Number E 2, October 1997
Introduction Meeting July 1997 in Munich: the minutes Annual report from the secretary Reports from the countries Theme 1: The Gay Movement: report and discussion Theme 2: A media experiment and training Theme 3: A legal age of consent: an aim for IPCE members? IPCE decides about IPCE again Last day of the meeting with the German groups and our guests Evaluation of the meeting [Article & Request - A new approach ... > Removed on request of the author] Documentation Service List October 1997 |
Here — at last — is the new IPCE Newsletter E2, the second electronic one. Much of the last year has been spent by your secretary and his assistant in formulating and understanding the new electronic media. This text has passed between us and we hope that as a result it is more readable than hitherto. It comes in several forms via the Internet, formatted in various word processing packages for one, as plain text for another. For others not yet netted, it comes by diskette and for yet others by old-fashioned snail-mail post. Please, tell your secretary if you have received it correctly. We have added HTML as this is possibly the most universal way in which most people on the Internet can receive it. If HTML is suitable for you, please let us know so that we can reduce the effort of formatting into a variety of word processors. This Newsletter contains only the minutes of the eleventh IPCE Meeting in Munich at the end of July 1997, one short article and the documentation list. We have been able to produce this more rapidly than previous years (when the minutes of the meeting only arrived days before the next one!) We hope that, after our sabbatical year setting up and trying to understand the electronic world, we now have these in place, we will now be able to produce things even more rapidly. The next edition of the Newsletter will come out in a few months — hopefully in Mid Winter. Number E3 shall contain articles and other matters of interest and if anybody has anything that they would like included, please send this to The Secretary as soon as possible - preferably either by e-mail or on disc as this avoids having to key in all the text. You will see from the minutes that IPCE this year is trying to set up a private E-mail list with messages that could be of help for active groups and persons, especially in Europe. We feel that this is vital, as so much is happening to change legislation in the European Union (EU) and we must try to keep on top of this. For instance, it is believed that the new extension to the Maastricht Treaty which was discussed among the heads of Government in Amsterdam earlier this year, includes provision for the setting up of Euro-wide databases by police and other official organisations. Much of this legislation comes from the United States via the United Kingdom and the British delegates have been very good in posting all these new changes to their legislation. However, it is essential that we all know what is happening in the other Member States of the EU. So, although you might think that the events in your country are not of interest to anybody else this is just not the case. We all need to know what is happening - all over Europe. Of course, we realise that this will mean that someone will have to translate this into English, as this has to remain our universal language. But please do not be deterred if you feel that your English is inadequate. Ricky, the moderator of this list is most happy to communicate direct with the translators and 'Anglicise' (or even Americanize!) this in conjunction with you. Meanwhile, we are not neglecting the remainder of our troubled planet. Isabel will moderate a world IPCE list. The core of these messages can be put in the post edition of the next Newsletter, to avoid double sending. If, however, you have an E-mail connection, you will receive the messages far earlier and much cheaper. Thus, may we, the two moderators and the secretary, ask you to send us your E-mail address if you have one. We would suggest the receivers of the very expensive post edition try to get an E-mail connection or access to a computer to read the diskettes. By these means the messages are speedier, the work is simpler and the costs are much, much, lower. E-mail and the Internet means many of us can now communicate quickly and efficiently. Thus, communication between the IPCE — both the groups and candidate members — can become more interactive. Several times, I have heard a complaint that IPCE 'did nothing but howl once a year'. Now it is up to the members to communicate more intensively, to send their messages to the moderator or the secretary. Please, have a look at the documentation list at the end of the Newsletter. See, how many documents, articles etceteras have been gathered. This list is made to be used. So, please ask for documents, read them to gather the knowledge you need for thoughtful action. Action is needed now. Let us not (only) howl, but inform and encourage each other to find the right ways of action. Still your secretary, Frans and — hopefully – your (European) moderator, Ricky. P.S. What shall we call the new European IPCE List? Any ideas? Ricky comes up with EUROPED (seen as EURO-ped by us and Europe-d by others)
THE 11th IPCE MEETING, MUNICH, JULY 1997THE MINUTESGrusswort (welcome) of the VSG:To the participants of the IPCE conference on July 24-27, 1997 in Munich On behalf of the "Verein fuer sexuelle Gleichberechtigung", to which the Munich pedophile group belongs, I welcome you to this IPCE conference in Munich. "Verein fuer sexuelle Gleichberechtigung", abbreviated "VSG", means "Society for Sexual Equality". It is one of the oldest gay emancipation groups in Germany, founded in 1973. Our political and social aims are characterized by the spirit of the seventies and eighties. Therefore, solidarity with oppressed sexual minorities has always been a matter of course for us. The pedophile group has existed for many years within the VSG. In the late eighties, as a consequence of progressing emancipation, several other gay groups and projects came into being in Munich, especially the Gay Culture and Communication Centre "Sub", which soon outstripped the VSG. They took over such activities as gay counselling and providing facilities for communication. They could do that more professionally than the VSG, because they took financial support from the city and because they were more attractive for young people due to their different political basic attitude. So the Sub increased, and the VSG decreased during the nineties. VSG’s membership diminished slowly, but continuously. Our remaining political activities were firstly the fight for the abolition of the anti-gay paragraph of the German penal code and against the introduction of a new paragraph concerning sexuality with young persons, and secondly our efforts towards making visible the nazi persecution of homosexual men in the memorial site of the Dachau concentration camp. Both fields of activity were more or less finished during the last few years or will be finished in the near future. Being gay is now accepted, at least in the big cities. There are, however, still enormous political challenges. Gay sexuality, and free sexuality in general, are still far from being socially accepted. But unfortunately, the young generation of gays is quite lethargic in view of these facts. Only a small minority is politically interested, but their activity is focused on social and legal recognition of homosexual partnerships and marriage for gay and lesbian couples. They don’t want to deal with subjects like promiscuity, prostitution, pornography or sex with children. That would only degrade them in the eyes of society and thus go against their goal of integration. The large majority of young gays, however, seems to be totally uninterested in politics. A few weeks ago, we celebrated in Munich the "Christopher Street Day" under the patronage of the mayor. At the parade, thousands of participants came out as gays and lesbians with cheerfulness, music and colourful fancy dresses. But there was not a single political statement. Under these circumstances, we don’t see any future for our political activity. Having a pedophile group cannot be the only purpose of a gay organization. Therefore, our last general meeting decided that the VSG shall be dissolved, probably in the next year. Quite a similar situation exists on the national level. The Federal Association for Homosexuality, which was founded eleven years ago as an umbrella organization of gay groups, is being dissolved this summer for the same reasons. The political gay emancipation movement practically doesn’t exist any longer, one hundred years after its beginning in 1897. Unfortunately, this development coincides with an enormous increase of oppression against pedophiles and the pedophile emancipation movement. Whereas you need our solidarity more than ever before, we are less than ever before able to grant you our solidarity and support. The situation in Germany came to a head a few months ago, when the City of Frankfurt on Main, stirred up by a nasty press campaign, prohibited the meeting of the German Working Group on Pedophilia. The public affairs office argued that speaking for consensual sexuality with children would only play down the problem of sexual abuse and that expressing such opinions, which are incompatible with the prevailing public opinion, would threaten public order and could therefore not be tolerated. In the wake of these events, the Munich gay community center "Sub" found itself compelled to withdraw its offer that the IPCE meeting could take place in its rooms. Since the Sub highly depends on public funds, it could not risk harboring an international pedophile conference. If that became public in the present situation in which any objective discussion of that matter is impossible, it would seriously jeopardize the further existence of the Sub. Fortunately, there is no open hostility to pedophiles in the Munich gay community. The dilemma is however that the VSG, which has always been independent of public funds, doesn’t have the resources for an active support, and those who have the resources cannot make them available to pedophiles because they lack independence. In this situation, we are very glad that our pedophile group found support from the German Working Group on Humane Sexuality and from the Humanist Union, Mr. Johannes Gloetzner represents both of which here. He also made it possible that this conference can now take place in the office of the Humanist Union. We wish you that your conference, despite the bad conditions, may enable fruitful discussions and bring forth positive results.
