02Apr25c Tom's submission (Paul Mcl)

Hi, I've just read Tom's latest piece. It took me by surprise, I never expected such an epic masterpiece, spanning from human rights to the interesting term "followship", and all inside a mere 57 pages!

I would like to get a copy of Leo's submission, please anyone?

I loved it when I read that Ray Wyre is in the role of Dr Mengele. I like the funny bits, also simple slogans like "possession obsession".

I don't know what these 'experts' will make of the term 'catharsis theory'. I remember this term from Robin's case, but if I look in my dictionary is says:

catharsis n.

1. the purging or purification of the emotions through the evocation of pity and fear, as in tragedy.

2. Psychoanalytic: the bringing of repressed ideas or experiences into consciousness, thus relieving tensions.

 3. purgation, especially of the bowels.


Also, is it accurate to say "Is paedophilia violent?" was 'presented' at the World Congress of Sexology (Note 48)? I'll agree with 'prepared'. But anyway, enough nit-picking from me.

Paul Mcl.