Theme: women and 'pedophilia'
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The word 'pedophilia' here above is placed between
quotation marks. This is because, if one overviews cases in which women are
accused of sexual acts with minors, those minors mostly are not children
but mostly teenage boys, ripened as a young man. Thus, it are not
'pedophilia' cases, but 'heterophilia' cases with young men.
Biologically, they are man - in some cases quite bigger, taller and
stronger then the woman - but legally they are still minors.
Usually, these cases are labeled 'abuse' and the boy as
'the victim'. The boys themselves, however, usually have a different
opinion an feeling about the contact. They can be pride and content and
say that they are willing partners and no victims. They say that they
feel themselves able to give informed consent. Some even have
married the beloved woman, even after a period in prison for the women.
So it was love, not abuse.
Some people have the opinion that women are less
severely punished than men in comparable cases, and some may know and
mention such
cases. However, the author of our main article draws another conclusion:
that women are more severely punished than men in comparable
circumstances. There is kind of a double standard, as some other
articles also argue, but according to the author Michael Kuel,
detrimental to the women.
Kuehl, Michael, Debra
Lafave: The New Face and Symbol of Women's Sexual Criminality; partly published on, full text sent to Ipce
I've already explained, on this and other websites, why women like
Debra are not "rapists" and "pedophiles" and
"child molesters"; why the young men they have sex with are
not "victims of child sexual abuse"; and why such intrigues
and dalliances are victimless and mala prohibita offenses that
should either be criminalized as low-level misdemenors or not at all.
And those not blinded by morality and/or ideology can imagine the
reaction of a young stud lucky enough to have sex with a woman as
ravishing and voluptuous as Debra. "Awesome" indeed!
Understandably, this is especially true of men who've yet to be enlightened
by "masculists" and CSA victimologists.
See also
Jordan, Elise, Government cannot outlaw sex based on age;
It's like 'The Graduate'; Printz, April 04, 2006
The difference between the Hollywood version and the Debra Lafave case is the other man is really just a
boy. He's fourteen. [...]
I would love it if the media would quit referring to the young man as a victim. He is not a victim. I
understand the term is used for political correctness, but the word insinuates he was somehow scarred by
these events. He was not scarred.
Bellet, Gerry, Landmark sex exploitation study finds surprising number of female
abusers; Vancouver Sun, May 28, 2008
Canada's largest study into the sexual exploitation of street kids and runaways has shattered the myths and stereotypes about who the abusers
are, the most surprising finding being that many are women seeking sex with young males.
Ciavaglia, Jo, Double standard seen in sex cases;
Bucks County Courier Times, June 15, 2008
Keeping in mind the limitations of the current research and the diversity of the population, some preliminary findings about adult women
who commit sex offenses suggest the following Characteristics of female sex offenders:
... ... ...
Cruz, Bonna de la, Sex
abuse of boys not only trait duo share; Like Mary Kay Letourneau,
Tennessee woman risks all for relationship with victim;, 5 July 2006
As well as the blonde hair and the 13-year-old victim, the Tennessee
former teacher [Pamela Rogers] convicted of sleeping with a student has
much in common with the most famous teacher caught in a sex scandal —
Mary Kay Letourneau of Seattle.
Troubled marriages. Child-like behavior. Larger-than-life father
figures. And most of all, a recklessness to continue the relationship
when courts have told them not to.
 | With a Comment
by an Ipce member
[... N]owhere is there even the mention of the possibility, even if
thought to be remote, that these two perhaps are in love. |
Levy, Ariel, Dirty Old Women;
Teenage boys have always lusted after attractive teachers, but what happens when the teachers lust after the boys?
New York Metro, 22 May 2006
An overview of several cases and background information.
Loller, Travis, Ex-teacher may not see anything wrong with abuse, expert says;
Psychologist: Female abusers view boys as soul mates; The Tennessean /
Dickson Herald; April 14, 2006
Pamela Rogers, 28, gained international attention and had to give up her
career in teaching last year when she pleaded no contest to having sex with a 13-year-old former student at Centertown Elementary. Released
from jail early two months ago, she faces up to seven years in prison after being charged with posting messages to and about the boy on her Web site.
Older women who get involved with teenage boys often "see the relationship with the teen as a romantic relationship, rather than
abusive," said Donna Moore.
Quotes from
Morris, Rebecca, Female sex offenders reveal cultural double standard;
The Seattle Times, September 10, 2007
The public is more willing to accept the female abuser's claim that she
had a "relationship" with the victim. And in cases in which
the male is a teenager, the sexual abuse is more likely to be dismissed
as a rite of passage. The questionable, yet overriding assumption, is
that women predators are somehow different from men.
Rouvalis, Cristina, When predator is a woman, are rules relaxed?
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, March 16, 2008
Is there is a double standard? Are female predators an under-reported danger or merely a titillating
Science Daily, Most Female Child Molesters Were Victims Of Sexual
Abuse, Study Suggests; May 13, 2008
A University of Georgia study that is the first to systematically examine a large sample of female child molesters
finds that many of them were themselves victims of sexual abuse as children.
Zernike, Kate, The
Siren Song of Sex with Boys; New York Times, December 11, 2005
The judge, Stephen Herrick of Albany County Court in New York, told her that she
had “crossed the line” into “Totally unacceptable behavior.” But, he
added, the teenager was a victim in only the strictest legal sense. “He
certainly was not victimized by you in any other sense of the word,” the judge
CNN, Child groom's wife jailed for 9 months;
Woman, 37, pleads guilty to statutory rape of husband, 15; March 15,
A woman who married the 15-year-old friend of one of her sons pleaded guilty Wednesday to statutory rape and was sentenced
to nine months in jail. [..]
