02Jan13d Paraklesis magazine (D. Kahn)

I'm not sure, but I don't think "Paraklesis", the Christian Boylove Forum's free quarterly publication about boylove and Christianity, has been mentioned on IMO. Five issues have appeared so far; online and in A4 newsletter format, professionally printed in two colours, no cover or binding, no pictures. I'm mentioning it primarily because hardcopy p'phile periodicals are quite rare. Debate on ethics features prominently in Paraklesis. The magazine's position on young-old sex seems to be that it allows people to have (indeed, encourages people to develop) their personal stance. As this also seems to be the policy as concerns interpretations of Christianity, Paraklesis may also be of interest to non-Christians. There are some familiar names attached to the magazine. See http://www.christianbl.org/paraklesis/  . [Link did not work]

D. Kahn