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Subject Index



ability at work 43
Abstinence Violation Effect (AVE) 210
abusive activities 75-82
acceptors of treatment 157 
Addiction Control Programmes 210-13
adolescent group 27
adolescent offenders 35-6 
Adrian 67-8, 168, 178
adult-child experiences 131 
advertising 133
age characteristics of victims 82-3 
age discrepancy 131 ageism 242
aggression 41, 44, 144
aggression against paedophiles 238
Alberta 151
alcohol 13, 134, 209 
Alert List 125
Allen, Woody 245
American Scout Troops 168 
anal sex 57
androphilia 11
androstenedione 149 
animals 139
annihilation 144 
anxiety 208
Apparently Irrelevant Decisions (AID) 91, 209-10
approach prevention 193-4 
Aristotle 233
arrestable offences 28 
art therapy 206 
assertiveness training 199-201 
Atascadero project 201 
Athens 232
attempted rape 36
Attitudes Toward Women 125 
authority conflicts 214 
aversive fantasy 194-5


babysitters 55
Beck Depression Inventory 124 
behavioural treatments 192-202 
Belgian paedophile club members 37
Bennie 94-9
Bernard 167-8,183-4
biological characteristics of victim 17
biological children 17
biological definitions 16-17 
biological explanations 149-58 
birth order 36- 7 
bisexuals 47
blaming pornography 164-5 
blaming the child 137 
blockage 133-4
blood testosterone 156 
Boeotia 232
bogus social workers 248 
bondage 171 
bonding 13
boy-love 240
Boys International 168 
Brady,Ian 245
brain damage 151 
brain organization 152 
brainwave activity 151
Brian 166-7, 180, 184-6 
bribery 79, 83 
Britain 245
broken homes 35
bromocriptine 150
Buckingham Palace 248 
buggery 251
Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory 124 


Canada 76, 156
careers, offending 220 
Carl 13
case studies 2-11, 13, 19, 21, 36, 38,52-3,67-9,85-9,94-100, 152, 166-71, 174, 178, 180, 182-6
castration 149, 153-5 
castration anxiety 38
cerebral dysfunction 151 
characterological techniques 204 
Charlie 69, 170-1 
cheating 135
child brothels 248 
child love 17
child molestation/molester 12 
child pornography 133, 179 
Christian morality 234 
church 234
Church of England 247
Clarke Institute of Psychiatry 47-8,57,106
Clarke Sexual History Questionnaire 28, 125
classical conditioning 192-3 
Cleveland 245-7
clinical samples 63
codification of social mores 14 
coercion 131, 215
Cognitions Scale 125 
cognitive-behaviour sequence 90-1 
cognitive-behavioural therapy 190 
cognitive distortion theory 136- 7 
cognitive distortions 74, 92-102, 203  
cognitive programmes 202-15 
cognitive restructuring 205 
Comfort 180 
communication skills 202, 205-6 
competition 41-2 
compulsive behaviour 62 
concern with looks 40 
confrontation 108-9, 213 
conjoint therapy 202 
consciousness group 201 
consensual activity 64-5 
contingency management 207-8 
cortisol 149 
cost effectiveness of treatment 226 
counselling 215 
courtship disorder 36 
covert sensitization 195-6, 204 
CPA 157 
Crete 232 
criminogenic fantasies 159 
crisis management 203 
cultural relativism 244 
cultural tolerance of incest 134 
cultural universalism 237 
cultural variation 231-7 
cunnilingus 83 
custody cases 116 
cycle of abuse 38, 56-60, 251 
Czechoslovakian offenders 37 


date rape 148 
Day care 55 
definitions 11-18 
demographic characteristics 36-7 
demonology 244-52 
denial 94-102, 123 
denial measure 107 
denial of abuse 58 
deniers therapeutic programme 101 
Denmark 154 
Deogatis Sexual Inventory 23 
dependency 39 
Depo-Provera 155, 157-8 
depression 40, 209 
deviance 140-1 
deviant images 133  
deviant sexual arousal 134-5 
deviant sexual behaviour 133 
deviant sexual fantasies 209 
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM) 14 
Dickens, Geoffrey 248 
differentiating offender groups 110-13 
digital anal penetration 56 
directive therapist 145 
disclosure 25 
discriminant function analysis 34 
disease models 191 
disinhibition 62, 134 
distorted thinking 86, 92-102 
domestic upheaval 35 
dominance 134 
dominant cerebral hemisphere 151 
double victimization 34 
drop-outs from treatment 220-1 
drug problems 55 
drug treatments 223-4 
dry intercourse 83 
DSM-I 14-15 
DSM-II 14-15 
DSM-III 14-15,59 
DSM-III-R 15, 31 
dullness 143 