Financial Report 1996, July 1 à 1997 July 20
At January 1 1997 controlled by the financial control commission of NVSH lwg JORis Frans REPORT FROM THE SECRETARY, July 1997Members
Candidate Members
Subscribers / visitors
Sent by
REPORTS FROM THE COUNTRIESPresent were 15 to 25 persons from Germany, the United Kingdom, Austria, New Zealand, U.S.A., Greece and The Netherlands. The meeting regretted that DPA and NAMBLA had no delegates present at the meeting. NEW ZEALANDAMBLA, the Australian Man Boy Love Association, has been reorganized as an ‘unorganized’ organization. There is no office, no official address, no members and no meetings. There are only individuals who may meet each other privately. Any legal action, publicity, letters to the press etc are taken by individuals. Thus, they hope that they avoid the laws on conspiracy. Gerald has lost his court case. He had claimed against a TV station that used the word pedophilia as a synonym for a criminal act. However, the court accepted this use of the word (See documentation list, nr. 97-099). Gerald also had an interview on TV (see documentation list, nr. 97-095). He was able to get his message across and was content about the interview. However, during the program he was a little astonished to see a policeman who was being interviewed flourish a copy of the IPCE Newsletter, Summer 1996, showing this to the public. The policeman told the public that ‘the pedophiles’ had strong international organizations and even E-mail connections and that New Zealand was well represented at our last conference. Paul, the NZ delegate reported that he has been intercepted by the NZ Customs on his return from IPCE last year and subjected to the most stringent of searches including a strip search. The Customs took all his papers - including his copy of the latest IPCE Newsletter - but returned them several days later. The NZ Customs must have made a copy of this private correspondence and handed this copy to police who then broadcast it on Television. Gerald wishes to prosecute but Paul can see no future in this. It is not known if New Zealand has any law protecting private correspondence similar to those in the European Convention on Human Rights. The discussion pointed out that the laws and the situation differ greatly in each country. Thus, the way of organizing and working should also be different. For example, the German groups are officially organized and they work as open to the public as possible, for instance by publishing on the web. In New Zealand, this is not possible. Laws are vague and N.Z. (and U.K.) has no Constitution. Each strategy has it own advantages and disadvantages. THE NETHERLANDSGeneralShortly after our meeting in Copenhagen, two events caused much publicity in all sections of the media: the case of Dutroux in Belgium and the international conference in Stockholm. Both events worked closely together to criminalize the word ‘pedophile’ completely. In the Dutroux case, the media did not speak of "the murder" or "the slave driver", but always about "the pedophile". So did the media about the Stockholm conference. They made no mention of the rich countries or the Multinationals exploiting cheap child labor, or the Captains of Industry, but only "the pedophiles" were characterized as the cause of the misery of the children in the poorer countries. Standard articles came in every magazine, standard items in TV programs: standard appearances of a psychologist with a standard sermon - not about murders or slave drivers, no - always about "the pedophiles". Thus, the climate of pedophobia, already created in The Netherlands, could flourish as never before. Once we lived in a progressive, liberal and tolerant culture, now we live in an average country, like other IPCE members. Nevertheless, one of the persons, who kept her head cool, was our Minister of Justice, Winifred Sorgdrager. At Stockholm and in the Dutch Parliament she refused to open a witch hunt against certain adults. She only would work to better the welfare of children. However, she had to answer the questions of the Members of the Parliament and she had to show some deeds. Therefore, some persons who violated the law in The Philippines were prosecuted and condemned in The Netherlands. She also started a ‘research’ project, given to quite a conservative institute, to evaluate the recent changes in our law about the ages of consent. As you will remember, this age is sixteen if not in care or custody, but between 12 and 16 years of age, prosecution will only be possible if there is an official complaint from the child, their parents or the Child Protection Agency. Police and others complain that it is difficult to combat child prostitution with this law. We can foresee the method of this ‘study’: many police officers and ‘Child Savers’ will be interviewed, but supposedly not any youngster nor his/her adult friend. Thus, we can foresee the outcome: the age of consent will go to fourteen and the complaint-rule will disappear. Now the law on child pornography is changed and working, the hunt for it is opened. Here we see again our Minister with a cool head, but others are more hotheaded. The instructions for the prosecutors are not fanatic, but reasonable. Not so, however, with the Police searches, which are quite frantic, especially in Amsterdam. A Higher Court went further than the Minister did and the Parliament wanted. A person with a fairly large collection of photos was not condemned by the Lower Court because he had only one of each photo, thus not a stock to sell. However, the Higher Court condemned him because of the total amount of his collection was such that 'he must have had it for commercial reasons', despite there being absolutely no evidence of this. Thus, not the intention (only to collect, not to sell), but only the amount made him guilty. The case against Ophelia Editions and Don Mader has not until now been made an official accusation. What the Amsterdam police did, led by the fanatic ‘Captain Hook’, was to intimidate and to show their supposed deeds to the public. The NVSH as a wholeThe NVSH is split almost 50/50 over their support of JORis. The general board is unanimously supportive – but this is because the anti-s have left the board. In Amsterdam, Leiden, Utrecht, Mid-Netherlands, Eindhoven and Limburg the climate is against our workgroups. In Amsterdam, the group is only barely tolerated. Leiden and Eindhoven left the general NVSH association and started competitive associations in which a JORis group would have no place. Utrecht kicked its JORis-group out of the local association. The group can no longer use the office and the postal address. The general board is searching for ways now to re-create the unity in the association, maybe by some kind of compromise. The NVSH lwg JORisThis is the national workgroup, which presently holds the IPCE Secretariat. Problems have arisen in this group over the past year. First, our Newsletter editorial published an anonymous letter in which a nephew complained against his uncle about some intimacy they had shared in the past. I, Frans, published a reaction to this letter in the next issue in which I concluded that is was better to avoid sexual contacts with minors. My reasoning for this is that, in the present climate of hysteria, one can foresee the possibility of a negative feeling years afterward the event, especially if the young person comes in contact with professional ‘helpers’. The reactions to my article overwhelmed me, so emotional and eventually hateful were they. A heated meeting claimed an extra edition of the Newsletter to react as soon as possible to my humble opinion. The editor and the treasurer-secretary (both in my person) refused this. This resulted in a conflict within the board and between the board and the editorship. In the end, the general meeting had to decide on the conflict. After its decision, members of the board and of the editorial gave up their functions. In the meantime, a second version of my article is published in the next issue of our (Dutch) Newsletter. This version seems to give calmer reactions. I am considering including the nephew-letter and the last version of my article, in the next edition of the IPCE Newsletter, after translation. The local groupsOnce there were many groups, spread all over the country. Now the hitherto big groups in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht have fewer members and fewer visitors. Four groups had an undercover journalist as a visitor of their open meetings; a quite negative article followed in a popular magazine. The groups in Limburg, Nijmegen and Hengelo disappeared. In Groningen, Zwolle and Zutphen groups are yet active. Because of some problems, the latter two will probably amalgamate into one new group. Other Dutch organizationsThere has been a sharp decline in magazines featuring pedophilia during the past year. Although KOINOS Magazine is doing