08-001 @ 5 kb |
David Doege, Deviant fantasies alleged; Offender should be committed for sex
thoughts about children, jury told; jsonline.com / Sentinel, Aug. 21, 2007 |
08-002 @ 3 kb |
Chetan Chauhan, Women trafficked for baby boys: UN; Hindustan Times, November 4, 2006
Punjab and Haryana continue to exploit the girl child. A new United Nations report released on Wednesday reveals that girls and women are not only trafficked to these two states to improve the skewed sex ratio but also, and mainly, to bear male children. Once they give birth to a boy, they are usually sexually exploited and either abandoned or passed on to another man. |
08-003 @ 4 kb |
Kirstin Cole, Background Checks For The General Public; CBS /
wcbstv.com, August 27, 2007
Your child's soccer coach, your landscaper, the handyman? Do you know who these people are? |
08-004 @ 5kb
Boy Scouts' secret "degenerate" files revealed; planetout.com, August 29, 2007
Files obtained by court order show the Boy Scouts of America have kicked out leaders for abuse allegations at a rate of one every
other day.
08-005 @ 2 kb
Boy Scouts' Rent Hiked Over Gay Ban; salon.com, Oct 18th, 2007
PHILADELPHIA -- The city has decided that the Boy Scouts chapter here
must pay fair-market rent of $200,000 a year for its city-owned headquarters because it refuses to permit gay Scouts.
08-006 @ 10 kb
Nishi Malhotra Chandigarh, Sex, lies and children; India’s best kept dirty secret is out. More children are sexually abused
in our country than anywhere else in the world; hardnewsmedia.com, 2007
[According to] A new government report, Study on Child Abuse: India 2007, published by the
Ministry of Women and Child Development.
08-007 @
5 kb |
Sahil Makkar, Child sex tourism raises its head in India; indiaenews.com, October 14, 2007
As India tries to get more visitors to its shores, experts are warning that child sex tourism is raising its head in a dangerous way, not just
in tourist havens but also in religious hubs in Tamil Nadu and Orissa. Carmen Madrinan, an international expert in the field, who was here for
a UN conference on human trafficking, said .....
08-008 @ 12 kb
Peter de Souza and Preetu Nair, Child Sex abuse in Goa; The Gomantak Times Weekender, Goa,
Jan 13 2007
A National Human Rights Commission report conducted by the Institute of Social
Sciences on trafficking of women and children in India 2002-2003", reveals that Goa
has the highest levels of trafficking of women and children compared to other states.
08-009 @ 5 kb
Boot camp employees not guilty in boy's death, cnn.com, 10/12/2007
[Summary: A white jury declared them not guilty for the death of a
black boy who had been roughly drilled in a camp for young offenders with
a rough policy. The boy was ill and had not received medical care.]
"You kill a dog, you go to jail. You kill a little black boy and nothing happens."
08-010 @ 4 kb
Jessica Savage, County probation treats sex offenders on Halloween; Agency wants to make sure offenders stay away from kids;
The Lufkin Daily News October 15, 2007
Angelina County adult probation is stepping up its scare tactics this Halloween to ensure sex offenders on probation are off the streets
during prime trick-or-treat hours. [...]
The National Safety Council offers the following advice for parents with
children who trick or treat: [...]
08-011 @ 5 kb
Fred Obera, Child for sex- is a booming leisure for tourists in Kenya;
groundreport.com, November 30, 2007
A study by the Kenyan Institute of Policy Analysts and Research (IPAR) has found that Kenya is a major source, transit and destination country
for trafficked women, men and children who are forced into unpaid work or forced in to prostitutions.
08-012 @ 6 kb
Iran: Execution of child offender Makwan Moloudazdeh is a mockery of
justice - Amnesty International Public Statement - Payvand News - 12/07/07
Amnesty International condemns the execution, on 4 December 2007, of
Makwan Moloudzadeh, an Iranian Kurdish child offender, following a
grossly flawed trial for an offence he allegedly committed at the age of
13. Execution for a crime committed at the age of 13 is a gross abuse of
international human rights standards, which prohibit the execution of
those convicted of crimes committed under the age of 18.
