Nude is dirty, wrong and dangerous for children
Thou shalt not hug, fondle or kiss, or talk with a child
Do never touch any child
Men are dangerous
Dear children, thou shalt not know
Absurd 'protective' rules
Thou shalt not have any luck
Absurd low penalties for violence
Absurd high penalties if sex is involved
Nude is dirty, wrong and dangerous for children
Two counselors charged at Summer's Best Two Weeks; Rob Gebhart;
Daily American, July 30, 2006
Two counselors at Summer's Best Two Weeks, a Christian camp in Jenner Township, have been fired from their jobs for allowing
campers to play games in their cabin while naked, the camp director confirmed Sunday.
[... They] were fired immediately after the situation came to light, said the camp's executive director, Kent
Biery. Both men were charged Friday with child endangerment, indecent
exposure and corruption of minors in incidents between July 7 and
July 21, authorities said.
[Playing nude on a summer camp is dangerous and to allow is to
corrupt minors.]
Teacher reprimanded after student sees nude art on museum trip;
Associated Press, Sept. 26, 2006
School board members have voted to not renew the contract of a veteran art teacher who was reprimanded after one of her
fifth-grade students saw a nude sculpture during a school trip to a
School boycotts swimming pool; Ledbury Reporter (UK), November
Primary School has suspended lessons at Ledbury Swimming Pool, after four eight-year-old boys complained a man had exposed
himself in the changing rooms. Police have investigated the complaint and believe the exposure was
accidental. [...]
Headteacher [...] "Sadly, on Thursday, November 9,
as the boys were being supervised leaving the male changing rooms, a
serious incident occurred. [...] This does not deter from the fact that members of the public
are still present in the vicinity of children removing their clothes. This is totally unacceptable."
[...] "Adults who have not been police checked should not be present when
children are changing. It is just common sense."
Thou shalt not hug, fondle or kiss, or talk with a child
You must remember this . . .; By Josie Appleton; The Times July 18, 2006
Bafflement has been the only reaction to the resignation last week of a vicar who kissed a schoolgirl on the forehead. No one could
believe that the Rev Alan Barrett, a school governor who was helping out in a maths class, had anything but innocent intentions when he
congratulated the girl for her successes in long division.
The police and church authorities found no evidence of wrongdoing. Yet Mr Barrett resigned as chairman of governors at the school
because, he said, "one cannot be too careful these days". He conceded that "even giving a child a kiss of congratulations is
inappropriate in this day and age". What a perverted state of
affairs when a caring adult cannot show affection to a child.
[...] Why are sensible adults behaving in such mad ways?
[...] The church authorities conceded that a kiss could have "potentially damaging
consequences". [...]
Parents, officials meet on hug case; Diana Bellettieri; The Journal News; November 14,
Putnam Valley - The parents who threatened to take legal action
against school officials after their 10-year-old son was suspended for asking his teacher for a hug said yesterday that they would be
willing to abandon their case in exchange for an assurance that the suspension was not racially motivated.
Putnam Valley Middle School fifth-grader Aaron Perez was suspended for two days last week, which was about a month after he had been
reprimanded for calling the same homeroom teacher sexy. [...]
The parents continued to defend their son's actions as being entirely innocent, saying he is an affectionate person and he only
meant to tell the teacher she was pretty by calling her sexy. In today's culture, they added, the word "sexy" is all over television
and the boy did not mean it in a sexual manner. [...]
Another accusation that the parents learned was that Aaron was allegedly caught staring at his homeroom teacher's cleavage,
according to Garcia-Perez. But the mother dismissed the alleged stare as purely accidental, and she said she wore a V-neck sweater
to the meeting to prove that the eye can be unintentionally drawn to that area.
Since the suspension, Aaron has been moved into a homeroom with a male teacher. His mother said they requested a male teacher because
the child is now afraid of having a female teacher. "I got scared when I got suspended, and the reason why I asked my
teacher for a hug was just to wish her a good weekend," Aaron said.
Supreme Court upholds Mingo 30-year sentence; John Mott Coffey,
C-Dispatch.com, December 8, 2006
The state Supreme Court has upheld the Lowndes County conviction and 30-year prison sentence imposed on a music teacher
for repeatedly fondling a teenage boy at Heritage Academy.
A Lowndes County Circuit Court jury in 2005 found Mingo guilty of fondling the student while giving him private voice lessons at the
school for several months in 2004, according to court records. [...]
