< http://www.ahs-online.de/fg-paedo/index.html >
The AHS wants to work for a sexually healthy society. This includes the care for minorities. Amongst those, pedophiles are the most suppressed group nowadays.
The AHS searches for information in a scientific way, offers help and information and influences politics and the public by publications. Once a year, there is a congress, the last one was about masturbation.
The AGP has a mailing list and is a kind of umbrella for several local groups.
There are more groups who mostly communicate by the Internet. Several people are members of several groups, by name or nick name. By doing so, one can reach many people and cooperate effectively. If a web site is removed from the web, by mutual help the site is back quite quickly. There is no central point, organization or board.
Everyone can inform everyone. This works effectively. If someone needs a lawyer, he has one within hours.
A self-help group of 15 to 20 members that helps each other and that helps prisoners. The group is half open: one can enter the group after acknowledgement.
An emancipation group with its own policy, not part of the AHS or AGP. The group has a web site, a mailing list, a bookshop and an association to help prisoners. The group is more or less isolated from the other German groups; there is some distrust of them among the Germans.
The Ipce Meeting decided not to give a link to the group on the Ipce web site
Jugendselbsthilfe, Kinderrechtegruppe Nürnberg Postfach 810361, D-90248 Nürnberg Tel: 0049 911 266786
Once upon a time, since 1972, there was the Indianerkommune, but this has stopped and this new group (Jugendselbsthilfe)- with several important differences- has started. Take both groups and there is 30 years of activity.
The group is quite busy helping youngsters, so that they can help themselves and each other, in all spheres of life. Many youngsters, especially runaways and other "people", have lived in the group. Some stay for a while, some stay longer. A lot of work is done by only a few people. They are crying out for new members. Obtaining legal permission for young people to stay there is painful and takes time. The group had success to free several children from welfare education prisons. Children, who go there, are free to choose, what they want to do. There is a bicycle shop, and flea- market activities; a land- community is planned for the future. The Ipce members congratulate the group with its work and its continuity over the years. There must be much know- how and knowledge there.
Jugendselbsthilfe about itself:
"There is little contact with the ped-groups; we are disappointed in those groups, because they are, in our view, too much ped-orientated and too little, children- and youth- rights orientated. The moment, "friends" of the "peds" get "older" or are no longer "attractive" for them, or get in trouble with school, parents or the law, they get forgotten. Many families, but also "peds" try to get children on their side with unacceptable psychological and material methods. To the contrary, there is no choosing or exclusion of the youth coming to us. Amongst our group members there is no ageism, no sexism and no racism, no personal possessions and only collective money. Couple relations are not encouraged, because couples often destroy the unity of the group. Friendships are okay, but intimate contacts to children are not tolerated, that would destroy our work totally. "Welfare" and media are working with different methods to destroy the group.
The perspective of the group is fundamentally to criticise adults' society. It is taking away the childrens' rights of self-determination. But cooperation is good with some left wing, pacifist, anti-commercial people on the other hand.
Our members prefer to stop their jobs outside of our project. The daily conditions don't "allow" a second "profession". We prefer to spend our time and energy here. The work is political work against the oppression and we support children in concrete situations. Smoking and other drugs are not accepted. Visitors are welcome. Stress and the lack of people and money is the greatest problem in our work. But there is also pleasure. Disco, vacations, festivals etc. We distribute many leaflets, cheeky stickers and cartoon booklets. Most of the information about us spreads from word to word. We are seeking people to help us with the bicycles, with the flea- market, with cartoon drawing and with a web site." Enough place for more people living with us is existing.
Our account number for support : "Nussbaum", Nr.: 296444851, Postbank Nürnberg,Germany, bank-code: 760 100 85
Die Nummer, die man nie vergisst: Ihre persönliche Wunschrufnummer von WEB.DE! Jetzt einsteigen http://freemail.web.de
Anti-Psychiatric congress in Berlin
The present members of the JSH Nürnberg were in Berlin because of an anti-Psychiatric congress named "Freedom of Thoughts". ("Russel- Tribunal) Thomas Szaz was one of the participants. The congress combats the violence of fashistoid diagnoses, medication, electric shocks, isolation cells and presented cases and witnesses.
