team of Ipce members has visited the 15th World Congress of Sexology
in Paris, June 2001. One of us, your secretary, could present a lecture with a
cd and a web site. One of us, Tom O’Carroll, was refused to present his paper.
He has spread it on a diskette.
thereafter, we went to Berlin for the Ipce Meeting.
from Paris
 | “Many therapists designate various [sexual]
practices as ‘sexual perversion’. Many articles study the various
classifications of those practices using implicit or explicit norms.
Nevertheless, studying the human behavior, historically as well in actual
societies, prove that sexual perversions do not exist.” (Yves
Ferroul, France, La perversion sexuelle n’existe pas, Abstract,
translated by me)
 | “The second World War has killed children’s
sexuality. The Nazis loosed the war, but their ideology won.” [..] “Give
the children sexual empowerment. Vive la sexualité! Let
the children have their sexuality. Don’t be so afraid for reactions.” (Thore
Langfeldt, Norway, Child sexual health, lecture)
 | “Recent research has shown that sexual
attraction is established between the age of 5 and 10. We have very good
reasons to believe that most sexual problems as adults is a result of
cognitive construction related to how the child deals with its own sexuality
and relations.” (Thore Langfeldt, Norway, Child sexual health, abstract.
 | “Sexual development starts at birth. Thus, start
at birth with sexual education. Sexuality is more than human reproduction;
it’s far broader. Educate to knowledge, attitude and know-how.” (Sanderijn
van de Doef, The Netherlands, Sexual education as a continuous process
from 0 – 18 years: how does it work in The Netherlands? Lecture.
 | ‘Many yongsters have sexual experience already
before puberty. Why? They said me: “(1) They do it all! (2) I would lost
my( girl) friend if I didn’t. (3) I search for love.” The more you
oppress sexuality, the more sexual activity there will be. Developing
self-respect helps more to prevent unwanted sex. In China as well as in the
US, the mostly asked question [to the telephone help line] is: “Am I
normal?” Our response is REASSURE: Reassurance, Explanation,
Asking questions, Support, Special suggestions, Understanding,
Referrals & Encouragement.” (Dr Judy Kuriansky, US, Sex
in China in the new century, lecture.
from Berlin:
 | “I have attended other Ipce
meetings, but this was the best one. I’m really pleased about the ways
we’ve gone” (Ipce meeting)
 | “Wer will dass die Welt so bleibt,
der will nicht dass sie bleibt.” (Who wants that the world keeps staying
as it is, doesn’t want that the world keeps staying.” The Berlin
 | “Es
gibt viele Maurn abzu bauen.” (There are many walls to pull down) The
Berlin Wall
. |