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Agetaboo.com,  Common Myths; What psychology says 

Agetaboo.com,  Attraction to younger guys; What psychology says 

Baskins, Jay, Love in a Slave Society (Statement)

Brunoz, O.; On Boy-Love - Paedophilia; Historical and Scientific Perspectives; 1960 
The following text is the first translation into English of the Dutch book Pedofilie, published in 1960. Note that the author defines 'boy' as "a sexually mature non-adult. The reader will do well to keep this definition in mind, ...". Thus, what he calls 'paedophilia' is not attraction to the prepubescent child - especially boy - but to the pubescent and adolescent boy - just that what we nowadays give the name 'hebephilia'. 
Aside from the question of whether or not sexual activities between boys and men will ever win ethical acceptance, I believe, as expressed in the preceding pages, that paedophile relationships do exist which are largely or wholly lacking in favorable aspects and therefore destined to exert a bad influence on the boy. But I also believe that the importance of harm is exaggerated, and the bad effects very often are not the result of the usually mentioned causes. 
It has surely been proven by various experts, from ancient Greece onwards, that there are paedophile sexual relationships which either totally, or almost totally, do no harm. If it becomes possible to accept these ethically as positive relationships or at least, making an analogy with pubertal masturbation, as a more or less harmless practice, then it is also possible to argue that they could be a source of happiness and benefit to both man and boy. 

Gieles, Dr Frans,  Ethics and intimacy in intergenerational relationships; ‘First, do no harm’ , In: Ipce newsletter E 17, June 2004   

Ipce Statements: 

The Turning point  

Der Wendepunkt 

El Punto de Volver  

A Boy-love code of ethics 

Bill Maher on intergenerational relationships in interview; quotes from an interview in Playboy [March 2007]
He seems quite open to the concept of intergenerational play between the generations, beit on a same-sex level.

Malón, Agustin, Adult–Child Sex and the Limits of Liberal Sexual Morality
Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2015 - 44 - Febr.


Abstract and soma quotes 

This article is a critical review of the most common arguments in the specialized literature about the moral status of sexual relationships between adults and prepubescent children.The intent is to reveal how the usual ethical analysis of these experiences, done from a general sexual morality, with a Kantian and utilitarian basis, very clearly shows us the limits and contradictions of contemporary liberal morality regarding sexual matters.
It leaves open the possibility that, under certain circumstances, these relationships may be morally admissible. Some shortcomings and contradictions in these liberal arguments suggest that it would be of interest to refer to other authors and ideas to value adult–child sex, approaches that are based on a specific sexual morality concerning the issue of sexual virtues and a more complex conception of human sexual desire. Some of the scientific implications of these moral issues are also discussed.

From the quotes:
- My intention is to show that, limiting ourselves to these three ethical criteria [*], it can be concluded that under certain circumstances sexual experiences between children and adults could be morally permissible.
[* (1) Consent (2) No instrumentalisation and exploitation (3) No harm]
- The adult’s exploitation of the child does not depend on the inequality in power, but rather on the use the adult makes of that power.
- The problem is precisely the fact that children are taught to be submissive with adults, especially concerning sexual matters, where they are kept in dangerous ignorance that makes them especially vulnerable. Giving the child more information and more power would mean they could reject, refuse and say no, something that then puts us in the dangerous position where they could also say yes.
- It has been argued that under certain circumstances these experiences are not only harmless, but are in fact even positive and beneficial for the child. When there is no violence, coercion, deception, concealment, etc., some state that the negative consequences attributed to these events no longer exist. In these cases the simple will of the child to participate in a relationship they find pleasurable is more than enough to allow it.
- Ultimately, based on the possibility of damage that even though it may be only hypothetical and sometimes caused by society’s reaction, makes it more plausible to opt for a cautious prohibition.
- I judge it to be the case that, even if only for prudential reasons, this general rejection seems to be justified, especially when social condemnation is so intense in the large majority of people.
- I have also taken the principal criticisms to these arguments into consideration, concluding that there are sufficient reasons, even of a prudential nature, to uphold the social rejection of sexual relationships between adults and minors under a certain age.
- My aim, however, was focused on showing how these arguments are incapable of justifying a definitive and universal rejection of these relationships, as they always leave the possibility open that some of them are or could be morally permissible. 

