Library 4

Found 409 results

Ipce; Dear Ipce ... Dear Samir ..
May I notice that I have placed a new Statement in Ipce's section "Statements"?
Ipce webmaster.
Dear Ipce: a letter to Ipce ... "I don't know what to do ..."
Dear Samir: Ipce's reply ... "Do not take the risk."
Galaburda, Cyril E.; The endocrinology of latent phase in boys
"Our study gave us a cogent evidence that sexual development is active even before puberty, it totally rebuts those conceptions, still popular, of ‘neutral’ childhood,” Kolesov et al. claimed.
That's why latent phase in boy sexual development has a natural explanation, not a cultural one.
Otgaar, Henry, Houben Sanne T. L., Rassin Eric, & Merkelbach Harald; Memory and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy ...; Memory; August 2021,
Does Eye Movement and Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy affect the accuracy of memories? This recurrent issue in recent memory research bears relevance to expert witness work in the courtroom. In this review, we will argue that several crucial aspects of EMDR may be detrimental to memory.
Gieles, Frans E. J.; Short Explanation, short comment, questions
Pornography Use and Sexual Aggression: The Impact of Frequency and Type of Pornography Use on Recidivism Among Sexual Offenders
Drew A. Kingston, Paul Fedoroff, Philip Firestone, Susan Curry, and John M. Bradford. AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR, Volume 34, pages 1–11 (2008).
It is a quite difficult article, at least for the average student and Ipce reader.
Thus: Explanation of the used statistics, some comments and some questions.
Gieles, Frans; Turning Points and Chains of Changings …
I will highlight some turning points and the changes that have followed within the Netherlands during the last ten decades.
First: liberalization. Then: some severe incidents > Moral Panic > magnifying the incident > more rules and laws > gradually fading out the panic.
More and more severe rules and laws followed.
Pro- and Contra Groups appeared.
Two contrasting trends are visible. Contra groups, but also more nuanced ideas of professional helpers, researchers and even the popular press: the difference between pedophilia (feeling) and pedosexuality (acts) is acknowledged. The ‘pedophiles’ themselves have developed a new ethical code [...]
Here appears [...] the “NOMAP”, the Non Offending Minor Attracted person. He or she might become welcome in society, no longer as a ‘distorted patient’, but as a person with a less common (sexual) orientation, which is not dangerous as long as the person has the self-discipline to control his or her impulses, just as every (sexual) orientation demands to every person.
Galaburda, Cyril E.; Villain Journalism
There are two recent anti-"pedophilic" murders, one Russian and one Ukrainian, seemingly influenced by pro-"pedophilic" propaganda, mine and of the Right-To-Love Internet portal, which published the story of a Belarussian man Roman Tsiro buried alive because of his platonic relations with a high school girl on the 22th of April 2019. This pro-"pedophilic" propaganda seems to inspire the Russian police to invent the news about bloody revenge in the Tutaev city ...
Tenths of fictious details circulate in the city about this story…
In short, the Tutaev anti-"pedophilic" murder was invented by Russian policemen to mock the death of Roman Tsiro. ...
Another anti-"pedophilic" murder, one in my city (...), was invented by the Ukrainian police and journalists on May 18th 2020. ...
Wherever this story is posted, some hints are added about so-called pedophiles "raping" children in another cities, so that murders are invented by journalists in order to heroize anti-"pedophilic" villains as the only force that can save children.
Gieles, Frans; Not 50% but 0,4% … Summarized, Sep 22 2021
An English short summary of:
0,4 Prozent, nicht 50 Prozent Anteil der „pädophilen“ Männer an allen „Tätern“ des „sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs“, by Filip Schuster,
by Frans Gieles, PhD, webmaster of Ipce.
Open this summary to see the link to Schuster's article in German language.
Schuster, Filip - 2022; The age of the girls and the boys in the Tanner stages
The studies listed were identified by the author in 2017 using a systematic literature search. ...
In recent decades, the age at which girls reach puberty has declined by 0.24 years per decade, [...] Therefore, it may be that in the last five years since the literature review was conducted, the age at reaching puberty has decreased slightly. ...
Girls do not typically reach puberty at age eleven, as has been widely claimed (...), but rather at age nine. ...
Girls are not in Tanner stage 4 (...) at 15 to 16/17 years, but at twelve to 14 years. ...
Accordingly, the desire of girls from the age of ten and of boys from the age of eleven was and is not evidence of preferential desire of prepubescents ("pedophilia").
Ipce; IMO Archive Library published, Jan 27 2022
IMO Archive published.
This library has been the internal library of IMO = "Ipce Meets Online", from 2001 - 2004. This internal forum has stopped. This library is made public in 2022.
Schuster, Filip; Approximately 0.5 percent of all "perpetrators" of "sexual abuse" of "minors" are "pedophilic" men, Feb 17 2022
For orientation in advance, a brief summary of the following calculation: According to the available Darkfield studies,