Mingo [...] was subsequently arrested, tried and convicted of three counts of fondling a child for lustful purposes.
While there was no evidence showing Mingo touched the boy for sexual
gratification, such inferences can be made, according to the court.
Mingo is required to be imprisoned until 2035, when he'll be 61. State law doesn't allow convicted child-sex offenders to be released
early. [...]
The Supreme Court voted 8-0 to affirm Mingo's conviction and sentence, with Justice Chuck Easley of Caledonia not participating.
Maitland e-mail frenzy targets man as predator, gives out data;
Sarah Langbein and Jim Leusner; Orlando Sentinel, May 3, 2007
With the click of a mouse, a Seminole County man's Social Security number and information from his drivers license began circulating
throughout Maitland neighborhoods in e-mail messages that implied he was
a child predator.
The 43-year-old man was the subject of a police "be on the lookout" memo
because two children said he spoke to them while they were walking their
dogs. Police said no criminal activity had been reported.
Now the man appears to be the target of a neighborhood witch hunt, and Maitland police are investigating how the confidential, department-only
information about their inquiry turned into an explosion in cyberspace. The e-mail was forwarded to hundreds of people through neighborhood
associations and individual residents, who added comments about fearing for their children's safety.
The original memo said the man was driving in his truck through the Dommerich Estates neighborhood and nearby areas with his golden
retriever when he talked to the children.
"This subject's activities appear suspicious in nature in that there is no legitimate reason for him to be contacting juveniles," the memo reads.
"Please help pass the word in our community," one e-mail reads. "The police department has asked that we call if we see him
talking to any juveniles. They have warned him not to."
Molester gets nearly 12 years for fondling
boys at Goodwill store; Ex-employee faced up to 90
years, but two
boys could not be found; Aisling Swift, Naples News, February 12, 2008
A former Goodwill employee who molested
three children in the East Naples store last fall was sentenced
Tuesday to nearly 12 years in a state prison and was branded a sexual
predator. [...]
Circuit Judge Frank Baker sentenced him to 11¾ years in prison on
each count and three years of sex offender probation once he’s
released, which includes an ankle monitor to track his whereabouts.
Other conditions include a prohibition against Internet use and
against driving alone without being accompanied. [...]
Tetler was arrested after a witness reported that an employee had fondled
two boys, believed to be 3 and 4 years old, over their clothing
Before he’s released, Tetler will be evaluated to determine whether
he falls under the Jimmy Ryce Act. If he does, he’d have a civil
hearing to determine whether he’s at risk of re-offending and should
be put in a hospital for sex offender treatment before being freed.
As a sexual predator, his photo and address also will be available to
the public and he must report any changes of address. He will be
prohibited from living or going near any schools, bus stops, parks,
playgrounds or places children congregate. [...]
The judge warned him not to remove the monitor or his probation will
be violated and he could be sentenced to prison [...]: “I’ll
remind you the maximum sentence is 60 years in prison.”
Former teacher of year pleads guilty to lewd conduct with child;
Adam Silverman
Free Press, March 24, 2008
A former Vermont teacher of the year pleaded guilty today to a felony
sex crime involving a pre-teen boy. Jeffrey Buehner, 67, of Winooski admitted a charge of lewd and
lascivious conduct with a child. [...]
Buehner, who taught for 30 years in the Burlington's elementary and middle schools
- winning top teacher honors in 1975 - before retiring to work as a private tutor, faces a prison sentence of two to 12 years.
Buehner admitted repeatedly kissed a boy during tutoring sessions
between 2003 and 2005 at the former teacher's Winooski apartment, beginning when the child was about 10 years old.
"He's accepted responsibility for the crime," defense attorney Bradley
Stetler said after the hearing. [...]
Man sentenced for lewd acts on boy; Veronica Rocha, Valley Press,
May 8, 2008.
LANCASTER - A 61-year-old man has been sentenced to six years in a state
prison for kissing an 11-year-old boy on the lips in the Joshua Hills
Elementary school cafeteria, court officials said.
Do never touch any child
Man grabs girl's arm - now he's a sex offender; "The law is a ass."
November 24, 2006; author & source unknown.
A man who grabbed a 14-year-old girl's arm to chastise her after she walked in
front of his car, causing him to swerve to avoid hitting her, must register as a "sex
offender," the Appellate Court of Illinois has ruled.
