My principles
By Gerald Moonen, New Zealand 2006
What you will find below is a summing up of my principles and opinions in
regards to sexuality as I see it and ‘morality’ laws that we are subjected
to in New Zealand. I am also referring to the imbalance of sexuality and
In a nutshell….
1. All mammals have for their procreation a sexuality and sexual organs.
The sexual organs give a sense of pleasure which assures the continuation of
the species.
2. All humans as a subspecies of mammals are also endowed with this sexual
3. All humans are sexual beings from the time of their birth. It is known
for male fetuses to have erections.
4. During the childhood of a human, the child experiments sexually with
himself and peers and discovers the enjoyment of sexuality. This is known as
rehearsal play, which under the present sexual abuse industry’s regime is
classified as sexual abuse.
5. During late childhood and adolescence a male child has what is known as
a “homosexual” period. During this period this young person seeks the
confirmation of his sexuality from other males, which includes his peers and
adults. It is in this period that in a normal and free society the adult
would pass to the young some of his life’s experiences amongst which could
be the art of loving. In the past he would also pass on his professional
knowledge and qualities as in a master - apprentice situation.
6. After this ‘education or schooling’, the adolescent turns to
expressing his sexuality in the adult world accordingly to his sexual
7. Sexual orientation is made up of two parts: gender orientation and age
orientation. Any combination in variation of gender or age orientation has
been observed in humans. This is also known as a ‘love-map’, a phrase
coined by Dr. John Money. Spiritually it is essential for people to get to
know their particular love-map.
8. It has been proven by science that most people have an innate
attraction to younger people. In most people this propensity has not
developed any further than an embryonic stage.
However I believe that there are a small proportion of people in whom this
predisposition has naturally developed into an important part of their
lives, and express themselves sexually accordingly.
Others have been exposed to sexual repression as is practiced in our
puritanical society and have developed an arrested sexual development and
have sexually not developed beyond the age of a young person. They too will
express themselves sexually accordingly to their appropriate sexual age of
their development.
This perfectly normal human behaviour has now been criminalised and replaced
the target of what used to be the homosexuals.
9. In paragraph No 5, I explain that many young people seek a sexual
confirmation and guidance from older people. I believe that the people
mentioned in paragraph 8 are naturally inclined to be responsive to these
needs of young people. I do not see such relationships as criminal, but have
to do with love, confirmation, education and the passing on of life’s
experiences. Morally one cannot go beyond to what the young person is
comfortable with, which is a rule that of course applies to every
relationship. Go beyond that and one enters the criminal realm. |
My view on society and the confusion between violence and sexuality
10. Society has used sexuality mainly as a tool of oppression and control.
This is particularly true with the way the religions manipulated their
believers. By criminalising all sexual acts, except those for procreation,
99% of all sexual acts became sinful or criminal. By creating this sin,
there is the associated guilt, which makes the believer malleable and
exploitable. This notion was enforced by many cruel and inhumane acts of
torture and death.
11. Civil authorities were in coalition with the church, and many of the
church myths, beliefs and laws became entrenched in civil law. With similar
catastrophic results.
12. The biggest myth and belief that our society inherited is that
sexuality is innately criminal. And as the enforcements of these lies, these
myths, were a draconian form of violence. With this as an example violence
became acceptable (Consider the violence on TV entertainment) and sexuality
was not (See the extremely high levels of incarceration for sexual offending
and state censorship).
As a result of this faulty reasoning our behaviour and many of our morality
laws are based on these precepts, and all confused laws are always to the
determent of the citizens.
13. As a result of the above, society made the mistake that the law does
not take into consideration the difference between violence and sex. However
I know, from experience and from my innate sense of justice, that there is
nothing wrong with sex, but everything is wrong with violence. The only
concept that the law ought to use is that to prevent violence, harm and non-consensuality which is a form of violence.
14. We are only slowly making progress. We are not burning homosexuals on
the stake any longer and instead we have a Bill of Rights and a Human rights
act to protect people with the propensity of homosexuality.
15. However the ferocity with which the homosexuals have been persecuted
in the past has now shifted to the issue of age orientation. The
incarceration of people who breach this particular taboo of
intergenerational relationships has reached unprecedented proportions. Most
of them have never done a violent act in their lives.
16. The puritanical fascist repression of sexuality in our society has
destroyed the beneficial aspects of the relationships between young and old
and has created a chasm that is detrimental to the development of young
people. Morally the young people are thrown before the wolfs to fend for
themselves. The enforcement of the anti sexuality model has done an infinite
amount of psychological harm to our society, as individuals and as a
The writing above has mainly been based on the male experience. There might
be different nuances with female sexuality. The above beliefs are in perfect
harmony with the Declaration of Sexual Rights by the World Association of
[* < >]
I believe that our morality laws are out of balance as they should not be “anti
sexual”, but anti violence.
In this document I have expressed my honest beliefs and judgments, which is an
exercise that is protected by the following quotes of the
Bill of Rights 1990.
13. Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion ---
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion, and
belief, including the right to adopt and to hold opinions without
14. Freedom of expression ---
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to
seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.
15. Manifestation of religion and belief ---
Every person has the right to manifest that person's religion or belief in
worship, observance, practice, or teaching, either individually or in
community with others, and either in public or in private. |