ecological validity 163 
education 43, 203 
effectiveness of treatment 221-5 
ego-distonic homosexuality 49 
Egypt 233-4 
Eighteenth Century 236 
electro-encephalograph 151 
emotional congruence 133-4 
emotional dependency 22 
emotional loneliness 35 
emotional problems 42 
empathy 207 
empowerment 243 
enemas 54 
England 235, 245 
enticement 79 
entrapment process 80-1  
epidemic of paedophilia 138 
erections 155 
erotic fixation 12 
eroticization 66 
Europe 238 
European scholars 233 
Europeans 234 
evaluation of treatment 221-5 
evasion 219 
exclusive sexuality 45 
excuses 74 
exhibitionism 14, 16, 42-3, 70 
experience of abuse 64 
experiences 73-5 
exploitative type 25 
extended weaning 54 
extrafamilial abuse 20-7 
extrafamilial vs incest offenders 113-15 
extraversion 40-1 
Eysenck Personality Questionnaire 40 


faking 116-20 
faking disinterest 117 
faking prevention 118-20 
false allegations 115-16 
family 20-1,34-8,61, 147,246 
family break-up 136-7 
family energy 215 
family systems therapy 190 
family values 246 
fantasies 24, 37-8, 50, 52, 66, 68, 105, 135, 137, 144, 159-87, 169-70,196-7,210 
fantasy as separate domain 160 
Farrenkopf Arousal Portfolio and Cardsort 29 
father 34-5, 38, 62 
fear of arrest 80 
Fear of Negative Evaluations Scale 124 
fellatio 83, 152 
female offenders 49-56, 60, 141 
feminacy 39 
feminist theory 146-9 
fetish 14, 31 
fixated 18-19, 137, 144 
flashing 147, 182 
flirting 54 
Florida 76
folk devils 246, 251 
fondling 54, 57, 70 
fondness 43 
force 60
forced child-child sex 56 
Freud 181, 189-90, 243 
friends 36
fundamentalist Christianity 247


Garry 85-9, 168-9, 182-3 
Gay movement 191
gender politics 146-9
gender preference development 59-60
general population 177
genetic transmission 41, 58-9 
George 169-70
Germany 154-5,235 
gifts 79
Golden Boys 168
Gracewell Clinic 2, 86
Graham 2-11, 13, 19, 36, 38, 172 
Grange Hill 168 
Greece 232
grooming 83-92, 176, 178 
group activity 79
group work 214-15 
guilt 44, 214, 216
gynephile 11, 114-15


harm theses 162
harmfulness of abuse 63 
Hawaii 233
head trauma 151
Health and Efficiency 172 
hebephiles 62
heightening sexual arousal 178 
heterosexual paedophiles 34 
heterosexuality 12
high risk situations 219-20 
Hindley, Myra 245
historical changes 231-7 
Holland 154 
home background 36 
homosexual leanings 13 
homosexual paedophiles 34 
homosexuality 138, 191 
Homosexuality and paedophilia 44-9 
homosexuals 21, 42 
hormones 133,149-50 
hostility 38 
Huckleberry Finn 168 
hugging 70 
humour 40 
hypermasculinity 148 
hyperprolactinaemia 150 


idealization 214 
idealize 142 
identification with the aggressor 133 
identity-confused paedophiles 218 
ideologies of childhood 242-3 
idiosyncratic constellation 89 
immaturity 133 
impression management 44 
impulse 209 
impulse control 206 
impulse disorder 134 
inadequacy 43 
inbreeding 234 
incest 13,20-7,31,62,147,233 
incest avoidance mechanisms 134 
incest offenders 35 
incest offenders vs extrafamilial offenders 43 
incorporation of male children 139 
industrialization 238-9 
ineffectualness 134 
initiation period 232 
insight oriented therapy 203 
intellect 43 
intellectual errors 240 
interactive computer system 124 
intercourse 54, 157 
Internal/External Scale 125 
Interpersonal Reactivity Index 124 
interpersonal type 25  
interpersonally oriented groups 204 
intimate kissing 83 
intrafamilial 23-4 
introversion 43-4 
invariant paedophile 143 
invasion of privacy 54 
isolation 39, 55 
Italy 235 


Jackson, Michael 245 
Jewish culture 233 
jobs with children 39 
Johns Hopkins Sexual Deviance Clinic 59 
Jungian theory 140-2 