well, PAIDIKA has now ceased publication. With the death of publisher Frank Torey last year, the Acolyte Press has been sold off and all publication has stopped. MARTIJN had problems because of the bad publicity caused by a former chairperson, who was prosecuted here for apparent crimes in The Philippines. A number of staff members of MARTIJN have left so that there are severe shortages both on the board and the editorial staff. They continue to publish the magazine O.K. but can do little else. Much publicity followed the case of Martijn's former chairperson, along with ‘dirty long articles’ in the popular press. In these articles, Dr Brongersma was mentioned in very dirty ways. Windows in his house were smashed and he had to flee from his home. The magazine Penthouse libeled another Eminence, Dr Santfort. However, the University for which he works supported him in a court action against the publishers, in which he was successful. (The text of the court’s decision has been translated into English and can be obtained on demand from IPCE Secretary.). Penthouse on its turn has now appealed to the Higher Court and the final outcome is yet unsure. (Santfort won the case; Sept 1997.) As is known, Ophelia Editions now has no address in The Netherlands. GERMANYGermany has never been a paradise for pedophiles. But since the discovery of the murdered children in Belgium, the Stockholm conference, and the murder of two small girls in Germany, the situation has become dramatically worse. Germany currently has three ages of consent, 14, 16 and 18, equal for homosexual and heterosexual contacts, but depending on the circumstances. All sexual contact with persons under 14 (i.e., the definition of a child in German law) is strictly forbidden. Child pornography is illegal to produce, trade and possess. The German police actively cooperate with foreign police to seek out German nationals who have been sexually involved with children abroad. In 1996 and 1997, three Berlin publishers were raided and closed down, the owners imprisoned. The Internet is under increasing police surveillance; pedophile computer owners have been raided throughout the country. Pedophilia is discussed now in a very confrontational way. In 1995, Rüdiger Lautmann, professor of sociology at Bremen University, published his book "Die Lust am Kind". Since then he has been interviewed - and attacked - many times. Last year another Bremen sociologist, Rainer Hoffmann, published a scientific study of pedophile relationships "Die Lebenswelt der Paedophilen". Both books explored new views on the subject. Until recently it seemed that pedophilia was accepted as a phenomenon unto itself and not just rigidly dismissed as child sexual abuse. This was so even in some television broadcasts. Now things have completely turned around. For nearly all the media, for all the political parties and for most social groups, pedophilia is seen exclusively as child sexual abuse. Only very few people openly dare to differentiate or to challenge this hoax. The pedophile support groups have, therefore, come under increasing pressure. In front of the gay center in Bremen, for instance, there were monthly demonstrations of so-called autonomous gays and lesbians against the pedophile group that has been meeting there for the past ten years. The leadership of the center was divided on this matter. After a hostile TV broadcast, the pedophiles were asked to leave the center. The Bremen pedophile group now meets privately. In Ulm, police officer Manfred Paulus and police-psychologist Adolf Gallwitz published a book based on the legal prosecution in 1992 of Helmuth L. The book claims to "unravel the secret networks of pedophiles." Helmut L. was involved in illegal activities, and for a number of years was also a member of the Swiss pedophile association, SAP. As a result of this book, pedophile support groups are now openly denounced as "contact markets and strategy seminaries for child molesters." The circulation of this charge has put even more pressure on the pedophile groups: In May 97, the 14th national conference of the AG-Paedo was forbidden by the City of Frankfurt, and the pedophile activists had to meet elsewhere. Situation of German Groups:AG-Paedo: This is the umbrella organization for German pedophile activists and pedo-groups. There are two meetings per year. The AG-Paedo publishes information leaflets on different pedophile topics. Some members care for prisoners and inmates of psychiatric hospitals. The AG-Paedo is a special topic group within the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Humane Sexualität (AHS). AHS (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Humane Sexualität): This is a national association of sexologists and lay persons who aim for a more humane sexuality. The AHS has existed since 1982. It deals with many kinds of sexual orientation. The AG-Paedo has been a sub-group of this society since 11 May 1997. Regional groups with regular meetings: Berlin: There are two groups in Berlin. One is a therapeutic self-help group, similar to Alcoholics Anonymous. The other group holds open evenings. Both meet twice monthly. Bremen: The group, consisting of about 6 regular members, does some public relations work. In May 97 they were asked to leave the gay center (see above). So, they now meet privately. Frankfurt/Main: Because of recent pressure from municipal authorities, the groups in and around Frankfurt may no longer use the meeting room of the AIDS-Help Society (See Documentation list, nr. 97-060, -076 & -077). They meet monthly. The Mannheim group publishes a regularly issued magazine entitled "Aufklären statt Diskriminieren" and distributes it free (See Documentation list, nr. 97-067). Munich: The Munich group has about 10 to 12 members and is well integrated into the local gay community. The gay association VSG hosts the group. (Because of this, the VSG [Verein für Sexuelle Gleichberechtigung - Association for Equality in Sexual Rights] was forced to leave the ILGA [International Lesbian and Gay Association] in 1995.) The Munich group maintains a home page on the World Wide Web in the German language. This page contains information about the pedophile movement and is frequently accessed. The address is: [Address has changed] Bielefeld, Hamburg, Köln and Nürnberg: Group activities have ceased. Tübingen: This smaller group is about to lose its group leader and might soon stop working. New groups are now being formed in Dortmund, Wiesbaden and Chemnitz. There was another "group" called the Pedophile Mutual Support Group, the "Krumme 13" of Düsseldorf. The AG-Paedo maintains no contact with this group because its leader is considered untrustworthy. He is presently in prison outside of Germany. For the addresses of the above groups, see the "Adressenliste" at the Munich group’s web site (above). ADDENDUM Oct. 1997:About the Internet-homepage die Paedo-Seite: Since the middle of September 97, GermanyNet refuses to let us use their account any longer. They told us that they very well knew that there was nothing illegal on the Paedo-homepage but that they would loose their online-reputation if they had such contents on their provider. The current address of the Paedo-Seite is: [Site has disappeared] But this address is not permanent, as we are still looking for a provider, who - after Compusserve and GermanyNet - would not throw us out again, because of fears for his image. DiscussionIn the past, the German groups were mostly hosted by the gay organizations. Now one group after the other is kicked out of the gay movement. As in USA and elsewhere lesbians are especially fanatic. In Bremen women demonstrated regularly against the Paedo-group. Gays and lesbians have won considerable acceptance in general society and have largely turned from campaigning to social activities; support for the pedo-movement is seen as jeopardizing this position. Now the Pedo-groups look for a place within the Human Rights movement, which wants to free all human sexuality. Thus, the Humantistische Union hosts the IPCE Meeting this year. PAIDIKA was producing an English translation of Rüdiger Lautmann's book "Die Lust am Kind". But with the demise of PAIDIKA, this is now in doubt. The delegates from Bremen are in contact with the author and will try to find out what is happening to this important work. AUSTRIAThis is a quite conservative country. Police have considerable power to gather data about persons who possibly could commit criminal acts in the future. Nobody knows what data are collected about whom. All kinds of data from all places can be gathered; the only exception is the church confessional. In former times Austria & Germany produced good critical books, reports and articles about scientific aspects of Pedophilia, but the scientists seem to have made a complete U-turn. For example, a woman named Perna who has always been in opposition to the conservative thinking. Has now