Q - References

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Quinsey, V.L. (1983). 

Prediction of recidivism and the evaluation of treatment programs for sex offenders. In S.N. Verdun-Jones and A.A. Keltner (Eds). Sexual Aggression and the Law. Vancouver , Canada: Simon Fraser University Criminology Research Center, pp. 27-40. 

Quinsey, V.L. and Carrigan, W.F. (1978). 

Penile responses to visual stimuli: instructional control with and without auditory sexual fantasy correlates. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 5(4), 333-342. 

Quinsey, V.L. and Chaplin, T.C. (1988). 

Preventing faking in phallometric assessments of sexual preference. Annals of the New York Academy-of Sciences, 528, 49-58. 

Quinsey, V.L., Arnold, L.S. and Pruesse, M.G. (1980). 

MMPI profiles of men referred for a pretrial assessment as a function of offense type. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 36(2), 410-417. 

Quinsey, V.L., Chaplin, T.C. and Upton, D. (1984). 

Sexual arousal to non- sexual violence and sadomasochistic themes among rapists and non-sex offenders. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 52, 651-657. 

Quinsey, V.L., Chaplin, T.C. and Varney, G. (1981). 

A comparison of rapists and non-sex offenders' sexual preferences for mutually consenting sex, rape, and physical abuse of women. Behavioural Assessment, 3,127-135. 

Quinsey, V.L., Steinman, C.M., Bergersen, S.G. and Holmes, T.F. (1975). 

Penile circumference, skin conductance, and ranking responses of child molesters and "normals" to sexual and nonsexual visual stimuli. Behavior Therapy, 6, 213-219.