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M.G.Dekadon (2002)DAS PROTOKOLLDie Vernehmung und Überführung von ZielpersonV 273 / C 5.0. Pfalzfeld: Kontrast, 316 p., Paperback ISBN: 3-035286-22-8 New bookDear Gentlemen, as a German I dare to address you attention in my meager English to a new book. As the author of "Das Protokoll", I want to let you know its appearance at Kontrast-Verlag in these days. From a professional point of view (I am Psychologist), the book reflects some hysteric and abusive aspects of present discussion about "pedofilia" in Western Society. In my reconstruction of a court trial with a fourteen year old boy and the accused "abuser", I highlight child abuse topics ("abuse of the abuse") under the aspect of the violation of the individual by its collective: What chance will have the truth about individual guilt - when feministic, conservative, and even left-political "sexual exploitation" axioms all want only one in the courtroom: Hang the "pervert" ? Even when the victim is to blame to reach that goal. In the "Protokoll", which is only available in German at present, the court trial about "child abuse" will prove to be a dramatic scenario of the German Ministry for Justice - to abolish a conservative judge, having left a blood spur behind, in 30 years of German justice history: Both -- boy and man -- fall victim to a homophobic judge, member of a conservative party. By the end, he will have hanged a homosexual man to prevent a homosexual boy - under the mask of the official child abuse jargon and the laws to protect sexual self determination. I highlight two developmental fates and the tragedy of two persons in my book: The childhood history and court room reality of a boy who is gay - and forced to bring another into jail if he does not want to admit his own sexual involvement in front of his parents and all the public audience. And the other tragedy is that of a man who has no chance for his inner truth to be seen as well - because his individual guilt serves feminists, conservatives and homophobics to break his existence. But despite all this: It is not a book about peadophilia or child abuse: The topic serves to highlight a politics- and media system, that feeds conservative and right-political potentials in society so long to maximize election votes and media quotes - until society falls mob-like over its minorities. Another aspect of my book is to make public scientific insight in abuse forensics, developmental knowledge about sexual orientation development from early childhood. It may be of interest at all for researchers and sexologists my own scientific paradigm, so far as it concerns pedofilia: Defined as the tragic "legasthenia of psychosexual child development" in my sinister courtroom tragedy. With more crueful consequences for the boys concerned than any other childhood calamity we have knowledge of in psychology: Bringing them into jail and live-long public hostility when they grew adult. The book is to order in every bookstore now, but also presented and to order in Translators in other languages and introducers of my work in markets outside Germany are always welcome. May be you print this annunciation or some comment/recension in your paper, your homepages and your publicistic organs. Please help to make this information wide spread to bring more humanity in a hateful discussion in our western world. Chances are good. Please tell that information whoever your know privately or commercially. If taking my text, please optimize my English. M.G.Dekadon (2002). DAS PROTOKOLL. Die Vernehmung und Ueberfuehrung von Zielperson V 273 / C 5.0. Pfalzfeld: Kontrast, 316 p., Paperback, ISBN: 3-035286-22-8 |