published an aggressive anti-pedophile book and all media praised her. THE UNITED KINGDOMElectioneering with Pædophiles' LivesSince July 1996 the UK has seen unprecedented legislation all intended to restrict pædophiles and much of it designed to be copied by other countries - especially those of Europe. After the summer parliamentary recess Lord Hylton's Sex Tourism Bill was re-introduced by backbencher John Marshall and eventually passed without much alteration, although the then Labour opposition made sweeping proposals for even harsher restrictions. Thus, we had restrictions on advertising for or in any way 'promoting' sex tourism. It also makes a crime of conspiracy for anyone to suggest to another person that children might be available for sex somewhere in the world. This restriction does not appear to have any bar with regard to nationality and on the face of it, a person of any nationality could be arraigned once they came within the jurisdiction of the UK Courts. Even if the correspondence was between two other countries where it would not be illegal. If it could be read in UK (e.g. in a Newsgroup on the Internet), then this brought it into the ambit of UK law. Bearing in mind that Denmark extradited an American to stand trial in Germany for putting neo-nazi propaganda in the Internet this seems no idle threat. The immediate result of the UK legislation was the arrest of a British tour organizer in The Philippines. The subsequent trial brought forth two other issues. First that he had been 'set up' by staff members of a Christian 'child protection' society when a senior member of the society gave evidence that he had contacted the person concerned and, whilst pretending to be a sex tourist, he had secretly filmed the tour operator making offers of tours where young girl prostitutes would be available. It is illegal for British undercover police to advocate that a person commits a crime and this would be enough to argue before a court that the case be withdrawn. No so, of course, if an ordinary citizen incites another; the agent provocateur can stand trial for complicity. On the other hand, the Crown prosecution may decide that "It is not in the public interest"… It is not uncommon for the police here to get a stool pigeon to do their dirty work for them. [Incidentally have you ever wondered why, when the Swedish police were setting up Bojn Bendt in Pattaya, they were accompanied by a Danish TV team and not a home-grown Swedish one? The Swedish court probably has powers to stop a local TV station broadcasting anything with would prejudice the defense in a forthcoming trial. But of course, they would have no such jurisdiction over Danish TV that can be received in Sweden! ] The second thing that surfaced in this trial was that the prosecution was assisted by a senior police officer of the Australian police force - an 'expert in pædophilia'. He is permanently attached to the Australian Embassy in Manila. The tour organizer is now serving 14 years in a Filipino jail. Members of the same team were used to secure the arrest of a person responsible for the murder of nine year old Daniel Handley in UK. Brett Tyler had fled to The Philippines. Here he was tracked down and kept under observation by agents of Shay Cullen's Prado organization before being arrested and deported back to UK where he stood trial alongside his accomplice Morss. The case had further revelations. It was featured on a current Crimewatch UK TV programme where it was seen by the wife of the senior psychiatrist responsible for the rehabilitation programme in Wormwood Scrubs which is one of Britain's ancient and notorious prisons. The psychiatrist (Dr Tony Barber - identified in court only as Dr B) was able to identify the two men as having been in his treatment programme where they spoke of their desire to seek out a blonde blue-eyed boy whom they would then sexually abuse and murder. The resulting trial received massive publicity and has been used ever since as a chimera for the need for the local community to be informed when convicted pædophiles are released into their community. (In fact, this case shows the futility of this notification. The two men trawled an area well away from their home in South London to find and snatch the boy). Nevertheless, of course, the public perception was that the abduction, rape and murder of young boys were typical actions of all pædophiles. The possibility that the rehabilitation programme itself may have been responsible for the two men forming this fantasy was never mentioned either at the trial or subsequently. Rehabilitation programmes in British prisons are built around group therapy and the confession of crime and criminal fantasies. This case shows that the authorities are not above using this information and that doctors will not shrink from breaking their Hippocratic Oath. Of course, nobody - and especially pædophiles - would sanction the murder of young Daniel Handley but we cannot be certain that similar methods will not be used for lesser 'crimes'. A new Act passed in the final moments of the falling Tory Government has yet to be implemented. It will allow police to burgle and plant bugs in houses and other places where they think that 'serious crime' is being planned. This includes prison cells, the rooms where defence lawyers interview prisoners to prepare their defence, solicitors offices, even doctors surgeries may be legally bugged by police. The United Kingdom has had the longest run up to a General Election in living memory. Prime Minister John Major called the election at the latest possible time and everybody of all political parties had been electioneering for most of the past two years. Both the Tory Government and the (then) Labour opposition vied with each other for much of this period as to who could be the most stringent on 'law'n order' and paedophilia was sure to be one of the principle election issues. At the Tory party conference in October 1996 Major and his Home Affairs Minister Michael Howard raised the temperature of the party faithful with cries against pædophiles just as they had in the preceding three annual conferences. A month later however, this was inexplicably missing from the Queen's speech (the method by which the Government announces forthcoming legislation). Anybody with half an eye to the way pædophilia has been used by the Tory party over the last few years to rally their faithful could see that pædophile legislation was being kept by the Tories for inclusion into their election manifesto. However, the leaders of the opposition parties pre-empted the Government by demanding that it be included and pledged their 'unequivocal support' for any measures which the government would introduce. In a move which is unprecedented in the history of the 'Mother of Parliaments' the Prime Minister capitulated and simply by turning to his cabinet colleagues and receiving a nod, the issue was added to the Government programme. Perhaps we are lucky as, no doubt, had it become an election issue we would have had all the parties fighting with each other to produce increasingly repressive legislation. The Sex Offenders Bill passed through all stages in the UK House of Commons with almost unprecedented co-operation by the opposition parties. Hopes of some reasoned opposition from the more principled members of the Upper House which included such figures as the Law Lords were dashed when the announcement of the election was made and the House of Lords passed the bill 'on the nod' along with 26 others - mainly on issues of law'n order. It received Royal Assent and passed into law on the last day of the Tory Government. (However, it will not come into effect until some time in the future.) Addendum 14th September 1997:The Sex Offenders Register came into being on 1st September last. Those who were to register were notified of their requirement so to do. Newspaper reports talk of much confusion. The Police are reported to have said that they expected some 6,000 entries (presumably, this number is taken from their various other databases). However, the Probation Service who were responsible for telling people to register say that the number is nearer 2,200. In the event, less than half (800) have done so. Nobody knows what has happened to the others. Surprisingly (or perhaps not surprisingly given the confusion) the police report that some 'offenders' who do not need to be on the register have attempted to enroll. The TV and other media have had a hand in keeping the anti-pædophile pot boiling. Hardly a week goes by without them 'outing' some person who has just being released from a prison sentence and is alleged to have told someone (that treatment programme again?) that they want to kidnap/kill/rape/abuse/fondle/love children. More stuff comes churning out of the TV box. A 'documentary' tells that some British expats in Holland have made the odd 'snuff movie' and the bodies dumped