Fitzroy Barnaby, a 28-year-old Evanston, Illinois, man was prosecuted for
attempted kidnapping and child abduction charges following a November 2002
incident in which he nearly hit the teen with his vehicle. [...]
Barnaby says he was merely trying to lecture her for her carelessness.
The trial jury accepted Barnaby's version of the story, but found him guilty of
unlawful restraint of a minor - a sex offense under Illinois law.
As a convicted sex offender, Barnaby is required to be listed on the state's sex
offender registry and must keep authorities informed of his place of residency.
Don't put sun cream on pupils, teachers warned; The Telegraph
(UK), 07/07/2006
Teachers have been advised not to put sunscreen on pupils for fear of opening themselves up to allegations of child abuse.
After the recent heatwave, which sparked warnings from health officials, the
NASUWT teachers' union said
children should be kept indoors during hot
Scout leaders tanned over Cubs sun cream ban; Martin Beckford,
Mail on Sunday, 5th August 2006
Scout leaders have been condemned after it was revealed they had banned helpers from putting
sun cream on youngsters - unless they are already suffering from sunburn.
The Scout Association issued the diktat in the hope of preventing
allegations of child abuse. But it explained the ban did not apply if Cubs and Scouts were
already burned - because they are considered to be patients in need
of first aid. [...]
[A father:} "It seems totally ludicrous. I asked if common sense could be used and received a
withering look. Several other parents tutted and raised their eyebrows, but it is
the sort of madness we have come to expect these days." [...]
Men are dangerous
Men are advised not to approach lost children; Rhodri Clark, Western Mail
(UK); Jul 24 2006
Men are being advised not to approach lost children in the street because of fears they could be branded as child abusers.
[... ... ...]
David Hughes, chairman of the men's charity Mankind Initiative, said the comments about men being perceived as less trustworthy was
especially sad.
He said society's greater mistrust of men over women could at times put children in even more danger.
"I think the police are too ready to suspect men," he said, citing a case where bricklayer Clive Peachey from Cornwall drove past a
toddler on her own for fear of being accused of abduction. An inquest in March heard how she later fell into a duck pond and died.
"That little girl would be alive now but for society's attitude and
the attitude of the police," said Mr Hughes, a retired headmaster who lives in Newport.
Lout attacks disabled man mistaken for paedophile; Hert Sessex
News, July 28, 2006
A man with learning difficulties was the victim of a vigilante attack in Hertford after being wrongly labelled as a paedophile.
Andrew Wilson, 42, was riding his mobility scooter near his home on the Foxholes estate when a thug threw stones at him and punched him
in the face.
"He said, 'Leave the kids alone' or something. He hit me once," said Andrew, who uses the scooter because he has curvature of the spine.
"They were a bit worried that he was hanging around by the school, I suppose they have concerns nowadays if somebody
looks a bit different or comes too near the school, but he needs to use the dropped kerb there."
How BA bans men sitting next to children they don't know;
This is London, 05 November 2006
British Airways has been accused of treating all men passengers as potential sex offenders after it was revealed it has banned children
from sitting next to male strangers - even if their parents are on the same flight.
The bizarre regulation came to light when a nine-year-old girl was moved from her seat next to a 76-year-old passenger and his wife on
a flight from Malaga to London. [...]
Leading child protection campaigner Michele Elliot, director of the children's charity Kidscape, said she was astonished by the BA rule.
"It is utterly absurd. It brands all men as potential sex offenders," she said.
"What message does it send out to children - that men are not to be trusted? Women also abuse children. This is just totally lacking in
common sense."
How the Police Create Crimes; Paul Craig Roberts, Counterunch,
January 2, 2008
Take heed, ye red-blooded American males. The police are operating a new
sting designed to destroy your life. The police are planting attractive women half naked in parks. They
entice passing males, engage them in conversation, lay back, spread their legs and rest their feet on the men's shoulders.
After being as friendly and suggestive as possible, they ask to see your
Don't show it to them. You are being filmed by police. If you show your penis, you will be arrested as a pervert.
Only American police, judges, and juries could think that responding to a seductress's invitation is proof of perversion. But, hey, you live in
America where Christians believe that killing as many Muslims as possible for Israel is God's work. Don't expect a dumb Amerikan jury, or
a self-righteous Republican judge, or a mindless law professor to understand entrapment.