< http://www.freedom-of-thought.de/program.htm > and
< http://heise.de/deutsch/inhalt/lis/7820/1.html > [Link does not work]
"Wenn sich Hirnforshung, Psychiatrie und Humangenetik verbünden…" Fabian, Kröger, June 7, 2001. (When brain research, psychiatry and genetics connect with each other…)
Jugendselbsthilfe/ Kinderrechtegruppe Postfach 810361, 90248 Nürnberg, Telefon: 0911-266786
Es gab einmal die Indianerkommune, das ist zu Ende gegangen. Aber jetzt gibt es - mit einigen Unterschieden - die Jugendselbsthilfe (JSH)Nürnberg Nimmt man beide zusammen, gibt es Aktivitäten von über 30 Jahren.
Die JSH ist ziemlich damit beschäftigt,junge Leuten darin zu unterstützen, sich selbst und anderen zu helfen. Viele "youngsters", besonders Ausreisser und andere Überlebende haben dort gelebt, manche vorübergehend, einige für länger. Viel Arbeit wird leider von viel zu wenigen Leuten erledigt.Die JSH sucht deshalb neue couragierte Mitglieder-Innen. Legale Erlaubnisse für "Minderjährige" zu erkämpfen, die dort leben möchten, ist oft schmerzvoll und kostet Zeit.
Die Gruppe hat schon einige Kinder aus Heimen und Psychiatrien befreit und "legalisiert". Kinder und Jugendliche, die dort hinkommen, entscheiden sich frei, inwiefern und wieviel sie sich auch engagieren möchten. Es gibt einen Fahrradladen und ein Flohmarktlager. Ein Landprojekt ist geplant.Die IPCE Mitglieder beglückwünschen die Jugendselbsthilfe für ihre Arbeit und ihre Kontinuität über Jahre. Es muss dort viel praktisches und theoretisches Wissen geben.
Die Jugendselbsthilfe über sich selbst:
" Es gibt wenig Kontakt mit so genannten "Pedo- Gruppen". Wir sind von solchen Gruppen enttäuscht, weil sie sind unserer Meinung nach viel zu sehr "pedo"-orientiert und viel zu wenig Kinder-und Jugendrechte-orientiert In dem Augenblick, wo die Freunde der "Pedos" älter werden, oder für sie nicht mehr "attraktiv" sind, Probleme mit Schule, Eltern, Heimen oder mit dem Gesetz bekommen, werden sie oftmals einfach fallen gelassen oder "vergessen".
Im Gegenteil dazu gibt es keine "Selektion" oder einen Ausschluss für Jugendliche, die zu uns kommen. Unter uns gibt es keinen Sexismus, keinen Rassismus, kein Besitzdenken, aber eine gemeinsame Kasse. Zweierbeziehungen sind nicht beliebt, weil sie den Zusammenhalt der Gruppe bedrohen. Freundschaften sind okay, aber intime Kontakte zu Kindern werden nicht toleriert.Das würde unsere Arbeit völlig zerstören. Sozialdienste, Jugendämter und Medien arbeiten mit verschiedenen Methoden, die Gruppe zu zerstören.
Die Perspektive der Gruppe ist eine grundsätzliche Kritik an der Kinder-Entrechtung durch die Erwachsenengesellschaft, aber auch eine Zusammenarbeit mit einzelnen Personen aus der antikommerziellen, links- alternativen und pazifistischen Bewegung. Wir bevorzugen, unsere Jobs aufzugeben, weil die täglichen Bedingungen keinen Beruf ausserhalb des Projekts zulassen. Wir bevorzugen, unsere Zeit und Energie hier einzusetzen. Wir arbeiten vor allem politisch gegen unsere eigene Unterdrückung und für eine Unterstützung von Kindern und Jugendlichen in konkreten Situationen.
Rauchen und andere Drogen werden nicht akzeptiert.Besucher sind willkommen. Stress, der Mangel an Mitgliedern und fehlendes Geld sind die grössten Probleme bei unserer Arbeit. Aber es gibt auch Spass und Vergnügen. Partys, Ferien, Fahrradtouren gehören dazu. Wir geben viele Flugblätter, freche Sticker(Spuckis-Aufkleber)und Comics heraus. Die meisten Infos über uns kommen aus einer "Mundpropaganda". Wir suchen Leute, die uns in der Fahrradwerkstatt und beim Flohmarkt helfen, die Comics zeichen, und uns bei der Einrichtung einer homepage helfen.Platz zum Mitwohnen haben wir noch frei.
