Table 6

Overview of Samples Used by Rind et al. ( 1998) to Determine Effect of Consent on CSA-Adjustment Relations in Male College Students

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Definitions of CSA a

Dependent measures

Prevalence and effect sizes b


CSA (%)


Sample that specified CSA had to be unwanted
Bendixen et al., 1994 B U < 18 Complaints (lA) 486 3 .26
Collings, 1995 B U < 18 BSI 284 29 .29
Rau, 1994 B U < 12 W/5+; 12-16 W/10+


60 - 10
Rew et al., 1991 B U < 18 w/older partner SES. JCS. GWBS 160 22 .16

"All types" (assumed by Rind et al. to contain wanted experiences)

Finkelhor, 1979, 1984 B M <13 w/> 16; 13-16 w/10+
(relative or unwanted)
FSSS 260 7 .23
Fishrnan, 1991 B M <13 w/5+;o 13-16 w/10+ or unwanted SSD 148 21 .12
Fromuth & Burkhart, 1989 [MW] B A <13 w/5+ or > 16; 13-16 w/10+ SCL-90, BDI-SF,   LCS. RSES 249 15 .18
Fromuth & Burkhart, 1989 [SE] B A <13 w/5+ or > 16; 13-16 w/10+ SCL-90, BDI-SF,   LCS. RSES 324 13 .01
Greenwald, 1994 B M <16 w/5+; > 16 w/10+; unwanted; intra-familial RSSS 111 9 -.22
Hatfield, 1988 C A <14 w/5+ HSCL-Mod 213 12 .14
Predieri, 1992 B A <13 w/5+; 13-16 w/8+; force; authority figure DSFl, MMPI-Sc5 62 - .09
Preuss, 1988 B A <13 w/5+; 13-17 w/10+; force MAST, bulimia (IA) 288 20 .09
Sarbo,1985 B M <12 w/> 16; <16 w/relative > 16; unwanted  CAQ 112 24 .12
Urquiza,1989 C A <18 w/5+ SC, TSCS, MAST 88 - .19


Subjective perceptions were not included.
Dashes indicate that values were not applicable.
CSA      = child sexual abuse;
B           = both contact and noncontact;
U          = only unwanted sex included in the definition;
IA         = investigator-authored item;
BSI       = Brief Symptom Inventory (Derogatis & Spencer. 1982);
PFQ     = Psychosexual Functioning Questionnaire
            (Schover, Friedman. Weiler, Heinman, & LoPiccolo, 1982);
HSF-MMPI = Hugo Shon Form of the MMPI (Hugo, 1971);
FSSS     = Finkelhor Sexual Self-Esteem Scale (Finkelhor, 1984);
SES       = Self-Efficacy Scale (Sherer et al.. 1982
JCS       = Jalowiec Coping Scale (Jalowiec, 1988);
GWBS = General Well-Being Schedule (McDowell. & Newell. 1987)
M         = mixed, unwanted experiences are included in the definition for older age groups;
SSD     = Sexual Self-Esteem and Dysfunction (IA);
MW     = Midwestern sample;
A          = all types of sexual experiences, unwanted and wanted;
SCL-90 = Symptom Checklist (Derogatis. Lipman. & Covi. 1973);
BDI-SF = Beck Depression Inventory-Shon Form
           (Beck, Ward. Mendelson, Mock. & Erbaugh, 1961);
LCS     = Locus of Control Scale (Coleman et al., 1996);
RSES   = Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965);
SE        = Southeastern sample;
RSSS    = Romantic and Sexual Self-EsteemScale (Reed, 1988);
C          = contact only;
HSCL-Mod = Hopkins Symptom Check List-Modified
          (Briere & Runtz. 1985; Derogatis, Lipman, Rickels, Ulenhuth, & Covi. 1974);
DSFl     = Derogatis Sexual Functioning Inventory (Derogatis & Melisaratos. 1979);
MMPI-Sc5 = Masculinity-Feminity Scale (Scale 5) of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (Hathaway & McKinley. 1967);
MAST   = Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (Brady, Foulks, Childress, & Penschuk. 1982)
CAQ     = Clinical Analysis Questionnaire (Cattell. 1973);
SC         = Symptom Checklist (Briere. 1984);
TSCS    = Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (Fitts. 1964).

a Upper age of child is given first; then minimum age of perpetrator is given (e.g.. w/5 + = with someone at least 5 years older); last, other conditions for CSA are given.

b Ns are number of participants in analyses of psychological correlates of CSA, effect sizes are at the sample level, and rcs are point-bi-serial effect sizes corrected for base-rate differences of CSA but not dichotomization.


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