08-013 @ 11 kb
Moldova: Lower prices behind sex slavery boom and child prostitution
Tiraspol Times, 12/Mar/2007
Two American TV crews have investigated Moldova's growing
sex slave trade.
08-014 @ 196 kb
Pierre Tremblay, Social interactions among paedophiles;
School of criminology, University of Montreal (PDF file)
My substantive goal, here, is to analyze the variety of conditions that
allow paedophiles to overcome their social isolation, seek each other out
and become, as a result, embedded in a deviant quasi-community or social
movement. |
08-015 @ 81 kb
A. Reisman, Ph.D., The Hidden Source of the Sexual Abuse Scandal or
When Wolves
Train the Shepherds . . .
[An extreme anti-Kinsey essay, blaming also
and others. The thesis is that Kinsey c.s. are responsible for the abuse
by the priests and others. Note, that Judith Reisman is not the only who
thinks this way.]
08-016 @ 53 kb
Ten questions for heterosexual students, by
Students for Unity, Port Washington High School; Journal Sentinel.
08-017 @ 739 kb
Mark Motivans, Ph.D. and Tracey Kyckelhahn, BJS
Statisticians, Federal Prosecution of Child Sex Exploitation Offenders,
2006; Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin, December 2007 |
08-018 @ 141 kb
Gateways to exploitation - world map - The
Globe and Mail & US State Department, The Protection Project.
By and large, child sex tourists [...] come from developed nations but
exploit the underage poor in developing countries.
08-019 @ 300 kb
Child Pornography/ Obscenity Convictions for
November 2006; Trac Reports.
Convictions over the past year are still much higher than they were five
years ago. Overall, the data show that the convictions are up 139.6
percent from levels reported in 2001.
08-020 @ 7 kb
Dita Asiedu, Do Czechs tolerate underage sex? Talking Point -
Article about policy and development in the Czech Republic.
08-021 @ 9 kb
Choirmaster admits sexually [?] assaulting
[?] boy; The Gazette (UK), January 4, 2008
A CHOIRMASTER who got a sexual thrill from
[quite mild] spanking an 11-year-old boy chorister has been banned from working with children for the rest of his
[Sentenced to three years supervision and treatment. The boy had his
clothes on and laughed and giggled according to a DVD made by the
choirmaster. Note that more than 90% of the parents spank their children
without being convicted, supervised and treated.]
08-022 @ 18 kb
Mark Bonokoski, John Inglis: The Master Seducer;
Students and parents loved him. Years later the true details about the cottage came out;
Maclean's Magazine, May 7, 2007
[The author received the National Beyond Borders Media award for this
[...] for almost a decade, he would bring the victims he would
prey upon -- young and trusting boys with good names from good homes,
all students at Toronto's prestigious Crescent School, a private school
for boys where he taught and counselled and coached. [...] He was charismatic. He was a
handsome man. He was approachable. He was their guidance counsellor.
08-023 @ 28 kb
Aviva Lori, In the basement, behind a closed door;
Haaretz.com, 15 November 2007. [Detailed story about a (quasi) rabbi-paychologist.]
08-024 @ 2 kb
Story writer pleads guilty to child porn offence;
CBC News, January 9, 2008
A Saskatoon man who wrote fantasy stories about sex between men and
girls has pleaded guilty to distributing [written] child pornography.
He said they were works of his own imagination. He put his writings on
the website of the North American Man Girl Love Association. "I wanted to express my desires for underage girls in a way where it
wouldn't be condemned," [...]
Houston's web postings are a threat to public safety, [investigator] Parisien said
[...]. "He tried to legitimize and put some type of sexual pleasure on the part
of the child." [...]
The case is reminiscent of that of Robin Sharpe, the B.C. man who drew
national attention as he fought for the right to create sexually explicit stories involving sexual encounters with young boys.
In March 2002, the B.C. Supreme Court found Sharpe not guilty of possessing written child pornography.