Kansas 154 
Kevin 52-3 
kiddypom 135 
kissing 56, 70 
Knave 173


landscapes 46 
leading questions 211-12 
left brain hemisphere 153 
legal definitions 16-17 
legal materials 135 
legislation 178 
lesbian 201 
Lewis, Jerry Lee 245 
liberalism 243 
libido 155 
lie detector 58, 108, 120 
lies 74 
limited interests 143 
London 236,248 
loneliness 40 
Los Angeles 76 
love 74 
lying 123 


magazines 16 
Male International 168  
man-boy love 26 
marital relationships 43 
marriage 19, 35, 46 
masochism 14, 16 
mass media 179-81 
Massachusetts Treatment Center 226 
masturbation 16, 54, 83, 135, 137 , 140, 157 
masturbatory fantasy 160 
masturbatory satiation 204 
McMurray case 245 
medical castration 155-8 
medroxyprogesterone acetate 155 
Melanesia 232 
Member of Parliament 248 
mental defectives 154 
mental disorder 14 
mental paralysis 143 
mental retardation 134, 151 
mentally disordered sex offender 150 
Michigan Alchoholism Screening Test 125 
Middle ages 234-5 
middle-aged group 27 
Mike 173 
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 24, 124 
misclassification 111-12 
Miss K. 50-1 
models 132 
molestation theory 56-60 
moral entrepreneurs 247 
moral panics 246 
morbidity risks 59 
Morocco 189 
mother 40, 62 
mother's aggression 34 
mothers abusing 52 
motives 74 
MPA 156-8 
Mr A. 21 
Mr M. 152 
Multiphasic Sex Inventory 121-2, 125 
music therapy 206 
muted sadistic type 25 
mutually dependent relations 44 
My Girl and Me 180 
My Two Dads 180 


narcissism 133
narcissistic type 25
narcissistic withdrawal 145 
Nebraska 150
necrophilia 139
negative feelings 131 
Netherlands 217-18 
neuropsychological characteristics 150
neuropsychological impairment neuroticism 40
New Guinea 232 
New Zealand 219 
nightmares 153
non-sadistic aggressive type 26 
non-sexual needs 20 
nonlinearity 106
normal paedophilia 140
North American Man-Boy Love Association 242
North Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center 35, 204
Norway 154 
nudity 79
number of victims 77 


objects inserted 56
obligatory paedophile pervert 138 
obsessionality 40
oedipal dynamics 134
offender characteristics 33-71 
offender studies 77-82 
offender's ages 26-7
offenders against boys vs girls 48 
offending and fantasy 186-7 
offending cycles 161
offensiveness of pornography 162 
operant control 193-4
oral sex 54, 57, 60, 136 
orgasm 155, 157
orgasm, lack of 135
orgasmic reconditioning 196-9 
Orkney Islands 245 
other-blame 137 


paederasty 232 
paedohebephilia 12 
Paedophile Action for Liberation 242 
paedophile activists 237-41 
Paedophile Information Exchange 242 
paedophile rings 247 
paedophilia 12 
paedophilia index 116 
paedophilia scale 24 
paraphilia 16, 50, 59 
parental acceptance 34 
parental control 34 
parents' friends 55 
partialism 31 
partner's age 66 
passive paedophilia 30 
pathological type 25 
Paul 173-4 
Pavlov's dogs 193 
pecking order 39 
peeper 165 
peer abuse 177 
peer sexual experiences 131 
peer-facilitated groups 205 
penetrative intercourse 155 
penis circumference measures 104, 113, 116, 121 
penis volume measures 103-4,111 
personal health 206 
personality 143 
personality of abusers 39-44 
Peru 233 
perversion 139-40, 144 
phallometric assessment 103-23, 135, 151, 157 
phobic reactions 66 
physical characteristics 43 
physical injury 79 
physical maturity 82-3 
physiological measures 122 
physiological vs self reports 121-3 
planning 208 
plasma testosterone 155 
Playboy 173 
plethsmography 103-23, 124 
polymorphism 47 
pornography 135, 161-79 
pornography and childhood 164 
pre-offence preparation 169 
pre-paedophiles 58 
precondition model 132-5 
precursors to offending 208-9 
preferred characteristics of victim 79-80 
prevalence 27-31 
prior arrest 55 
professional standards 126 
profiles 124 
prolactin 149-50 
proscriptive therapist 145 
prostitutes 62 
pseudo-neurotic paedophile 143-4 
psychiatric problems 55 
psychiatry 143-5 
psychodynamic approaches 137 
psychoticism 40, 42 
pupillometry 104 