No, this is not a joke. It is actually happening. Last May in Berliner Park in Columbus, Ohio,
[... etc ...]
Court: Boy Who Played Doctor Must Register As Sex Offender;
WNBC News, October 3, 2006
Some children who play doctor are criminal sex offenders in the eyes of the New Jersey Supreme Court.
The high court ruled Tuesday that a 12-year-old boy who experimented with a douche bottle on his younger half brother must register as a
sex offender under Megan's Law requirements, even though there was no overt sexual motivation for the crime.
T.T. pleaded guilty to aggravated sexual assault for using a douche
bottle on the 6-year-old and then on himself in January 2000. [...] According to court records, neither child touched any part of the
other's body and nothing similar had ever occurred before. [...]
T.T. was sentenced to 72 days in a youth facility and three years of probation. He was 13 when he registered as a sex offender.
years for touching buttocks; San Luis Obispo, Oct. 12, 2006
A former elementary school teacher was sentenced to six years in state prison for touching the buttocks of
a 10-year-old girl. [...] He must register as a sex offender and cannot teach again.
Kids, parents blast teacher's firing;
Jennifer H. Cunningham, Herald News, November 22, 2006
TOTOWA -- A half-dozen pre-teens and their families
pleaded with the Board of Education to reconsider last week's decision to fire a popular, young music teacher.
"Why should this guy's whole career be ruined because he took my son and his friends to the movies?" Debbie
Aguresasked the board [...] after the
board summarily terminated Richard Ross Buffa at an executive session last Wednesday without citing cause.
When he went to work the next day, Buffa said he was escorted off school grounds by Schools Superintendent
Vincent Varcadipane and an armed police officer
assigned as a school resource officer. [... ...]
Parents and other supporters at the special board meeting said Buffa was a good teacher who didn't deserve to be
terminated. "I love Buffa," said one parent, Marilyn Fontanella. "I've never
had a better music teacher for my children." [...]
"The kids loved the guy. He was such a great teacher."
4 -year-old Accused of Improperly Touching Teacher; Jennifer Kent;
kxxv.com; Dec 8, 2006
BELLMEAD- A four-year-old hugged his teachers aide and was put into
in-school suspension, according to the father. [...]
Damarcus Blackwell's four-year-old son was lining-up to get on the bus after school last month, when he was accused of rubbing his face
in the chest of a female employee. The prinicipal of La Vega Primary School sent a letter to the
Blackwells that said the pre-kindergartener demonstrated "inappropriate physical behavior
interpreted as sexual contact and/or sexual
8-year-old boy charged with sexual assault;
AP, 1 January 2007
BUFFALO, N.Y. Authorities say that an 8-year-old boy who was charged with sexually abusing a 6-year-old boy told police he got the idea
after watching an R-rated movie. [...]
The Buffalo News reports that the 8-year-old, who was released to his mother, faces charges of
criminal sexual act and
aggravated sexual abuse, both felonies. He also faces charges of misdemeanor
forcible touching and sexual misconduct.
3rd-grader punished for sex offenses;
Lincoln school officials send boy to another class after two-day suspension;
Paul Ayars, The Courier, March 03, 2007
A third-grade boy at Northwest School served a two-day suspension [...] for groping and
fondling a female classmate, according to Lincoln Elementary School authorities.
They said the boy will be transferred to another class. [...]
The abuser may have assaulted up to five other girl classmates on the
school playground, the 9-year-old victim's mother told The Courier.
The mother said the sex abuse took place on the playground.
Dear children, thou shalt not know
Mom Allegedly Had Child Watch Sex 'To Learn'; Pair Pleads Not Guilty;
The Province Journal, February 10, 2007
A Rhode Island mother and her boyfriend are headed to trial on charges they had intercourse in front of the woman's 9-year-old daughter as a way to teach the girl about sex.
Rebecca Arnold, of Woonsocket, R.I., and her boyfriend, David Prata, have pleaded not guilty to felony
child-neglect charges. A pre-trial conference is scheduled for next month.
[...] "We don't believe in hiding anything."
He said the girl would often be on the bed watching as the couple had sex. Though they did not ask her to leave, they also did not force her to remain on the bed, Prata said.
Asked why he thought a child that age should know about sexual acts, Prata replied, "We wanted to prepare her so she would know how,"
[...] A teacher in North Adams called the Child Abuse Hotline to report that the girl, who is now 11, said her mother and her boyfriend had sex in front of her.
