Statement: A Boylove Code of Ethics
Every man who has an innate love of boys is not necessarily qualified
to be a boylover. The role of a boylover in a young boy's life is one of
immense responsibility, very much akin to that of a father. The boy's
best interest, and his future as well as present well being, must always
be of paramount importance to the boylover.
Even in Ancient Greece, where boylove was the norm for several
centuries, the boylover was expected to be a man of high moral
character. Indeed, it brought shame on the boy and his family if his erastes
(lover) was anything less.
Because a man-boy relationship involves two people who love one
another, boylove encompasses the entire spectrum of human emotion.
Therefore, the sexual aspect is a part of most man-boy relationships,
even if that aspect is never consummated. It follows, then, that any
boylove code of ethics will deal with the issue of sex in the
relationship in a mature and responsible way.
The following code of ethics is my own edited version of one found in
the book, Sexual Experience Between Men and Boys, by Parker Rossman.
 | A boylover should do everything possible to protect his young
friend from any harm, including exposure or embarrassment from
arrest. This could mean abstaining from fully consensual sexual
relations if such is illegal in the state or country where the
boylover lives.
 | A boylover should protect his own reputation, so that his young
friends will not be hurt or suffer as a result of association with
 | A boylover must be truthful and honest, and never lie to his young
 | A boylover should not seek intimate contact with a boy, without
knowing and understanding the boy's interests and feelings.
 | Intimacy with a boy should never develop into a sexual
relationship without the boy fully consenting and understanding the
social, legal, and health implications of the relationship.
 | Boys should not be treated as sexual objects to be enjoyed at the
whim of a boylover.
 | A boylover must respect the role and authority of a boy's parents
and not seek to undermine that role.
 | A boylover should not provide his young friends with alcohol or
drugs, and certainly will never use drugs to weaken a boy's sexual
inhibitions, or "to get him into the mood" for sexual
 | A boylover has the responsibility of encouraging and helping a boy
to develop his normal heterosexual tendencies, unless the boy
confirms that he has an innate homosexual orientation.
 | A boylover should guide and encourage his young friends to stay in
school, avoid crime, and do all he can do to help them to develop a
successful career.
 | A boylover should not "cruise" to pick up strange boys
for sexual encounters, because that encourages boys to
"hustle" or prostitute themselves. |