in a polder in Hoofddorp. Of course, it barely mentions that the Amsterdam and Hoofddorp police have been investigating this allegation since 1991 without finding any evidence…. Now Nick Davies, the same reporter, is off making programmes about the plight of Romania's children. These guys know a good money earner when they see one. Now, at long last, there is the glimmer of a backlash. Matthew Parris, a much-respected columnist for The Times, wrote a piece in February saying that the proposals for the 'Sex Offenders Bill' were blatant electioneering and that the proposed legislation "Demeaned everyone". Three TV documentaries are in the pipeline for C4 (not available on Euro-television unfortunately). Two are concentrating on the British attitude to the depiction of nudity and pictures in general whilst the third is an attempt to show a number of British pædophiles and a 'victim' as pretty ordinary, well-adjusted, individuals… Two of these programmes are scheduled be aired in the early autumn (fall) - the other in the New Year… In February, Britain hosted a European conference on 'Controlling the Internet' which boiled down to attacks on 'kiddieporn'. Most of the speakers were anti- of course. These included German psychologist Monika Gerrstendorfer and Supt Karlheinz Moewes who has spent the last 15 years in various departments of the Munich police computer divisions. The only pro speaker on the panel was Nel van Dijk, a Dutch Green Party MEP, who pointed out the difficulties of producing Euro legislation of 'child pornography' when there was no universal definition of 'pornography' or even of 'child'. There were one or two interesting interventions from the floor. One from a Finnish woman MP who thought the Western World was going mad. Others from various UK civil liberties and anti-censorship groups and some very thoughtful questions from a psychologist from Queen's University, Belfast. The main thrust of the conference was to introduce 'voluntary' censorship, which has been set up by the UK ISPs (Internet service providers) who have formed the British Internet Watch foundation. Following a letter from the Police Vice squad 'asking' that they pull the plug on 134 newsgroups which just might contain illegal material, the ISP Foundation agreed to set up a hotline where members of the public could call up if they found anything illegal on the net. The ISPs would then look at the material, take legal advice if necessary, and pull the offending items and - if it had originated in the UK - they would pass the information to the police so that they could prosecute. The scheme was started at the beginning of the year, by the time of the February conference relatively few items had been discovered. None had originated from UK. Oddly the ISPs were conspicuous by their absence at the Conference the only one to be identified was the Dutch xs4all who had originated this scheme in Holland the previous year. Now (July 1997) it is announced that the USA is having trouble with the constitutionality of their 'Internet Decency Act' and they are likely to introduce similar 'voluntary' trade censorship (See the USA report below for happening on the US Internet circuit). The whole scheme looks therefore that it will go international. Still there are no single simple definitions of pornography however, though recently the director of a UK Children's Trust has suggested that mere nudity of children should be declared illegal: "because pædophiles use it". The conference also turned up the fact that the Europarliament was preparing a resolution on the subject of illegal material (i.e. child porn) on the Internet (see documentation list nr. 97-024a & b). An example of the quality of this report comes from page 11 of their report: "One has also to take account of so-called 'virtual pornography', which consists exclusively of synthesised images. In such cases, no human being is actually exploited. However, it is probable that pædophiles who see such images may subsequently attack children." |
Research for this is undoubtedly from the 'Everybody knows that' Foundation.
Unfortunately, the draft report on this did not come to hand until just a few days before the EuP was due to vote. Efforts were made to pass this report through the BerryList to all others in the EU suggesting that they should complain about the lack of any respectable research for the contents of this report.
Despite the fact that the BerryList has correspondents in Holland, Denmark, Germany and Greece and contacts in Sweden, Spain and Italy the only letter of complaint was put up from UK. Of course, this lone voice achieved nothing. It just seems a pity that we could not have had complaints from half the countries in the EU.
It's been a busy year in Britain.
Surely, the persecution must end sometime?
I wouldn't hold your breath.
The English delegate presented a paper that listed 14 UK registers or databases regarding the control of ‘pedophiles’ (see Documentation list, nr. 97-112). Governmental and private organizations make their own lists to combat ‘pedophiles’ Without doubt, information from these lists is passed to other police forces, Europol and Interpol. The U.K. legislation is made for Europe. UK Government ministers and others has expressed the aim that the UK Sex Offenders Register should form the basis of Europe-wide registration. . Politicians of all political parties in Britain work closely together to achieve this. Thus, we have to work closely together so that everybody in Europe can be aware of the rapidly changing situation.
A candidate member from the USA was present but did not represent NAMBLA. The meeting regrets the absence of a delegate from IPCE largest organised group. The delegate nevertheless attempted to inform the meeting of the situation in USA and of NAMBLA.
NAMBLA has changed its organization and now functions in smaller work units: Ariels Pages for the books and Gayme as a magazine are now independent organizations. NAMBLA makes the Bulletin in a new lay out and a ‘special’ publication regularly (See Documentation list, nr. 96-058 & 97-043). NAMBLA now has a web page, which is presently at http://www.nambla.org. However, a shadowy group is intent on intimidating and bringing pressure to bear on those who give accommodation to 'pro pedophile' web-sites. NAMBLA along with others has suffered in this purge and has had to shift their web-site several times
There is a lack for leadership in NAMBLA’s steering committee. It is difficult to work in such a committee because of the great distances involved; it is very difficult to meet each other and telephone calls to other members are expensive. Moreover, the steering committee was infiltrated by a police officer. One member, who gave too much personal information has been arrested tried and convicted and is now serving a lengthy prison term.
In this respect it should be noted that Ann-Kristin Olsen, who chairs an Interpol group on offences against minors, has urged police officers at the European Policing Executive Conference to infiltrate ‘pedophile networks’. What to do to prevent infiltration in our work groups? Even if the police is not allowed to infiltrate and act as agent provocateur, ordinary citizens can do this and inform the media and police. One must remember that it was by means of an 'undercover' private citizen that PIE was destroyed in UK.
There is much discussion in and about NAMBLA because of the changes in leadership, organization, strategy and ideas. Critical persons ask for more wisdom and patience; they ask to read first the (old) NAMBLA position papers (See Documentation list, nr. 97-101). There is considerable discussion on whether NAMBLA should campaign to lower the legal age of consent, or to maintain its present position, which is to abolish all age of consent law.
The US Supreme Court has decided that it is legal to keep persons with a mental abnormality or mental disorders in psychiatric custody after their detention. This is a major shift in US jurisprudence, such that citizens can now be subjected to involuntary commitment for mental abnormality rather than mental illness (See Documentation list, nr. 97-109). 'Megan's Law' Registers are everywhere in the States. These give the police the right and duty to warn the neighborhood if a convicted pedophile comes to live nearby.
MIRSO is a relatively new web page about male intergenerational relationships. Readers and writers form a virtual organization. Then there is the BerryList, a private E-mail List that connects a number of politically active persons in many countries.
From Canada, one message tells us that the Coalition Pédophile Quebecois is still working quite effectively, whilst the Fondation Nouvelle (that tried to work for the whole of Canada) has apparently ended its work and existence. The IPCE members are asked not to mention the Coalition and its address in public, because this is hazardous for its members.