RAD test 247 
Ramon 98-100 
randomized response technique 29-30 
rape 16, 36, 106, 146, 154, 251 
rape index 106 
Rape Myth Acceptance Scale 125 
rapists 35, 42-3, 57 
rates of sexual abuse in childhood 177 
rational-emotive therapy 205 
re-enactment theory 60-2 
recidivism 154, 195, 222, 230 
recidivism prior to treatment 157 
refusal of sex 22, 137 
regressed 18-19, 21, 144 
regression and homosexuality 48 
regressive/frustrated types 25 
Reich 243 
reinforcement of masculinity 139 
relapse fantasies 126 
relapse prevention 206, 208-10 
relations with women 134 
relationship disturbances 134 
religious therapies 213-14 
repeatedly preferred 15 
replacement father 38 
repressive sexual norms 134 
RickyU. 52 
ritualism 56 
Rochdale 245 
role-playing 205 
Roman Catholicism 247 
Rome 232-3 
Rorschach Test 42 
Rotter Locus of Control Scale 124 
royal families 233 
running away in childhood 35 


Saddleworth Moor 245 
sadism 14, 16 
sadomasochism 31,51 
sadomasochistic relationship 145 
safety valve 136 
same-sex experiences 131 
satanic abuse 245, 248 
satiation therapy 198-9 
school problems 55 
science of sex 26 
Scotland 245 
Seattle 80 
secondary sexual characteristics 17 
seduction as fantasy 190 
seductive incest cycle 84 
seemingly irrelevant decisions 91 
self-esteem 133 
self-help groups 202 
self-identified paedophiles 217 
self-loathing 214 
self-made pornography 167 
self-reports 122 
senility 134 
sensations 161 
sensitivity 40 
sensitivity training 205 
serial murder 159 
serial rapists 60 
sex education 206 
Sex Fantasy Questionnaire 126 
sex hormone levels 51, 155
sex magazine circulation 163 
sex of victims 24 
sex ratios 77
sex therapy 203-4
Sexaholics Anonymous 213
sexual abuse of offenders 34 
sexual adjustment 63 
sexual anxiety 134 
sexual arousal 133
sexual assaulters 36
sexual behaviour 204
sexual behaviours in victims 62-3 
sexual competition 39
sexual crime in victims 62 
sexual experiences 24
sexual fantasies 132, 150, 155, 194 
sexual fixation 12
sexual functioning 23 
sexual identity 63
sexual inhibition 39
Sexual Interest Card Sort 126 
sexual kissing 54
sexual learning theory 131-2 
sexual paraphilia 15 
sexual privation 138
sexual satisfaction 24 
sexual self-esteem 63
sexualization 51, 63, 66
sexually intrusive behaviour 49 shyness 40, 134
Situational Competency Test 124 
snapshot fantasy 160
Social Avoidance and Distress Scale 124
social construction 237-44 
social definitions 16-17 
social dominance 41 
social isolation 36
social relationships 43
social skills 134, 202, 205 
social skills modelling 201 
social uncles 147
Social-Trait Anxiety Scale 125 
socio-legal children 17
sociological theory 242-4 
sociopathic paedophile 25 
sociopathy 15 
sperm 232 
stages in molestation 84-5 
standardized tests 126 
stepfathers 134 
stress inoculation 206 
stress management 202 
submissive objects 147 
submissiveness 39 
substance abuse 62, 206 
substitute sexual outlets 41 
superego 145 
support therapies 191, 215-19 
Sweden 154 
switching offence types 16 
Switzerland 154-5, 235 
synthetic steroid 155 
systematic 219-21 


taxonomies 25-6 
teachers 55 
teen/young sex 31 
television 229-31 
Terry 66-7,171-2 
theories of paedophilia 129-58 
therapeutic castration 154 
therapy 189-228 
therapy, special features of for offenders 211 
thought disorder 41 
thought stopping 200 
threats 79, 83, 92 
times of offences 81-2 
timidity 39 
trapped penis 52 
trauma 51, 65-6 
trauma control and mastery 52 
treatment 135 
Turkey 189 
types of sexual activities 77-8 
typology of female offenders 53 


unconscious sexual seduction 141 
unemployment 137 
University of Alberta Hospital 82 
University of Swansea 237 
University of Utrecht 216-17 
unloading emotional and sexual problems 54 
unwanted sexual advances 147 
USA 154-5, 245-6, 248 


vaginal blood pulse 51,104 
vaginal blood volume 51, 104-5 
vaginal plethysmography 104 
vaginal temperature 104-5 
Venus fly trap 144 
victim studies 75-7 
Victorians 236, 240 
videos 16, 169 
violence in offending 81 
violent fantasy 159 
violent offenders 35 
voyeurism 14, 16, 54 


Walt Disney 168,175,181 
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale 125 
wish fulfilment 161 
wolves 153 
women's fantasies 160 
women-blaming 22 
work pressures 137 


zoophilia 14,31

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