Clark's attorney, Daniel Sammons, said the boy wants to continue the marriage: "He loves Lisa Clark
and wishes to have a life together and raise their child."
Dexheimer, Eric, Teacher still marred by unproven sexual misconduct charges;
Woman accused of sex with students five years ago got license back but not her
job; The American Statesman, August 19, 2007
What the jury didn't know was that Sam already had confessed at a church
camp that he'd fabricated his story of sex with his teacher. According
to a deposition, he said he'd felt
pressured by school administrators, whom he estimated had interrogated
him between 10 and 20 times.
Gangloff, Mike, Court unseals transcript in sexual abuse case;
The document indicates that two boys abused by a teacher were affected mentally by the
events; The Roanoke Times, August 04, 2007
Depression, bitterness and inappropriate sexuality are among the lingering effects on two boys who were sexually abused by their female
teacher, court documents unsealed Friday said.
Wythe County teacher Karen Susan Patton was sentenced in June to serve almost four years in prison after pleading no contest to charges that
she had sexual relations with two 13-year-old boys in August 2004 and January 2006.
Jolee, Tamara, Mother that forced her children to have sex with each other sentenced
to life; KETK, May 9, 2008
Shauntel Mayo - the woman that organized the "Mineola Swinger's Club" and forced her own children to perform there - was found guilty in
a Smith County Courthouse Thursday.
McKinney, Roger, Columbus woman pleads guilty to felony child-sex charge;
Joping Globe, July 08, 2008
A Columbus woman will be sentenced Aug. 19 after pleading guilty Tuesday to a reduced charge of felony attempted
aggravated indecent liberties with a child.
Ashley Thompson, 23, was bound over for trial in September 2007 on three felony counts of aggravated indecent liberties with a child. The victim was the then-14-year-old boy who had worked as the baby sitter for Thompson-s children at her house in Columbus., Teacher 'wanted to be teen's sex slave';
May 30, 2008
A MELBOURNE female teacher charged with sexually penetrating a 15-year-old student urged the boy to treat her like a sex slave, court
documents show.
O'Brien, Natalie, Female
pedophiles going undetected; From Pedophilia Encyclopedia;, & The Australian, March 7, 2006
The prevalence of female pedophiles preying on children in care is much
higher than previously thought, according to a study that reveals a
significant amount of the sexual abuse occurs when the women are in
positions of authority.
[... The study] shows that less than 2 per cent of cases reported to the
police result in a jail term, compared with 16.5 per cent of cases
involving men.
PJS, Woman Who Had
Baby With 14-Year-Old Boy Gets Probation;, 12 October
Dawn Fisher, the 33-year-old Swanton woman who gave birth to a
14-year-old boy's baby, was sentenced Tuesday to five years in community
control -- with no jail time.
Even Judge James Bates admitted there's a double standard when men and
women commit the same crime.
Reed Ward, Paula,
 | 'Rare' obscenity case targets writings;
U.S. prosecutes woman for explicit fiction posted on Internet; Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 28, 2006
Obscenity charges in the United States are relatively rare these days, and in cases involving the written word, they're
extraordinarily so. But just last week, a Donora woman was arraigned in federal court on
six counts of distributing obscenity over the Internet.
 | Afraid of public trial, author to plead guilty in online obscenity case
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, May 17, 2008
She battled the federal government's allegations for more than a year
and a half, but in the end, Karen Fletcher's mental health will win out
over her principles. And First Amendment lawyers will lose a key chance
to have a court determine whether text-only material can be considered
Ms. Fletcher has decided to plead guilty to six counts of distributing
obscenity online stemming from fictional stories published on a members-only Web site. |
Schoets, David, Lesson Lost on
Teacher? 3rd Sex Rap - Florida Middle School Teacher Held
Without Bond After Her Third Arrest in Six Weeks; ABC News, April 29,
A school resource officer first asked the boy about the rumors and then
detectives investigated. They had the boy call Ragusa under police
direction and she "admitted to the interaction," the sheriff's
office said at the time.
Smit, Kim, Web site down after filing of suit;
Sex-convict registry critic besieged by harsh online criticism; ARIZONA DAILY STAR,
If you Google Jan Kruska's name, you'll find dozens of Web sites calling
her a pedophile, a convicted child molester, a psychopath and an advocate for sex offenders.
Since she testified against sex-offender registries to a state legislative hearing in 2006, the 38-year-old mother of four has seen her
picture, address, phone numbers and other personal information published
on often-anonymous Internet venues.
Stutzman, René, Woman accused of raping 5-year-old still jailed awaiting trial;
Sentinel, November 25, 2007
Eleven years ago, Kelly Lumadue, then 21, had sex with a 5-year-old boy.
There's no disputing it. It was captured on videotape. But should she spend the rest of her life in prison?
The boy, now age 16, was not a witness at her trial. He does not remember what happened.
[...] But just because the boy does not remember, does that mean he was unharmed?
That is impossible to know, said Dr. Barbara Mara ...
This is Local London, YouTube rape mum arrested;
April 1, 2008
A mum-of-five who claimed she was gang raped by a group of teens who posted a video of the incident on YouTube has been arrested in
connection with the incident.
In a shocking twist, the 24-year-old currently living in temporary accommodation in south-west London with her partner and young children,
was arrested on Friday on suspicion of having sex with a minor and perverting the course of justice.
Three Female Teachers Charged
With Having Sex With Students; Cases Similar To Lafave Case four Years
Ago; [Author & source unknown] - March 26, 2008
TAMPA, Fla. -- In the past two weeks, three female teachers have been arrested
in the Tampa, Fla., area, accused of having sex with male students. [...]
According to the radio report, the 14 y.o. said 'We've had sex at least 10's great. Leave her be.' Wonder why the newspaper left that out.