- 74 percent of all "perpetrators" of "sexual abuse" of "minors" are "minors" (people under 18 years of age) and
- only 26 percent are adults (women and men 18 years of age and older).
- 14 percent of all "perpetrators" are female and
- 86 percent are male, according to available dark field studies.

We assume here that this result based on "minor" and adult "perpetrators" also applies to adult "perpetrators". Then

- 4 percent of all "perpetrators" are women and
- 23 percent are men.

According to two Darkfield studies, about 2 percent of all adult males who have "sexually abused" "minors" are estimated to have a sexual age preference for prepubescents (people in the 0 to 9/10 age range). Accordingly, approximately 0.5 percent of all "perpetrators" of "sexual abuse" of "minors" are "pedophilic" adult males.
Gieles, Frans E. J.; Ambivalence
The author sees a 'blind spot' in quantitative research, a.o. of Rind c.s.
In the quantitavie research, there is a line between +1 and -1, with zero between both figures: 'neutral' between 'positive' and 'negative.
In the qualitative view, there are two positions possible between positive and negative: neutral and ambivalent: positive and negative both.
The ambivalent feelings may be felt during the act, thus empirically, but also may have came up by influences later by other people: 'It was nice, but I have learned that is was bad, thus morally wrong'.
The latter view is quite often given by a psychologist with a blind eye for attachment problems within the family: 'That dirty man have caused all your problems', or even 'has destroyed your life', whereafter the parents think: 'We are OK'.
Sima, Richard; The power of social touch; The Washington Post, Feb 09 2023
Studies show that social touch is essential to our mental well-being and can reduce stress and pain while helping us bond with one another. [...]
Social touch is so important for our well-being that we have specific cells in our skin to detect it. [...]
Social touch causes the release of the social-bonding hormone oxytocin in the brain, which is thought to reduce anxiety and pain. [...]
Research opens up a potential target for future therapeutics that can use the skin to access reward circuits to help treat trauma or depression.
Cecco, Leyland; Police in Canada have arrested members of a vigilante “pedophile-hunting” group; The Guardian, Mar 31 2023
Quebec police announced on Thursday that six people had been arrested as part of an investigation into a group that had drawn complaints from the public.
Police in Canada have arrested members of a vigilante “pedophile-hunting” group, charging them with distribution of child abuse images, amid frustration over the group’s controversial tactics.
Quebec authorities announced six people were in custody for criminal harassment, intimidation and forcible confinement.
Schuster, Filip; Associations of the ten original Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) with mental health impairments after controlling for the other ACEs (meta-analysis)
The ten original ACEs (including emotional, physical, and "sexual abuse") are associated with mental impairment among the people affected in countless studies. The corresponding bivariate associations are to a considerable extent confounding bias. The extent of the causal relationships is unresolved. [...]
Methode: A systematic literature search was conducted to search for studies that determined the associations of each of the ten original ACEs with mental impairment in "minors" or adults after controlling for each of
the nine other original ACEs (and other ACEs, if applicable). [...]
Conclusions: The causal relationships between the ten original ACEs and mental health impairments are smaller than widely suspected. In the case of several original ACEs, long-term important negative health consequences
are not to be assumed. The ACEs concept should be fundamentally
Limitations: Also, because of the many uncontrolled confounding variables (including genes and other ACEs), the associations identified by the metaanalysis are not precise causal effect sizes.
Schuster, Filip; Quotes from: Associations of the ten original Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) with mental health impairments after controlling for the other ACEs (meta-analysis)
The ten original ACEs (including emotional, physical, and "sexual abuse") are associated with mental impairment among the people affected in countless studies. The corresponding bivariate associations are to a considerable extent confounding bias. The extent of the causal relationships is unresolved.
[... ... ...]
Results: The magnitude of the bivariate associations between the ten original ACEs and mental health impairments is typically medium across
studies (median r=0.22), typically very small (r=0.07) after controlling for the nine other original ACEs, and even smaller (r=0.05) after controlling for additional ACEs. The ACEs incarceration of a household member (r=-0.01) and witnessing violence against the mother/parents (r=0.01) are not associated with mental health impairments after controlling for more than each of the nine other original ACEs. These associations are also very low for the ACEs "sexual abuse", divorce/separation of parents, and alcohol/drug problem of a household member (r=0.04 each).
Conclusions: The causal relationships between the ten original ACEs and mental health impairments are smaller than widely suspected. In the case of several original ACEs, long-term important negative health consequences
are not to be assumed. The ACEs concept should be fundamentally reconsidered.
Limitations: Also, because of the many ncontrolled confounding variables (including genes and other ACEs), the ssociations identified by the metaanalysis are not precise causal effect sizes.
Schuster, Filip; Schuster, meta-analysis - some links to the references
Some Literature … from Schulte, Meta-analysis 2024, as far as easily to find on Ipce’s websites.
Dodson, Chuck; The spectacular achievements of media control
Update of this article: 2024:

When most Americans think about aggression in our society, our first thoughts are apt to include children being abused and/or killed by sick or outrightly criminal adults. We usually don't consider the somewhat broader context of what is going on behind the use of these issues, or the time periods in which they are most emphasized; in fact, in not seeing this we miss out on a crucial issue that comes down to what kind of society we want to live in.
Chronos, Agatha, Jahnke Sara, & Blagden Nicholas; Quotes from: The Treatment Needs and Experiences of Pedohebephiles: A Systematic Review; Archives of Sexual Behavior; 3329 - 3346, Jul 15 2024
People with a sexual interest in children face significant barriers to seeking and receiving mental health treatment.
This review aims to bridge the gap between the treatment needs and experiences of pedohebephiles, and the services aiming to support them. [...]
Research suggests that this population experiences significant levels of distress, depression, and anxiety related to their sexual interest.
Many individuals belonging to this population would seek (median=42.3%), or have sought (median=46.5%), treatment to cope with their sexual interest or with potential related mental health repercussions.
Their experiences in treatment have been mixed, with some reporting positive experiences with empathic therapists and others reporting rejection. Most frequently, pedohebephiles report fear of exposure and rejection as barriers to seeking treatment, in addition to fear of the legal repercussions. [...]
The findings indicate that the treatment needs of pedohebephiles often remain unaddressed. Suggestions to increase the fit between treatment services and the needs of pedohebephiles are put forward.
Ipce; Absurdities
Ipce received many new items. Some of them reflect the absurdities that take place in Western society if this culture intensively fears any possible expression of children's sexuality, any image picturing nudeness of a child, and any possible intimate contact between any child and any adult.

