Report 3. Ipce decides about Ipce: Internal mattersReport of the secretary May 2005Ipce has now 79 members in 20 countries. This is less than last year, but I have removed the not reachable members from the list. There are three pending members. IMO, Ipce Meets Online, has now 23 members. I have made two Newsletters this year: # 16 and 17, August 2004 and February 2005. There are enough articles, but by lack of time, I was not able to make a third one. As the secretary, I have to mention only one conflict between the members. A new Ipce and IMO member appeared to have made possibly mistakes in the past by defaming a person ( a non member). After two members, Tom and I, had asked him to explain, he did explain but disappoitingly left on his own initiative. We might re-invite him. I ask the meeting for a decision. I may ask the Meeting to form a new Ipce Team for conflict and emergency
cases. Report of the WebmasterIpce has its main web site (Library, Library 3, Newsletters and two hosting sections) now on an Office-Pro Account by Demon, and its ‘Library Two’ on an account by Wanadoo. The Wanadoo account was free, but has to be paid now. In the hosting sections, we host several books, a.o. the saved books from the disappeared ‘Booksreborn’ web site. IMO has moved from the former account to another one, because the former owner stopped his company. An archive of the former messages has been saved. The costs for the three servers are about 50 € each month. The room at Demon is at 75% capacity. If we reach 100%, we have to upgrade the account for more room – and will have to pay more money for it. The Ipce web site has had 105,500 visitors since 2002. We have about 100 visitors each day now. I estimate the number of files on the web now to be about 1000 files. There are a lot of files still to be placed on the web site. Due to a lack of time, I have a delay in placing them. I will make the site as balanced as possible. A sub web site with personal stories can be made during the coming year. I am able and willing to continue my task during the next year. Financial Report
The meeting decided