and Controversy,
Kenneth J. Zucker Editor
Pedophilia a Mental Disorder?
pp. 467- 471
The Dilemma of the Male Pedophile
Gunter Schmidt, D.Phil.
pp 473 - 477
Peer Commentaries
on Green (2002) and Schmidt (2002).
pp 478 - 502
Richard Green
pp 505-507
Is There Nothing Special About Adult-Child Sex?
Gunter Schmidt, D.Phil.
pp 509 - 510
Self-Reports of Childhood Accidents
Causing Unconsciousness in Phallometrically
Diagnosed Pedophiles
Blanchard, Ph.D.,
Bruce K. Christensen, Ph.D.,
Scott M. Strong, B.S.,
James M. Cantor, Ph.D.,
Michael E. Kuban, M.Sc.,
Philip Klassen, M.D.,
Robert Dickey, M.D., and
Thomas Blak, B.A.
pp 511 - 526
[PDF File of this article]
Book Review:
Bruce Rind
pp. 543 - 554:
Moral Panic: Changing Concepts of the Child Molester in
Modern America.
By Philip Jenkins. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut, 1998,
Reviewed by Bruce Rind, Ph.D.