08-025 @ 4 kb
Chris Purdy, Pedophile says he wants treatment;
Saskatchewan News Network; CanWest News Service, January 10, 2008
A man [see 08-024] who wrote sexual stories about children and infants and posted
them on the Internet admits he was wrong and wants to take a treatment program for sex offenders.
Parisien said it would have been fine if Houston had kept the writings
private, at home. When he distributed them on the Internet for tens of
thousands of pedophiles to satisfy their pleasures, he broke the law.
08-026 @ 11 kb
Brendan I. Koerner, Crime Out of Mind; The New Thought Police Don't Care What You Do - Only What You Imagine;
Village Voice, August 29, 2001
Dalton's parents turned the journal [diary] over to authorities earlier this summer in hopes that their son
would be forced into sex-offender treatment; instead, he received a seven-year prison sentence for daring to commit his inmost thoughts to
08-027 @ 13 kb
Martin Croucher, The Island Paradise With a Dark History;
Epoch Times UK, Jan 16, 2008
Article about the Pitcairn Isle cases.
08-028 @ 11 kb
Paul Cherry, Free speech or crime? 'Boy love' websites. Montreal is host to network for pedophiles;
The Gazette, August 10, 2007
A sprawling international network of websites promoting discussion about
sexual attraction to children is hosted by a Montreal company and has ties to a pedophile group based in the city, The Gazette has learned.
08-029 @ 10 kb
David Harrison, 'You can have my sons for
Ł 5,000'; The Telegraph, UK, 27 January 2008 - Report about child
trafficking in Nigeria.
08-030 @ 7 kb
David Harrison, Children for sale: UK's new slave trade;
The Telegraph, UK, 27 January 2008
Hundreds of young children are being sold and "trafficked" to Britain
from Africa to be exploited as modern-day slaves, it can be revealed.
08-031 @ 3 kb
Veenu Sandhu, Taking baby steps around the holy fire;
Hindustan Times, January 26, 2008 - Report about child marriages in
Nearly 4 per cent are “Mrs So-and-so” at the age of 3-8 years; 6 per cent have a married woman’s status between 8 to 13. In Varanasi, 30 per
cent are married before they turn 18.
08-032 @ 4 kb
Oregon court says boy has a say in circumcision; News10.net, January 25, 2008
Oregon's highest court wants to know what a 12-year-old boy thinks, about whether he should be circumcised. |
Peter Lattman, Oregon Supremes Wants Kid to Settle Circumcision Dispute;
blogs.wsj.com, January 25, 2008 |
08-033 @ a 5.7 MB, b 4 kb
a. [Idaho] Nineteenth Report on Prosecution of Child Sexual Abuse
[PDF] |
b. Majority of ID child sex abusers are not strangers - Key data of
the report. |
08-034 @ 8 kb
Gina Passarella, Web Obscenity Case Attracts National Attention;
The Legal Intelligencer, 02-05-2008
[Still pending case with six counts of violating obscenity laws about a
women who wrote and published text-only stories about the kidnapping, rape and torture of
children - as, she says, a therapeutic mean to cope with her own history.]
08-035 @ 2 kb
Top court to review malice ruling in child-sex prosecution;
The Canadian Press, February 7, 2008
At issue are charges levelled against 12 members of the Klassen and
Kvello families who were accused of ritual sexual abuse of three foster
children in their care.
They spent years fighting to clear their names before the children
finally recanted and admitted they had lied about being forced to eat
eyeballs, drink blood and participate in orgies. [...]
In a related decision, the court turned down a request to take a fresh
look at the role played in the affair by child therapist Carol Bunko-Ruys.
She was also found liable for malicious action by a trial judge, but was
absolved by the provincial court of appeal.
08-036 @ 5 kb |
DPA, Internet contacts increase paedophilia, Spanish experts say;
Earthtimes.org, Sun, 10 Feb 2008 - a report from Spain.
Over the past four years, police have held about 1,000 people on charges
such as child abuse or possession of child pornography. In 2007, 677 people were arrested, up from 84 in 2003.