Unser Spendenkonto ist: "Nussbaum", Nr.:296444851,Postbank Nürnberg, Bankleitzahl:760 100 85 Anti-Psychiatric congress in Berlin
Einige Mitglieder der JSH Nürnberg waren in Berlin wegen einem Antipsychiatrie-Kongress ("Russel -Tribunal")Er nannte sich "Freedom of Thoughts". Thomas Szaz war einer der Teilnehmer-Innen . Der Kongress klagte an die herrschenden Formen von Zwangstherapien, faschistoide Diagnosen, Zwangsmedikation, Isolationsbedingungen, Elektroschocks und präsentierte Fallbeispiele und Zeugen.
< http://www.freedom-of-thought.de/program.htm > and
< http://heise.de/deutsch/inhalt/lis/7820/1.html > [Link does not work]
"Wenn sich Hirnforshung, Psychiatrie und Humangenetik verbünden…" Fabian, Kröger, June 7, 2001. (When brain research, psychiatry and genetics connect with each other…)
There are three groups here, all informal groups that meet by the Internet and once a week in a bar. We have the Sunday meeting (5 to 20 people), the Monday meeting (6 to 15 people) and the Wednesday meeting. The last one is a small self-help and self-exploring group* that works like Alcoholics Anonymous. People exchange experiences by the cross talk system quite intensively. People discuss and give mutual advice and help.
* Arbeitsgemeinschaft Pädophilie Berlin, AG-Päd, Postfach 36 02 26, D-10972 Berlin
This is also a self-help group, the first one and the only one in East Germany. People come from far to the group and have to stay overnight to exchange ideas and experiences and help each other.
< Off line >
Baumstark leben, this is ‘living as strong as a tree’. The group is a religious virtual community, Christian, but from several denominations. The Reverend who started the group was removed from his church for this reason. The group made a web site, but the technician of the group was arrested in Ireland, so the site disappeared. Back on line some time after that, the provider (based in the USA) stopped the service because of a complaint. So the site disappeared again. We found another provider, but it was not easy to change the site, the links and the scripts to compatible ones with this server. But we’re on line again with an interactive site and a chat room.
Our most important task is listening to people who contact us and to give support. To do this, we have a team of helpers.
This is a moderated self-help group with rules and limited times to meet. This group also works like Alcoholics Anonymous. The group started with 8 members and now has 20 members. The member who represents this group says that he is very content about the meetings. There is room for boy lovers as well as for girl lovers.
This group had open meetings and was hosted by a gay group. Regrettably, the gay group stopped this hosting and further cooperation, so we have no room now. Without our meetings, the membership diminished. We want to have open meetings again, but we fear that this is no longer possible nowadays.
![]() | Bremen: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Pädophile Norddeutschland < apnbremen@hotmail.com > |
![]() | Hamburg: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Pädophile Norddeutschland < E-Mail: apnbremen@hotmail.com > |
![]() | Frankfurt: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Pädophilie-Päderastie Rhein/Main < http://www.clausgz.com/AGP.rhein-main > < agp.rhein-main@clausgz.com > Closed self-help group |
![]() | Essen: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Pädophilie-Päderastie Rhein/Ruhr < apprr.shg@ahs-online.de > |
Members react with congratulations and appreciation. It’s encouraging that so many different groups are active. In other countries, this is far more difficult. A group maintains itself by communication; E-mail is a good medium to maintain contact. The chat sites are important for many people and via those sites people can find a group in their region or a group in harmony with their religion.
The AHS has done good work. AHS works quite radically and quite realistically.
AHS supports groups, which in turn support people.
In addition, the political climate is quite open and liberal in Germany. This aspect of the German culture was not known by several members from other countries.
In the former East Germany, nobody spoke about these kinds of feelings; there were only some hidden informal gay groups. The political climate was very oppressive. This has changed now.
One can differentiate between two lines: action and support. The main stream is now support. Support groups say: ‘Action? OK, but outside the group please.’ It appears to be wise to split along these two lines. Political action is nearly impossible now, even in Germany. Support and self-help is the way to work nowadays. There is a great and often urgent demand for help nowadays.