Another message tells us that the legal age of consent for males and females is 14. The law however, treats sex with pre-teens very harshly. The gay press in Canada and even some of the mainstream press has been quite supportive towards pedophilia. The Canadian gay newspaper X-tra recently resigned from the ILGA, rather than signs the ILGA anti-pedophilia declaration. The child pornography law of Canada, which is very strict (even the NAMBLA Bulletin is forbidden), has been strongly criticized by almost all the Canadian media. There is a good possibility that this law will be abolished.
The meeting regrets the absence of any delegate from Denmark’s DPA. There was only this message:
>> A short report on the situation in Denmark:
There is almost as much hysteria here as in the rest of Europe. Chemical castration is now being used again after having been regarded as inhumane for several decades. It is impossible to argue for lowering the age of consent in the present climate.
Our strategy at this moment is to provide counseling and social support for pedophiles in order to maintain mental health and avoid disasters like the one in Dunblane. We are trying to rise funding and support for this purpose, but of course, nobody wants to listen to us.
Our newsletter ‘Ny Sexualpolitik’ (New Sexual Politics) is now being published regularly after two years of problems. We are still in want of manpower, though. Despite our name, we are actually covering the whole of Scandinavia, because there are no pedophile organizations in Norway or Sweden. <<
DPA has its own web page now at [ ... disappeared in 2004]
See documentation list nr 97-049.
From Spain this little report arrived:
My little report is that since 1994 I have had not contact with the others Spaniards. I have tried, but they did not answer me. I do not know why. In Spain is a hard time for us. Since the Dutroux affaire in Belgium, the television and the newspapers are full with news about pedophilia in a pejorative and negative way. There is a campaign against us telling that to be a Pederast is the same that to be a killer, a perverted, and that we are very dangerous for the society. And they are trying to increase the years in jail in the same way as the terrorist of ETA (people think we are the same and we deserve the death). <<
Few things are happening there. Only there is much publicity about prostitution and pornography. In every article or news item, the word pederastia is mentioned.
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Pederastia is the Greek word for ‘pedophilia’. |
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Eros means ‘erotic love’. |
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Agapè is ‘love’ in the broadest sense of the word. |
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Philè is ‘love without erotic’. |
There are proposals now, for a law like the one in Canada and Norway, which forbids positive mentioning of pederastia.
The International Gay & Lesbian Association (ILGA) has expelled all organizations that housed a pedophile group. ILGA aimed to enter the UN as a UNESCO advise group. The USA demanded that ILGA should ban all ties with pedophile groups. ILGA in its turn demanded an anti-pedophile declaration from its member organizations. However, many members refused to sign this declaration and half of the member organizations have left ILGA. This seems to have resulted in a financial crisis of ILGA. This situation gives us reasons to think about an alternative for International Organization.
As is mentioned in the former Newsletter, at a meeting in Greece, some persons took the initiative to start an alternative international organization, the IOLH, the International Organization for the Liberation of Homosexuality. The meeting choose the word homosexuality instead of homosexuals. The concept 'Homosexuality' is meant as the homosexuality in every human. Last year, there was another meeting in Munich (See Documentation list, nr. 97-114), where they discussed some fundamental questions. For example: should one change homosexuality to Human Sexuality? And - does there exist something like homosexual identity? Thus, many questions were raised. At the end, the meeting decided to meet again in Canada in August 1997. The theme should be the sexual crisis of the west (see Documentation list, nr. 97-115). The first and fundamental questions for this meeting are:
Is there a sexual crisis in the west?
If yes, what is the core of this crisis?
3. Which kind of action is to be taken?
As a preparation for the delegates attending this Canadian meeting, the IPCE Meeting discussed these questions.
"Yes", said most of the delegates, but as someone pointed out, this is not recent. Ever since the 16th century, sexuality has been treated as problematic and not just as self-evident. One has to think about it. Like hamburgers, this crisis is imported from other countries; the international multi-cultural social climate is getting increasingly mono-cultural. The sexuality of children is made an especially big problem. Children receive many sexual stimuli; they are informed and reach puberty earlier, but are not allowed to be sexually active.
Is there a crisis? Yes. But is it sexual? No. It is a power crisis. Governments and other powerful people want to keep control over the ordinary people. They fear to lose this control and power. This is evident in the fight to control the Internet. The so-called sexual liberation of the ‘60’s and ‘70’s was threatening to make people free human beings. If people were able to take control of its own sexuality, then what other areas of their lives would they seek to liberate? Governments and others need to re-establish control of people’s sexuality as a means maintaining control of the people. Especially the non-sexuality of children had to be kept intact. The coming of Aids was a contribution to this crisis. Since there is Aids, sex - and therefore sexuality - is again dangerous. This is in the line of thinking of the conservatives. In the meantime, thousands of African children have Aids.
The crisis is also an ideological one. Old ideologies and religions saw their influence diminishing. In its place is a new middle class ideology. The Middle Class and the leaders now opt for law and order. With it comes fear. Everyone, who has contact with children, knows fear today; even the fathers and grandfathers. Who dares today to take a shower together? Share the bed on Sunday morning? Photograph the grandchildren romping around naked?
Does sexual identity exist? Homo-, hetero-, bisexuals, pedophile identity: do these exist in reality, or are they only constructions of a limited mind? Is there a sense or a value in these concepts, or are these concepts only oppressing and upsetting people? Is there a way to climb out of these narrow ways of thinking?
Most of the delegates reject the concept of a pedophile identity. Only for a short time, at the start of the process of consciousness, this concept can maybe give a little help. Such a start is necessary, because the process of consciousness is necessary. If homophile or pedophile feelings are present, but stay unconscious, homophobia and pedophobia take root. However, it is not easy to develop oneself further than this stage.. One must broaden ones self’-identity, but the nature of identities is strong and difficult to change.
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Psychological: one’s identity is just as one sees yourself. For mental health, one has to choose an identity; to change ones identity gives the feeling of a personal crisis. |
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Social: identities are not made in splendid isolation, but in a social process of communication. Society develops identities and communicates with the individual persons about their choice. |
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Political: identities are politically correct or incorrect. Politics is power and this influences people in their choices. |
Thus, the way of thinking in sexual identities is a narrow way, but difficult to change. Maybe we can offer a new perspective or point of view.
For example, the research done by Hall and others is mentioned (See documentation list, nr. 97-048). Out of 80 men, 72 was sexually excited by little girls; 20 of them was more excited by nude children than by nude adult women. Well, should you keep thinking in concepts like a pedophile identity or a minority?
Liberation… out of what? …to where or to what?…and how?
Liberation means not that one should have sex with whomever one wants. Liberation happens in the mind, in the consciousness. It means a release from narrow ways of thinking, to be open for new ideas and human experiences. Too narrow is, when the way of thinking is that every deviance from the statistical normality is seen as a disorder or illness. Better to see each human being as a unique person. Liberation should not only be a sexual liberation, but much broader. Much is to be changed in society. Now there are only islands where it is better, islands of resistance, islands of criticism and development.
For example, the older Israeli Kibbutzim were not so conservative as the are now. They were started with a socialistic ideology. In that ideology, children should be free to discover their own sexuality. In fact, in one of the Kibbutzim the children were usually nude. Then there came a Polish girl, whose upbringing was far more puritanical. She did not walk around nude and so she introduced the feeling of shame. This had much influence, far more than the socialistic ideology.
