Vorige Start Omhoog Volgende

2. Ipce's internal matters

Four reports accepted. 

For the reports, see < http://www.ipce.info/newsletters/e_25/8_internal.htm >.

Report of the secretary
Report of the webmster
Report about the two teams, and 
Financial report. 


The functions of the secretary, the webmaster, the treasurer and the function of the discussion leader will be performed by the same persons. Also the Conflict & Emergency Team will be the same. The members of the New Members Team are changed a little. 
The membership fee will be 25 € for the next year. 

Discussion about the criteria and procedure for new members

We have a team now. This is born out of our experience in Hamburg in 2004, where we had a UK police officer as an infiltrator - who, incidentally, did not find any illegality. Infiltration will always be possible. The more members, the greater the possibility. Thus, although this team at the outset had aimed to invite people for membership, we now consider it better to wait until a person asks for the membership, and only quite selectively invite active people. 

Candidate members may be separated into three categories. 

First, those who ask for contact, 
second, those who want to give support, and 
third, those who may want to be active. 

For the first group, those who desire contact, it is better to refer them to the fora on the Internet. For the second and third groups, Ipce is the option. 

The process of acknowledging membership may require some time. Maybe it is better to introduce two phases of membership, at least for some people. We continue to ask prospective members to inform, the team at least, of their real name and address. 

Ipce also includes some guests. Some are permanent guests, others are our guest during a meeting or part of a meeting. Guests and their motives must be known by at least one or two members. It will be the meeting that decides who to accept as  a guest.  

During this meeting, three of our guests are cordially accepted as new members. 

Communication by Skype

Skype is a free computer program that allows free phone contacts all over the world. The transmission of the data is encrypted. Some of us have had some experimental skype sessions to test the program - and it works quite well. We have tried to organize a skype session during this meeting, but we had no connection to the Internet. The first experiments have taught us that a skype session with more than just a few participants asks for much discipline and for a discussion leader. 

The meeting decided to accept skype as a way of communication among Ipce's members, as an extra way, not as a substitute or a equivalent of the Meeting. Its is the Meeting which makes the decisions. Skype sessions are the best way if our members want a one-by-one contact, or a short discussion with a limited participation, a clear agenda and a discussion leader, maybe four times each year. The next skype session will be prepared and the members will receive a message about the time and the agenda.

Next meeting

The next meeting will be in mid-May 2009 in Germany, by preference in a place with an Internet connection.

Vorige Start Omhoog Volgende