The child told a Massachusetts social services investigator that her mother and Prata never touched her or tried to include her in the sex.
Woonsocket police arrested Prata and Arnold in February 2005. The couple is accused of "providing an environment that is lewd and depraved in a manner
that makes their home unfit for the child to live
in," according to court records.
With One Word, Children's Book Sets Off Uproar; Julie Bosman,
NY Times, February 18, 2007
The word "scrotum" does not often appear in polite conversation. Or children's literature, for that matter.
Yet there it is on the first page of "The Higher Power of Lucky," by Susan Patron, this year's winner of the Newbery Medal, the most
prestigious award in children's literature. The book's heroine, a scrappy 10-year-old orphan named Lucky Trimble, hears the word through a
hole in a wall when another character says he saw a rattlesnake bite his
dog, Roy, on the scrotum.
"Scrotum sounded to Lucky like something green that comes up when you have the flu and cough too much," the book continues. "It sounded
medical and secret, but also important."
The inclusion of the word has shocked some school librarians, who have pledged to
ban the book from elementary schools, and reopened the debate
over what constitutes acceptable content in children's books. [...]
The book has already been banned from school libraries in a handful of states in the South, the West and the
Northeast [...].
S[an] F[rancisco] teacher accepts plea deal in relationship with student;
Bay City News, Aug. 08, 2006
A one-time assistant music director at a Catholic high school in San Francisco, who is accused of having an improper relationship with a
17-year-old male student [...].
According to prosecutors, Aloise [...] allegedly had an improper relationship with one of his students in Daly City, which included
sleeping fully clothed in bed together, although
without explicit
sexual contact. [...]
When news of Aloise's alleged relationship with the student surfaced, school personnel contacted
Child Protective Services and placed him on administrative leave. He has been released from his
position at the school [...].
Aloise, who has been free on $20,000 bail since his arrest, will appear in court Sept. 22 for sentencing and possible orders to pay
restitution to the student.
Girl, 13, charged as sex offender and victim; Pamela Manson; The Salt Lake Tribune;
Utah Supreme Court justices acknowledged Tuesday that they were struggling to wrap their minds around the concept
that a 13-year-old girl could be both an offender and a victim for the same act - in this case, having consensual sex with her
12-year-old boyfriend. The Ogden, Utah, girl was put in this odd position because she was
found guilty of violating a state law that prohibits sex with someone under age 14. She also was the victim in the case against
her boyfriend, who was found guilty of the same violation by engaging in sexual activity with her.
Chief Justice Christine Durham wondered if the state Legislature had intended the "peculiar consequence" that a child would have the
simultaneous status of a protected person and an alleged perpetrator under the law.
For adolescents under 14, though, there are no exceptions or mitigation
[in the law] and they are never considered capable of consenting to sex.
"By passing that law, legislators were sending a message", Matthew Bates, an assistant Utah attorney
general, said: "Sex with or among children is unacceptable".
Randall Richards, the girl's attorney, argued that prosecuting children under a law meant to protect them is illogical.
"A child (victim) cannot also be a perpetrator in the exact same act," Richards said.
Absurd 'protective' rules
Social networking site bans oldies over sex offender fears;
out-law.com, 22 May 2008
A social networking site has deleted most of its users over the age of 36 because it claims older users pose a danger of sex offending. It
claims to be forced into the action by the Government, but the part of a
law it cites is not yet in force.
Faceparty has deleted what it describes as "a huge number of accounts"
from its social networking site in recent weeks. It lists 'over 36 years
old' as one of its reasons for deletion.
Bill would stifle news about kids; The Shelby Star, May 29, 2008
Has a child molester ever selected a victim based on seeing a photo in a
newspaper story on youth sports? Alice Bordsen has no idea. Nevertheless, that lack of knowledge hasn't prevented the Alamance
County lawmaker from planning to co-sponsor legislation that would keep a lid on information about kids involved in publicly supported
recreation programs. [...]
This idea, as well-intentioned as it might be, has serious problems.
The vast majority of child sex abuse cases involve people the children know. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, just 3 percent of
victims under age 6 are molested by strangers (the number among victims 6-11 years of age is 5 percent). Of that small percentage of cases, does
anyone know how many would be thwarted by keeping children's names off the sports pages? How about honor rolls, for that matter?