Ipce has gathered these news items and has made three compilations of them in the Newsletters ... > Links are given.
Reiss, Ira L.; Alice in Wonderland: Sexual Upbringing in America; 287 pp
We can't stop our children from finding out about types of sexuality that we don't like. But if we openly and honestly discuss sex with our children, we can help make them responsible and caring in their own sexual choices regardless of what today's world exposes them to.
As I will shortly discuss, we know that infants masturbate and children of all ages explore each other's genitalia. So sex in children is far from dormant.
Let's be honest about preadolescent sexuality.
If we want to reduce exploitation of children, we have to empower children. Young people need to know that they have real choices to make in the area of sexuality. To do that we must develop a pluralistic rather than a dogmatic approach to sex.
Forbidding or ignoring all child sexuality does not give a child control over his or her sexuality. Only when children are given the right to say yes to some forms of sexual exploration will children feel that they have the responsibility to say no to other sexual practices.
Ulrich, Heather, Randolph Mickey, & Acheson Shawn; Child sexual abuse - A replication of the meta-analytic examination ...; The Scientific review of Mental Health Practice ; 4(2, Fall/winter 2005-2006), pp 37-51,
Research conducted during the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s consistently reported widely accepted negative outcomes associated with child sexual abuse. 
In 1998, Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman conducted a meta-analysis challenging the four most often reported correlates of child sexual abuse. 
The present study attempted to reexamine the four main objectives of the Rind et al. (1998) study, correcting for methodological and statistical problems identified by Dallam et al. (2001) and Ondersma et al. (2001). 
The current meta-analysis supported the findings by Rind et al. (1998) in that child sexual abuse was found to account for 1% of the variance in later psychological outcomes, whereas family environment accounted for 5.9% of the variance. 
In addition, the current meta-analysis supported the finding that there was a gender difference in the experience of the child sexual abuse, such that females reported more negative immediate effects, current feelings, and self-reported effects. 
The implications of these findings, problems with replicating the Rind et al. (1998) meta-analysis, and future directions are discussed.
collective, Trobriands; Crime Without Victims: A book about paedophilia
Introduced by Copenhagen's eminent sexologist, Dr. Preben Hertoft, this readable volume, translated from the Danish, begins with three essays on what is really known (rather than what "experts" in the media tell us) about sexual relations between adults and minors. Then follow sixteen fresh, spontaneous interviews with people concerned - an attorney specialising in the defense of paedophiles, a Copenhagen judge, adults who have sexual relations with minors, minors who have sexual relations with adults - even one mother of such a boy. Most of the youngsters found their sexually expressed friendships with adults a positive force in their lives and helpful in the discovery of self.
Hamilton, Melissa; The Efficacy Of Severe Child Pornography Sentencing; Temple Law Review
Empirical Validity Or Political Rhetoric?

[USA's] Congress’s appetite for expanding the scope of child pornography laws and increasing the length of prison sentences for child pornography offenders endures, despite other officials involved in federal sentencing questioning the necessity and proportionality of severe sentences.
Emotions run high concerning issues involving the sexual exploitation of children. Moral panic has led Congress to pursue an ever-expanding federal regime of broadening the scope of child pornography laws and substantially increasing the length of sentences.
Based on an assessment of the empirical evidence, the Congressional stance is best characterized as political rhetoric. Overall, empirical research fails to establish a correlation, much less a causative link, between viewing child pornography and contact offenses against children.
Reviewer, Anonymous; Flavie Flament: La Consolation - Book review
The recently published book La Consolation by Flavie Flament (42) demonstrates that things that superficially might seem to be completely okay, actually can be immoral after all.
In the late 1980s, Flament was one of the models of the controversial photographer David Hamilton, who for many “girl lovers” seemed to embody the very standard of responsible, harmless, and respectful erotica. In what may be termed an autobiographical novel, the author describes how she unearthed repressed memories of her childhood.
Her aversion to the photo sessions is soon accompanied by a revulsion towards Hamilton as a person, especially after he starts fondling her erogenous zones and forces himself upon her, which culminates in a shocking rape scene under the shower. Hamilton uses her as a sex toy or slave without showing her any compassion.
For now, it seems important to stress that in order to be morally acceptable, softcore erotica must
(a) be consensual in the everyday, non-judicial sense,
(b) not be accompanied by any type of sexual abuse, and
(c) be released after the model has grown up and has become fully aware of the possible social consequences of its publication.
C.Kilpatrick, Allie; Long-Range Effects of Child and Adolescent Sexual Experiences - Myths, Mores, and Menaces; 230 pp.
Most of us harbor strong beliefs and convictions about the long-range effects of
sexual experiences encountered during childhood and adolescence. Few of us ever have the opportunity to obtain or examine credible evidence about the long-range consequences of the sexual encounters that most of us have experienced during our early years. This book provides an opportunity to learn a great deal about the effects of early sexuality on adult functioning.