Moonen, Gerald, My principles; New Zealand 2006 (Statement)

Moonen, Gerald, Morality -  Is it Anti-Sexual or Anti-Violence? New Zealand, 2006 (Statement) 

Principles of Non-Violent Warfare - Author & source unknown 
Non-violence begins with a non-violent attitude toward those who oppress us. 
Every successful revolution begins with a consciousness raising of the oppressed group. 
Demonization is always the rational by which dominant oppressive groups justify their violence against the oppressed. Demonization itself must be challenged. 
Members of the oppressed group who are able to network together should support each other in avoiding panic; they must try to assess situations as coolly as possible, and find ways to be as safe as possible, without giving up the struggle.

Rigoletto, Sergio, PhD, Questioning Power Hierarchies; Michael Davidson and Literary Pederasty in Italy; 17 June 2005, One Day Conference on 'Gender', University of Sussex - Abstract 
This paper offers an overview of the complex power dynamics at play in homo-erotic desire and encounter within a long tradition of literary pederasty in the Mediterranean. 
I want to show that even the most unbalanced structures of power can reveal significant contradictions and counter-movements. 

Sample, Ian, The brain scan that can read people's intentions; Call for ethical debate over possible use of new technology in interrogation; The Guardian, February 9, 2007 
A team of world-leading neuroscientists has developed a powerful technique that allows them to look deep inside a person's brain and read their intentions before they act. 
The research breaks controversial new ground in scientists' ability to probe people's minds and eavesdrop on their thoughts, and raises serious ethical issues over how brain-reading technology may be used in the future.

FAQ: Mind Reading 

Silent Sufferer, "It is your body" - Gee, what do I tell him? Poor lad; 2007-February-11
The subject came up about "inappropriate touching". Tommy raised some interesting observations. He's quite astute for his age and very intelligent. He's always thinking for himself.
We discussed this "touching" in detail after he had a lesson in school about good 
touch/bad touch
. The teacher said that no one has the right to touch his body. It nearly made him cry. Tommy was utterly confused, and rightfully so. How your body could be yours, but controlled by someone else is a pretty scary concept. The conversation went as follows: [... ... ...]

Singer, Peter, Virtual vices; Daily Times (UK), July 20, 2007 
The burst of publicity about virtual paedophilia in Second Life may have focused on the wrong target. Video games are properly subject to legal controls, not when they enable people to do things that, if real, would be crimes, but when there is evidence on the basis of which we can reasonably conclude that they are likely to increase serious crime in the real world. At present, the evidence for that is stronger for games involving violence than it is for virtual realities that permit

Thomas, Ray, The Hegelian Principle; By Ray Thomas, 2000 
I've written before about the "Hegelian Principle," which the power seekers have been using with amazing success for a lot longer than I can remember to create support for their power grabs. It's a simple principle. It has only three steps: [...]
Another example of the use of the Hegelian Principle is the so-called "child protection crisis." 
There is no child protection crisis. Child abuse has actually been going down in recent years, while "reports" of it have been rising exponentially. Children have suffered, but in many cases, from the neglect of the "child protectors" for the real cases while they pursue the false ones.

Trevett, Claire, Teachers can touch children, says union; NZ Herald, September 26, 2006 
The primary teachers' union will tell its members it is all right to touch children to comfort or praise them, in a major shift in its advice about physical contact. 
Examples of appropriate touching included "hugging or placing a supportive arm across a child's shoulders but only when and where needed". 

Universal sexual human rights; Source: Conference Report of the Fourteenth World Congress of Sexology 23-27 August 1999, Hong Kong

Universales derechos sexuales humanos ; Fuente: Relato del décimo cuarto congreso mundial de sexología, del 23 al 27 de agosto de 1999 en Hong Kong.