Even though the intentions behind it are honorable, such a law would seem to accomplish little except to restrict the flow of information
needlessly and contribute to a climate of anxiety. Slipshod solutions that nudge us further down the road toward a fearful, closed society
cannot be the answer.
Children's safety group wants city off of Google's Street View; Amy McConnell
Schaarsmith, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 11, 2008
A national children's advocacy group is pushing to get Pittsburgh removed from the Street View of Google's map search until the technology
is refined so pedophiles can't use it to pinpoint children's homes, schools and playgrounds.
Street View, an addition to Google Maps that uses vehicle cameras to take 360-degree, street-level views of neighborhoods, allows users to
virtually cruise down a street and across a city. In the process, the tool shows pictures of children, toys and family cars that could tip a
would-be predator to an area where children could be found and potentially victimized, according to the group, Stop Internet Predators.
Grooming fears end ice rink plan; BBC-UK, 22 October
Plans for a Christmas outdoor ice rink in Bath have been scuppered over fears it could be used by paedophiles to groom children.
Sygma Events Ltd withdrew its plans for the rink because concerns were raised about child protection issues.
In a meeting to discuss the rink, the objections were raised by St John's Catholic Primary School.
Park attendants ordered to interrogate adults spotted without children;
Daily Mail Reporter, 10th September 2008
Park wardens have been ordered to stop and interrogate anyone who is not accompanied by children.
The visitors who are quizzed have to explain their presence and risk being thrown out or reported to police if their answers are not satisfactory.
The policy has been introduced at Telford Town Park in Shropshire. The council which manages the 420-acre area says it is a 'commonsense approach' aimed at safeguarding children.
But park users accused it of 'authoritarian madness' and said the ruling risked panicking parents about the dangers faced from potential paedophiles.
The policy came to light after two environmental campaigners dressed as penguins were thrown out of the park last month when caught handing out leaflets on climate change.
Telford and Wrekin Council said Rachel Whittaker and Neil Donaldson were ejected because they had not undergone Criminal Records Bureau checks or risk assessments before entering the park - a requirement under the Child Protection Act.
Miss Whittaker, 34, from Wellington, near Telford, said the policy carried a 'dangerous implication that if you have a child with you than everything is OK and you won't be questioned'.
Thou shalt not have any luck
Town outraged after sex offender wins lotto; KNTS NBC 27 News,
Feb 12, 2008
BOSTON, Massachusetts -- D[...]
S[...] is a level three sex offender but he's making headlines for a different reason.
Residents say they don't like it that a "bad guy" won something like that.
"That" being $10 million after buying a $20 scratch ticket [...]. Hopedale resident Kyle Lefleur says, "He should take the money back. He
doesn't deserve anything." [...]
Absurd low penalties for violence
Probation for woman who sliced son 6-year-old's tongue cut with
Kathy Jefcoats; The Atlanta Journal-Constitution; 08/02/06
A Stockbridge mother accused of cutting a piece of her son's tongue with hot scissors was sentenced Tuesday to 10 years
probation after the boy's father testified he didn't want her imprisoned.
Henry County police said Davis heated a pair of scissors on the stove in August 2004 and held it to her 6-year-old son's neck before
cutting off a piece of his tongue as punishment for talking back.
[Had it been a man who had kissed the boy on his
tongue ... Remember the kissing vicar here above?]
Man walks free after stabbing pedophile; Georgie Pilcher, Herald Sun,
October 04, 2008
A blind man who once acted as a lookout for a robbery yesterday walked
from court after pleading guilty to stabbing a confessed pedophile. Raymond Cox - who has a list of criminal convictions 10 pages long -
stabbed his neighbour after discovering he was a convicted child sex offender.
The pair were drinking together when the neighbour confessed he had served time in prison for having sex with minors.
Cox, 42, of Frankston, who pleaded guilty to intentionally causing serious injury, was yesterday released on a two-year wholly suspended
jail term. He had served 74 days in custody over the offence and said outside court
he was glad not to be going back to prison. [...]
The County Court heard yesterday that Cox stabbed his neighbour in the
stomach with a kitchen knife in Cox's apartment in July 2006. The court heard Cox said, "I've got a knife. I am going to stab you" and
"I am going to kill you, you b******". The knife pierced his victim's small intestine.
