Youth is sexually active
Youth actually is sexually active. In our society, over-filled
with sexual images and scenes - if not at least an obsession - this not
seen as a sign of natural development, a right or a joy, but as a
problem. Just this vision raises problems. There are better
First main articles
(1) There is a fury and and sadness inside that I cannot express
- By Classically Liberal, Free Students Blogspot September 16, 2009
I saw an image earlier today, while reading an article
that someone suggested to me. That image broke me down emotionally.

(2) The Criminalization of Teen Sex
Derek “The Fallen One” Logue
August 29, 2008, Update March 18, 2010
The criminalization of teenage sexual behavior has become a disturbing trend in our predator panicked
society. We are simultaneously obsessed with sex and horrified by sex; our laws reflect this panic.
This mentality has led to disastrous consequences, destroying the lives of many teenagers by placing them on
sex offender registries for life!
(3) Criminalizing Teen Sex
- Age of Consent - Niki Delson, BBC News, May 31, 2007
Sex! We are obsessed, stimulating ourselves through the media,
ourselves to non stop sexual images, using sex to sell everything from
shaving cream to children's underwear. [...] Our
obsession with and horror about sex, have paradoxically generated both
great sexual freedom and draconian laws which unfortunately have several
(largely unintended) negative consequences.
Legal age of consent is out of sync with normal sexual development
and adolescents are given conflicting and many confusing messages about
sexual behavior. [...]
In this article I will examine the first of these consequences in
greater detail.
Selected articles A: Sexually active youth as a problem
The problem here is that
A-1. Youth actually is
sexually active
Some facts and figures
A-2. Gay Teens
Especially gay teens have problems with growing up along the lines of
their personality. For them, even parental love might be conditional
instead of unconditional.
A-3. Sexting
This new word refers to the wide-spread phenomenon of teenagers
exchanging photos, including nude photos, with their cell phones, and
spread them quite widely. Others spread the sexual explicit pictures
further on the Internet. This is, again, seen as a great problem.
This vision implies the criminalization of the act, thus criminalization
of youth, which actually implies harming youth.
Levine writes: "Maybe all that bullying is a mirror of the way adults treat young
minding their own sexual business. Maybe the "issue" is not
sex but
adults' response to it: the harm we do trying to protect teenagers from
A-4. Complaints
No joy about the naturalness of our youngsters, no: lots of complaints
about their growing up ... as sexual human fellows, often biologically
already adults. Growing up as a problem ...
Selected articles B: The reactions of society
Society, at least the Western one, reacts with panic, rules, laws,
convictions and registers.
B-1. Don't touch!
First reaction: panic and rules: 'Don't touch!' No hugs! Not any bodily
B-2. Laws
Next reaction: panic and laws, made by legislators who want ... to gain
more votes ... with laws that actually do not protect any youngster but
are challenge to them.
B-3. Convictions
Next reaction: convictions according to those laws, that actually harm
often quite young people.
B-4. Registering
After conviction: registering of quite young people ... for life ...
Thus: no further education, no job, no house, rejection, banishment and
B-5. 'Treatment'
Treatment might be a better answer than conviction and registering ...
if what is labeled 'treatment' actually is treatment. Often, it is not.
Mostly, it is only a harsh way of control, and
"severe overcrowding, with teenagers sleeping floors; nonexistent
educational opportunity; nonexistent mental healthcare or rehabilitative
programs; isolation for over twenty-three hours a day for months
straight; use of excessive force, including beatings and pepper
sprayings; and inappropriate administration of medications."
After a real treatment, so is proven, the recidivism is
Selected articles C: Maybe a better reaction
C. Education
Also education might be a better response, but also here, we met the
same problem, that 'education' is not always 'good education'. If
education is only aimed at abstinence and virginity, it does not work.
Only a real, honest and open education does have any positive
Selected articles D: Research
D. Research
Research is able to give counter balance to and may correct some
dominant views and notions about youth and sexuality. Research,
mentioned here, actually shows that early sex does not make young
monsters, but rather may be seen as a benefit for youth.
Selected articles E: Other Visions
E. Other
There are other visions, better visions, that advocate ethical
treatment, compassion, open education, more freedom and more rights for
our youths. A look to a quite 'dutchy' country and culture, the
Netherlands, learns that compassion, open education and more freedom
leads to a happy youth and to less teenage pregnancy and so to less
abortions and less venereal disease.
Fouth main article
Racism, Justice and Age-of-Consent Laws in America;
The Case of Genarlow Wilson; David Rosen,,
August 14, 2007
"America has long been scarred by racially-motivated miscarriages of
justice, especially those rooted in white fear of interracial sex
between a black man and a white woman. The case of Genarlow Wilson
recalls this long history of injustice. [...] The American court system is a conservative social
But there is resistance, and some things are changing now.
Fifth main article
Trashing Teens
- Psychologist Robert Epstein argues in a provocative book, "The
Against Adolescence," that teens are far more competent than we
and most of their problems stem from restrictions placed on them. Hara Estroff Marano, Psychology Today, 2 March 2007
Psychologist Robert Epstein (RE) spoke to Psychology Today's Hara Estroff
Marano (HEM) about the legal and emotional constraints on American youth.
"All of these systems isolate teens from adults, often
in problematic ways."
more young people are infantilized, the more psychopathology they show."
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