Newsletter 11 - Spring 1995
Series #:
Number 1, Year 7 2: Editorial
3: 8th Annual IPCE Conference 1994
- 3: National status reports
9: Organizational problems
10: Child prostitution
11: Ethics & morals
14: The image of the child as a provocation
16: Finances
16: Proposal on IPCE regulations
20: Final conclusions
22: Young and old, we gonna be free
23: A book about more children's power
24: Some notes for the conference (EPCE / IPIN)
24: Criteria and reflections (IPCE 1993)
26: Two different worlds
28: Diverses
29: Par 175 abgeschaft
30: BVH Resolution
30: VSG contra ILGA I
32: VSG contra ILGA II
35: ILGA to VSG Sept 1994
36: The VSG's answer to the ILGA
39: Kritische Auseinandersetzung, Bielefeldgruppe
42: Jahresinfo 1994, Bielefeldgruppe
44: Buchbesprechung: Lautman
45: Tillmans' Buch
46: Nouvelles de France