8. Treatment for kids
Another reply of society is: treatment for 'abusing' kids - even for
five-year olds. A good cause? Listen to the parents: "Many say they found the professional system
overwhelming and bewildering, and incidences of poor communication on
the part of professionals were commonplace."
Sex offender treatment in demand for kids;
stuff.co.nz, March 6, 2008
A Christchurch agency that treats sexual offenders is now dealing
children as young as five.
STOP Trust manager Don Mortensen said the age of pre-adolescents they
were treating had got lower in the past few years, and they now were
seeing some children in their first year of primary school.
"We're now working with children down to the age of five and
six," he said.
Children who sexually abuse: what's the strategy?
Simon Hackett, communitycare.co.uk, October 4, 2007
About a quarter to a third of all cases of sexual abuse coming to the
attention of professionals concern situations where children and young
people are the alleged perpetrators of the abuse.
Almost all reports on this topic state this same, well worn
and I am sick of it. [...]
Many say they found the professional system
overwhelming and bewildering, and incidences of poor communication on
the part of professionals were commonplace.