Thus, we have to search for these islands of resistance, liberation movements. The German groups have found the Humanistische Union, which hosts IPCE this year. Maybe there are more of such civil liberties movements out there.
Can we be open to these movements, for example, by forming into a children’s rights movement? In Germany, the groups are as open as possible. However, the announcement of a national meeting on the web raised severe problems; the next meeting is not announced on the web. In New Zealand, it is not possible to be open as an organization. As most of us know, in Canada the group works with silent diplomacy as its best way.
In the Netherlands, there was the same kind of discussion. At one side, there was Theo Santfort, who said the p-movement had too less characterized, explained or made known itself. The gays have done this and got much more understanding. Be clear about your identity, your wishes and interests, so is said. The German book of Rüdiger Lautmann, for instance, is clear at these points. At the other side, people do not believe in concepts as pedophile identity and they do not believe it will help to characterize oneself with such an identity. This line of thinking is expressed in the name of the NVSH lwg JORis, which chooses for a broader point of view. Also in IPCE, the same discussion is ongoing. As far as this discussion went now, we have to see that in every country the situation is different; thus, there is not one and only correct strategy for every group. Strategies will be different group by group.
Everywhere, it is difficult to reach and change ‘the public (opinion)’. Change in society usually does not come from the mass, but from small groups who win influence. Thus, we should seek out and choose such groups as the aim of your actions. Furthermore, we know these kind of changes does not come quickly; its is all long-term work, which only can be done - little step by little step.
After the discussion about the gay movement, the meeting continued with a discussion about publicity and strategies. How to reach the public? What to reveal in an interview with the media?
One option was…. be you. Show the public who you are, honestly; show yourself.
The other option, previously suggested to members by a public relations expert, was to give only some ideas. Select before which ideas you will give; choose not more than three. Respond to any questions as briefly as possible and then try to get in one of your three points. Repeat any of the three points in various guises as much as possible.
The meeting decided to engage in role-play to see which of these methods worked best. We acted out a TV interview with both roles. This was also to give some practice for one of those attending who was preparing to give an interview to the media in his own country.
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The moderator or presentator of the program, an elderly man. |
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A journalist who should ask sharp questions; this man should maintain a hostile attitude against ‘pedophiles’. |
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A man who should follow option 1. |
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A man who should follow option 2. |
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The public, among which was the classic 'anxious father'. |
From the beginning, which started with questions like "Should there be a legal age of consent?" until the conclusion, "Isn’t there always a power imbalance between child and adult?", the play did not go exactly like these shows are in reality. The moderator was very wise and quiet; the journalist was not sufficiently hostile and attacking, he was quiet and polite in fact; the two respondents therefore had enough time to say what they wanted without the usual interruptions.
It turned out that the man with the three points (option 2) had the best result. The public picked up what he said. Who exactly he was, although kept vague, his ideas were clear. The man who followed option 1 was vague in his answers, in his ideas and ultimately also in the person he was. For the time being, the meeting concluded that option 2 was the best:
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Choose before the interview about three (and no more) ideas you will give to the public. |
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Answer the questions as shortly as possible; preferably only with Yes or No. |
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Give directly after that one (and only one) of your ideas. |
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After the second question the same repeats with the next idea, etceteras. |
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Chose neutral or positive words; avoid prejudiced or negative words. |
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Repeat your three ideas as often as possible. |
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The important things to get across are your ideas not baring your soul! |
(See documentation list, nr. 97-074 & -111)
Is lowering the legal age of consent a good aim for IPCE members? If yes, what should be that age? Is it better to combat age of consent laws? Is there a better criterion than age? Is there an alternative?
Most of the delegates believe that age is not a good criterion. Children below that age have no freedom of choice, no rights. Children above that age have to declare their consent before their parents, a police officer, a prosecutor or a court. How many youngsters are strong enough to manage this stress?
In the Netherlands, the legal age of consent is 16 years; between 12 and 16 prosecution is only possible if there is an official complaint made by the youngster, the parents or the Child Protection Agency. In practice, The police will bring pressure to bear on the child or the parents so that there is always a complaint. This law does not work in favor of the youngster’s free choice.
In every country, there is legislation against real abuse of power, aggression and attacks. These laws should be enough to protect children against real abuse of power or position. Nevertheless, problems can arise between child and parents or between child, parents and another adult. These problems should be solved without a punitive court process.
If a child or its parents have problems with another adult and his or her intimacy with the child, this problem should be solved without complaint and prosecution. At first, there should be a committee: a non-punitive problem solving commission or an Aussergerechtliche Slichtungsstelle. This commission speaks with each of the persons in the conflict and searches with them for a solution of the conflict that is acceptable for all the persons involved.
This is only possible, if the members of such a commission are wise and understanding people. As we have a look at the professionals around today and their education (or indoctrination), we are not hopeful of finding such people. If, so to say, some radical feminists were members of the commission, no satisfactory solution could be reached.
Thus, these commissions should be really independent and neutral. There should be rules to guarantee this neutral position. One of the rules should be that only neutral terms might be used. Judicially this is possible; a judge has to be neutral and independent according to law. In this respect, one delegate mentioned the research done by Rind c.s. (See documentation list, nr. 97-080).
The delegates were all agreed that a legal age of consent is not the right criterion. If a country lowers the age of consent, we can only agree if we interpret this as a little step on the way, an intermediate step on a longer way. A legal age of consent, even a lower age, should not be our final aim. In the meantime, we should work to develop alternative solutions.
IPCE is rapidly becoming an Internet based organization. This kind of communication is quick, cheap and safe. In fact, half of the members receive the Newsletter by E-mail, virtually without cost. Meetings are very expensive and time consuming.
However, most of the delegates accept a quick and cheap way of communication throughout the year, but once a year they wish to see ‘the faces behind the machines’ and have a meeting. The meeting has also a symbolic value: one feels the support of the others. One wants to know who the others are. These meetings encourage solidarity.
Thus, the meeting decided to meet again next year, provisionally in Athens in autumn 1998, after the tourist season is over and the prices have gone down, yet hopefully when cheap charter tourist flights are still available.
It is clear that especially in Europe, the anti-ped legislation is becoming more and more international and on a Euro-wide scale. Governments work increasingly closely together. Others quickly adopt legislation introduced in one country. There are numerous inter-European conferences on the "problems of pedophilia''. Thus, we should work also closely together and develop a network so that we can inform other European countries of the developments elsewhere so that they may be aware of the legislation that is coming their way and we can all develop strategies to resist this. European matters should therefore get priority now. In fact, there was a proposal to make IPCE an exclusively European organization. However, this was unacceptable to most delegates and it was decided that, for the level of the ideas, IPCE should continue, but factually, the BerryList is the place now to exchange and develop ideas. For the level of information and action, a European organization is needed.
Some European delegates supported this proposal, but other Europeans and especially all delegates from outside Europe protested sharply against it.
IPCE will stay an International organization, both inside and outside Europe.
The European matters, however, have priority and concentrated attention in the next year(s) should be given to them.
