Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 31, No. 6, Dec. 2002, p. 465
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Introduction to the Special Section on Pedophilia:Concepts and Controversy, Kenneth J. Zucker Editor |
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Is Pedophilia a Mental Disorder? Richard Green, pp. 467- 471 |
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Book Review:
Moral Panic: Changing Concepts of the Child Molester in
Modern America. |
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The Dilemma of the Male Pedophile, Gunter Schmidt, D.Phil., pp 473 - 477 |
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[19] Peer Commentaries on Green (2002) and Schmidt (2002) |
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Rejoinder, Richard Green, pp 505-507 |
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Reply:Is There Nothing Special About Adult-Child Sex? Gunter Schmidt, D.Phil. pp 509 - 510 |
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Self-Reports of Childhood Accidents |
Germaine Greer, The Beautiful Boy
A PDF file of a beautiful book about beautiful boys.
"From the childīs point of view and from the commonsense point of view, there is an enormous difference between intercourse with a willing little girl and the forcible penetration of the small vagina of a terrified child. One woman I know enjoyed sex with an uncle all through her childhood, and never realized that anything was unusual until she went away to school. What disturbed her then was not what her uncle had done but the attitude of her teachers and the school psychiatrist. They assumed that she must have been traumatized and disgusted and therefore in need of very special help. In order to capitulate their expectations, she began to fake symptoms that she did not feel, until at length she began to feel truely guilty about not having been guilty. She ended up judging herself very harshly for this innate lechery."
Chapter 12 of
LeVay & Sharon Valente, Human Sexuality, Sexuality across
the Life Span, is here as a PDF file.
Chapter 12, dealing with child sexuality, looks pretty good on a quick inspection -- the Rind controversy is dealt with prominently & the recommended reading is dominated by excellent texts, including books by Floyd Martinson & Judith Levine.
Koan, a novel; Anonymous, 2005 [A Word.doc]
Levine's book "Harmful for Minors"
Philip Jenkins, Moral Panic;
Changing concepts of the child molester in modern America; Yale University
Press, New haven & London, 1998
The book explores how and why concern about the sexual offender has fluctuated
in North America since the late nineteenth century.
Philip Jenkins argues that all concepts of sex offenders and offenses are
subject to social, political, and ideological influences and that no particular
view of offenders represents an unchanging objective reality.
He examines the various groups (including mass media) who have been active in
promoting particular constructions of sex offenses, the impact of public
attitudes on judicial and legislative responses to these crimes, and the ways in
which demographic change, gender politics, and morality campaigns have shaped
public opinion.
Were My Realities; Prison Journal Of a Sex Offender; Anonymous, 2005 [A
[....] time
I would not encourage men in this society to allow their affectionate and loving
relationships with boys to become explicitly sexual.
The consequences that follow from breaking societal norms are culturally
specific. In our culture the
consequences for the boy as well as for the man can be catastrophic.
This is true even if those consequences follow not from the intrinsic
harm of the activity but from the blind and cruel reactions of society that is
in the throes of a moral panic.
Foucault, Michael,
History of Sexuality: The Care of Self - Part
6 - Boys
Howitt, Dennis,
and Sexual Offences against Children; Loughborough University, UK;
John Wiley & Sons, 1995 [Out of sale]
Martinson, Floyd M.,
Sexual Life of Children
O'Carroll, Tom,
- The Radical Case. London: Peter Owen, 1980. Contemporary Social
Issues Series #12.
Sandfort, Theo, Boys on their contacts with men: a study of sexually expressed friendships, Elmhurst, NY: Global Academic Publishers (1987).
Sharpe, John Robin,
R. v.
SHARPE: A Personal Account, November, 2001.
Wilson, Paul,
The Man
They Called A Monster, Sexual experiences between men and boys;
Cassell Australia Limited, 1981
Wilson, Glenn D. & Cox, David N.,
Child-Lovers, A Study of Paedophiles in Society, Peter
Owen, London & Boston, 1982