Absurd high penalties if sex is involved
Case of the 20 dirty pictures; James J. Kilpatrick, U-Express,
Sep 20, 2006
[..] In June 2002, Phoenix police arrested B. on a state warrant charging him with sexual exploitation of a minor. Specifically, he
was charged with possession of 20 photographs depicting, among otherthings, children being raped by adults, children engaging in sexual
acts with other children, and children in sexual acts with animals.
A jury found Berger guilty on 20 counts of sexually exploiting children under the age of 15 and sentenced him to 10 years on each
count, the sentences to run consecutively. Last May the Arizona Supreme Court affirmed that judgment.
He was convicted solely of "possessing" such images.
He is 52 years old, married, a father of four, an award-winning teacher of world history. He has no criminal record of any sort. The state
offered no evidence that he has ever created pornography or improperly touched a minor.
He never even bought any of this stuff. He merely downloaded it.
Ex-Customs agent gets 6,242 years in prison in sex abuse case;
Arizona Daily Star; June 15, 2007
TUCSON - A former U.S. Customs agent who was convicted of sexually
exploiting a young girl over a two-year period has been sentenced to more than 6,000 years in prison.
A judge sentenced Gillilland on Thursday to 6,242 years in prison - 174 consecutive sentences of 35 years to life on the sexual conduct charges.
Man faced life, but girl's story didn't hold up;
Aisling Swift, Naples News, February 19, 2008
The arrest report said the Immokalee man put his hand down the 4-year-old child's underwear.
And in June 2006, deputies arrested 48-year-old L[...] A[... ...] and charged him with capital sexual battery.
But when the child was questioned during pre-trial interviews, her story
didn't hold up: She'd been touched above her clothing. And A[...] contended he inadvertently touched the girl while picking her up as she
On Monday, the capital sexual battery charge was amended to lewd and lascivious molestation, a life
felony [...]. Schwartz told the judge that when the child was questioned during
depositions, it turned out she was touched on her clothing between her legs as Alvarado picked her up. But due to the child's age, the charge
is a life felony.
Under the agreement, Baker sentenced Alvarado to four years in a state prison, followed by 10 years of sex offender probation, which requires
him to wear an ankle monitor to track his whereabouts.
The judge designated him a sexual predator, meaning his photo and address will be available on a state database for life, and that he's
prohibited from going anywhere near children or playgrounds, parks, day-care centers, bus stops
- anywhere someone less than 18 years old could congregate. Alvarado also is barred from contacting the girl.
Before he's released, Alvarado will be evaluated to determine whether he
falls under the Jimmy Ryce Act. If he does, he'd have a civil hearing to
determine whether he's at risk of re-offending and should be put in a
hospital for sex offender treatment before being freed.
Court takes sex predator's home; U.S. District Court approved forfeiture of Brian R. Gillingham's house
to federal government; Doug Page, Dayton Daily News, March 20, 2008
ENGLEWOOD - Chances are sexual predator
B[...] R. G[...]won't be returning to Englewood after serving his 11-year sentence for gross
sexual imposition of a 6-year-old boy. Last month, the U.S. District Court approved the forfeiture of
Gillingham's house to the federal government. [...]
In arguing for the forfeiture, assistant U.S. Attorney Stanek said, G[...] needed the privacy of his house to commit crimes, including
child pornography.
"We frequently use the federal forfeiture laws in child pornography cases to take the instruments of the crime
- computers, printers, video cameras," she said. "But this is the first time we've taken a house."
Kansas Sex Offender Forced to Use "Sex Offender" Signs; Adam Everett Marshall,
The Kansas CW, March 24, 2008
After pleading guilty to solicitation with a 9-year-old, Leroy Schad was sentenced to five years probation and house arrest. But that's not all.
Schad must also display signs reading "SEX OFFENDER LIVES
HERE" on every side of his house during his 5 year sentence.
Schad must also drive with a sticker on the side of his car reading "SEX OFFENDER In This Car."
The 72-year-old openly told me what he did. "The kids were spending a night with me and this particular thing I did happened while we were
laying down on the floor at night to go to sleep. It lasted about a minute or less. I was just touching," Schad said.
[...] |

Lamar County Man Sentenced to Nearly 1000 Years for Child Porn;
WBRC-TV, 25 Apr 2008
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- A federal judge sentenced a
man he described as malicious and sadistic to nearly a thousand years in
prison for child pornography.