The BerryList, a private E-mail list, already connects many IPCE members. Many messages are exchanged by this list. Too many to manage sometimes! Now for the news items, there is a separate list, the BLNewslist. The proposal is to use
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The BerryList for philosophical and spiritual argument and the development of ideas. |
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The BLNewslist for news items which may be of interest to others in different countries. |
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An IPCE List for the practical work and information concentrated on European matters, and for opinion on these matters. |
à Active consideration should be given to the construction of websites (some of which may be password restricted) upon which could be placed books, scientific texts and other important documentation. So much of the so-called scientific research on pedophilia is politically inspired and fatally flawed, whilst, at the same time, important genuine research is ignored. This allows Governments to be selective in citing only research that reinforces the opinion that they wish to put forward.
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One of the practical matters is to ask, if there should be a single IPCE web site, or if it is better to have several web sites like the German and the Danish ones. |
To accept the proposals mentioned just here above.
To accept Ricky as the moderator of the European section of the list.
To accept Isabel as the moderator of the worldwide section of the list.
Over the last few years the secretariat has been managed by NVSH lwg JORis. Now the (new) board of this workgroup does not want to be responsible for this work and the costs. However, the meeting asked Frans to continue his work as the IPCE secretary, because the meeting is content about the way he has managed this over the years. Also, because of the time and the costs he has spent in this ‘sabbatical’ year to learn to make an electronic Newsletter and to manage the electronic post. IPCE costs are therefore much less than hitherto and communications and therefore the work is much easier to manage.
Frans will do this work because of the time and the costs already spent for it. However, the IPCE Rules and Regulations say that only an IPCE member, who is supported by an organization, can manage the secretariat. In its turn, the meeting decided to change this rule.
A member organization or any capable person the meeting may choose can manage the secretariat.
The meeting choose again Frans as the secretary of IPCE.
To accept the financial report made by the secretary (see page 3 of this Newsletter).
To accept that the costs are lower now because of the E-mailed Newsletter. Upon this basis, the subscription could be reduced. However, there are some costs to be made for the persons who have no E-mail connection or no computer at all. It was felt that is was reasonable to ask all members to subsidize these continuing costs. Therefore:
To ask the members for a contribution of twenty Dutch guilders in this year.
Most of the members are not content now with the name "IPCE". The "P" in it is too dangerous for members in several countries. The "I" suggests ‘an International network’, a big organization. In fact, IPCE is only a meeting, a Newsletter report and an exchange of information and opinion. However, no good alternative was acceptable for the majority of the delegates.
The meeting decided that there needs to be active discussion in the BerryList and elsewhere about this continuing problem.
The last day of the meeting there was a combined meeting with IPCE delegates and representatives of the German national group who were holding their annual meeting. Several of the IPCE delegates stayed on especially as the UK delegate was to address the meeting about the legislation coming to Europe from his country and the need for a Europe-wide organization to attempt to stem this tide.
What was much more important, however, was the presence of two other guests. These were the parents of a 25-year-old man who is now serving a three and a half-year sentence for consensual sex with boys of 11 - 13. They had come to see and talk with us, because they knew that their son was not the monster described by the media, and they wanted to see if others were the same.
We started the meeting with introductions. Everyone in the round gave a short but clear personal story. The first delegate was unfamiliar with this and so gave only a very brief resume of himself. However, many of the others made longer addresses giving details that are much more personal. So, the delegate - a non-German speaker - asked permission to give a further address. This time he directed it to the two parent guests saying how ordinary his life with boys had been and how boy or girl love feels so right and normal. Everyone could see that what he and the others said rang bells with many there.
Then it started. Maybe the first speaker opened some floodgates or maybe they had already decided to give personal accounts, it matters not. Several persons spoke of their lives and the troubles which society all over the world was creating with this terrible witch-hunt. Some IPCE delegates have no German, but they did not need it, the passion and controlled anger was palpable. As each person spoke, there was complete silence from the others. It was not directed - no one organized it. When one person finished, some other took it up. Afterwards, a delegate said he had never experienced such a feeling of solidarity with other boy lovers and pedophiles anywhere before.
Meanwhile the parents are starting a German national group of ‘Parent’s of Pedophiles’. We cannot tell where it will lead, but who knows, maybe others will listen to them, as they assuredly do not want to listen to us?
The former meeting of the national group was planned to be held in Frankfurt/Main in rooms provided by the local Aids Help Society, the usual meeting room for the local group. Notice of this meeting was published on the web. Then problems began to occur. The Aids Help Society and the local authorities, which subsidize the Aids Help Society, refused the groups their room. The national group as well as the VSG protested to the local authorities (see documentation list nr. 97-071, 076 & -077).
Shortly thereafter, the Bremen group was kicked out of the Gay Rat und Tat Zentrum. For several months, radical feminists had demonstrated against the group, and they had been clandestinely filmed. The group met thereafter in a private house. The person who lived in that house has received dead threats as a result. Some time before this, the Dortmund group was kicked out of the Aids Help Center in Essen. So, one by one, the German gay movement is rejecting the Paedo-groups.
One of the themes is the German movement now to seek ways to stay self-help AND an emancipation movement. As a group, one has to guarantee the quality of the help given. The aim of the helping process is to enable a person to have acceptable contacts with children, but without sexual contact. Every group has to develop its own ethics and its own quality of the helpers. Each group has to be responsible. Every group should carefully choose capable leaders.
Another theme was the creating of a new brochure of the AHS. The former brochure gave a meaning, ein Standpunkt (see documentation list, nr. 97-063). The next brochure will follow another plan. There will be several views in the brochure and it is up to the reader to make up his own view (see already documentation list, nr. 97-054).
At the end of the meeting, an appeal is made to all groups to cooperate with each other at the national level, but in the near future especially also on the European level.
All the delegates said they had enjoyed the meeting. We remembered the meeting last year in Copenhagen. There some problems had arisen such as the lack of Punktualität, and arguments about some of the rules and regulations and some conflicts about these. Now there were no such problems. Good ideas are exchanged, some courage is given to each other. The social contacts were pleasant. Some said it was good to be among active and intelligent people who discuss with such self-discipline with each other.
The hosting groups and the secretary got many well-deserved thanks.
At the end of the meeting the following letter was composed, signed and sent to our host, the Humanistische Union.
Honoured ladies and gentlemen
Between the 24th and 27th July 1997, the 11th International Paedophile and Child Emancipation Conference (IPCE) and the 15th Meeting of the AG-Paedo, Fachgruppe der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Humane Sexualität (AHS) both took place at the headquarters of the Humanistische Union in Munich.
The International and German participants of both meetings wish to extend their special thanks to the Humanistische Union for their hospitality. In times of massive anti-paedophile campaigns the use of their rooms for discussions of the emancipation of paedophiles is an act which is both courageous and meaningful.
Paedophiles are increasingly discriminated against because of their sexual orientation. Their self-help- and emancipation groups are defamed as "contact points for peddling in pornographic material and children". The Humanistische Union as a Civil and Human rights organisation has repeatedly spoken out against hate campaigns of various types. Permitting paedophile self-organisati-ons to use their headquarters sets a positive sign which should encourage all sections of society to differentiate. Among the necessary aspirations for the protection of children and their rights, the fundamental rights of paedophile adults must not be ignored.
The participants of both conferences hold the solidarity expressed by the Humanistische Union in very high regard.
Munich, 27th July 1997, signed by
IPCE-Secretary & AG-Pädo Fachgruppenspecher
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Documentation Service List October 1997