"We get tips of about 1,500 cases every month," says Canovas, president
of the association Protegeles which seeks to protect children from
internet paedophiles. The association has about 300 volunteer collaborators who help police by
"chasing" paedophiles on the web.
Far from being a marginal loner, the typical paedophile is a socially
integrated and successful person, usually a father himself, the daily El
Pais reported. |
08-037 @ 7 kb |
Padraic Murphy, Natasha Robinson and Tony Koch,
Gang-rape judge in child sex furore; The Australian, February 15, 2008
THE north Queensland judge who last year allowed nine child rapists to
go free has given a teacher, who has admitted forcing an indigenous
11-year-old boy to perform oral sex on him, time to gather evidence that
he was educating his victim in "men's business". [...]
Last said yesterday he had taken the "self-sacrificial" step of pleading
guilty to the charges to spare the boy, who he loved, a trial. [...]
Judge Bradley adjourned the case until May 15 to allow lawyers to ask an anthropologist from James Cook
University [...]to write a report on whether child sexual abuse was an accepted part of Saibai islander culture.
Judge Bradley said it was up to Last to supply evidence to support his
contention that his actions were "culturally appropriate". |
08-038 @ 2 kb |
[Note the crime: fondling!]
Justin Cox, Child molester [? > fondler!] faces life in prison sentence; Killeen Daily Herald,
February 28
A Nolanville man who police say admitted he fondled a 14-year-old boy
could face an automatic sentence to life in prison after he was indicted
Wednesday on a charge alleging he performed similar acts at his home
with two boys, both under the age of 10. |
08-039 @ 6 kb |
Randy Garsee, Sex Crimes Expert Lied On The Stand?
KTEN News Feb 27, 2008
An expert witness, who has testified in hundreds of sexual assault cases
in courtrooms across the area, is now banned by two local district
attorneys from testifying in new cases. This all happened because a
local defense attorney discovered she lied -- under oath -- that she was
certified by the Texas Attorney General's Office in her specialty.
"She's testified in several hundred cases in nine different counties
that border the Red River," said Bailey. "And, there's probably several
hundred of those people who are in prison because of her testimony, and
it was false." |
08-040 @ 3 kb |
Sian Powell, Ex-MP admits he's been 'living a lie';
The Australian, March 06, 2008
Mr Orkopoulos began, but finally admitted to a number of "lies", including possessing child pornography (a charge to
which he has already pleaded guilty), despite the fact that he was a lawmaker who had passed laws concerning child pornography.
The "lies" also included his relationship with the alleged victim while he was married, he conceded, and his illegal provision of drugs to
others. The prosecutor dubbed him "not a lawmaker, but a lawbreaker".
But he is still facing 31 charges of sex with minors, indecent assault and supplying heroin and cannabis. |
08-041 @ 51 kb |
David McNeill, Suffer little Children: Legacies of War in Cambodia;
Japan Focus, March 6, 2008 - a report about Cambodia
Despite a “crackdown” on rampant illegal sex, Cambodia is still a world
capital of pedophilia. |
08-042 @ 7 kb |
Dahr Jamail and Ahmed Ali, Childhood Is Dying;
Mediamouse.org, March 10, 2008
Iraq's children have been more gravely affected by the U.S. occupation than any other segment of the population.
The United Nations estimated that half a million Iraqi children died during more than 12 years of economic sanctions that preceded the U.S.
invasion of March 2003, primarily as a result of malnutrition and disease. |
08-043 @ 73 kb |
Dyer, Two loves that dare not speak their names; www.inquisition21.com;
First it was homosexuality, then lesbianism, more recently child love or
paedophilia, but there is also an apparently widespread and potent love,
enjoyed by numerous women, which contributes to the criminalization and
ruination of men and our refusal to acknowledge it has facilitated the
emergence of our police state. There is a similar practice between some
boys and older men.
[This appears to be fantasies or role playing to be raped. It seems to be
a way to have sex pleasure without feelings of guilt, because the role of
the victim does not imply guilt.]