P[...] E[...] F[...] was sentenced in U.S. District Court to 960
years without parole for 32 counts of knowingly enticing and coercing a
minor to engage in sexually explicit conduct for the purpose of producing a visual depiction of such conduct.
Registered Sex Offender Meets [his own] Child For Lunch; NBC, May 28, 2008
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas -- A registered sex offender has been banned from
Corpus Christi public school property after meeting his child for lunch in an elementary school cafeteria last week.
The 34-year-old man remained in Nueces County Jail last night and is ineligible for bond.
Prosecutors said they have filed a motion to revoke the man's probation.
He was sentenced to 10 years probation in 2004 for the aggravated sexual
assault of a child. One of the terms of his probation was that he had to
stay away from schools.
Officials said the man met his child for lunch at Allen Elementary School on Friday.
Sex offender charged for driving son to school; Matt Hanley,
Suburban Chicago News, October 11, 2008
Some bad behavior [of his son] on a school bus means a father is facing felony charges.
Because he drove his son to class at Fearn Elementary School in North Aurora Thursday morning, convicted sex offender James Patterson has been
charged with a felony for being a child sex offender in a school zone, the Kane County state's attorney's office said Friday.
According to prosecutors, Patterson's son had been kicked off the school
bus for misbehaving earlier in the week, so Patterson gave him a ride to
Fearn Elementary, 1600 Hawksley Lane. [...]
According to prosecutors, sex offenders are not allowed within 500 feet of a school unless they are attending a student conference or with
written permission from the superintendent. Fearn's principal checked with West Aurora Superintendent Jim Rydland, who said he had not given
Patterson permission to be near the school.
200 years in prison - source: Wikipedia
Morton Robert Berger is an Arizona high school teacher who was sentenced
to 200 years in prison (without the possibility of parole) for the possession of twenty images of child pornography.
This sentence, which was the minimum available in Arizona law, was upheld by the
Arizona Supreme Court in 2006. On February 26, 2007 the Supreme Court of the United States declined to hear a further appeal.
Mobile County sex offender gets life for Mississippi park excursion;
bkirby, blog.al.com, September 03, 2008
MOBILE, Ala. -- A convicted sex offender will go to prison for the rest
of his life after a federal judge today rejected a defense lawyer's argument that the penalty amounted to cruel and unusual punishment.
A jury in May convicted Michael Ryan South, of Mobile County, of traveling across state lines to entice a minor for sex. Prosecutors
contended that South drove to Lum Combest Park in Mississippi's Jackson County in November and December of last year. Both times, a 9-year-old
boy who lives nearby saw South naked.
Chief U.S. District Judge Ginny Granade ruled today that the life sentence was automatic since South previously had been convicted of a
sex crime against a child.
Assistant Federal Defender Peter Madden pointed out that his client never touched the boy and argued that the conduct, which ordinarily
would be a misdemeanor, does not merit life. But Granade ruled that the prison term was automatic.
Cross-Dressing Child Molester Gets Life;
Casey Knaupp, Tyler Paper, September 3, 2008
A cross-dressing child molester was sentenced to life in prison Tuesday after he admitted to duping a 13-year-old boy into having sex with him
while he was dressed as a woman.
Castrated sex offender in hot water again; Robert Crowe - Express-News,
9 October 2008
Castrated sex offender Larry Don McQuay is facing parole revocation for possessing what prison officials say were sexually explicit materials in
a Bexar County work-release facility last month. McQuay's attorney, Tom Beck, said the materials, which he described as
tarot cards with an illustration of a woman's exposed breasts, are not
sexually explicit. [...]
McQuay's lawyer called the allegations outrageous. "There was no pornography involved," said Beck, McQuay's court-appointed
attorney. "There were about five tarot cards that simply showed a
woman's breast. You can buy a magazine with pictures of Britney Spears' breasts, but somehow that's not sexually explicit."
"These were drawings. No genitalia was shown and no physical contact,"
he said. "They are treating him this way because of his history."
sentenced [to three life sentences]; Christine Stanley;
(Odessa American - McClatchy-Tribune Information Services via COMTEX) --
Oct 09, 2008
Jurors sentenced 48-year-old A[...] T[...] U[...] to three life sentences
Thursday on two counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child younger
than 14 and one count of indecency with a child.
U[...] was found guilty of the crimes Wednesday in Judge Denn Whalen's 70th District Court.