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Added: November 2020

How to Persecute a Pedophile

Galaburda, Cyril E.
Type of WorkA Report

The Sexual Behavior of the Human Female

Kinsey, Alfred C., B. Pomeroy Wardel, E. Martin Clyde, & Gebhard Paul
Place PublishedPhiladelphia & London
PublisherW.B. Saunders Company
Extent888 pp

Kinsey - The Sexual Behavior of the Human Male

Kinsey, Alfred C., Pomeroy Wardel B., & Martin Clyde E.
Place PublishedPhiladelphia & London
PublisherW.B. Saunders Company
Extent819 pp.

Added: October 2020

Kinsey Report -- excerpted entries on homosexuality

Kinsey, Alfred, Pomeroy Wardell B., & Martin Clyde E.
Place PublishedPhiladelphia
ExtentExcerpts from a book
Excerpts from research

American Sexual Behavior and The Kinsey Report (excerpts)

Ernst, Morris L., & Loth David
Place PublishedNew York
PublisherGreystone Press
ExtentSeveral excerpts

Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (Chapter 21 - HOMOSEXUAL OUTLET)

Kinsey, Alfred, Pomeroy Wardell B., & Martin Clyde E.
Place PublishedPhiladelphia
PublisherW.B. Saunders
Keywords: False memories

A victim of memory recalls


Pendergrast, Mark
Type of WorkEssay

The memories linger on


Fitzpatrick, Michael
Type of WorkEssay

Whatever happened to false memory syndrome?

Bristow, Jennie

Sex education: why the British should go Dutch

The Times UK

Thomson, Alice Abstract
Keywords: Cikdhood, innocence

The Myth of Lost Innocence

A New York Times Blog

Warner, Judith; Jan 29 2009
Type of WorkEssay

Early Childhood Sex Education

How Do Dutch Parents Educate Their Young Children About Sex, Sexuality, and Pedophilia?

Davies, Sarah; Nov 01 2007
Type of WorkThesis

Added: July 2020

Putin Saves From Pedophiles

Galaburda, Cyril E. Abstract

Sexual Interest in Children Among Women in Two Nonclinical and Nonrepresentative Online Samples

Sex Med

Safiye Tozdan, Arne Dekker, Dr Phil, Janina Neutze, and Pekka Santtila, & Briken Peer
Type of WorkResearch report

The Pedophile's Guide into Developmental Traumatology

Galaburda, Cyril E.; Mar 16 2020
Type of WorkEssay

Neurologgical Damage from Child Sexual Abuse

Galaburda, Cyril E.; Mar 16 2020
Type of WorkEssay

Added: November 2019

Navigating the Stigma of Pedophilia: The Experiences of Nine Minor Attracted Men in Canada

Freimond, Carin Marie
Place PublishedSimon Fraser University, Canada
Extent99 pp
Navigating the Stigma of Pedophilia

Added: October 2019

Non-offending Pedophiles

Current Sexual Health Reports

Cantor, James M., & McPhail Ian V.
Issue3, september 2016; on line May 2016
Type of WorkResearch Report
Publication LanguageEnglish

Added: July 2019

Open letter to Michael Seto,...

Schuster, Filip; Jul 20 2019
Type of WorkOpen letter
Publication LanguageEng

Added: April 2019

Pedophilia and Sexual Offending against Children - Theory, Asessment, and Intervention - Second Edition - Quotes and Summaries

Seto, Michael C.
EditionSecond Edition, 2018
Place PublishedWashington DC
Extent329 pp
Overview of Research
ISBN Number9781433829260

This new edition represents a critical review and integration of many active lines of research on pedophilia, hebephilia, sexual offending against children, incest, risk assessment, and treatment. My aim is to provide an accessible and scholarly book that summarizes the evidence to drive better research, policies, and practices, to prevent sexual offenses against children and to improve the lives of persons with pedophilia or hebephilia.

Some readers may be surprised that helping persons with pedophilia or hebephilia is part of my aim in this book. I ask you to imagine, whatever your sexual preferences are, that social norms and laws prohibited you from expressing your sexuality in the way you would like. Very serious consequences could result if you did express your sexual interest, including loss of employment; social ostracism; estrangement from family and friends; long prison sentences; and then a range of legal restrictions regarding residence, movement, and public notifications about you post sentence. Even if you never expressed your sexual interest, you would live in anxiety and fear because of the severe stigma associated with your sexual interest, so that it would be very difficult if not impossible to disclose to family members, friends, and others around you. That is the situation that persons with pedophilia or hebephilia currently face.

The field seems to have moved from a vigorous debate about whether sex offender treatment works at all to more fine-rained questions about what forms of treatment, for who, and under what conditions. This does not negate the many questions regarding assessment and treatment
for different populations, including non-offending persons with pedophilia, females, and juveniles.

I hope this book is a useful starting point for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in setting an agenda for further work on these important topics. I am looking forward to the next decade of progress.


Added: March 2019

The ethics of pedophilia

Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics

Moen, Ole Martin
Type of WorkEssay
Original Publication