02Jan11a Book Review: The Boys Are Back in Town (Leo(
The Boys Are Back in Town
A single father tells the story of how he brought up two sons in a household free of guilt, bleach and sock drawers. The author has written humour books under various pseudonyms, and, after some sad chapters early on in which his wife is dying, much of this book is very funny. Carr's attitude to sex, like his attitude to most things, is genial and easy going -- despite the strange ideas he harbours about 'perverts'. Apparently, in his mind, we belong in the same category as religious fanatics. What, can he mean us??? :-) :-) :-)
Despite this glitch, a fascinating and heartening assertion of the essence of boyhood, and the potential for alliance between men (yea, even fathers) and boys. And with charming illustrations too.
Simon Carr (2000): 'The Boys Are Back in Town', Hutchinson, London www.randomhouse.co.uk